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1 package body pay_sg_awcap_archive as
2 /* $Header: pysgawcp.pkb 120.11 2012/01/19 11:25:23 rpahune noship $ */
3       -------------------------------------------------------------------
4       -- Package Level Global Variables
5       -------------------------------------------------------------------
6       l_package varchar2(100) ;
7       g_debug   boolean;
8       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
9       -- Record with payroll action details populated in Initialization_code
10       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11       type t_pact is record (
12             report_type             pay_payroll_actions.report_type%TYPE,
13             report_qualifier        pay_payroll_actions.report_qualifier%TYPE,
14             report_category         pay_payroll_actions.report_category%TYPE,
15             business_group_id       number,
16             effective_date          date,
17             retain_archive_data     char(1),
18             person_id               per_people_f.person_id%type,
19             basis_year              varchar2(4),
20             legal_entity_id         number ,
21             Start_date              date ,
22             End_date                date );
23       --
24       g_pact                  t_pact;
25       --
26       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
27       --Table to store employee details
28       ----------------------------------------------------------------------
29       type emp_details_store_rec is record (
30             employee_name     per_all_people_f.per_information1%type ,
31             employee_number   per_all_people_f.employee_number%type ,
32             cpf_number        per_all_people_f.per_information14%type,
33             person_id         per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
34             telephone_number  per_addresses.telephone_number_1%type) ;
35       --
36       emp_details_rec emp_details_store_rec;
37       --
38       -----------------------------------------------------
39       -- Table to store Defined Balance details
40       -----------------------------------------------------
41       type t_def_bal_tbl is table of pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%type;
42       g_ytd_def_bal_tbl      t_def_bal_tbl;
43       g_mtd_def_bal_tbl      t_def_bal_tbl;
44       --
45       type t_bal_name_tbl is table of pay_balance_types.balance_name%type;
46       g_bal_name_tbl         t_bal_name_tbl;
47       -------------------------------------------------------------------
48       -- YTD balances Archival Variables
49       -------------------------------------------------------------------
50       type ytd_balance_store_rec is record ( balance_name   varchar2(60),
51                                              balance_value  number );
52       type ytd_balance_tab is table of ytd_balance_store_rec index by binary_integer;
53       ytd_balance_rec  ytd_balance_tab;
54       -------------------------------------------------------------------
55       -- MTD balances Archival Variables
56       -------------------------------------------------------------------
57       type mtd_balance_store_rec is record (  date_earned    varchar2(20),
58                                               balance_value  number );
59       type mtd_balance_tab is table of mtd_balance_store_rec index by binary_integer;
60       mtd_balance_rec  mtd_balance_tab;
61       --------------------------------------------------------------------
62       -- These are PUBLIC procedures are required by the Archive process.
63       -- Their names are stored in PAY_REPORT_FORMAT_MAPPINGS_F so that
64       -- the archive process knows what code to execute for each step of
65       -- the archive.
66       --------------------------------------------------------------------
67       procedure range_code
68           ( p_payroll_action_id  in   pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
69             p_sql                out  nocopy varchar2)
70       is
71          l_proc_name varchar2(100);
72          c_range_cursor  constant varchar2(3000) :=
73                                    ' select   distinct pap.person_id
74                                        from   pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
75                                               per_people_f           pap
76                                       where   ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
77                                         and   pap.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
78                                       order by pap.person_id ' ;
79       begin
80            l_proc_name := l_package || 'range_code';
81            if  g_debug then
82                   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' Start of procedure',10);
83            end if;
84            p_sql := c_range_cursor ;
85            if  g_debug then
86                   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' End of procedure',20);
87            end if;
88       end range_code ;
89       ------------------------------------------------------------
90       -- Assignment Action Code
91       ------------------------------------------------------------
92       procedure assignment_action_code
93           ( p_payroll_action_id  in  pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
94             p_start_person_id    in  per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
95             p_end_person_id      in  per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
96             p_chunk              in  number )
97       is
98           l_proc_name varchar2(100) ;
99           l_next_action_id  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type;
100           --
101 	  cursor  c_assact
102               is
103           select  max(paa.assignment_id)  assignment_id
104             from  pay_payroll_actions     rppa,
105 		  pay_assignment_actions  rpac,
106 		  per_assignments_f       paa
107           where  paa.person_id          between p_start_person_id
108                                              and p_end_person_id
109              and  rppa.business_group_id = g_pact.business_group_id
110              and  rppa.effective_date    between g_pact.start_date
111                                              and g_pact.end_date
112              and  rppa.action_type       in ('R','B','I','Q','V')
113              and  rpac.action_status     = 'C'
114              and  rppa.payroll_action_id = rpac.payroll_action_id
115              and  rpac.tax_unit_id       = g_pact.legal_entity_id
116              and  rpac.assignment_id     = paa.assignment_id
117              and  rppa.effective_date    between paa.effective_start_date
118                                              and paa.effective_end_date
119              and  paa.person_id + 0      = nvl(g_pact.person_id,paa.person_id)
120 	     group by paa.person_id;
121             --
122           cursor  next_action_id
123               is
124           select  pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
125             from  dual;
126            --
127       begin
128           l_proc_name   := l_package || 'assignment_action_code';
129           pay_sg_awcap_archive.initialization_code(p_payroll_action_id) ;
130           --
131           if g_debug then
132                hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' Start of assignment_action_code',30);
133           end if;
134           --
135           for i in c_assact
136           loop
137                 open   next_action_id;
138                 fetch  next_action_id into l_next_action_id;
139                 close  next_action_id;
140                 --
141 		if g_debug then
142                      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name|| ' Before calling hr_nonrun_asact.insact',10);
143                 end if;
144                 --
145                 hr_nonrun_asact.insact( l_next_action_id,
146                                         i.assignment_id,
147                                         p_payroll_action_id,
148                                         p_chunk,
149                                         g_pact.legal_entity_id);
150                 --
151                 if  g_debug then
152                       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' After calling hr_nonrun_asact.insact',20);
153                 end if;
154                 --
155           end loop;
156           --
157           if  g_debug then
158                  hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name|| ' End of assignment_action_code',30);
159           end if;
160       exception
161           when others then
162                 if  g_debug then
163                        hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' Error raised in assignment_action_code procedure',40);
164                 end if;
165                 raise;
166       end assignment_action_code ;
167       --
168       ------------------------------------------------------------
169       -- Initialization Code
170       ------------------------------------------------------------
171       --
172       procedure initialization_code
173           ( p_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type )
174       is
175           l_proc_name varchar2(100) ;
176       begin
177            l_proc_name  := l_package || 'initialization_code';
179            g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
180            --
181            if  g_debug then
182                   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' Start of procedure',10);
183            end if;
184            --
185            if g_pact.report_type is null then
186                   select  ppa.report_type,
187                           ppa.report_qualifier,
188                           ppa.report_category,
189                           ppa.business_group_id,
190                           ppa.effective_date,
191                           pay_core_utils.get_parameter('RETAIN_ARCHIVE_DATA',legislative_parameters),
192   		          pay_core_utils.get_parameter('PERSON_ID',legislative_parameters),
193                           to_number(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BASIS_YEAR',legislative_parameters)),
194 			  to_number(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('LEGAL_ENTITY_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters)) legal_entity_id,
195                           to_date('01-01-'||pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BASIS_YEAR',legislative_parameters),'DD-MM-YYYY'),
196                           to_date('31-12-'|| pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BASIS_YEAR',legislative_parameters),'DD-MM-YYYY')
197                           into  g_pact
198                     from  pay_payroll_actions ppa
199                    where  ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
200            end if ;
201            --
202            if  g_debug then
203                   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' End of procedure',20);
204            end if;
205       exception
206            when others then
207                  if  g_debug then
208                       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' Error in procedure',100);
209                  end if;
210                  raise;
211       end initialization_code;
212       ------------------------------------------------------------
213       -- Archive Code
214       ------------------------------------------------------------
215       procedure archive_code
216            ( p_assignment_action_id  in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type,
217              p_effective_date        in date)
218       is
220            l_proc_name             varchar2(100) ;
221 	   --
222            l_assignment_id         per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type;
223            l_payroll_id            pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type ;
224            --------------------------
225 	   -- Tables for pay_balance_pkg
226 	   --------------------------
227            g_balance_value_tab     pay_balance_pkg.t_balance_value_tab;
228            g_context_tab           pay_balance_pkg.t_context_tab;
229            g_detailed_bal_out_tab  pay_balance_pkg.t_detailed_bal_out_tab;
230 	   --
231            l_asg_act_id            pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type;
232            l_person_id             per_all_people_f.person_id%type;
233            l_cpf_tot_earn_cap_amt  ff_globals_f.global_value%type;
234            l_aw_toward_cap         number;
235            l_aw_cap_recalculated   number;
236            l_master_block          char(1);
237            l_over_paid_flag        char(1);
238            l_date_earned           date;
239            --
240            cursor  c_get_details
241             is
242            select  pac.assignment_id,
243                    pps.person_id,
244                    pps.final_process_date
245            from    pay_assignment_actions pac,
246 	           per_assignments_f      paa,
247 	           per_periods_of_service pps
248            where   pac.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
249              and   paa.assignment_id        = pac.assignment_id
250   	     and   pps.person_id            = paa.person_id
251    	   order by pps.date_start desc;
252            --
253            cursor c_employee_details
254 	           (c_person_id   per_people_f.person_id%type)
255                is
256            select  substr(pap.per_information1,1,50)  legal_name,                 --Legal Name
257                    pap.employee_number                employee_number,            --Employee Number
258                    nvl(pap.per_information14,pap.national_identifier) cpf_number, --CPF Number/National Identifier
259                    pap.person_id                      person_id,                  --Person ID
260                    nvl(addr.telephone_number_1,nvl(addr.telephone_number_2,addr.telephone_number_3)) telephone_number
261              from  per_people_f            pap,
262                    per_addresses           addr
263             where  pap.person_id              = c_person_id
264               and  addr.person_id          (+)= pap.person_id
265               and  addr.primary_flag       (+)= 'Y'
266               and  pap.effective_start_date = (
267                        select  max(people1.effective_start_date)
268                        from    per_people_f people1
269                        where   people1.person_id = pap.person_id);
270             --
271            cursor  month_year_action_sequence ( c_person_id          per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
272                                                 c_business_group_id  hr_organization_units.business_group_id%type,
273                                                 c_legal_entity_id    pay_assignment_actions.tax_unit_id%type,
274                                                 c_basis_year         varchar2 )
275            is
276            select  /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(pacmax) */
277                    max(pacmax.action_sequence) act_seq,
278                    to_char(ppamax.effective_date,'MM')
279              from  per_assignments_f paamax,
280                    pay_assignment_actions pacmax,
281                    pay_payroll_actions ppamax
282             where  ppamax.business_group_id   = c_business_group_id
283               and  pacmax.tax_unit_id         = c_legal_entity_id
284               and  paamax.person_id           = c_person_id
285               and  paamax.assignment_id       = pacmax.assignment_id
286               and  ppamax.payroll_action_id   = pacmax.payroll_action_id
287               and  ppamax.effective_date between g_pact.start_date
288                                              and g_pact.end_date
289               and  ppamax.action_type in ('R','B','I','Q','V')
290             group by  to_char(ppamax.effective_date,'MM')
291             order by  to_char(ppamax.effective_date,'MM') desc;
292             --
293    	   cursor  month_year_action ( c_person_id          per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
294                                        c_business_group_id  hr_organization_units.business_group_id%type,
295                                        c_legal_entity_id    pay_assignment_actions.tax_unit_id%type,
296                                        c_basis_year         varchar2,
297                                        c_action_sequence    pay_assignment_actions.action_sequence%type )
298            is
299            select  /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(pac) */
300                    pac.assignment_action_id assact_id,
301                    decode(ppa.action_type,'V',ppa.effective_date,ppa.date_earned) date_earned,
302                    pac.tax_unit_id tax_uid
303              from  per_assignments_f paa,
304                    pay_assignment_actions pac,
305 		   pay_payroll_actions ppa
306             where  ppa.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
307               and  pac.tax_unit_id       = c_legal_entity_id
308               and  paa.person_id         = c_person_id
309               and  paa.assignment_id     = pac.assignment_id
310               and  ppa.effective_date    between g_pact.start_date
311                                          and g_pact.end_date
312               and  ppa.payroll_action_id = pac.payroll_action_id
313               and  pac.action_sequence   = c_action_sequence;
314             --
315            cursor c_globals(c_effective_date ff_globals_f.effective_start_date%type)
316            is
317            select  global_value
318              from  ff_globals_f
319             where  global_name = 'CPF_TOT_EARN_CAP_AMT'
320               and  c_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date ;
321             --
322            month_year_action_sequence_rec  month_year_action_sequence%rowtype;
323            month_year_action_rec           month_year_action%rowtype;
324            --
325    begin
326          l_proc_name              := l_package || 'archive_code';
328          l_aw_toward_cap          := 0;
329          l_aw_cap_recalculated    := 0;
330          l_master_block           := 'Y';
331          l_over_paid_flag         := 'N';
333          if  g_debug then
334                 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' Start of archive_code',10);
335          end if;
336          open   c_get_details ;
337          fetch  c_get_details  into l_assignment_id,l_person_id,l_date_earned;
338          close  c_get_details ;
339          ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
340          --Storing minimum of final process date and end of the basis year .
341          ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
342          l_date_earned := least(nvl(l_date_earned,to_date('31-12-4712','dd-mm-yyyy')),g_pact.end_date);
343          --
344          --------------------------------------------------------
345          -- Fetch the value for the global 'CPF_TOT_EARN_CAP_AMT'
346          -- Bug 13247242, use the latest payroll process date to fetch the
347          -- value for the global 'CPF_TOT_EARN_CAP_AMT', instead of using
348          -- sysdate
349          --------------------------------------------------------
350          open   c_globals(l_date_earned);
351          fetch  c_globals into l_cpf_tot_earn_cap_amt ;
352          close  c_globals;
353          --
354          open month_year_action_sequence( l_person_id,
355                                           g_pact.business_group_id,
356                                           g_pact.legal_entity_id,
357                                           g_pact.basis_year );
358          loop
359                fetch month_year_action_sequence into month_year_action_sequence_rec;
360                exit when month_year_action_sequence%notfound;
361                --
362                open month_year_action( l_person_id,
363                                        g_pact.business_group_id,
364                                        g_pact.legal_entity_id,
365                                        g_pact.basis_year,
366                                        month_year_action_sequence_rec.act_seq );
367                --
368                fetch month_year_action into month_year_action_rec;
369                if month_year_action%found then
370                --
371                         if l_master_block = 'Y' then
373                              ----------------------------------------------------
374 	                     -- Populating emp_details_rec with Employee Details
375                              -----------------------------------------------------
377                              open   c_employee_details(l_person_id);
378                              fetch  c_employee_details into emp_details_rec;
379                              close  c_employee_details;
380                              --
381                              --------------------------------------------------------------------------
382                              -- Populating g_balance_value_tab with defined balance ids and
383                              -- g_context_tab with tax unit id.
384                              --------------------------------------------------------------------------
385                              --
386                              for counter in 1..g_ytd_def_bal_tbl.count
387                              loop
388                                    g_balance_value_tab(counter).defined_balance_id := g_ytd_def_bal_tbl(counter);
389                                    g_context_tab(counter).tax_unit_id              := g_pact.legal_entity_id;
390                              end loop;
391                              --
392                              -----------------------------------------
393                              -- Batch Balance Retrival
394                              -----------------------------------------
395                              --
396                              pay_balance_pkg.get_value ( month_year_action_rec.assact_id,
397                                                          g_balance_value_tab,
398                                                          g_context_tab,
399                                                          false,
400                                                          false,
401                                                          g_detailed_bal_out_tab );
402                              --
403                              --------------------------------------------------------------------------
404                              -- Populating record ytd_balance_rec with Balance Values and Balance Name.
405                              --------------------------------------------------------------------------
406                              --
407                              for counter in 1..g_detailed_bal_out_tab.count
408                              loop
409                                    ytd_balance_rec(counter).balance_value := nvl(g_detailed_bal_out_tab(counter).balance_value,0);
410                                    ytd_balance_rec(counter).balance_name  := g_bal_name_tbl(counter);
411                              --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
412                              -- Storing balance 'CPF Additional Earnings Toward Cap' in to local variable.
413                              --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
414                                    if g_bal_name_tbl(counter) = 'CPF Additional Earnings Toward Cap' then
415                                          l_aw_toward_cap := nvl(g_detailed_bal_out_tab(counter).balance_value,0);
416                                    end if;
417                              end loop;
418                              --
419                              -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
420                              -- Additional Wages Cap is recalculated based on current year Ordinary Earnings.
421                              -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
422                              --
423                              l_aw_cap_recalculated := nvl(l_cpf_tot_earn_cap_amt,0) - nvl(get_cur_year_ord_ytd(l_person_id,l_assignment_id,l_date_earned),0);
424                              --
425                              ------------------------------------------------
426                              -- Insert data into pay_action_information
427                              ------------------------------------------------
428                              --
429                              insert into pay_action_information (
430                                          action_information_id,
431                                          action_context_id,
432                                          action_context_type,
433                                          tax_unit_id,
434                                          assignment_id,
435                                          action_information_category,
436                                          action_information1,
437                                          action_information2,
438                                          action_information3,
439                                          action_information4,
440                                          action_information5,
441                                          action_information6,  -- CPF Additional Earnings Eligible Comp - Bug 12873143
442                                          action_information7,  -- CPF Additional Earnings Toward Cap
443                                          action_information8)  -- Additional Wages Cap Recalculated
444                              values (    pay_action_information_s.nextval,
445                                          p_assignment_action_id,
446                                          'AAC',
447                                          g_pact.legal_entity_id,
448                                          l_assignment_id,
449                                          'SG AWCAP DETAILS',
450                                          'HEADER',
451                                          emp_details_rec.employee_number,
452                                          emp_details_rec.employee_name,
453                                          emp_details_rec.cpf_number,
454                                          emp_details_rec.telephone_number,
455                                          ytd_balance_rec(1).balance_value,
456                                          ytd_balance_rec(2).balance_value,
457                                          l_aw_cap_recalculated  ) ;
458                              --
459                              if nvl(l_aw_cap_recalculated,0) >= nvl(l_aw_toward_cap,0) then
460                                    l_over_paid_flag := 'N';
461                                    l_master_block   := 'N';
462                              else
463                                    l_over_paid_flag := 'Y';
464                                    l_master_block   := 'N';
465                              end if;
466                         end if;
467                         --
468                         ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
469                         --
470                         if l_over_paid_flag = 'Y' then
471                              --------------------------------------------------------------------------
472                              -- Populating g_balance_value_tab with defined balance ids and
473                              -- g_context_tab with tax unit id.
474                              --------------------------------------------------------------------------
475                              for counter in 1..g_mtd_def_bal_tbl.count
476                              loop
477                                     g_balance_value_tab(counter).defined_balance_id := g_mtd_def_bal_tbl(counter);
478                                     g_context_tab(counter).tax_unit_id              := g_pact.legal_entity_id;
480                              end loop;
481                              --
482                              -----------------------------------------
483                              -- Batch Balance Retrival
484                              -----------------------------------------
485                              --
486                              pay_balance_pkg.get_value  (  month_year_action_rec.assact_id,
487                                                            g_balance_value_tab,
488                                                            g_context_tab,
489                                                            false,
490                                                            false,
491                                                            g_detailed_bal_out_tab );
492                              --
493                              --------------------------------------------------------------------------
494                              -- Populating record mtd_balance_rec with Balance Values and Date Earned.
495                              --------------------------------------------------------------------------
496                              --
497                              for counter in 1..g_detailed_bal_out_tab.count
498                              loop
499                                     mtd_balance_rec(counter).balance_value := nvl(g_detailed_bal_out_tab(counter).balance_value,0);
500                                     mtd_balance_rec(counter).date_earned   := month_year_action_rec.date_earned;
502                              end loop;
503                              --
504                              ------------------------------------------------
505                              -- Insert data into pay_action_information
506                              ------------------------------------------------
507                              --
508                              insert into pay_action_information (
509                                          action_information_id,
510                                          action_context_id,
511                                          action_context_type,
512                                          tax_unit_id,
513                                          assignment_id,
514                                          effective_date,
515                                          action_information_category,
516                                          action_information1,
517                                          action_information2,    -- CPF Additional Earnings Eligible Comp - Bug 12873143
518                                          action_information3,    -- EE CPF AE
519                                          action_information4,    -- EE CPF OE
520                                          action_information5,    -- EE VOL CPF AE
521                                          action_information6,    -- EE VOL CPF OE
522                                          action_information7,    -- ER CPF AE
523                                          action_information8,    -- ER CPF OE
524                                          action_information9,    -- ER VOL CPF AE
525                                          action_information10,   -- ER VOL CPF OE
526                                          action_information11  ) -- CPF Ordinary Earnings Eligible Comp - Bug 12873143
527                              values (
528                                          pay_action_information_s.nextval,
529                                          p_assignment_action_id,
530                                          'AAC',
531                                          g_pact.legal_entity_id,
532                                          l_assignment_id,
533                                          mtd_balance_rec(10).date_earned ,
534                                          'SG AWCAP DETAILS',
535                                          'DETAIL',
536                                          mtd_balance_rec(1).balance_value,
537                                          mtd_balance_rec(2).balance_value,
538                                          mtd_balance_rec(3).balance_value,
539                                          mtd_balance_rec(4).balance_value,
540                                          mtd_balance_rec(5).balance_value,
541                                          mtd_balance_rec(6).balance_value,
542                                          mtd_balance_rec(7).balance_value,
543                                          mtd_balance_rec(8).balance_value,
544                                          mtd_balance_rec(9).balance_value,
545                                          mtd_balance_rec(10).balance_value  ) ;
546                         end if;
547                end if;
548                close month_year_action;
549          end loop;
550          close month_year_action_sequence;
551          --
552          if  g_debug then
553                hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' End of archive_code',20);
554          end if;
555    exception
556         when others then
557            if  g_debug then
558                  hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' Error raised in procedure',100);
559            end if;
560            raise;
561    end archive_code ;
562    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
563    --Function calculates current year Ordinary Earnings with monthly ceiling of 5,500
564    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
565    function get_cur_year_ord_ytd (p_person_id in per_all_people_f.person_id%type,
566                                   p_assignment_id  in per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type,
567                                   p_date_earned in date) return number
568    is
569            l_proc_name  varchar2(100);
570            --
571            cursor c_month_year_action_sequence ( c_date_earned   date)
572            is
573            select  /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(paa) */
574                    max(paa.action_sequence),
575                    to_number(to_char(ppa.effective_date,'MM'))
576            from    per_assignments_f paaf,
577                    pay_assignment_actions paa,
578                    pay_payroll_actions ppa
579            where   paaf.person_id        = p_person_id
580               and  paa.assignment_id     = paaf.assignment_id
581               and  ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
582               and  ppa.action_type       in ('R','Q','B','V','I')
583               and  ppa.date_earned       between trunc(c_date_earned,'Y')
584                                             and last_day(c_date_earned)
585            group by  to_number(to_char(ppa.effective_date,'MM'))
586            order by  to_number(to_char(ppa.effective_date,'MM')) desc;
587            --
588            cursor c_month_year_action ( c_date_earned     date,
589                                         c_action_sequence number )
590            is
591            select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(paa) */
592                    paa.assignment_action_id,
593                    ppa.effective_date
594             from   per_assignments_f paaf,
595                    pay_assignment_actions paa,
596                    pay_payroll_actions ppa
597             where  paaf.person_id        = p_person_id
598               and  paa.assignment_id     = paaf.assignment_id
599               and  ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
600               and  paa.action_sequence   = c_action_sequence
601               and  ppa.date_earned       between trunc(c_date_earned,'Y')
602                                          and last_day(c_date_earned);
603             --
604             cursor c_defined_bal_id ( p_balance_name   in varchar2,
605                                       p_dimension_name in varchar2 )
606             is
607             select pdb.defined_balance_id
608             from   pay_defined_balances pdb,
609                    pay_balance_types pbt,
610                    pay_balance_dimensions pbd
611             where  pbt.balance_name         = p_balance_name
612               and  pbd.dimension_name       = p_dimension_name
613               and  pbt.balance_type_id      = pdb.balance_type_id
614               and  pdb.balance_dimension_id = pbd.balance_dimension_id
615               and  pdb.legislation_code     = 'SG';
616             --
617             cursor c_globals (p_date in ff_globals_f.effective_start_date%type)
618             is
619             select global_value, effective_start_date
620             from ff_globals_f
621             where global_name = 'CPF_ORD_MONTH_CAP_AMT'
622             and p_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
624             --
625             g_balance_value_tab      pay_balance_pkg.t_balance_value_tab;
626             g_context_tab            pay_balance_pkg.t_context_tab;
627             g_detailed_bal_out_tab   pay_balance_pkg.t_detailed_bal_out_tab;
628             --
629             l_assignment_action_id   pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE;
630             l_action_sequence        pay_assignment_actions.action_sequence%TYPE;
631             l_month                  number;
632             l_effective_date         date;
633             l_tax_unit_id            pay_assignment_actions.tax_unit_id%TYPE;
634             l_defined_bal_id         number;
635             l_cur_ord_ytd            number;
636             l_ord_mon_cap_amt        number;
637             l_ord_mon_cap_amt_date   date;
638             l_ord_mon_cap_amt_tmp_date date;
639             l_ord_mon_cap_amt_change varchar2(1);
640             l_retro_exist            boolean := FALSE ;
641             l_retro_ele              number;
642             l_final_process_date     date;
643    begin
644          l_proc_name   := l_package || 'get_cur_year_ord_ytd';
645          l_cur_ord_ytd := 0;
646          l_ord_mon_cap_amt_change := 'N';
647          l_ord_mon_cap_amt := 0;
648          --
649          if  g_debug then
650                hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' start of procedure',10);
651          end if;
653          /* Bug 12639110, ORD month ceiling changed in the current year */
654          open c_globals(p_date_earned);
655          fetch c_globals into l_ord_mon_cap_amt, l_ord_mon_cap_amt_date;
656          close c_globals;
658          if l_ord_mon_cap_amt_date between trunc(p_date_earned,'Y')                                 and p_date_earned then
659            l_ord_mon_cap_amt_change := 'Y';
660          else
661            l_ord_mon_cap_amt_change := 'N';
662          end if;
663          --
664          open  c_defined_bal_id('CPF Ordinary Earnings Eligible Comp','_PER_LE_MONTH');
665          fetch c_defined_bal_id into g_balance_value_tab(1).defined_balance_id;
666          close c_defined_bal_id;
667          --
668          open  c_defined_bal_id('Ordinary Earnings ineligible for CPF','_PER_LE_MONTH');
669          fetch c_defined_bal_id into g_balance_value_tab(2).defined_balance_id;
670          close c_defined_bal_id;
671          --
672          open  c_defined_bal_id('Retro Ord Retro Period','_ASG_PTD');
673          fetch c_defined_bal_id into g_balance_value_tab(3).defined_balance_id;
674          close c_defined_bal_id;
675          --
676          -- Bug 12885297, removed fix for bug 7661439
677          --
678          open c_month_year_action_sequence( p_date_earned );
679          loop
680               fetch c_month_year_action_sequence into l_action_sequence,l_month;
681               exit  when c_month_year_action_sequence%NOTFOUND;
682               --
683               open c_month_year_action( p_date_earned, l_action_sequence );
684               fetch c_month_year_action into l_assignment_action_id,l_effective_date;
685               --
686               if c_month_year_action%FOUND then
687                --
688                    g_context_tab.delete;
689                    g_detailed_bal_out_tab.delete;
690                    --
691                    g_context_tab(1).tax_unit_id := g_pact.legal_entity_id;
692                    g_context_tab(2).tax_unit_id := g_pact.legal_entity_id;
693                    g_context_tab(3).tax_unit_id := g_pact.legal_entity_id;
695                    -- Bug 12639110
696                    if l_ord_mon_cap_amt_change = 'Y' then
697                      open c_globals(l_effective_date);
698                      fetch c_globals into l_ord_mon_cap_amt, l_ord_mon_cap_amt_tmp_date;
699                      close c_globals;
700                    end if;
702                    pay_balance_pkg.get_value ( l_assignment_action_id,
703                                                g_balance_value_tab,
704                                                g_context_tab,
705                                                false,
706                                                false,
707                                                g_detailed_bal_out_tab );
708                    --
709                    if l_retro_exist
710                        or nvl(g_detailed_bal_out_tab(3).balance_value,0)<>0 then /* Bug 6815874 */
711                          l_retro_ele   := pay_sg_deductions.get_retro_earnings( p_assignment_id , l_effective_date ); /* Bug 6815874 */
712                          if l_retro_ele = 0 then /* Bug 6815874 */
713                              l_retro_exist := FALSE;
714                          end if;
715                          -- Bug 12885297, removed fix for bug 7661439
716                          l_cur_ord_ytd := l_cur_ord_ytd + least( (nvl( g_detailed_bal_out_tab(1).balance_value,0 )
717                                                                 - nvl( g_detailed_bal_out_tab(2).balance_value,0 )
718                                                                 - nvl( g_detailed_bal_out_tab(3).balance_value,0 )
719                                                                 + nvl(l_retro_ele,0)),l_ord_mon_cap_amt );
720                    else
721                          l_cur_ord_ytd := l_cur_ord_ytd + least( (nvl( g_detailed_bal_out_tab(1).balance_value,0 )
722                                                                 - nvl( g_detailed_bal_out_tab(2).balance_value,0 )
723                                                                 - nvl( g_detailed_bal_out_tab(3).balance_value,0 )),l_ord_mon_cap_amt );
724                    end if;
725                    --
726                    if nvl( g_detailed_bal_out_tab(3).balance_value,0 ) <> 0 then
727                          l_retro_exist := TRUE;
728                    end if;
729                    --
730               end if;
731               --
732               close c_month_year_action;
733          end loop;
734          --
735          close c_month_year_action_sequence;
736          --
737          if  g_debug then
738               hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' End of procedure',20);
739          end if;
740          return l_cur_ord_ytd;
741          --
742    exception
743         when others then
744            if  g_debug then
745                  hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name||' Error raised in procedure',100);
746            end if;
747            raise;
749  end get_cur_year_ord_ytd;
750    --
751    procedure deinit_code
752              ( p_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type )
753    is
754                retain_archive_flag char(1);
755                l_rep_req_id  number;
757    begin
758          retain_archive_flag  := 'N' ;
759          l_rep_req_id         :=  0;
760          if g_debug then
761              hr_utility.set_location('Start of denit_code',10);
762          end if;
763          ------------------------------------------------
764          -- Call to AW CPF Capping Recalculation Report
765          ------------------------------------------------
766          l_rep_req_id := FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST (
767  	                     APPLICATION          =>   'PAY',
768                              PROGRAM              =>   'PAYSGCPF',
769                              ARGUMENT1            =>   'P_BASIS_YEAR=' || g_pact.basis_year,
770                              ARGUMENT2            =>   'P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID='|| g_pact.business_group_id,
771                              ARGUMENT3            =>   'P_LEGAL_ENTITY=' || g_pact.legal_entity_id,
772                              ARGUMENT4            =>   'P_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID=' || p_payroll_action_id,
773                              ARGUMENT5            =>   'P_PERSON_ID=' || g_pact.person_id  ,
774                              ARGUMENT6            =>   'P_RETAIN_ARCHIVE_DATA='|| g_pact.retain_archive_data);
775          --
776          if g_debug then
777               hr_utility.set_location('End of denit_code',20);
778          end if;
779    end deinit_code ;
780 begin
782          l_package  := 'pay_sg_awcap_archive-';
783          -------------------------------------------
784          -- package body level code
785          -- Populates defined Balance ids
786          -- Bug 12873143, get balance CPF Additional Earnings Eligible Comp
787          -- instead of Additional Earnings and CPF Ordinary Earnings
788          -- Eligible Comp instead of Ordinary Earnings
789          -------------------------------------------
791          select pdb.defined_balance_id def_bal_id,
792                 pbt.balance_name
793          bulk collect into
794                 g_ytd_def_bal_tbl,
795                 g_bal_name_tbl
796          from   pay_balance_types pbt,
797                 pay_defined_balances pdb,
798                 pay_balance_dimensions pbd
799          where  pbt.legislation_code = 'SG'
800            and  pbd.legislation_code = pbt.legislation_code
801            and  pdb.legislation_code = pbt.legislation_code
802            and  pbt.balance_name in ( 'CPF Additional Earnings Eligible Comp',
803                                       'CPF Additional Earnings Toward Cap' )
804            and  pbt.balance_type_id  = pdb.balance_type_id
805            and  pbd.balance_dimension_id = pdb.balance_dimension_id
806            and  pbd.dimension_name   = '_PER_LE_YTD'
807            order by pbt.balance_name;
808          --
809          select pdb.defined_balance_id def_bal_id
810          bulk collect into
811                 g_mtd_def_bal_tbl
812          from   pay_balance_types pbt,
813                 pay_defined_balances pdb,
814                 pay_balance_dimensions pbd
815          where  pbt.legislation_code = 'SG'
816            and  pbd.legislation_code = pbt.legislation_code
817            and  pdb.legislation_code = pbt.legislation_code
818            and  pbt.balance_name in ('Employee CPF Contributions Additional Earnings',
819                                      'Employee CPF Contributions Ordinary Earnings',
820                                      'Employer CPF Contributions Additional Earnings',
821                                      'Employer CPF Contributions Ordinary Earnings',
822                                      'Employee Vol CPF Contributions Additional Earnings',
823                                      'Employee Vol CPF Contributions Ordinary Earnings' ,
824                                      'Employer Vol CPF Contributions Additional Earnings',
825                                      'Employer Vol CPF Contributions Ordinary Earnings',
826 	 	                             'CPF Additional Earnings Eligible Comp',
827                                      'CPF Ordinary Earnings Eligible Comp')
828            and  pbt.balance_type_id = pdb.balance_type_id
829            and  pbd.balance_dimension_id = pdb.balance_dimension_id
830            and  pbd.dimension_name = '_PER_LE_MONTH'
831            order by decode(pbt.balance_name,'CPF Additional Earnings Eligible Comp',0,
832            'Employee CPF Contributions Additional Earnings',1,
833            'Employee CPF Contributions Ordinary Earnings',2,
834            'Employee Vol CPF Contributions Additional Earnings',3,
835            'Employee Vol CPF Contributions Ordinary Earnings',4,
836            'Employer CPF Contributions Additional Earnings',5,
837            'Employer CPF Contributions Ordinary Earnings',6,
838            'Employer Vol CPF Contributions Additional Earnings',7,
839            'Employer Vol CPF Contributions Ordinary Earnings',8,
840            'CPF Ordinary Earnings Eligible Comp',9,0);
841             --
842  exception
843      when others then
844           raise;
845 end pay_sg_awcap_archive;