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Line 149: gl_period_statuses ps

145: fa_deprn_periods dp,
146: fa_trx_references tr,
147: fa_lookups_tl lk1,
148: fa_lookups_tl lk2,
149: gl_period_statuses ps
150: where tr.rowid between p_start_rowid and p_end_rowid
151: and ps.application_id = 101
152: and ((ps.migration_status_code in ('P', 'U')) or
153: (dp.period_close_date is null))

Line 2610: gl_period_statuses ps

2606: fa_deprn_periods dp,
2607: gl_sets_of_books glsob,
2608: fa_book_controls bc,
2609: fa_lookups_tl lk,
2610: gl_period_statuses ps
2611: where th.rowid between p_start_rowid and p_end_rowid
2612: and ps.application_id = 101
2613: and ((ps.migration_status_code in ('P', 'U')) or
2614: (dp.period_close_date is null))

Line 2686: gl_period_statuses ps

2682: fa_deprn_periods dp,
2683: gl_sets_of_books glsob,
2684: fa_book_controls bc,
2685: fa_lookups_tl lk,
2686: gl_period_statuses ps
2687: where th.rowid between p_start_rowid and p_end_rowid
2688: and ps.application_id = 101
2689: and ((ps.migration_status_code in ('P', 'U')) or
2690: (dp.period_close_date is null))

Line 4544: -- Bug 7498880: Added hint to use GL_PERIOD_STATUSES_U1

4540: null, -- product_rule_version
4541: c_application_id, -- upg_source_application_id
4542: null -- upg_valid_flag
4543: )
4544: -- Bug 7498880: Added hint to use GL_PERIOD_STATUSES_U1
4545: -- Bug 9857478: Added ad join so that events are not created for 'EXPENSED' assets
4546: select /*+ leading(th bc dp ps) rowid(th) swap_join_inputs(bc) swap_join_inputs(dp) index(ps GL_PERIOD_STATUSES_U1)*/
4547: bc.set_of_books_id set_of_books_id,
4548: th.transaction_header_id transaction_header_id,

Line 4546: select /*+ leading(th bc dp ps) rowid(th) swap_join_inputs(bc) swap_join_inputs(dp) index(ps GL_PERIOD_STATUSES_U1)*/

4542: null -- upg_valid_flag
4543: )
4544: -- Bug 7498880: Added hint to use GL_PERIOD_STATUSES_U1
4545: -- Bug 9857478: Added ad join so that events are not created for 'EXPENSED' assets
4546: select /*+ leading(th bc dp ps) rowid(th) swap_join_inputs(bc) swap_join_inputs(dp) index(ps GL_PERIOD_STATUSES_U1)*/
4547: bc.set_of_books_id set_of_books_id,
4548: th.transaction_header_id transaction_header_id,
4549: bc.book_type_code book_type_code,
4550: bc.org_id org_id,

Line 4653: gl_period_statuses ps,

4649: bc.gl_posting_allowed_flag gl_posting_allowed_flag
4650: from fa_transaction_headers th,
4651: fa_book_controls bc,
4652: fa_deprn_periods dp,
4653: gl_period_statuses ps,
4654: fa_lookups_tl lk,
4655: fa_asset_history ah,
4656: fa_additions_b ad
4657: where th.rowid between p_start_rowid and p_end_rowid

Line 4689: -- Bug 7498880: Added hint to use GL_PERIOD_STATUSES_U1

4685: and bc.book_type_code = adj.book_type_code
4686: and th.asset_id = adj.asset_id
4687: ) or th.event_id = -3) -- Bug 9055709
4688: union all -- Added for bug6820729
4689: -- Bug 7498880: Added hint to use GL_PERIOD_STATUSES_U1
4690: select /*+ leading(th bc dp ps) rowid(th) swap_join_inputs(bc) swap_join_inputs(dp) index(ps GL_PERIOD_STATUSES_U1)*/
4691: bc.set_of_books_id set_of_books_id,
4692: th.transaction_header_id transaction_header_id,
4693: bc.book_type_code book_type_code,

Line 4690: select /*+ leading(th bc dp ps) rowid(th) swap_join_inputs(bc) swap_join_inputs(dp) index(ps GL_PERIOD_STATUSES_U1)*/

4686: and th.asset_id = adj.asset_id
4687: ) or th.event_id = -3) -- Bug 9055709
4688: union all -- Added for bug6820729
4689: -- Bug 7498880: Added hint to use GL_PERIOD_STATUSES_U1
4690: select /*+ leading(th bc dp ps) rowid(th) swap_join_inputs(bc) swap_join_inputs(dp) index(ps GL_PERIOD_STATUSES_U1)*/
4691: bc.set_of_books_id set_of_books_id,
4692: th.transaction_header_id transaction_header_id,
4693: bc.book_type_code book_type_code,
4694: bc.org_id org_id,

Line 4754: gl_period_statuses ps,

4750: bc.gl_posting_allowed_flag gl_posting_allowed_flag
4751: from fa_transaction_headers th,
4752: fa_book_controls bc,
4753: fa_deprn_periods dp,
4754: gl_period_statuses ps,
4755: fa_lookups_tl lk,
4756: fa_additions_b ad
4757: where th.rowid between p_start_rowid and p_end_rowid
4758: and th.member_transaction_header_id is null

Line 7188: gl_period_statuses ps

7184: gl_sets_of_books glsob,
7185: fa_deprn_periods dp,
7186: fa_asset_history ah,
7187: fa_category_books cb,
7188: gl_period_statuses ps
7189: where ds.rowid between p_start_rowid and p_end_rowid
7190: and ds.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
7191: and bc.set_of_books_id = glsob.set_of_books_id
7192: and dp.book_type_code = ds.book_type_code

Line 8314: gl_period_statuses ps

8310: fa_book_controls bc,
8311: fa_lookups_tl lk_de,
8312: fa_lookups_tl lk_dr,
8313: gl_je_headers gljh,
8314: gl_period_statuses ps
8315: where df.rowid between p_start_rowid and p_end_rowid
8316: and df.corp_book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
8317: and bc.set_of_books_id = glsob.set_of_books_id
8318: and dp.book_type_code = df.corp_book_type_code