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Line 273: AHL_VWP_RULES_PVT.Check_Org_Name_Or_Id

269: -- If organization_id is passed, reset org_name and validate organization_id
270: -- If only org_name is passed, the validation and value to id conversion are done in PVT package methods
271: IF (p_x_visit_rec.organization_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
272: p_x_visit_rec.org_name := NULL;
273: AHL_VWP_RULES_PVT.Check_Org_Name_Or_Id
274: (p_organization_id => p_x_visit_rec.organization_id,
275: p_org_name => null,
276: x_organization_id => l_organization_id,
277: x_return_status => l_return_status,

Line 295: AHL_VWP_RULES_PVT.Check_SR_Request_Number_Or_Id

291: -- If service_request_id is passed, reset service_request_number and validate service_request_id
292: -- If only service_request_number is passed, the validation and value to id conversion are done in PVT package methods
293: IF (p_x_visit_rec.service_request_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
294: p_x_visit_rec.service_request_number := NULL;
295: AHL_VWP_RULES_PVT.Check_SR_Request_Number_Or_Id
296: (p_service_id => p_x_visit_rec.service_request_id,
297: p_service_number => null,
298: x_service_id => l_service_id,
299: x_return_status => l_return_status,

Line 314: AHL_VWP_RULES_PVT.Check_Lookup_Name_Or_Id

310: -- If visit_type_code is passed, reset visit_type_name and validate visit_type_code
311: -- If only visit_type_name is passed, the validation and value to id conversion are done in PVT package methods
312: IF (p_x_visit_rec.visit_type_code IS NOT NULL) THEN
313: p_x_visit_rec.visit_type_name := NULL;
314: AHL_VWP_RULES_PVT.Check_Lookup_Name_Or_Id
315: (p_lookup_type => 'AHL_PLANNING_VISIT_TYPE',
316: p_lookup_code => p_x_visit_rec.visit_type_code,
317: p_meaning => null,
318: p_check_id_flag => 'Y',

Line 368: AHL_VWP_RULES_PVT.Check_Lookup_Name_Or_Id

364: -- If priority_code is passed, reset priority_value and validate priority_code
365: -- If only priority_value is passed, the validation and value to id conversion are done in PVT package methods
366: IF (p_x_visit_rec.priority_code IS NOT NULL) THEN
367: p_x_visit_rec.priority_value := NULL;
368: AHL_VWP_RULES_PVT.Check_Lookup_Name_Or_Id
369: (p_lookup_type => 'AHL_VWP_VISIT_PRIORITY',
370: p_lookup_code => p_x_visit_rec.priority_code,
371: p_meaning => null,
372: p_check_id_flag => 'Y',