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1 PACKAGE BODY wma_inv_wrappers AS
2 /* $Header: wmainvwb.pls 115.12 2003/09/08 22:11:58 rlohani ship $ */
4   type tree_tbl_t is table of NUMBER index by binary_integer;
6   g_tree_tbl tree_tbl_t;
7   g_lotTree_tbl tree_tbl_t;
9   PROCEDURE validateLot(p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER,
10                         p_organization_id   IN NUMBER,
11                         p_lot_number        IN VARCHAR2,
12                         x_lot_exp           OUT NOCOPY DATE,
13                         x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
14                         x_err_msg           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
15   l_msg_count NUMBER;
16   BEGIN
17     WMS_WIP_INTEGRATION.perform_lot_validations(p_item_id =>  p_inventory_item_id,
18                                                 p_org_id => p_organization_id,
19                                                 p_lot_number => p_lot_number,
20                                                 x_return_status => x_return_status,
21                                                 x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
22                                                 x_msg_data => x_err_msg);
23     if(l_msg_count > 1) then
24       inv_mobile_helper_functions.get_stacked_messages(x_err_msg);
25     end if;
27     if(x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then --lot exists in mtl_lot_numbers
28       select expiration_date
29         into x_lot_exp
30         from mtl_lot_numbers
31        where lot_number = p_lot_number
32          and inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
33          and organization_id = p_organization_id;
34     end if;
36     when others then
37       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
38   END validateLot;
40   PROCEDURE insertLot(p_header_id     IN NUMBER,
41                       p_lot_number    IN VARCHAR2,
42                       x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
43                       x_err_msg       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
44   l_msg_count NUMBER;
45   BEGIN
46     WMS_WIP_INTEGRATION.insert_lot(p_header_id     => p_header_id,
47                                    p_lot_number    => p_lot_number,
48                                    x_return_status => x_return_status,
49                                    x_msg_count     => l_msg_count,
50                                    x_msg_data      => x_err_msg);
52     if(l_msg_count > 1) then
53       inv_mobile_helper_functions.get_stacked_messages(x_err_msg);
54     end if;
56     when others then
57       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
58   end insertLot;
60   PROCEDURE createLots(p_header_id IN NUMBER,
61                        x_err_msg   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
62                        x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
63     cursor lots(v_header_id in NUMBER) IS
64       select lot_number
65         from wip_lpn_completions_lots
66        where header_id = v_header_id;
68     l_msg_count NUMBER;
70     BEGIN
71       x_return_status := fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
72       SAVEPOINT preProc;
73       FOR lots_rec in lots(p_header_id) LOOP
74         wms_wip_integration.insert_lot(p_header_id, lots_rec.lot_number,  x_return_status, l_msg_count, x_err_msg);
75         if(x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) then
76           ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT preProc;
77           exit;
78         end if;
79       end LOOP;
80       if(l_msg_count > 1) then
81         inv_mobile_helper_functions.get_stacked_messages(x_err_msg);
82       end if;
84     when others then
85       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
86   END createLots;
88   PROCEDURE updateSerials(p_header_id IN NUMBER,
89                           x_err_msg   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
90                           x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
91   cursor serials(v_header_id NUMBER) IS
92     select fm_serial_number
93       from wip_lpn_completions_serials
94      where header_id = v_header_id;
96   l_msg_count NUMBER;
98   BEGIN
99     x_return_status := fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
100     SAVEPOINT preProc;
101     FOR serials_rec in serials(p_header_id) LOOP
102       wms_wip_integration.update_serial(p_header_id     => p_header_id,
103                                         p_serial_number => serials_rec.fm_serial_number,
104                                         x_return_status => x_return_status,
105                                         x_msg_count     => l_msg_count,
106                                         x_msg_data      => x_err_msg);
107       if(x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
108         ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT preProc;
109         if(l_msg_count > 1) then
110           inv_mobile_helper_functions.get_stacked_messages(x_err_msg);
111         end if;
112         exit;
113       end if;
114     end loop;
116     when others then
117       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
118   END updateSerials;
120   PROCEDURE updateLSAttributes(p_header_id       IN NUMBER,
121                                x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
122                                x_err_msg         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN
123     x_return_status := fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
124     createLots(p_header_id, x_err_msg, x_return_status);
125     if(x_return_status = fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) then
126       updateSerials(p_header_id, x_err_msg, x_return_status);
127     end if;
129     when others then
130       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
131   end updateLSAttributes;
133   PROCEDURE backflush(p_header_id     IN NUMBER,
134                       x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
135                       x_err_msg       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
136   l_msg_count NUMBER;
138   BEGIN
139     wms_wip_integration.backflush(p_header_id => p_header_id,
140                                   x_return_status => x_return_status,
141                                   x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
142                                   x_msg_data => x_err_msg);
144     if(l_msg_count > 1) then
145       inv_mobile_helper_functions.get_stacked_messages(x_err_msg);
146     end if;
148     when others then
149       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
150   END backflush;
152   PROCEDURE createLpn(p_api_version     IN NUMBER,
153                       p_commit          IN VARCHAR2,
154                       p_lpn             IN VARCHAR2,
155                       p_organization_id IN NUMBER,
156                       p_source          IN NUMBER,
157                       p_source_type_id  IN NUMBER,
158                       x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
159                       x_err_msg         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
160                       x_lpn_id          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
162   l_msg_count NUMBER;
164   BEGIN
165     wms_container_pub.create_lpn (p_api_version => p_api_version,
166                                   p_commit => p_commit,
167                                   p_lpn => p_lpn,
168                                   p_organization_id => p_organization_id,
169                                   p_source => p_source,
170                                   p_source_type_id => p_source_type_id,
171                                   x_return_status => x_return_status,
172                                   x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
173                                   x_msg_data => x_err_msg,
174                                   x_lpn_id => x_lpn_id);
176     if(l_msg_count > 1) then
177       inv_mobile_helper_functions.get_stacked_messages(x_err_msg);
178     end if;
180     when others then
181       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
182   END createLpn;
184   PROCEDURE packLpnContainer(p_api_version IN NUMBER,
185                       p_commit             IN VARCHAR2,
186                       p_lpn_id             IN NUMBER,
187                       p_content_item_id    IN NUMBER,
188                       p_revision           IN VARCHAR2,
189                       p_lot_number         IN VARCHAR2,
190                       p_from_serial_number IN VARCHAR2,
191                       p_to_serial_number   IN VARCHAR2,
192                       p_quantity           IN NUMBER,
193                       p_organization_id    IN NUMBER,
194                       p_source_type_id     IN NUMBER,
195                       p_uom                IN VARCHAR2,
196                       x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
197                       x_err_msg            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
199   l_msg_count NUMBER;
201   BEGIN
202     wms_container_pub.packunpack_container (p_api_version => p_api_version,
203                                             p_commit => p_commit,
204                                             p_lpn_id => p_lpn_id,
205                                             p_content_item_id => p_content_item_id,
206                                             p_revision => p_revision,
207                                             p_lot_number => p_lot_number,
208                                             p_from_serial_number => p_from_serial_number,
209                                             p_to_serial_number => p_to_serial_number,
210                                             p_quantity => p_quantity,
211                                             p_organization_id => p_organization_id,
212                                             p_operation => 1,
213                                             p_source_type_id => p_source_type_id,
214                                             p_uom => p_uom,
215                                             x_return_status => x_return_status,
216                                             x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
217                                             x_msg_data => x_err_msg);
219     if(l_msg_count > 1) then
220       inv_mobile_helper_functions.get_stacked_messages(x_err_msg);
221     end if;
223     when others then
224       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
225   END packLpnContainer;
227   PROCEDURE packSerials(p_api_version IN NUMBER,
228                       p_commit             IN VARCHAR2,
229                       p_lpn_id             IN NUMBER,
230                       p_content_item_id    IN NUMBER,
231                       p_revision           IN VARCHAR2,
232                       p_lot_number         IN VARCHAR2,
233                       p_from_serial_number IN VARCHAR2,
234                       p_to_serial_number   IN VARCHAR2,
235                       p_quantity           IN NUMBER,
236                       p_organization_id    IN NUMBER,
237                       p_source_type_id     IN NUMBER,
238                       p_uom                IN VARCHAR2,
239                       x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
240                       x_err_msg            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
242   l_msg_count NUMBER;
244   BEGIN
245     wms_container_pub.pack_prepack_container (p_api_version => p_api_version,
246                         p_commit => p_commit,
247                         p_lpn_id => p_lpn_id,
248                         p_content_item_id => p_content_item_id,
249                         p_revision => p_revision,
250                         p_lot_number => p_lot_number,
251                         p_from_serial_number => p_from_serial_number,
252                         p_to_serial_number => p_to_serial_number,
253                         p_quantity => p_quantity,
254                         p_organization_id => p_organization_id,
255                         p_operation => 1,
256                         p_source_type_id => p_source_type_id,
257                         p_uom => p_uom,
258                         x_return_status => x_return_status,
259                         x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
260                         x_msg_data => x_err_msg);
262     if(l_msg_count > 1) then
263       inv_mobile_helper_functions.get_stacked_messages(x_err_msg);
264     end if;
266     when others then
267       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
268   END packSerials;
270   PROCEDURE createMO(p_organization_id            IN NUMBER,
271                      p_inventory_item_id          IN NUMBER,
272                      p_quantity                   IN NUMBER,
273                      p_uom                        IN VARCHAR2,
274                      p_lpn_id                     IN NUMBER,
275                      p_reference_id               IN NUMBER,
276                      p_lot_number                 IN VARCHAR2,
277                      p_revision                   IN VARCHAR2,
278                      p_transaction_source_id      IN NUMBER,
279                      p_transaction_type_id        IN NUMBER,
280                      p_transaction_source_type_id IN NUMBER,
281                      p_wms_process_flag           IN NUMBER,
282                      p_project_id                 IN NUMBER,
283                      p_task_id                    IN NUMBER,
284                      p_header_id                  IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
285                      x_line_id                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
286                      x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
287                      x_err_msg                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
289   l_msg_count NUMBER;
291   BEGIN
292    wms_task_dispatch_gen.create_mo (p_org_id => p_organization_id,
293                                     p_inventory_item_id => p_inventory_item_id,
294                                     p_qty => p_quantity,
295                                     p_uom => p_uom,
296                                     p_lpn => p_lpn_id,
297                                     p_reference_id => p_reference_id,
298                                     p_lot_number => p_lot_number,
299                                     p_revision => p_revision,
300                                     p_header_id => p_header_id,
301                                     p_project_id => p_project_id,
302                                     p_task_id => p_task_id,
303                                     x_line_id => x_line_id,
304                                     p_txn_source_id => p_transaction_source_id,
305                                     p_transaction_type_id => p_transaction_type_id,
306                                     p_transaction_source_type_id => p_transaction_source_type_id,
307                                     p_wms_process_flag => p_wms_process_flag,
308                                     x_return_status => x_return_status,
309                                     x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
310                                     x_msg_data => x_err_msg);
311     if(l_msg_count > 1) then
312       inv_mobile_helper_functions.get_stacked_messages(x_err_msg);
313     end if;
315     when others then
316       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
317   END createMO;
319   PROCEDURE OkMOLines(p_lpn_id        IN NUMBER,
320                       x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
321                       x_err_msg       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
323   l_msg_count NUMBER;
325   BEGIN
326     wms_wip_integration.update_mo_line(p_lpn_id => p_lpn_id,
327                                        p_wms_process_flag => 1,
328                                        x_return_status => x_return_status,
329                                        x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
330                                        x_msg_data => x_err_msg);
331     if(l_msg_count > 1) then
332       inv_mobile_helper_functions.get_stacked_messages(x_err_msg);
333     end if;
335     when others then
336       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
337   END OkMOLines;
339   PROCEDURE updateLpnContext(p_api_version   IN NUMBER,
340                              p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2,
341                              p_commit        IN VARCHAR2,
342                              p_lpn_id        IN NUMBER,
343                              p_lpn_context   IN NUMBER,
344                              x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
345                              x_err_msg       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
347   l_msg_count NUMBER;
349   BEGIN
350     lpnRec.lpn_id := p_lpn_id;
351     lpnRec.lpn_context := p_lpn_context;
353     wms_container_pub.Modify_LPN(p_api_version   => p_api_version,
354                                  p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
355                                  p_commit        => p_commit,
356                                  x_return_status => x_return_status,
357                                  x_msg_count     => l_msg_count,
358                                  x_msg_data      => x_err_msg,
359                                  p_lpn           => lpnRec);
360     if(l_msg_count > 1) then
361       inv_mobile_helper_functions.get_stacked_messages(x_err_msg);
362     end if;
364     when others then
365       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
366   END updateLpnContext;
368   PROCEDURE transferReservation(p_header_id         IN NUMBER, --the header_id to the wlc table
369                                 p_subinventory_code IN VARCHAR2,
370                                 p_locator_id        IN NUMBER,
371                                 p_primary_quantity  IN NUMBER,
372                                 p_lpn_id            IN NUMBER,
373                                 p_lot_number        IN VARCHAR2,
374                                 x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
375                                 x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
376                                 x_err_msg           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
377     l_orgID NUMBER;
378     l_wipID NUMBER;
379     l_itemID NUMBER;
380     l_entityType NUMBER;
381     l_ctoItemCount NUMBER;
382     l_soExistsFlag NUMBER;
383     l_dummy VARCHAR2(1);
384     l_params wip_logger.param_tbl_t;
385     l_logLevel NUMBER := fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level;
386   BEGIN
387     if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
388       l_params(1).paramName := 'p_header_id';
389       l_params(1).paramValue := p_header_id;
390       l_params(2).paramName := 'p_subinventory_code';
391       l_params(2).paramValue := p_subinventory_code;
392       l_params(3).paramName := 'p_locator_id';
393       l_params(3).paramValue := p_locator_id;
394       l_params(4).paramName := 'p_primary_quantity';
395       l_params(4).paramValue := p_primary_quantity;
396       l_params(5).paramName := 'p_lpn_id';
397       l_params(5).paramValue := p_lpn_id;
398       l_params(6).paramName := 'p_lot_number';
399       l_params(6).paramValue := p_lot_number;
401       wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wma_inv_wrappers.transferReservation',
402                             p_params => l_params,
403                             x_returnStatus => l_dummy);
404     end if;
405     update wip_lpn_completions
406        set subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code,
407            locator_id        = p_locator_id
408      where header_id = p_header_id
409     returning wip_entity_id, organization_id, inventory_item_id, wip_entity_type
410       into l_wipID, l_orgID, l_itemID, l_entityType;
412     if(l_entityType = wip_constants.discrete) then
413       if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
414         wip_logger.log('discrete', l_dummy);
415       end if;
416       wip_so_reservations.allocate_completion_to_so(p_organization_id => l_orgID,
417                                                     p_wip_entity_id   => l_wipID,
418                                                     p_inventory_item_id => l_itemID,
419                                                     p_transaction_header_id => p_header_id,
420                                                     p_table_type => 'WLC',
421                                                     p_lpn_id => p_lpn_id,
422                                                     p_primary_quantity => p_primary_quantity,
423                                                     p_lot_number => p_lot_number,
424                                                     x_return_status => x_return_status,
425                                                     x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
426                                                     x_msg_data => x_err_msg);
427     elsif(l_entityType = wip_constants.flow) then
428       if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
429         wip_logger.log('flow', l_dummy);
430       end if;
431       /* commented out as Sales Order will be entered through UI
432       --only transfer reservations for CTO items
433       select count(*)
434         into l_ctoItemCount
435         from mtl_system_items
436        where inventory_item_id = l_itemID
437          and organization_id = l_orgID
438          and build_in_wip_flag = 'Y'
439          and base_item_id is not null
440          and bom_item_type = wip_constants.standard_type
441          and replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y';
442       if(l_ctoItemCount > 0) then
443       */
444       select count(*)
445       into l_soExistsFlag
446       from wip_lpn_completions
447       where header_id = p_header_id
448         and demand_source_header_id is not null
449         and demand_source_line is not null;
450       if(l_soExistsFlag > 0) then
451         if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
452           wip_logger.log('found cto item', l_dummy);
453         end if;
454         wip_so_reservations.complete_flow_sched_to_so(p_header_id => p_header_id,
455                                                       p_lpn_id => p_lpn_id,
456                                                       p_primary_quantity => p_primary_quantity,
457                                                       p_lot_number => p_lot_number,
458                                                       x_return_status => x_return_status,
459                                                       x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
460                                                       x_msg_data => x_err_msg);
461       end if;
462     end if;
463     if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
464       wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wma_inv_wrappers.transferReservation',
465                            p_procReturnStatus => x_return_status,
466                            p_msg => 'success',
467                            x_returnStatus => l_dummy);
468     end if;
469   exception
470     when others then
471       if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
472         wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wma_inv_wrappers.transferReservation',
473                              p_procReturnStatus => x_return_status,
474                              p_msg => 'error:' || x_err_msg,
475                              x_returnStatus => l_dummy);
476       end if;
477       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
478       wip_logger.log('unhandled exception ' || SQLERRM, l_dummy);
479       fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'GENERIC_ERROR');
480       fnd_message.set_token('FUNCTION', 'wmainvwb.transferReservation');
481       fnd_message.set_token('ERROR', SQLERRM);
482       fnd_msg_pub.add;
483       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count,
484                                 p_data => x_err_msg);
485   end transferReservation;
487   PROCEDURE clearQtyTrees(x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
488                           x_err_msg OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) is
489   begin
490     x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
491     inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;
492   exception
493     when others then
494       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
495       fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => 'wma_inv_wrappers',
496                               p_procedure_name => 'clearQtyTrees',
497                               p_error_text => SQLERRM);
498   end clearQtyTrees;
499 END wma_inv_wrappers;