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APPS.PAY_US_PR_W2 SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 57

     03-Jan-2011 skchalla 115.21 10287981 Modified  employee_data(),employee_header() and  insert_pr_w2_totals()
                                          to Include New field Hire act wages  (Y/N)
																 10435466 Modified  employee_data(),employee_header() and  insert_pr_w2_totals()
                                          to Include New field to dsplay the Hire act wages
     11-Jan-2011 skchalla 115.23 10435466 Modified  employee_data() and resolved issue with the EE address line 3
     03-Jan-2011 sgotlasw 115.24 13462230 Modified  employee_data(),employee_header() and  insert_pr_w2_totals()
                                          to Include PR W2 Charitable Contributions, PR W2 Contr To Save and Double Money,
                                          W2 Health Coverage.
     21-Nov-2012 Pkoduri 115.25 15874201  Corrected the Employee Address line 1 and 2 to display 40 Chars on register.


  ** Local Package Variables
  gv_title               VARCHAR2(100) := 'W-3 PR Transmittal of Withholding Statements';
Line: 746

PROCEDURE insert_pr_w2_totals(errbuf        OUT nocopy    VARCHAR2,
                       retcode              OUT nocopy    NUMBER,
                       p_seq_num            IN      VARCHAR2,
                       p_report_type        IN      VARCHAR2) is

     cursor c_er_total (c_seq_num in VARCHAR2,p_report_type in VARCHAR2) is
            attribute8 er_name,
            attribute9 ein,
            attribute11 er_addr_line_1,
            attribute12 er_addr_line_2,
            attribute13 er_addr_line_3,
            attribute14 er_addr_city,
            attribute15 er_addr_state,
            attribute16 er_addr_zip,
            attribute17 er_phone,
            attribute10 year,
            sum(value1) pension,
            sum(value2) wages,
            sum(value3) commissions,
            sum(value4) allowances,
            sum(value5) tips,
            sum(value6) total,
            sum(value7) reimb,
            sum(value8) tax,
            sum(value9) ret_fund,
            sum(value10) coda,
            sum(value11) ss_wages,
            sum(value12) ss_tax,
            sum(value13) med_wages,
            sum(value14) med_tax,
            sum(value15) ss_tips,
            sum(value16) ss_tax_on_tips,
            sum(value17) med_tax_on_tips,
						sum(value18) hire_act_wages, --10435466
						sum(value19) w2_charitable_contributions, --13462230
						sum(value20) w2_save_and_double_money, --13462230
						sum(value21) w2_health_coverage --13462230
     FROM   pay_us_rpt_totals
     WHERE  attribute2 = p_report_type
     AND   session_id = to_number(p_seq_num)
     GROUP BY attribute8,attribute9, attribute11,attribute12,attribute13,attribute14,attribute15,attribute16,attribute17,attribute10;
Line: 791

            attribute8 er_name,
            attribute9 ein,
            attribute11 er_addr_line_1,
            attribute12 er_addr_line_2,
            attribute13 er_addr_line_3,
            attribute14 er_addr_city,
            attribute15 er_addr_state,
            attribute16 er_addr_zip,
            attribute17 er_phone,
            attribute10 year,
            attribute3 ee_name,
            attribute4 ee_last_name,
            attribute18 ee_addr_line_1,
            attribute19 ee_addr_line_2,
            attribute20 ee_addr_line_3,
            attribute21 ee_addr_city,
            attribute22 ee_addr_state,
            attribute23 ee_addr_zip,
            attribute24 ee_addr_country,
            attribute25 ee_number,
            attribute26 ee_wc,
            attribute27 ee_loc,
						attribute28 ee_hire_act,--10287981
            attribute5 ssn, --Change 5855662
            attribute6 status,
            attribute7 spouse_ssn,
            value1 pension,
            value2 wages,
            value3 commissions,
            value4 allowances,
            value5 tips,
            value6 total,
            value7 reimb,
            value8 tax,
            value9 ret_fund,
            value10 coda,
            value11 ss_wages,
            value12 ss_tax,
            value13 med_wages,
            value14 med_tax,
            value15 ss_tips,
            value16 ss_tax_on_tips,
            value17 med_tax_on_tips,
						value18 hire_act_wages, --10435466
						value19 w2_charitable_contributions, --13462230
						value20 w2_save_and_double_money, --13462230
						value21 w2_health_coverage --13462230
     FROM   pay_us_rpt_totals
     WHERE  attribute2 = p_report_type
     AND    session_id = to_number(p_seq_num);
Line: 921

     /* Modified report to insert records with
        report_type of 'PRW2REGISTER' for employee
        detail and we can have the Total as a SUM
        from the detail records. So now we are not
        inserting seperate SUM and hence passing the
        report type of 'PRW2REGISTER'

         i := 0;
Line: 1176

           select count(*)
           into ln_count
           FROM pay_us_rpt_totals
           WHERE attribute2 = 'PRW2REGISTER'
           AND session_id = to_number(p_seq_num);
Line: 1184

           DELETE from pay_us_rpt_totals
           WHERE attribute2 = 'PRW2REGISTER'
           AND session_id = to_number(p_seq_num);
Line: 1370

           select count(*)
           into ln_count
           FROM pay_us_rpt_totals
           WHERE attribute2 = p_report_type
           AND session_id = to_number(p_seq_num);
Line: 1378

           DELETE FROM pay_us_rpt_totals
           WHERE attribute2 = p_report_type
           AND session_id = to_number(p_seq_num);