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1 PACKAGE gl_euro_user_rate_api AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: glusteus.pls 120.3 2005/05/05 01:44:50 kvora ship $ */
3 --
4 -- Package
5 --   gl_euro_user_rate_api
6 --
7 -- Purpose
8 --
9 --   This package will provide PL/SQL APIs for the following purposes:
10 --   o Determine if the customer is allowed to directly enter EMU -> OTHER
11 --     and OTHER -> EMU rates
12 --   o Determine if the current conversion type is User, the customer is not
13 --     allowed to directly enter EMU -> OTHER and OTHER -> EMU rates, and this
14 --     is such a situation
15 --   o Get the prompts to be used from EURO -> OTHER (or OTHER -> EURO),
16 --     EURO -> EMU, and EMU -> OTHER (or OTHER -> EMU) and the rate
17 --     from EURO -> EMU
18 --
19 -- History
20 --   20-MAY-99 	D J Ogg		Created
21 --
23   --
24   -- User defined exceptions for gl_euro_user_rate_api:
25   -- o INVALID_CURRENCY - One of the two currencies is invalid.
29   --
30   -- Function
31   --   allow_direct_entry
32   --
33   -- Purpose
34   -- 	Returns 'Y' if the customer is allowed to directly enter EMU -> OTHER
35   --                and OTHER -> EMU rates
36   --            'N' otherwise.
37   --
38   -- History
39   --   20-MAY-99  D J Ogg 	Created
40   --
41   -- Arguments
42   --   * None *
43   FUNCTION allow_direct_entry  RETURN VARCHAR2;
45   --
46   -- Procedure
47   --   is_cross_rate
48   --
49   -- Purpose
50   -- 	Returns 'Y' if the current conversion type is User AND
51   --                they are converting from EMU -> OTHER or OTHER -> EMU AND
52   --                they are not allowed to enter EMU -> OTHER and
53   --                OTHER -> EMU rates directly
54   --    Returns 'N' Otherwise
55   --
56   -- History
57   --   20-MAY-99  D J Ogg 	Created
58   --
59   -- Arguments
60   --   x_from_currency		From currency
61   --   x_to_currency 		To currency
62   --   x_conversion_date	Conversion date
63   --   x_conversion_type        Conversion Type
64   --
65   FUNCTION is_cross_rate(
66 		x_from_currency			VARCHAR2,
67 		x_to_currency			VARCHAR2,
68 		x_conversion_date		DATE,
69                 x_conversion_type               VARCHAR2 ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
71   --
72   -- Procedure
73   --   get_prompts_and_rate
74   --
75   -- Purpose
76   -- 	Returns the prompts to use for EURO -> OTHER (or OTHER -> EURO),
77   --    EURO -> EMU, and EMU -> OTHER (or OTHER -> EMU) and the
78   --    rate from EURO -> EMU
79   --
80   -- History
81   --   20-MAY-99  D J Ogg 	Created
82   --
83   -- Arguments
84   --   x_from_currency		From currency
85   --   x_to_currency 		To currency
86   --   x_conversion_date	Conversion date
87   --   x_euro_to_other_prompt   EURO -> OTHER prompt
88   --   x_euro_to_emu_prompt     EURO -> EMU prompt
89   --   x_emu_to_other_prompt    EMU -> OTHER prompt
90   --   x_euro_to_emu_rate       EURO -> EMU rate
91   --
92   PROCEDURE get_prompts_and_rate(
93 		x_from_currency			       VARCHAR2,
94 		x_to_currency			       VARCHAR2,
95 		x_conversion_date		       DATE,
96                 x_euro_to_other_prompt          IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
97                 x_euro_to_emu_prompt            IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
98                 x_emu_to_other_prompt           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
99                 x_euro_to_emu_rate              IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER );
101   --
102   -- Procedure
103   --   get_cross_rate
104   --
105   -- Purpose
106   -- 	Given the EURO -> OTHER or OTHER -> EURO rate the user has entered
107   --    and the EURO -> EMU rate, returns the EMU -> OTHER or OTHER -> EMU
108   --    rate
109   --
110   -- History
111   --   20-MAY-99  D J Ogg 	Created
112   --
113   -- Arguments
114   --   x_from_currency		From currency
115   --   x_to_currency 		To currency
116   --   x_conversion_date        Conversion date
117   --   x_euro_to_other_rate     EURO -> OTHER or OTHER -> EURO rate
118   --   x_euro_to_emu_rate       EURO -> EMU rate
119   --
120   FUNCTION get_cross_rate(
121 		x_from_currency			VARCHAR2,
122 		x_to_currency			VARCHAR2,
123                 x_conversion_date               DATE,
124                 x_euro_to_other_rate            NUMBER,
125                 x_euro_to_emu_rate              NUMBER ) RETURN NUMBER;
127  END gl_euro_user_rate_api;