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Line 53: from pv_lead_assignments aa, pv_party_notifications bb, fnd_user usr

49: pc_itemKey varchar2,
50: pc_notify_type varchar2,
51: pc_assign_status varchar2) is
52: select distinct usr.user_name
53: from pv_lead_assignments aa, pv_party_notifications bb, fnd_user usr
54: where bb.wf_item_key = pc_itemKey
55: and bb.wf_item_type = pc_itemType
56: and bb.notification_type = pc_notify_type
57: and bb.lead_assignment_id = aa.lead_assignment_id

Line 798: l_username fnd_user.user_name%type;

794: l_access_code_update CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := 'UPDATE';
796: l_assign_seq NUMBER := 0; -- Assignment sequence is set to 1 as there will always be 1 partner
797: l_party_id NUMBER;
798: l_username fnd_user.user_name%type;
799: l_party_relation_id NUMBER;
800: l_partner_resource_id NUMBER;
801: l_lead_number VARCHAR2(30) := p_oppty_header_rec.lead_id;
802: l_lead_id NUMBER := p_oppty_header_rec.lead_id;

Line 1618: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;

1614: l_salesforceid NUMBER := p_salesforce_id;
1615: l_assignment_ids NUMBER;
1616: l_workflow_id NUMBER;
1617: l_user_id NUMBER;
1618: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;
1619: l_creating_username fnd_user.user_name%type;
1620: l_resource_id jtf_rs_resource_extns.resource_id%type;
1621: l_category jtf_rs_resource_extns.category%type;
1622: l_party_id jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_id%type;

Line 1619: l_creating_username fnd_user.user_name%type;

1615: l_assignment_ids NUMBER;
1616: l_workflow_id NUMBER;
1617: l_user_id NUMBER;
1618: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;
1619: l_creating_username fnd_user.user_name%type;
1620: l_resource_id jtf_rs_resource_extns.resource_id%type;
1621: l_category jtf_rs_resource_extns.category%type;
1622: l_party_id jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_id%type;
1623: l_party_name jtf_rs_resource_extns.source_business_grp_name%type;

Line 1671: fnd_user fu

1667: pv_lead_assignments pa,
1668: pv_party_notifications pn,
1669: jtf_rs_resource_extns extn,
1670: as_accesses_all asac,
1671: fnd_user fu
1672: WHERE pw.wf_item_type = pa.wf_item_type
1673: and pw.wf_item_key = pa.wf_item_key
1674: AND pa.lead_assignment_id = pn.lead_assignment_id
1675: AND pw.routing_status = 'ACTIVE'

Line 1692: FROM as_accesses_all ac, jtf_rs_resource_extns js, fnd_user fu, pv_lead_workflows pw

1688: AND sysdate between fu.start_date and nvl(fu.end_date,sysdate)
1689: UNION
1690: SELECT js.user_id, js.resource_id, fu.user_name,
1691: decode(pw.created_by - js.user_id,0,'AM','OTHER') user_type, 0 partner_id
1692: FROM as_accesses_all ac, jtf_rs_resource_extns js, fnd_user fu, pv_lead_workflows pw
1693: WHERE (('Y' = pc_notify_ot_flag and pw.created_by <> js.user_id)
1694: or ('Y' = pc_notify_am_flag and pw.created_by = js.user_id))
1695: AND ac.lead_id = pc_lead_id
1696: and ac.lead_id = pw.lead_id

Line 1741: FROM fnd_user fu, jtf_rs_resource_extns js

1737: AND ld.lead_id = pc_lead_id;
1739: CURSOR lc_get_pt_emp_cat(pc_salesforce_id NUMBER) IS
1740: SELECT js.source_id, js.category, js.source_business_grp_name, fu.user_name
1741: FROM fnd_user fu, jtf_rs_resource_extns js
1742: WHERE fu.user_id = js.user_id
1743: AND js.resource_id = pc_salesforce_id;
1745: CURSOR lc_get_pt_ven_name(pc_party_id NUMBER) IS

Line 2544: l_username fnd_user.user_name%type;

2541: l_relationship_type VARCHAR2(20);
2542: l_party_id NUMBER;
2543: l_party_relation_id NUMBER;
2544: l_username fnd_user.user_name%type;
2545: l_party_name VARCHAR2(1000);
2546: l_resource_category VARCHAR2(30);
2548: l_channel_flag VARCHAR2(1);

Line 2599: FROM fnd_user fu, jtf_rs_resource_extns js

2596: -- Get the Party id of the relation from based on the resource id
2597: SELECT js.source_id, fu.user_name, js.category
2598: INTO l_party_id, x_user_name, l_resource_category
2599: FROM fnd_user fu, jtf_rs_resource_extns js
2600: WHERE fu.user_id = js.user_id
2601: AND js.resource_id = p_salesforce_id;
2603: IF fnd_msg_pub.Check_Msg_Level (fnd_msg_pub.G_MSG_LVL_DEBUG_LOW) THEN