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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 4

	 and updates the changes in the system.
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- The main update.
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
l_last_name varchar2(35);
Line: 58

l_updated_flag boolean := false;
Line: 77

select 'Y' into l_exists from dual where regexp_like(trim(p_correlation_ids),'[,]*\s*'||f_correlation_id|| '$') OR
regexp_like(trim(p_correlation_ids),',\s*' || f_correlation_id || '\s*,')  OR regexp_like(trim(p_correlation_ids),'^' || f_correlation_id || '\s*[,]*') ;
Line: 90

select 1 from hr_organization_information where organization_id = p_business_group
and org_information1 = l_employer_paye_ref
and org_information_context = 'Tax Details References';
Line: 105

function update_extra_information(
f_person_id number,
f_nino_verifed varchar2 default 'No',
f_date_of_issue date default null,
f_nvrep_status varchar2 default null,
f_nino_ver_type varchar2 default null,
f_correlation_id varchar default null
) return number is
l_extra_info_id number := null;
Line: 118

select PERSON_EXTRA_INFO_ID,object_version_number,pei_information1, pei_information5
	from per_people_extra_info where PERSON_ID = f_person_id
	and pei_information_category = 'RTI_NINO';
Line: 122

fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Entering ' ||l_package_name || '.update_extra_information');
Line: 124

/*select PERSON_EXTRA_INFO_ID,object_version_number,pei_information1, pei_information5 into
			l_extra_info_id, l_object_version_number, l_nino_verified_flag,l_correlation_id
	from per_people_extra_info where PERSON_ID = f_person_id
	and pei_information_category = 'RTI_NINO';
Line: 142

			-- Update the extra info using update API only when the RTI Verified is not already verified
			if l_nino_verified_flag is null OR l_nino_verified_flag = 'No'  then
					/* Process the employee if
							1. Correlation id on the reply file matches the correlation id stamped on the employee.
							2. Correlation id is null in reply file due to notification from EAS/FPS and no correlation id is stamped on employee.
					if nvl(l_correlation_id,' ')  = nvl(f_correlation_id,' ') then
							fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Updating the person EIT record');
Line: 150

								p_person_extra_info_id => l_extra_info_id,
								p_pei_information_category => 'RTI_NINO',
								p_pei_information1 => f_nino_verifed,
								p_pei_information2 => fnd_date.date_to_canonical(f_date_of_issue),
								p_pei_information3 => f_nvrep_status,
								p_pei_information4 => f_nino_ver_type,
								p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
Line: 176

							'> - please check and update NI number manually or enter the correlation ID on employee record that was received from NVREQ acknowledgement and re-run process.';
Line: 195

elsif f_correlation_id is null then  -- insert a new record, this should happen for only Notification status where correlation id is empty.
-- insert a new record.
			fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Inserting the person EIT record');
Line: 217

			'> - please check and update NI number manually or enter the correlation ID on employee record that was received from NVREQ acknowledgement and re-run process';
Line: 220

fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Leaving ' ||l_package_name || '.update_extra_information');
Line: 229

end update_extra_information;
Line: 231

function update_emp_record(
p_person_id  number,
			p_start_date date ,
				p_end_date date,
				p_nino_to_use varchar2,
				p_date_issued date ,
				p_msg_ident varchar2,
				p_nino_reply_type varchar2,
				p_object_version_number  number,
				p_employee_number  varchar2,
				p_recent_start_date  date,
				p_correlation_id varchar2
) return boolean is
p_effective_start_date               date;
Line: 251

l_datetrack_update_mode    varchar2(25);
Line: 254

select count(*) from
per_all_people_f pap where
pap.person_id = p_person_id
and pap.effective_start_date >= p_recent_start_date
and pap.effective_start_date > p_date_issued;
Line: 262

select pap.employee_number,pap.object_version_number, pap.effective_start_date from
per_all_people_f pap where
pap.person_id = p_person_id
and pap.effective_start_date >= p_recent_start_date
and pap.effective_start_date > decode(c_ignore_date, 'Y', pap.effective_start_date-1,p_date_issued)
order by 3;
Line: 268

l_update_status number;
Line: 271

fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Entering ' || l_package_name || '.update_emp_record');
Line: 294

l_update_status := update_extra_information(
f_person_id => p_person_id,
f_nvrep_status =>p_msg_ident,
f_nino_ver_type => p_nino_reply_type,
f_correlation_id => p_correlation_id);
Line: 300

if l_update_status <> -1 then
-- Make the NI Number Null for all the records.
for emp_rec in csr_future_records('Y')
l_obj_version := emp_rec.object_version_number;
Line: 306

   p_effective_date     =>emp_rec.effective_start_date
  ,p_datetrack_update_mode    => 'CORRECTION'
  ,p_person_id                    =>p_person_id
  ,p_national_identifier => null
  ,p_object_version_number       => l_obj_version
  ,p_employee_number =>l_employee_number
  ,p_effective_end_date =>p_effective_end_date
  ,p_full_name     =>p_full_name
  ,p_comment_id      =>p_comment_id
  ,p_name_combination_warning       =>p_name_combination_warning
  ,p_assign_payroll_warning          =>p_assign_payroll_warning
  ,p_orig_hire_warning        =>p_orig_hire_warning
Line: 326

l_update_status := update_extra_information(
f_person_id => p_person_id,
f_nino_verifed => 'Yes - HMRC',
f_date_of_issue => p_date_issued,
f_nvrep_status =>p_msg_ident,
f_nino_ver_type => p_nino_reply_type,
f_correlation_id => p_correlation_id);
Line: 333

if l_update_status <> -1 then
-- update the NI Number in correction mode
for emp_rec in csr_future_records('Y')
l_obj_version := emp_rec.object_version_number;
Line: 339

hr_person_api.update_person  (
   p_effective_date     =>emp_rec.effective_start_date
  ,p_datetrack_update_mode    => 'CORRECTION'
  ,p_person_id                    =>p_person_id
  ,p_national_identifier => p_nino_to_use
  ,p_object_version_number       => l_obj_version
  ,p_employee_number =>l_employee_number
  ,p_effective_end_date =>p_effective_end_date
  ,p_full_name     =>p_full_name
  ,p_comment_id      =>p_comment_id
  ,p_name_combination_warning       =>p_name_combination_warning
  ,p_assign_payroll_warning          =>p_assign_payroll_warning
  ,p_orig_hire_warning        =>p_orig_hire_warning
Line: 359

l_update_status := update_extra_information(
f_person_id => p_person_id,
f_nino_verifed => 'Yes - HMRC',
f_date_of_issue => p_date_issued,
f_nvrep_status =>p_msg_ident,
f_nino_ver_type => p_nino_reply_type,
f_correlation_id => p_correlation_id);
Line: 370

l_update_status := update_extra_information(
f_person_id => p_person_id,
f_nino_verifed => 'Yes - HMRC',
f_date_of_issue => p_date_issued,
f_nvrep_status =>p_msg_ident,
f_nino_ver_type => p_nino_reply_type,
f_correlation_id => p_correlation_id);
Line: 377

fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Update Status = ' || to_char(l_update_status));
Line: 378

if l_update_status <> -1 then
--update the Employee NI Number record in update_change_insert mode.
l_obj_version := p_object_version_number;
Line: 385

l_datetrack_update_mode := 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT';
Line: 387

l_datetrack_update_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 392

fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'l_datetrack_update_mode' || l_datetrack_update_mode);
Line: 393

hr_person_api.update_person (
   p_effective_date     =>p_date_issued
  ,p_datetrack_update_mode    => l_datetrack_update_mode
  ,p_person_id                    =>p_person_id
  ,p_national_identifier => p_nino_to_use
  ,p_object_version_number       => l_obj_version
  ,p_employee_number =>  l_emp_number
  ,p_effective_end_date =>p_effective_end_date
  ,p_full_name     =>p_full_name
  ,p_comment_id      =>p_comment_id
  ,p_name_combination_warning       =>p_name_combination_warning
  ,p_assign_payroll_warning          =>p_assign_payroll_warning
  ,p_orig_hire_warning        =>p_orig_hire_warning
Line: 413

hr_person_api.update_person  (
   p_effective_date     =>emp_rec.effective_start_date
  ,p_datetrack_update_mode    => 'CORRECTION'
  ,p_person_id                    =>p_person_id
  ,p_national_identifier => p_nino_to_use
  ,p_object_version_number       => l_obj_version
  ,p_employee_number =>l_employee_number
  ,p_effective_end_date =>p_effective_end_date
  ,p_full_name     =>p_full_name
  ,p_comment_id      =>p_comment_id
  ,p_name_combination_warning       =>p_name_combination_warning
  ,p_assign_payroll_warning          =>p_assign_payroll_warning
  ,p_orig_hire_warning        =>p_orig_hire_warning
Line: 428

fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Updated future record for person_id = ' ||to_char(p_person_id));
Line: 438

l_update_status := update_extra_information(
f_person_id => p_person_id,
f_nvrep_status =>p_msg_ident,
f_nino_ver_type => p_nino_reply_type);
Line: 443

fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Update Status before leaving= ' || to_char(l_update_status));
Line: 444

fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Leaving ' || l_package_name || '.update_emp_record');
Line: 445

if l_update_status <> -1 then
return true;
Line: 450

end update_emp_record;
Line: 468

select pap.person_id,pap.start_date, pap.effective_end_date,
pap.employee_number, pap.object_version_number from
per_all_people_f pap where
pap.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
and nvl(pap.national_identifier,'1') = nvl(p_nino_provided,'1')
and trim(upper(pap.last_name)) = trim(upper(p_last_name))
and trim(upper(pap.first_name)) = trim(upper(p_first_name))
--and trim(upper(pap.employee_number)) = trim(upper(p_payroll_id))
and p_date_issued between pap.effective_start_date and pap.effective_end_date
and pap.current_employee_flag = 'Y' -- NINO Should not uplaoded for terminated employee
-- Payroll id if present should match with one of the payroll id of the assignments for this person
and ( p_payroll_id is null
     exists (
              select 1 from per_all_assignments_f paaf ,
              per_assignment_extra_info paei where
              paaf.person_id = pap.person_id
              and p_date_issued between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
              and paaf.assignment_id = paei.assignment_id
              and paei.AEI_INFORMATION3 = p_payroll_id
order by 2,3;
Line: 508

select max(date_start) into p_recent_start_date from per_periods_of_service where person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 548

		report_output_success(success) := 'The following employees have been updated with NINO received: ';
Line: 682

			-- Update the records of the employees found .
			if (l_person_id is not null) then
						fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'Employee found for NI Number ' || l_nino_provided);
Line: 691

      				l_updated_flag := update_emp_record(
							p_person_id =>l_person_id,
							p_start_date =>l_start_date,
							p_end_date =>l_end_date,
							p_nino_to_use =>l_nino_to_use,
							p_date_issued =>to_date(l_date_issued,l_date_issued_format),
							p_msg_ident =>l_msg_ident,
							p_nino_reply_type =>l_nino_reply_type,
							p_object_version_number =>l_obj_ver,
							p_employee_number =>l_emp_number,
							p_recent_start_date	=>l_recent_start_date,
							p_correlation_id => l_correlation_id
Line: 704

							if l_updated_flag then
									l_processed_success := l_processed_success + 1;
Line: 709

										l_updated_flag := false;
Line: 770

fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'Warning: File requested for processing is a test file. Process will not update records.');
Line: 804

fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG,'No Of employees updated with NINO: ' || to_char(l_processed_success));