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APPS.ECX_TP_API dependencies on STANDARD

Line 580: p_standard_code IN Varchar2,

576: p_party_id IN Varchar2,
577: p_party_site_id IN Varchar2,
578: p_transaction_type IN Varchar2,
579: p_transaction_subtype IN Varchar2,
580: p_standard_code IN Varchar2,
581: p_direction IN Varchar2,
582: x_ext_type OUT NOCOPY Varchar2,
583: x_ext_subtype OUT NOCOPY Varchar2,
584: x_map_code OUT NOCOPY Varchar2,

Line 607: x_standard_id number := 0;

603: ) IS
605: x_ext_process_id number := 0;
606: x_transaction_id number := 0;
607: x_standard_id number := 0;
608: x_queue_name ecx_ext_processes.queue_name%type;
609: x_transaction_description ecx_transactions_tl.transaction_description%type;
611: Begin

Line 641: p_standard_code is null then

637: x_return_status := ECX_UTIL_API.G_NULL_PARAM;
638: x_msg := ecx_debug.getTranslatedMessage('ECX_TRANSACTION_SUBTYPE_NOT_NULL');
639: return;
640: ElsIf
641: p_standard_code is null then
642: x_return_status := ECX_UTIL_API.G_NULL_PARAM;
643: x_msg := ecx_debug.getTranslatedMessage('ECX_STANDARD_CODE_NOT_FOUND',
644: 'p_standard_code',p_standard_code);
645: return;

Line 643: x_msg := ecx_debug.getTranslatedMessage('ECX_STANDARD_CODE_NOT_FOUND',

639: return;
640: ElsIf
641: p_standard_code is null then
642: x_return_status := ECX_UTIL_API.G_NULL_PARAM;
643: x_msg := ecx_debug.getTranslatedMessage('ECX_STANDARD_CODE_NOT_FOUND',
644: 'p_standard_code',p_standard_code);
645: return;
646: ElsIf
647: p_direction is null then

Line 644: 'p_standard_code',p_standard_code);

640: ElsIf
641: p_standard_code is null then
642: x_return_status := ECX_UTIL_API.G_NULL_PARAM;
643: x_msg := ecx_debug.getTranslatedMessage('ECX_STANDARD_CODE_NOT_FOUND',
644: 'p_standard_code',p_standard_code);
645: return;
646: ElsIf
647: p_direction is null then
648: x_return_status := ECX_UTIL_API.G_NULL_PARAM;

Line 658: p_standard => p_standard_code,

654: ecx_transactions_api.retrieve_external_transaction(
655: p_transaction_type => p_transaction_type,
656: p_transaction_subtype => p_transaction_subtype,
657: p_party_type => p_party_type,
658: p_standard => p_standard_code,
659: p_direction => p_direction,
660: p_ext_type => p_ext_type,
661: p_ext_subtype => p_ext_subtype,
662: x_ext_process_id => x_ext_process_id,

Line 667: x_standard_id => x_standard_id,

663: x_transaction_id => x_transaction_id,
664: x_transaction_description => x_transaction_description,
665: x_ext_type => x_ext_type,
666: x_ext_subtype => x_ext_subtype,
667: x_standard_id => x_standard_id,
668: x_queue_name => x_queue_name,
669: x_created_by => x_created_by,
670: x_creation_date => x_creation_date,
671: x_last_updated_by => x_last_updated_by,

Line 733: 'p_standard_code', p_standard_code,

729: 'p_party_id', p_party_id ,
730: 'p_party_site_id', p_party_site_id,
731: 'p_transaction_type', p_transaction_type,
732: 'p_transaction_subtype', p_transaction_subtype,
733: 'p_standard_code', p_standard_code,
734: 'p_direction', p_direction);
735: when too_many_rows then
736: x_return_status := ECX_UTIL_API.G_TOO_MANY_ROWS;
737: x_msg := ecx_debug.getTranslatedMessage('ECX_TP_DTL1_TOO_MANY_ROWS',

Line 743: 'p_standard_code', p_standard_code,

739: 'p_party_id', p_party_id ,
740: 'p_party_site_id', p_party_site_id,
741: 'p_transaction_type', p_transaction_type,
742: 'p_transaction_subtype', p_transaction_subtype,
743: 'p_standard_code', p_standard_code,
744: 'p_direction', p_direction);
745: when others then
746: x_return_status := ECX_UTIL_API.G_UNEXP_ERROR;
747: x_msg := SQLERRM;

Line 807: p_standard_id_in NUMBER,p_direction_in VARCHAR2,

803: where tp_detail_id = p_routing_id;
805: /* Start changes for bug #2183619 */
806: Cursor c6(p_ext_type_in VARCHAR2,p_ext_subtype_in VARCHAR2,
807: p_standard_id_in NUMBER,p_direction_in VARCHAR2,
808: p_source_tp_location_code_in VARCHAR2) Is
809: Select 1 from ecx_tp_details tp,ecx_ext_processes ep
810: where tp.ext_process_id=ep.ext_process_id
811: And ep.ext_type = p_ext_type_in

Line 813: And ep.standard_id = p_standard_id_in

809: Select 1 from ecx_tp_details tp,ecx_ext_processes ep
810: where tp.ext_process_id=ep.ext_process_id
811: And ep.ext_type = p_ext_type_in
812: And ep.ext_subtype = p_ext_subtype_in
813: And ep.standard_id = p_standard_id_in
814: And tp.source_tp_Location_code= p_source_tp_location_code_in
815: And ep.direction = p_direction_in ;
817: Cursor c7(p_tp_header_id_in NUMBER,p_transaction_type_in VARCHAR2,

Line 832: select ext_type,ext_subtype,standard_id,direction

828: = p_transaction_type_in
829: and tran.transaction_subtype
830: = p_transaction_subtype_in );
831: Cursor c8(p_ext_process_id_in NUMBER) is
832: select ext_type,ext_subtype,standard_id,direction
833: from ecx_ext_processes
834: where ext_process_id=p_ext_process_id_in;
836: Cursor c9 (p_ext_process_id_in NUMBER) is

Line 862: p_standard_id NUMBER(15);

859: /* Added declartions for Bug #2183619 */
860: p_ext_type varchar2(80);
861: p_ext_subtype varchar2(80);
862: p_standard_id NUMBER(15);
863: p_direction varchar2(20);
864: p_transaction_type varchar2(100);
865: p_transaction_subtype varchar2(100);
866: x_password varchar2(500);

Line 1209: fetch c8 into p_ext_type,p_ext_subtype,p_standard_id,p_direction;

1205: /* Check for uniqueness of ext_process_id and source_tp_location_code
1206: for inbound transactions */
1208: open c8(p_ext_process_id);
1209: fetch c8 into p_ext_type,p_ext_subtype,p_standard_id,p_direction;
1210: num := 0;
1211: open c6(p_ext_type,p_ext_subtype,p_standard_id,p_direction,
1212: p_source_tp_location_code);
1213: fetch c6 into num;

Line 1211: open c6(p_ext_type,p_ext_subtype,p_standard_id,p_direction,

1208: open c8(p_ext_process_id);
1209: fetch c8 into p_ext_type,p_ext_subtype,p_standard_id,p_direction;
1210: num := 0;
1211: open c6(p_ext_type,p_ext_subtype,p_standard_id,p_direction,
1212: p_source_tp_location_code);
1213: fetch c6 into num;
1214: close c6;
1215: if (num <> 0) then

Line 1220: 'p_standard_id', p_standard_id,

1216: x_return_status := ECX_UTIL_API.G_DUP_ERROR;
1217: x_msg := ecx_debug.getTranslatedMessage('ECX_TP_DTL1_EXISTS',
1218: 'p_ext_type', p_ext_type,
1219: 'p_ext_subtype', p_ext_subtype,
1220: 'p_standard_id', p_standard_id,
1221: 'p_source_tp_location_code', p_source_tp_location_code
1222: );
1223: return;
1224: end if;

Line 1304: p_standard_code IN Varchar2,

1300: p_party_id IN number,
1301: p_party_site_id IN number,
1302: p_transaction_type IN Varchar2,
1303: p_transaction_subtype IN Varchar2,
1304: p_standard_code IN Varchar2,
1305: p_direction IN Varchar2,
1306: p_map_code IN Varchar2,
1307: p_connection_type IN Varchar2,
1308: p_hub_user_id IN pls_integer,

Line 1327: i_standard_id number;

1323: i_last_update_date varchar2(25);
1324: i_company_admin_email varchar2(250);
1325: i_ext_process_id number;
1326: i_transaction_id number;
1327: i_standard_id number;
1328: i_transaction_description ecx_transactions_tl.transaction_description%type;
1329: i_ext_type ecx_ext_processes.ext_type%type;
1330: i_ext_subtype ecx_ext_processes.ext_subtype%type;
1331: i_queue_name ecx_ext_processes.queue_name%type;

Line 1383: p_standard => p_standard_code,

1379: ecx_transactions_api.retrieve_external_transaction(
1380: p_transaction_type => p_transaction_type,
1381: p_transaction_subtype => p_transaction_subtype,
1382: p_party_type => p_party_type,
1383: p_standard => p_standard_code,
1384: p_direction => p_direction,
1385: p_ext_type => p_ext_type,
1386: p_ext_subtype => p_ext_subtype,
1387: x_ext_process_id => i_ext_process_id,

Line 1392: x_standard_id => i_standard_id,

1388: x_transaction_id => i_transaction_id,
1389: x_transaction_description => i_transaction_description,
1390: x_ext_type => i_ext_type,
1391: x_ext_subtype => i_ext_subtype,
1392: x_standard_id => i_standard_id,
1393: x_queue_name => i_queue_name,
1394: x_created_by => i_created_by,
1395: x_creation_date => i_creation_date,
1396: x_last_updated_by => i_last_updated_by,

Line 1479: p_standard_id_in NUMBER,p_direction_in VARCHAR2,

1475: where tp_detail_id = p_routing_id;
1477: /* Start changes for bug #2183619 */
1478: Cursor c6(p_ext_type_in VARCHAR2,p_ext_subtype_in VARCHAR2,
1479: p_standard_id_in NUMBER,p_direction_in VARCHAR2,
1480: p_source_tp_location_code_in VARCHAR2,
1481: p_tp_detail_id_in NUMBER) Is
1482: Select tp_detail_id from ecx_tp_details tp,ecx_ext_processes ep
1483: where tp.ext_process_id=ep.ext_process_id

Line 1486: And ep.standard_id = p_standard_id_in

1482: Select tp_detail_id from ecx_tp_details tp,ecx_ext_processes ep
1483: where tp.ext_process_id=ep.ext_process_id
1484: And ep.ext_type = p_ext_type_in
1485: And ep.ext_subtype = p_ext_subtype_in
1486: And ep.standard_id = p_standard_id_in
1487: And tp.source_tp_Location_code= p_source_tp_location_code_in
1488: And tp.tp_detail_id <> p_tp_detail_id_in
1489: And ep.direction = p_direction_in ;

Line 1508: select ext_type,ext_subtype,standard_id,direction

1504: = p_transaction_type_in
1505: and tran.transaction_subtype
1506: = p_transaction_subtype_in );
1507: Cursor c8(p_ext_process_id_in NUMBER) is
1508: select ext_type,ext_subtype,standard_id,direction
1509: from ecx_ext_processes
1510: where ext_process_id=p_ext_process_id_in;
1512: Cursor c9 (p_ext_process_id_in NUMBER) is

Line 1538: p_standard_id NUMBER(15);

1534: i_direction varchar2(5):= null;
1535: --Bug #2183619
1536: p_ext_type varchar2(80);
1537: p_ext_subtype varchar2(80);
1538: p_standard_id NUMBER(15);
1539: p_direction varchar2(20);
1540: p_transaction_type varchar2(100);
1541: p_transaction_subtype varchar2(100);
1542: p_tp_header_id NUMBER;

Line 1937: fetch c8 into p_ext_type,p_ext_subtype,p_standard_id,p_direction;

1933: /* Check for uniqueness of ext_process_id and source_tp_location_code
1934: for inbound transactions */
1936: open c8(p_ext_process_id);
1937: fetch c8 into p_ext_type,p_ext_subtype,p_standard_id,p_direction;
1938: num := 0;
1939: open c6(p_ext_type,p_ext_subtype,p_standard_id,p_direction,
1940: p_source_tp_location_code,p_tp_detail_id);
1941: fetch c6 into num;

Line 1939: open c6(p_ext_type,p_ext_subtype,p_standard_id,p_direction,

1936: open c8(p_ext_process_id);
1937: fetch c8 into p_ext_type,p_ext_subtype,p_standard_id,p_direction;
1938: num := 0;
1939: open c6(p_ext_type,p_ext_subtype,p_standard_id,p_direction,
1940: p_source_tp_location_code,p_tp_detail_id);
1941: fetch c6 into num;
1942: close c6;
1943: if (num <> 0) then

Line 1948: 'p_standard_id', p_standard_id,

1944: x_return_status := ECX_UTIL_API.G_DUP_ERROR;
1945: x_msg := ecx_debug.getTranslatedMessage('ECX_TP_DTL1_EXISTS',
1946: 'p_ext_type', p_ext_type,
1947: 'p_ext_subtype', p_ext_subtype,
1948: 'p_standard_id', p_standard_id,
1949: 'p_source_tp_location_code', p_source_tp_location_code
1950: );
1952: return;