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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 156

  PROCEDURE update_txl_asset_Def(p_api_version   IN         NUMBER,
                                 p_init_msg_list IN         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKC_API.G_FALSE,
                                 x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                                 x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                                 x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                                 p_tlpv_rec      IN         tlpv_rec_type,
                                 x_tlpv_rec      OUT NOCOPY tlpv_rec_type) IS

    l_tlpv_rec                           tlpv_rec_type;
Line: 166

    l_api_name                  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'UPDATE_TXL_ASSET_LINE';
Line: 169

    savepoint update_txl_asset_Def_pub;
Line: 188

    OKL_TXL_ASSETS_PVT.update_txl_asset_Def(p_api_version   => p_api_version,
                                            p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
                                            x_return_status => l_return_status,
                                            x_msg_count     => x_msg_count,
                                            x_msg_data      => x_msg_data,
                                            p_talv_rec      => l_tlpv_rec,
                                            x_talv_rec      => x_tlpv_rec);
Line: 207

		ROLLBACK  TO update_txl_asset_Def_pub;
Line: 212

		ROLLBACK  TO update_txl_asset_Def_pub;
Line: 217

		ROLLBACK  TO update_txl_asset_Def_pub;
Line: 219

		FND_MSG_PUB.ADD_EXC_MSG( G_PKG_NAME, 'update_txl_asset_Def_pub');
Line: 223

  END update_txl_asset_Def;
Line: 234

  PROCEDURE update_txl_asset_Def(
    p_api_version                  IN NUMBER,
    p_init_msg_list                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKC_API.G_FALSE,
    x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    p_tlpv_tbl                     IN tlpv_tbl_type,
    x_tlpv_tbl                     OUT NOCOPY tlpv_tbl_type) IS
    i                              NUMBER := 0;
Line: 249

        update_txl_asset_Def(p_api_version   => p_api_version,
                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
                             x_return_status => l_return_status,
                             x_msg_count     => x_msg_count,
                             x_msg_data      => x_msg_data,
                             p_tlpv_rec      => p_tlpv_tbl(i),
                             x_tlpv_rec      => x_tlpv_tbl(i));
Line: 274

    ROLLBACK  TO update_txl_asset_Def_pub;
Line: 279

    ROLLBACK  TO update_txl_asset_Def_pub;
Line: 284

    ROLLBACK  TO update_txl_asset_Def_pub;
Line: 286

    FND_MSG_PUB.ADD_EXC_MSG(G_PKG_NAME, 'update_txl_asset_Def_pub');
Line: 290

  END update_txl_asset_Def;
Line: 301

  PROCEDURE delete_txl_asset_Def(p_api_version   IN         NUMBER,
                                 p_init_msg_list IN         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKC_API.G_FALSE,
                                 x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                                 x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                                 x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                                 p_tlpv_rec      IN         tlpv_rec_type) IS

    l_tlpv_rec                           tlpv_rec_type;
Line: 310

    l_api_name                  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'DELETE_TXL_ASSET_LINES';
Line: 313

    savepoint delete_txl_asset_Def_pub;
Line: 332

    OKL_TXL_ASSETS_PVT.delete_txl_asset_def(p_api_version   => p_api_version,
                                            p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
                                            x_return_status => l_return_status,
                                            x_msg_count     => x_msg_count,
                                            x_msg_data      => x_msg_data,
                                            p_talv_rec      => l_tlpv_rec);
Line: 349

		ROLLBACK  TO delete_txl_asset_Def_pub;
Line: 354

		ROLLBACK  TO delete_txl_asset_Def_pub;
Line: 359

		ROLLBACK  TO delete_txl_asset_Def_pub;
Line: 361

		FND_MSG_PUB.ADD_EXC_MSG( G_PKG_NAME, 'delete_txl_asset_Def_pub');
Line: 365

  END delete_txl_asset_Def;
Line: 376

  PROCEDURE delete_txl_asset_Def(
    p_api_version                  IN NUMBER,
    p_init_msg_list                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKC_API.G_FALSE,
    x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    p_tlpv_tbl                     IN tlpv_tbl_type) IS
    i                              NUMBER := 0;
Line: 390

        delete_txl_asset_Def(p_api_version   => p_api_version,
                             p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list,
                             x_return_status => l_return_status,
                             x_msg_count     => x_msg_count,
                             x_msg_data      => x_msg_data,
                             p_tlpv_rec      => p_tlpv_tbl(i));
Line: 414

    ROLLBACK  TO delete_txl_asset_Def_pub;
Line: 419

    ROLLBACK  TO delete_txl_asset_Def_pub;
Line: 424

    ROLLBACK  TO delete_txl_asset_Def_pub;
Line: 426

    FND_MSG_PUB.ADD_EXC_MSG(G_PKG_NAME, 'delete_txl_asset_Def_pub');
Line: 430

  END delete_txl_asset_Def;