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Line 60: p_commit IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false

56: -- 10/22/2001 mpande UPDATED
57: -- End of Comments
59: PROCEDURE create_fund_request(
60: p_commit IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
61: ,p_update_status IN VARCHAR2 := 'Y'
62: ,p_approval_for IN VARCHAR2 := 'FUND'
63: ,p_approval_for_id IN NUMBER
64: ,p_requester_id IN NUMBER

Line 74: ,p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false

70: */
71: ,p_transfer_type IN VARCHAR2 := 'REQUEST' --- 'REQUEST' OR 'TRANSFER'
72: ,p_child_flag IN VARCHAR2 := 'N' -- flag to indicate whether it is a child fund creation
73: ,p_act_budget_id IN NUMBER := NULL -- request_id ( for a child fund it is null)
74: ,p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
75: ,p_justification IN VARCHAR2
76: -- 10/22/2001 mpande Changed code different owner allocation bug
77: ,p_allocation_flag IN VARCHAR2 := 'N' -- flag to indicate whether it is an allocation or not
78: ,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

Line 310: p_commit IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false

306: --
307: -- End of Comments
309: PROCEDURE approve_holdback(
310: p_commit IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
311: ,p_act_budget_id IN NUMBER
312: ,p_transfer_type IN VARCHAR2
313: ,p_transac_fund_id IN NUMBER
314: ,p_requester_id IN NUMBER