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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 9

G_insert_count  NUMBER:= 0;
Line: 10

G_update_count  NUMBER:= 0;
Line: 21

         select distinct ish.score_object_code,ish.score_object_id from iex_score_histories ish, iex_scores sc
              where ish.score_id = sc.score_id
                and sc.concurrent_prog_name = 'IEXACLSB'
                and ish.request_id = p_id
                         --(select max(sh.request_id) from iex_score_histories sh where score_object_code <> 'IEX_INVOICES')
                and ish.score_object_code = p_code; --<> 'IEX_INVOICES';
Line: 30

           select party_id from hz_cust_accounts
                where cust_account_id = id;
Line: 35

           select party_id from hz_cust_accounts  where cust_account_id =
                     (select cust_account_id from hz_cust_acct_sites_all where cust_acct_site_id =
                        (select cust_acct_site_id from hz_cust_site_uses_all where site_use_code = 'BILL_TO' and site_use_id = id));
Line: 40

           select party_cust_id from iex_delinquencies
                where delinquency_id = id;
Line: 44

       select shs.score_object_code from iex_score_histories shs where shs.score_history_id = (select max(score_history_id)
              from iex_score_histories ish, iex_scores sc
              where ish.score_id = sc.score_id
                and sc.concurrent_prog_name = 'IEXACLSB'
                and ish.request_id = p_id
                and ish.score_object_code <> 'IEX_INVOICES');
Line: 52

			 select Meaning
			  --  into t_level
			    from iex_lookups_v
			    where lookup_type='IEX_RUNNING_LEVEL'
			    and iex_utilities.validate_running_level(lookup_code)='Y';
Line: 61

l_insert_count  NUMBER:= 0;
Line: 62

l_update_count  NUMBER:= 0;
Line: 104

       select define_party_running_level,using_delinquency_level,using_billto_level,using_account_level,using_customer_level
       into l_party_level,l_using_del_level,l_using_billto_level,l_using_acc_level,l_using_cust_level
       from iex_questionnaire_items;
Line: 109

       select max(request_id) into l_req_id from iex_score_histories where score_object_code <> 'IEX_INVOICES';
Line: 263

                                                            x_Insert_Count              => l_insert_count,
                                                            x_Update_Count              => l_update_count,
                                                            p_level_tbl                 => t_level_tbl);
Line: 268

                    if (l_insert_count > 0) or (l_update_count > 0) then
Line: 270

                       G_insert_count := G_insert_count + l_insert_count;
Line: 271

                       G_update_count := G_update_count + l_update_count;
Line: 279

      iex_debug_pub.logmessage (' ASSIGN COLLECTION LEVEL - Insert Party Count  =  '||G_insert_count);
Line: 280

      iex_debug_pub.logmessage (' ASSIGN COLLECTION LEVEL - Update Party Count =   '||G_update_count);
Line: 281

      FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Number Of Parties Assigned Collection Level Created..>> '|| G_insert_count);
Line: 282

      FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Number Of Parties Assigned Collection Level Updated..>> '|| G_update_count);