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Line 916: from user_synonyms syn

912: and c.column_name not like 'GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE%'
913: and c.column_name not in ('APPLICATION_ID')
914: */
915: select col.column_name
916: from user_synonyms syn
917: , dba_tab_columns col
918: where syn.synonym_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
919: and col.owner = syn.table_owner
920: and col.table_name = syn.table_name

Line 923: from user_synonyms syn

919: and col.owner = syn.table_owner
920: and col.table_name = syn.table_name
921: and exists (
922: select null
923: from user_synonyms syn
924: , dba_tab_columns col2
925: where col2.owner = syn.table_owner
926: and col2.table_name = syn.table_name
927: and col.column_name = col2.column_name