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1 PACKAGE BODY pn_mo_cache_utils AS
2 /* $Header: PNMOCSHB.pls 120.7 2007/09/11 16:10:29 rthumma ship $ */
4   /** Added these two functions to remove dependency on MO packages
5     * until shared services changes is effective
6     */
7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 --  NAME         : get_multi_org_flag
9 --  DESCRIPTION  : This function determines whether this is a Multi-Org
10 --                 instance or not. Returns 'Y' or 'N'.
11 --  PURPOSE      :
12 --  INVOKED FROM : retrieve_globals,retrieve_org_id_specific and get_profile_value
13 --  ARGUMENTS    : NONE
14 --  RETURN       : Returns N if Multi-Org not enabled else returns 'Y'
15 --  REFERENCE    : PN_COMMON.debug()
16 --  HISTORY      :
17 --
18 --  30-OCT-02  ftanudja     o Created
19 --  31-MAR-05  piagrawa     o Modified the function to make a call to
20 --                            is_multi_org_enabled of mo_globals if MOAC is
21 --                            enabled.
22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 FUNCTION get_multi_org_flag RETURN VARCHAR2
24 IS
25    l_result VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
27    CURSOR flag IS
28    SELECT multi_org_flag
29    FROM fnd_product_groups;
32    IF pn_mo_cache_utils.is_MOAC_enabled THEN
33       l_result := mo_global.is_multi_org_enabled;
34    ELSE
35       FOR cur IN flag LOOP
36          l_result := cur.multi_org_flag;
37       END LOOP;
38    END IF;
39    RETURN l_result;
40 END get_multi_org_flag;
42 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 --  NAME         : check_access
44 --  DESCRIPTION  : Checks if an operating unit exists in the list of Operating
45 --                 Units that are allowed access to, for a responsibility.
46 --  PURPOSE      :
47 --  INVOKED FROM : retrieve_globals
48 --  ARGUMENTS    : NONE
49 --  RETURN       : Returns N if Multi-Org not enabled else returns 'Y'
50 --  REFERENCE    : PN_COMMON.debug()
51 --  HISTORY      :
52 --
53 --  30-OCT-02  ftanudja     o Created
54 --  31-MAR-05  piagrawa     o Modified the function to make a call to
55 --                            check_access of mo_globals if MOAC is enabled
56 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 FUNCTION check_access(p_org_id NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2
58 IS
59    l_result VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
61    IF pn_mo_cache_utils.is_MOAC_enabled THEN
62       l_result := mo_global.check_access(p_org_id);
63    ELSE
64       IF TO_NUMBER(fnd_profile.value('ORG_ID')) = p_org_id THEN
65          l_result := 'Y';
66       ELSE
67          l_result := 'N';
68       END IF;
69    END IF;
70    RETURN l_result;
71 END check_access;
73 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 --  NAME         : check_valid_org
75 --  DESCRIPTION  : Checks if an operating unit is valid for a responsibility.
76 --  PURPOSE      : Wrapper on mo_global.check_valid_org - calls
77 --                 mo_global.check_valid_org if MOAC is enabled.
78 --  INVOKED FROM : form libraries.
79 --  ARGUMENTS    : NONE
80 --  RETURN       : Returns  'Y' OR 'N'
81 --  REFERENCE    : PN_COMMON.debug()
82 --  HISTORY      :
83 --
84 --  03-AUG-05  Kiran     o Created
85 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 FUNCTION check_valid_org(p_org_id NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
87    l_result VARCHAR2(1);
89    l_result := 'N';
90    IF pn_mo_cache_utils.is_MOAC_enabled THEN
91       l_result := mo_global.check_valid_org(p_org_id);
92    ELSE
93       IF TO_NUMBER(fnd_profile.value('ORG_ID')) = p_org_id THEN
94          l_result := 'Y';
95       ELSE
96          l_result := 'N';
97       END IF;
98    END IF;
99    RETURN l_result;
100 END check_valid_org;
102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 --  PROCEDURE    : is_MOAC_enabled
104 --  DESCRIPTION  : Works as a On/Off switch for MOAC Changes.
105 --                 Returns boolean value of TRUE if functionality
106 --                 is switched ON else returns FALSE.
107 --  PURPOSE      :
108 --  INVOKED FROM : get_multi_org_flag, check_access and PNCOMMON.pld
109 --  ARGUMENTS    : NONE
110 --  RETURN       : Returns FALSE if Multi-Org not enabled else returns TRUE
111 --  REFERENCE    : PN_COMMON.debug()
112 --  HISTORY      :
113 --
114 --  29-MAR-05   piagrawa   o Created.
115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
120    RETURN g_MOAC_enabled;
122 END is_MOAC_enabled;
124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 -- PROCEDURE     : is_MOAC_enabled_char
126 -- DESCRIPTION   : Works as a On/Off switch for MOAC Changes
127 --                 Returns character value of 'Y' if functionality
128 --                 is switched ON else returns 'N'. It is created to be used in
129 --                 OA framewrork VOs.
130 --  PURPOSE      :
131 --  INVOKED FROM :
132 --  ARGUMENTS    : NONE
133 --  RETURN       : Returns 'N' if Multi-Org not enabled else returns 'Y'
134 --  REFERENCE    : PN_COMMON.debug()
135 --  HISTORY      :
136 --
137 -- 29-MAR-05   piagrawa   o Created.
138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
142    IF g_MOAC_enabled THEN
143      RETURN 'Y';
144    ELSE
145      RETURN 'N';
146    END IF;
148 END is_MOAC_enabled_char;
151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
152 -- PROCEDURE     : retrieve_globals
153 -- DESCRIPTION   : This procedure retrieves operating unit attributes from the
154 --                 database and stores them into the specified data structure.
155 --  PURPOSE      :
156 --  INVOKED FROM : populate in PNCOMMON.pld
157 --  ARGUMENTS    : IN   NONE
158 --                 OUT  p_globals
159 --  RETURNS      : NONE
160 --  REFERENCE    : PN_COMMON.debug()
161 --  HISTORY      :
162 --
163 -- 29-MAR-05  piagrawa  o Modified to include legacy_cut_off_date in the
164 --                        select statement.
165 -- 15-SEP-05  pikhar    o Modified to include recalc_ir_on_acc_chg_flag in
166 --                        the SELECT statement.
167 -- 29-NOV-05  Kiran     o Fixed the cartesian join in the the query
168 -- 06-APR-06  hkulkarn  o Modified to include smallest_term_amount in
169 --                        the SELECT statement.
170 -- 11-SEP-07  rthumma   o Modified to include incl_terms_by_default_flag
171 --                           in the SELECT statement.
172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
173   PROCEDURE retrieve_globals(p_globals OUT NOCOPY GlobalsTable )
174   IS
175   BEGIN
176     IF pn_mo_cache_utils.get_multi_org_flag = 'Y' THEN
177       SELECT pn.org_id,
178              gl.name,
179              gl.chart_of_accounts_id,
180              hr.name,
181              gl.currency_code,
182              pn.set_of_books_id,
183              pn.accounting_option,
184              pn.default_currency_conv_type,
185              pn.space_assign_sysdate_optn,
186              pn.multiple_tenancy_lease,
187              pn.auto_space_distribution,
188              pn.auto_comp_num_gen,
189              pn.auto_lease_num_gen,
190              pn.auto_index_num_gen,
191              pn.auto_var_rent_num_gen,
192              pn.auto_rec_agr_num_flag,
193              pn.auto_rec_exp_num_flag,
194              pn.auto_rec_arcl_num_flag,
195              pn.auto_rec_expcl_num_flag,
196              pn.cons_rec_agrterms_flag,
197              pn.location_code_separator,
198              pn.default_locn_area_flag,
199              pn.grouping_rule_id,
200              pn.gl_transfer_mode,
201              pn.submit_journal_import_flag,
202              pn.legacy_data_cutoff_date,
203              pn.default_user_view_code,
204              pn.extend_indexrent_term_flag,
205              pn.sysdate_for_adj_flag,
206              pn.sysdate_as_trx_date_flag,
207              pn.renorm_adj_acc_all_draft_flag,
208              pn.consolidate_adj_items_flag,
209              pn.calc_annualized_basis_code,
210              pn.allow_tenancy_overlap_flag,
211              pn.recalc_ir_on_acc_chg_flag,
212              pn.smallest_term_amount,
213              pn.incl_terms_by_default_flag
214       BULK COLLECT
215       INTO   p_globals.org_id_t,
216              p_globals.set_of_books_name_t,
217              p_globals.chart_of_accounts_id_t,
218              p_globals.legal_entity_name_t,
219              p_globals.functional_currency_code_t,
220              p_globals.set_of_books_id_t,
221              p_globals.accounting_option_t,
222              p_globals.default_currency_conv_type_t,
223              p_globals.space_assign_sysdate_optn_t,
224              p_globals.multiple_tenancy_lease_t,
225              p_globals.auto_space_distribution_t,
226              p_globals.auto_comp_num_gen_t,
227              p_globals.auto_lease_num_gen_t,
228              p_globals.auto_index_num_gen_t,
229              p_globals.auto_var_rent_num_gen_t,
230              p_globals.auto_rec_agr_num_flag_t,
231              p_globals.auto_rec_exp_num_flag_t,
232              p_globals.auto_rec_arcl_num_flag_t,
233              p_globals.auto_rec_expcl_num_flag_t,
234              p_globals.cons_rec_agrterms_flag_t,
235              p_globals.location_code_separator_t,
236              p_globals.default_locn_area_flag_t,
237              p_globals.grouping_rule_id_t,
238              p_globals.gl_transfer_mode_t,
239              p_globals.submit_journal_import_flag_t,
240              p_globals.legacy_data_cutoff_date_t,
241              p_globals.default_user_view_code_t,
242              p_globals.extend_indexrent_term_flag_t,
243              p_globals.sysdate_for_adj_flag_t,
244              p_globals.sysdate_as_trx_date_flag_t,
245              p_globals.renorm_acc_all_draft_flag_t,
246              p_globals.consolidate_adj_items_flag_t,
247              p_globals.calc_annualized_basis_code_t,
248              p_globals.allow_tenancy_overlap_flag_t,
249              p_globals.recalc_ir_on_acc_chg_flag_t,
250              p_globals.smallest_term_amount_t,
251              p_globals.incl_terms_by_default_flag_t
252         FROM hr_legal_entities hr,
253              gl_sets_of_books gl,
254              pn_system_setup_options pn
255        WHERE pn_mo_cache_utils.check_access(pn.org_id) = 'Y'
256          AND gl.set_of_books_id = pn.set_of_books_id
257          AND hr.organization_id (+) = pn.org_id;
259     ELSE  -- non multi org case
261       SELECT -3115,
262              gl.name,
263              gl.chart_of_accounts_id,
264              NULL,
265              gl.currency_code,
266              pn.set_of_books_id,
267              pn.accounting_option,
268              pn.default_currency_conv_type,
269              pn.space_assign_sysdate_optn,
270              pn.multiple_tenancy_lease,
271              pn.auto_space_distribution,
272              pn.auto_comp_num_gen,
273              pn.auto_lease_num_gen,
274              pn.auto_index_num_gen,
275              pn.auto_var_rent_num_gen,
276              pn.auto_rec_agr_num_flag,
277              pn.auto_rec_exp_num_flag,
278              pn.auto_rec_arcl_num_flag,
279              pn.auto_rec_expcl_num_flag,
280              pn.cons_rec_agrterms_flag,
281              pn.location_code_separator,
282              pn.default_locn_area_flag,
283              pn.grouping_rule_id,
284              pn.gl_transfer_mode,
285              pn.submit_journal_import_flag,
286              pn.legacy_data_cutoff_date,
287              pn.default_user_view_code,
288              pn.extend_indexrent_term_flag,
289              pn.sysdate_for_adj_flag,
290              pn.sysdate_as_trx_date_flag,
291              pn.renorm_adj_acc_all_draft_flag,
292              pn.consolidate_adj_items_flag,
293              pn.calc_annualized_basis_code,
294              pn.allow_tenancy_overlap_flag,
295              pn.recalc_ir_on_acc_chg_flag,
296              pn.smallest_term_amount,
297              pn.incl_terms_by_default_flag
298       BULK COLLECT
299       INTO   p_globals.org_id_t,
300              p_globals.set_of_books_name_t,
301              p_globals.chart_of_accounts_id_t,
302              p_globals.legal_entity_name_t,
303              p_globals.functional_currency_code_t,
304              p_globals.set_of_books_id_t,
305              p_globals.accounting_option_t,
306              p_globals.default_currency_conv_type_t,
307              p_globals.space_assign_sysdate_optn_t,
308              p_globals.multiple_tenancy_lease_t,
309              p_globals.auto_space_distribution_t,
310              p_globals.auto_comp_num_gen_t,
311              p_globals.auto_lease_num_gen_t,
312              p_globals.auto_index_num_gen_t,
313              p_globals.auto_var_rent_num_gen_t,
314              p_globals.auto_rec_agr_num_flag_t,
315              p_globals.auto_rec_exp_num_flag_t,
316              p_globals.auto_rec_arcl_num_flag_t,
317              p_globals.auto_rec_expcl_num_flag_t,
318              p_globals.cons_rec_agrterms_flag_t,
319              p_globals.location_code_separator_t,
320              p_globals.default_locn_area_flag_t,
321              p_globals.grouping_rule_id_t,
322              p_globals.gl_transfer_mode_t,
323              p_globals.submit_journal_import_flag_t,
324              p_globals.legacy_data_cutoff_date_t,
325              p_globals.default_user_view_code_t,
326              p_globals.extend_indexrent_term_flag_t,
327              p_globals.sysdate_for_adj_flag_t,
328              p_globals.sysdate_as_trx_date_flag_t,
329              p_globals.renorm_acc_all_draft_flag_t,
330              p_globals.consolidate_adj_items_flag_t,
331              p_globals.calc_annualized_basis_code_t,
332              p_globals.allow_tenancy_overlap_flag_t,
333              p_globals.recalc_ir_on_acc_chg_flag_t,
334              p_globals.smallest_term_amount_t, --#@#Bug4291907
335              p_globals.incl_terms_by_default_flag_t
336         FROM gl_sets_of_books gl,
337              pn_system_setup_options pn
338        WHERE gl.set_of_books_id = pn.set_of_books_id;
340     END IF;
343        IF pn_mo_cache_utils.get_multi_org_flag = 'Y' THEN
344           raise_application_error(-20001,'Error: no data found in multi org table' || to_char(sqlcode));
345           app_exception.raise_exception;
346        ELSE -- non multi org
347           raise_application_error(-20001,'Error: no data found in profile_setup table'|| to_char(sqlcode));
348           app_exception.raise_exception;
349        END IF;
351   END retrieve_globals;
353 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
354 --  PROCEDURE    : retrieve_org_id_specific
355 --  PURPOSE      : returns record that contains profile information regarding
356 --                 a specific OU
357 --  NOTE         o This procedure is an addendum (not defined in the template)
358 --               o For non multi org cases
359 --                 oo assumed that only 1 row exists in the
360 --                 pn_system_setup_options table
361 --
362 --  INVOKED FROM :
363 --  ARGUMENTS    : IN   p_org_id
364 --                 OUT  p_table
365 --  RETURNS      : NONE
366 --  REFERENCE    : PN_COMMON.debug()
367 --  HISTORY:
368 -- 11-APR-02  ftanudja  o created
369 -- 12-SEP-02  ftanudja  o incorporated new profile options
370 -- 30-SEP-02  ftanudja  o commented out code until shared services effective
371 -- 30-JUN-03  ftanudja  o added new columns from recovery module.
372 -- 19-JAN-04  atuppad   o added new cols grouping_rule_id,
373 --                        gl_transfer_mode + submit_journal_import_flag
374 -- 01-JUL-04  atuppad   o added new column for default user view
375 -- 24-AUG-04  ftanudja  o added extend_indexrent_term_flag. 3756208.
376 -- 28-OCT-04  atuppad   o Added code for 5 columns of Retro.
377 -- 02-FEB-05  ftanudja  o added colm allow_tenancy_overlap_flag. 4150676
378 -- 15-SEP-05  pikhar    o added recalc_ir_on_acc_chg_flag to SELECT
379 --                        statement and FOR loop of retrieve_org_id_specific
380 -- 29-NOV-05  Kiran     o Fixed the cartesian join in the the query
381 -- 06-APR-06  hkulkarn  o Modified to include smallest_term_amount in
382 --                        the SELECT statement.
383 -- 11-SEP-07  rthumma   o Modified to include incl_terms_by_default_flag
384 --                           in the SELECT statement.
385 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
386 PROCEDURE retrieve_org_id_specific(p_org_id IN NUMBER,
387                                    p_table OUT NOCOPY GlobalsRecord)
388 IS
389   l_dummy_org_id NUMBER := -666;
390   l_count PLS_INTEGER;
391   l_name  VARCHAR2(200);
393   CURSOR profile_cur(p_id IN NUMBER) IS
394     SELECT gl.name                           set_of_books_name,
395            gl.chart_of_accounts_id           chart_of_accounts_id,
396            hr.name                           legal_entity_name,
397            gl.currency_code                 functional_currency_code,
398            pn.set_of_books_id                set_of_books_id,
399            pn.accounting_option              accounting_option,
400            pn.default_currency_conv_type     default_currency_conv_type,
401            pn.space_assign_sysdate_optn      space_assign_sysdate_optn,
402            pn.multiple_tenancy_lease         multiple_tenancy_lease,
403            pn.auto_comp_num_gen              auto_comp_num_gen,
404            pn.auto_index_num_gen             auto_index_num_gen,
405            pn.auto_lease_num_gen             auto_lease_num_gen,
406            pn.auto_space_distribution        auto_space_distribution,
407            pn.auto_var_rent_num_gen          auto_var_rent_num_gen,
408            pn.auto_rec_agr_num_flag          auto_rec_agr_num_flag,
409            pn.auto_rec_exp_num_flag          auto_rec_exp_num_flag,
410            pn.auto_rec_arcl_num_flag         auto_rec_arcl_num_flag,
411            pn.auto_rec_expcl_num_flag        auto_rec_expcl_num_flag,
412            pn.cons_rec_agrterms_flag         cons_rec_agrterms_flag,
413            pn.location_code_separator        location_code_separator,
414            pn.default_locn_area_flag         default_locn_area_flag,
415            pn.grouping_rule_id               grouping_rule_id,
416            pn.gl_transfer_mode               gl_transfer_mode,
417            pn.submit_journal_import_flag     submit_journal_import_flag,
418            pn.legacy_data_cutoff_date        legacy_data_cutoff_date,
419            pn.default_user_view_code         default_user_view_code,
420            pn.extend_indexrent_term_flag     extend_indexrent_term_flag,
421            pn.sysdate_for_adj_flag           sysdate_for_adj_flag,
422            pn.sysdate_as_trx_date_flag       sysdate_as_trx_date_flag,
423            pn.renorm_adj_acc_all_draft_flag  renorm_adj_acc_all_draft_flag,
424            pn.consolidate_adj_items_flag     consolidate_adj_items_flag,
425            pn.calc_annualized_basis_code     calc_annualized_basis_code,
426            pn.allow_tenancy_overlap_flag     allow_tenancy_overlap_flag,
427            pn.recalc_ir_on_acc_chg_flag      recalc_ir_on_acc_chg_flag,
428            pn.smallest_term_amount           smallest_term_amount,
429            pn.incl_terms_by_default_flag     incl_terms_by_default_flag
430       FROM hr_legal_entities hr,
431            gl_sets_of_books gl,
432            pn_system_setup_options pn
433      WHERE mo_global.check_access(pn.org_id) = 'Y'
434        AND gl.set_of_books_id = pn.set_of_books_id
435        AND hr.organization_id (+) = pn.org_id
436        AND nvl(pn.org_id,l_dummy_org_id) = p_id;
440    IF pn_mo_cache_utils.get_multi_org_flag = 'Y' THEN
441       IF p_org_id IS NULL THEN
442          mo_utils.get_default_ou(l_dummy_org_id, l_name, l_count);
443       ELSE
444          l_dummy_org_id := p_org_id;
445       END IF;
446    END IF;
448    FOR profile_rec IN profile_cur(l_dummy_org_id) LOOP
449       p_table.set_of_books_id               := profile_rec.set_of_books_id;
450       p_table.chart_of_accounts_id          := profile_rec.chart_of_accounts_id;
451       p_table.legal_entity_name             := profile_rec.legal_entity_name;
452       p_table.functional_currency_code      := profile_rec.functional_currency_code;
453       p_table.accounting_option             := profile_rec.accounting_option;
454       p_table.default_currency_conv_type    := profile_rec.default_currency_conv_type;
455       p_table.space_assign_sysdate_optn     := profile_rec.space_assign_sysdate_optn;
456       p_table.multiple_tenancy_lease        := profile_rec.multiple_tenancy_lease;
457       p_table.auto_comp_num_gen             := profile_rec.auto_comp_num_gen;
458       p_table.auto_index_num_gen            := profile_rec.auto_index_num_gen;
459       p_table.auto_lease_num_gen            := profile_rec.auto_lease_num_gen;
460       p_table.auto_space_distribution       := profile_rec.auto_space_distribution;
461       p_table.auto_var_rent_num_gen         := profile_rec.auto_var_rent_num_gen;
462       p_table.auto_rec_agr_num_flag         := profile_rec.auto_rec_agr_num_flag;
463       p_table.auto_rec_exp_num_flag         := profile_rec.auto_rec_exp_num_flag;
464       p_table.auto_rec_arcl_num_flag        := profile_rec.auto_rec_arcl_num_flag;
465       p_table.auto_rec_expcl_num_flag       := profile_rec.auto_rec_expcl_num_flag;
466       p_table.cons_rec_agrterms_flag        := profile_rec.cons_rec_agrterms_flag;
467       p_table.location_code_separator       := profile_rec.location_code_separator;
468       p_table.default_locn_area_flag        := profile_rec.default_locn_area_flag;
469       p_table.grouping_rule_id              := profile_rec.grouping_rule_id;
470       p_table.gl_transfer_mode              := profile_rec.gl_transfer_mode;
471       p_table.submit_journal_import_flag    := profile_rec.submit_journal_import_flag;
472       p_table.legacy_data_cutoff_date       := profile_rec.legacy_data_cutoff_date;
473       p_table.default_user_view_code        := profile_rec.default_user_view_code;
474       p_table.extend_indexrent_term_flag    := profile_rec.extend_indexrent_term_flag;
475       p_table.sysdate_for_adj_flag          := profile_rec.sysdate_for_adj_flag;
476       p_table.sysdate_as_trx_date_flag      := profile_rec.sysdate_as_trx_date_flag;
477       p_table.renorm_adj_acc_all_draft_flag := profile_rec.renorm_adj_acc_all_draft_flag;
478       p_table.consolidate_adj_items_flag    := profile_rec.consolidate_adj_items_flag;
479       p_table.calc_annualized_basis_code    := profile_rec.calc_annualized_basis_code;
480       p_table.calc_annualized_basis_code    := profile_rec.calc_annualized_basis_code;
481       p_table.recalc_ir_on_acc_chg_flag     := profile_rec.recalc_ir_on_acc_chg_flag;
482       p_table.smallest_term_amount          := profile_rec.smallest_term_amount; --#@#Bug4291907
483       p_table.incl_terms_by_default_flag    := profile_rec.incl_terms_by_default_flag;
484    END LOOP;
486    -- set of books is a 'not null' column : check if value populated to see if everything OK
488    IF p_table.set_of_books_id IS NULL THEN
489       raise NO_DATA_FOUND;
490    END IF;
494      IF get_multi_org_flag = 'Y' THEN
495         raise_application_error(-20001,'Error: no data found in multi org table' || to_char(sqlcode));
496         app_exception.raise_exception;
497      ELSE -- non multi org
498         raise_application_error(-20001,'Error: no data found in profile_setup table' || to_char(sqlcode));
499         app_exception.raise_exception;
500      END IF;
501 END retrieve_org_id_specific;
503 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
504 --  FUNCTION     : get_profile_value
505 --  PURPOSE      : wrapper function for fnd_profile.value() due to MO
506 --  NOTE         : temporarily assume either 1 or 0 entry for
507 --                 pn_system_setup_options table (until MO is activated)
508 --  INVOKED FROM : get_profile_value in PNCOMMON.pld and *.pls files.
509 --  ARGUMENTS    : IN   p_profile_name, p_org_id
510 --                 OUT  NONE
511 --  RETURNS      : the profile value for a profile name for an operating unit
512 --  REFERENCE    : PN_COMMON.debug()
513 --  HISTORY      :
514 -- 12-SEP-02  ftanudja  o created
515 -- 30-JUN-03  ftanudja  o added new profiles from recovery module.
516 -- 08-AUG-03  Ashish    o Bug#3087785 Change the profile name
517 --                        PN_AUTO_SPACE_DISTRIBUTION to
518 --                        PN_AUTOMATIC_SPACE_DISTRIBUTION
519 -- 09-DEC-03  ftanudja  o added default_locn_area_flag. 3257508.
520 -- 19-JAN-04  atuppad   o added 3 new columns: grouping_rule_id,
521 --                        gl_transfer_mode + submit_journal_import_flag.
522 -- 01-JUL-04  atuppad   o added new column for default user view
523 -- 24-AUG-04  ftanudja  o added extend_indexrent_term_flag. 3756208.
524 -- 27-OCT-04  stripath  o Fixed for BUG# 3961117, added legacy_data_cutoff_date
525 --                        in cursor get_profile for profile name PN_CUTOFF_DATE.
526 -- 28-OCT-04  atuppad   o Added code for 5 columns of Retro.
527 -- 02-FEB-05  ftanudja  o added colm allow_tenancy_overlap_flag. 4150676
528 -- 15-sep-05  pikhar    o added recalc_ir_on_acc_chg_flag to SELECT
529 --                        statement and IF condition of get_profile_value
530 -- 29-NOV-05  Kiran     o Fixed the cartesian join in the the query
531 -- 06-APR-06  hkulkarn  o Modified to include smallest_term_amount in
532 --                        the SELECT statement.
533 -- 11-SEP-07  rthumma   o Modified to include incl_terms_by_default_flag
534 --                           in the SELECT statement and IF condition of
535 --                           get_profile_value.
536 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
538 FUNCTION get_profile_value(p_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, p_org_id IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
540    l_answer       VARCHAR2(100):= NULL;
542    CURSOR get_profile  IS
543       SELECT set_of_books_id,
544              accounting_option,
545              default_currency_conv_type,
546              space_assign_sysdate_optn,
547              multiple_tenancy_lease,
548              auto_comp_num_gen,
549              auto_index_num_gen,
550              auto_lease_num_gen,
551              auto_var_rent_num_gen,
552              auto_space_distribution,
553              auto_rec_agr_num_flag,
554              auto_rec_exp_num_flag,
555              auto_rec_arcl_num_flag,
556              auto_rec_expcl_num_flag,
557              cons_rec_agrterms_flag,
558              location_code_separator,
559              default_locn_area_flag,
560              grouping_rule_id,
561              gl_transfer_mode,
562              submit_journal_import_flag,
563              default_user_view_code,
564              extend_indexrent_term_flag,
565              TO_CHAR(legacy_data_cutoff_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') legacy_cutoff_date,
566              sysdate_for_adj_flag,
567              sysdate_as_trx_date_flag,
568              renorm_adj_acc_all_draft_flag,
569              consolidate_adj_items_flag,
570              calc_annualized_basis_code,
571              allow_tenancy_overlap_flag,
572              recalc_ir_on_acc_chg_flag,
573              smallest_term_amount,
574              incl_terms_by_default_flag
575       FROM   pn_system_setup_options
576       WHERE  org_id = nvl(p_org_id, fnd_profile.value('ORG_ID'));
580    IF pn_mo_cache_utils.get_multi_org_flag = 'Y' THEN
582       /* assume single-org */
584       FOR answer_cur IN get_profile LOOP
586          IF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID' THEN
587             l_answer := answer_cur.set_of_books_id;
588          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_ACCOUNTING_OPTION' THEN
589             l_answer := answer_cur.accounting_option;
590          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_AUTOMATIC_COMPANY_NUMBER' THEN
591             l_answer := answer_cur.auto_comp_num_gen;
593             l_answer := answer_cur.auto_index_num_gen;
594          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_AUTOMATIC_LEASE_NUMBER' THEN
595             l_answer := answer_cur.auto_lease_num_gen;
596          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_AUTO_VAR_RENT_NUM' THEN
597             l_answer := answer_cur.auto_var_rent_num_gen;
599             l_answer := answer_cur.auto_space_distribution;
600          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_CURRENCY_CONV_RATE_TYPE' THEN
601             l_answer := answer_cur.default_currency_conv_type;
602          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_SPASGN_CHNGDT_OPTN' THEN
603             l_answer := answer_cur.space_assign_sysdate_optn;
604          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_MULTIPLE_LEASE_FOR_LOCATION' THEN
605             l_answer := answer_cur.multiple_tenancy_lease;
606          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_AUTOMATIC_REC_EXPENSE_NUM' THEN
607             l_answer := answer_cur.auto_rec_exp_num_flag;
608          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_AUTOMATIC_AREA_CLS_NUM' THEN
609             l_answer := answer_cur.auto_rec_arcl_num_flag;
611             l_answer := answer_cur.auto_rec_expcl_num_flag;
612          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_AUTOMATIC_REC_AGR_NUM' THEN
613             l_answer := answer_cur.auto_rec_agr_num_flag;
614          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_REC_CONSOLIDATE_TERMS' THEN
615             l_answer := answer_cur.cons_rec_agrterms_flag;
616          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_LOCATION_CODE_SEPARATOR' THEN
617             l_answer := answer_cur.location_code_separator;
618          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_DEFAULT_LOCTN_AREA' THEN
619             l_answer := answer_cur.default_locn_area_flag;
620          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_GROUPING_RULE_ID' THEN
621             l_answer := answer_cur.grouping_rule_id;
622          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_GL_TRANSFER_MODE' THEN
623             l_answer := answer_cur.gl_transfer_mode;
624          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_SUBMIT_JOURNAL_IMPORT' THEN
625             l_answer := answer_cur.submit_journal_import_flag;
626          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_DEFAULT_USER_VIEW' THEN
627             l_answer := answer_cur.default_user_view_code;
628          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_EXTEND_INDEXRENT_TERM' THEN
629             l_answer := answer_cur.extend_indexrent_term_flag;
630          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_CUTOFF_DATE' THEN
631             l_answer := answer_cur.legacy_cutoff_date;
632          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_USE_SYSDATE_FOR_ADJ' THEN
633             l_answer := answer_cur.sysdate_for_adj_flag;
634          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_USE_SYSDATE_AS_TRX_DATE' THEN
635             l_answer := answer_cur.sysdate_as_trx_date_flag;
636          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_RENORM_ACC_ALL_DRAFT_SCH' THEN
637             l_answer := answer_cur.renorm_adj_acc_all_draft_flag;
638          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_CONSOLIDATE_ADJ_ITEMS' THEN
639             l_answer := answer_cur.consolidate_adj_items_flag;
640          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_CALC_ANNUALIZED_BASIS' THEN
641             l_answer := answer_cur.calc_annualized_basis_code;
642          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'PN_MULT_TNC_SAME_LEASE' THEN
643             l_answer := answer_cur.allow_tenancy_overlap_flag;
644          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'RECALC_IR_ON_ACC_CHG_FLAG' THEN
645             l_answer := answer_cur.recalc_ir_on_acc_chg_flag;
646          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'SMALLEST_TERM_AMOUNT' THEN --#@#Bug4291907
647             l_answer := answer_cur.smallest_term_amount;           --#@#Bug4291907
648          ELSIF UPPER(p_profile_name) = 'INCL_TERMS_BY_DEFAULT_FLAG' THEN
649             l_answer := answer_cur.incl_terms_by_default_flag;
650          ELSE
651             l_answer := fnd_profile.value(p_profile_name);
652             /* handle for non OU level profiles */
653          END IF;
655       END LOOP;
657       RETURN l_answer;
659    ELSE
660       RETURN fnd_profile.value(p_profile_name);
661    END IF;
663 END get_profile_value;
665 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
666 --  FUNCTION     : mo_global_init
667 --  PURPOSE      : wrapper function for mo_global.init. Does nothing in 11i.
668 --                 calls mo_global.init in R12
670 --  ARGUMENTS    : IN   p_appl_short_name = 'PN'
671 --  HISTORY
672 --  06-AUG-05 Kiran     o Created
673 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
674 PROCEDURE mo_global_init(p_appl_short_name IN VARCHAR2) IS
678   IF is_MOAC_enabled AND p_appl_short_name IS NOT NULL THEN
679     mo_global.init(p_appl_short_name);
680   END IF;
683   WHEN others THEN
684     RAISE;
685 END mo_global_init;
687 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
688 --  FUNCTION     : fnd_req_set_org_id
689 --  PURPOSE      : wrapper function for fnd_request.set_org_id Does nothing
690  --                in 11i Calls fnd_request.set_org_id in R12
692 --  ARGUMENTS    : IN   p_org_id
693 --  HISTORY
694 --  12-SEP-05 SatyaDeep     o Created
695 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
696 PROCEDURE fnd_req_set_org_id(p_org_id IN NUMBER) IS
700   IF is_MOAC_enabled AND p_org_id IS NOT NULL THEN
701     fnd_request.set_org_id(p_org_id);
702   END IF;
705   WHEN others THEN
706     RAISE;
707 END fnd_req_set_org_id;
709 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
710 --  NAME         : get_current_org_id
711 --  DESCRIPTION  : Returns the current org id
712 --  PURPOSE      :
713 --  INVOKED FROM :
714 --  ARGUMENTS    : NONE
715 --  RETURN       : Returns current org id
716 --  REFERENCE    : PN_COMMON.debug()
717 --  HISTORY      :
718 --
719 --  10-nov-05  piagrawa  o Created
720 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
721 FUNCTION get_current_org_id RETURN NUMBER
722 IS
724    RETURN  mo_global.get_current_org_id;
726   WHEN others THEN
727     RAISE;
728 END get_current_org_id;
730 END pn_mo_cache_utils;