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Line 384: -- msc_forecast_updates.consumed_qty //pabram..need to check

380: -- nvl(manual forecast, net forecast + demand schedule)
381: c_row2_orig_fcst constant integer:= 2;
382: -- msc_demands --old_using_requirement_quantity, old_demand_quantity, original_quantity //pabram..need to check
383: c_row2_consumed_fcst constant integer:= 3;
384: -- msc_forecast_updates.consumed_qty //pabram..need to check
385: c_row2_net_fcst constant integer:= 4;
386: -- msc_demands origination_type 29 //pabram..need to check
387: c_row2_over_consmptn constant integer:= 5;
388: -- msc_forecast_updates.overconsumption_qty //pabram..need to check

Line 388: -- msc_forecast_updates.overconsumption_qty //pabram..need to check

384: -- msc_forecast_updates.consumed_qty //pabram..need to check
385: c_row2_net_fcst constant integer:= 4;
386: -- msc_demands origination_type 29 //pabram..need to check
387: c_row2_over_consmptn constant integer:= 5;
388: -- msc_forecast_updates.overconsumption_qty //pabram..need to check
389: c_row2_manual_fcst constant integer:= 6;
390: -- msc_demands origination_type 63 //pabram..need to check
391: c_row2_dmd_schd constant integer:= 7;
392: -- msc_demands origination_type 64 //pabram..need to check

Line 2266: msc_forecast_updates mfu,

2262: msc_analysis_query maq,
2263: msc_form_query mfq1, -- region-to-org-list
2264: msc_form_query mfq2, -- item-list
2265: msc_plans mp,
2266: msc_forecast_updates mfu,
2267: msc_form_query mfq3 --g_plan_bkts_query_id
2268: where maq.query_id = p_query_id
2269: and maq.parent_row_index = g_next_rowset_index
2270: and mfq1.query_id = g_org_query_id

Line 2326: msc_forecast_updates mfu,

2322: msc_analysis_query maq,
2323: msc_form_query mfq1, -- region-to-org-list
2324: msc_form_query mfq2, -- item-list
2325: msc_plans mp,
2326: msc_forecast_updates mfu,
2327: msc_form_query mfq3 --g_plan_bkts_query_id
2328: where maq.query_id = p_query_id
2329: and maq.parent_row_index = g_next_rowset_index
2330: and mfq1.query_id = g_org_query_id

Line 2383: msc_forecast_updates mfu,

2379: msc_analysis_query maq,
2380: msc_form_query mfq1, -- region-to-org-list
2381: msc_form_query mfq2, -- item-list
2382: msc_plans mp,
2383: msc_forecast_updates mfu,
2384: msc_form_query mfq3 --g_plan_bkts_query_id
2385: where maq.query_id = p_query_id
2386: and maq.parent_row_index = g_next_rowset_index
2387: and mfq1.query_id = g_org_query_id

Line 3801: p_from_table := 'msc_forecast_updates';

3797: elsif (p_row_offset = c_row2_orig_fcst) then
3798: p_from_table := 'msc_demands';
3799: p_order_type_list := c_dmd2_net_fcst;
3800: elsif (p_row_offset = c_row2_consumed_fcst) then
3801: p_from_table := 'msc_forecast_updates';
3802: p_order_type_list := null;
3803: elsif (p_row_offset = c_row2_net_fcst) then
3804: p_from_table := 'msc_demands';
3805: p_order_type_list := c_dmd2_net_fcst;

Line 3807: p_from_table := 'msc_forecast_updates';

3803: elsif (p_row_offset = c_row2_net_fcst) then
3804: p_from_table := 'msc_demands';
3805: p_order_type_list := c_dmd2_net_fcst;
3806: elsif (p_row_offset = c_row2_over_consmptn) then
3807: p_from_table := 'msc_forecast_updates';
3808: p_order_type_list := null;
3809: elsif (p_row_offset = c_row2_manual_fcst) then
3810: p_from_table := 'msc_demands';
3811: p_order_type_list := c_dmd2_net_fcst;

Line 4077: if (p_from_table = 'msc_forecast_updates') then

4073: /* if (l_part_condition is null) then
4074: l_part_condition := c_part_good;
4075: end if;
4076: */
4077: if (p_from_table = 'msc_forecast_updates') then
4078: return;
4079: end if;
4081: p_mfq_id := msc_sda_utils.getNewFormQueryId;

Line 4088: elsif (p_from_table in ('msc_demands', 'msc_forecast_updates') ) then

4084: ' select distinct '|| p_mfq_id ||', sysdate, 1, sysdate, 1, ';
4086: if (p_from_table = 'msc_supplies') then
4087: sql_stmt := sql_stmt || ' transaction_id from '|| p_from_table;
4088: elsif (p_from_table in ('msc_demands', 'msc_forecast_updates') ) then
4089: sql_stmt := sql_stmt || ' demand_id from '|| p_from_table;
4090: elsif (p_from_table = 'msc_orders_v') then
4091: sql_stmt := sql_stmt || ' transaction_id from '|| p_from_table;
4092: end if;

Line 4119: elsif (p_from_table in ('msc_demands', 'msc_forecast_updates') ) then

4115: end if;
4117: msc_sda_utils.println('msc_supplies '||sql_stmt);
4118: execute immediate sql_stmt using l_date1, l_date2;
4119: elsif (p_from_table in ('msc_demands', 'msc_forecast_updates') ) then
4120: sql_stmt := sql_stmt || ' and origination_type in ('|| l_order_type_list ||')';
4121: sql_stmt := sql_stmt || ' and trunc(nvl(firm_date,using_assembly_demand_date)) between trunc(:l_date1) and trunc(:l_date2) ';
4122: sql_stmt := sql_stmt || ' and nvl(item_type_id, '||c_part_cond_id ||')= '|| c_part_cond_id ;
4123: if l_part_condition is not null then

Line 4137: msc_sda_utils.println('msc_demands, msc_forecast_updates '||sql_stmt);

4133: sql_stmt := sql_stmt || ' and disposition_id is not null ';
4134: end if;
4135: end if;
4137: msc_sda_utils.println('msc_demands, msc_forecast_updates '||sql_stmt);
4138: execute immediate sql_stmt using l_date1, l_date2;
4139: elsif (p_from_table = 'msc_orders_v') then
4140: sql_stmt := sql_stmt || ' and nvl(item_type_id, '||c_part_cond_id ||')= '|| c_part_cond_id ;
4141: if l_part_condition is not null then