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Line 256: or ( exists ( select 1 from per_competence_elements where object_id = tav.activity_version_id and type = 'TRAINER')

252: and ( exists (select 1 from ota_events evt where evt.activity_version_id = tav.activity_version_id )
253: or ( exists (select 1 from ota_resource_usages rud where rud.activity_version_id = tav.activity_version_id)
254: and not exists (select 1 from ota_resource_usages rud1 where rud1.activity_version_id= tav.activity_version_id
255: and rud1.offering_id is null))
256: or ( exists ( select 1 from per_competence_elements where object_id = tav.activity_version_id and type = 'TRAINER')
257: and not exists (select 1 from per_competence_elements where object_id = tav.activity_version_id and type = 'OTA_OFFERING')))
258: and rownum =1;
260: cursor c_exist_0 is

Line 257: and not exists (select 1 from per_competence_elements where object_id = tav.activity_version_id and type = 'OTA_OFFERING')))

253: or ( exists (select 1 from ota_resource_usages rud where rud.activity_version_id = tav.activity_version_id)
254: and not exists (select 1 from ota_resource_usages rud1 where rud1.activity_version_id= tav.activity_version_id
255: and rud1.offering_id is null))
256: or ( exists ( select 1 from per_competence_elements where object_id = tav.activity_version_id and type = 'TRAINER')
257: and not exists (select 1 from per_competence_elements where object_id = tav.activity_version_id and type = 'OTA_OFFERING')))
258: and rownum =1;
260: cursor c_exist_0 is
261: select 1