1726: SELECT xd.source_distribution_id_num_1 transaction_id,
1727: (NVL(xd.unrounded_accounted_dr,0) - NVL(xd.unrounded_accounted_cr,0)) amount
1728: FROM gl_import_references gli,
1729: xla_ae_lines xl ,
1730: xla_ae_headers xh ,
1731: xla_distribution_links xd
1732: WHERE gli.je_batch_id = p_je_batch_id
1733: AND gli.je_header_id = p_je_header_id
1734: AND gli.je_line_num = p_je_line_num
1759: NVL(ael.accounted_dr,0) - NVL(ael.accounted_cr,0) amount
1760: FROM gl_je_lines je ,
1761: gl_import_references gir ,
1762: xla_ae_lines ael ,
1763: xla_ae_headers aeh ,
1764: pa_draft_revenues_all pdr,
1765: pa_agreements_all agr ,
1766: pa_project_customers pc
1767: WHERE je.je_header_id = gir.je_header_id