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3 -- allowed job logging levels
4 logging_off   CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 32;
5 logging_runs  CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 64;
6 logging_failed_runs CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 128;
7 logging_full  CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 256;
9 -- defaults for job e-mail notification
10 default_notification_subject CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) :=
11 'Oracle Scheduler Job Notification - %job_owner%.%job_name%.%job_subname% %event_type%';
13 default_notification_body CONSTANT VARCHAR2(300) :=
14 'Job: %job_owner%.%job_name%.%job_subname%
15 Event: %event_type%
16 Date: %event_timestamp%
17 Log id: %log_id%
18 Job class: %job_class_name%
19 Run count: %run_count%
20 Failure count: %failure_count%
21 Retry count: %retry_count%
22 Error code: %error_code%
23 Error message:
24 %error_message%
25 ';
27 -- Program/Job types
31 -- 'CHAIN'   (only valid for a job)
33 -- Metadata attributes (for a program argument)
34 -- 'JOB_NAME'
36 -- 'JOB_OWNER'
37 -- 'JOB_START'
41 -- 'WINDOW_END'
43 -- Window Priorities
44 -- 'HIGH'
45 -- 'LOW'
47 -- Constants for raise events flags
48 job_started           CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 1;
49 job_succeeded         CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 2;
50 job_failed            CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 4;
51 job_broken            CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 8;
52 job_completed         CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 16;
53 job_stopped           CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 32;
54 job_sch_lim_reached   CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 64;
55 job_disabled          CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 128;
56 job_chain_stalled     CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 256;
57 job_all_events        CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 511;
58 job_over_max_dur      CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 512;
59 job_run_completed     CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER :=
60                         job_succeeded + job_failed + job_stopped;
63 /* Logical standby pragma default is AUTO_WITH_COMMIT */
66 /*************************************************************
67  * Program Administration Procedures
68  *************************************************************
69  */
71 -- Program attributes which can be used with set_attribute/get_attribute are:
72 --
73 -- program_action     - VARCHAR2
74 --                      This is a string specifying the action. In case of:
75 --                      'PLSQL_BLOCK': PLSQL code
76 --                      'STORED_PROCEDURE: name of the database object
77 --                         representing the type (optionally with schema).
78 --                      'EXECUTABLE': Full pathname including the name of the
79 --                         executable, or shell script.
80 -- program_type       - VARCHAR2
81 --                      type of program. This must be one of the supported
82 --                      program types. Currently these are
83 --                      'PLSQL_BLOCK', 'STORED_PROCEDURE', 'EXECUTABLE'
84 -- comments              - VARCHAR2
85 --                      an optional comment. This can describe what the
86 --                      program does, or give usage details.
87 -- number_of_arguments- PLS_INTEGER
88 --                      the number of arguments of the program that can be set
89 --                      by any job using it, these arguments MUST be defined
90 --                      before the program can be enabled
91 -- enabled            - BOOLEAN
92 --                      whether the program is enabled or not. When the program
93 --                      is enabled, checks are made to ensure that the program
94 --                      is valid.
96 -- Create a new program. The program name can be optionally qualified with a
97 -- schema. If enabled is set to TRUE, validity checks will be performed and
98 -- the program will be created in an enabled state if all are passed.
99 PROCEDURE create_program(
100   program_name            IN VARCHAR2,
101   program_type            IN VARCHAR2,
102   program_action          IN VARCHAR2,
103   number_of_arguments     IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
104   enabled                 IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
105   comments                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
107 -- Drops an existing program (or a comma separated list of programs).
108 -- When force is set to false the program must not be
109 -- referred to by any job.  When force is set to true, any jobs referring to
110 -- this program will be disabled (same behavior as calling the disable routine
111 -- on those jobs with the force option).
112 -- Any argument information that was created for this program will be dropped
113 -- with the program.
114 PROCEDURE drop_program(
115   program_name            IN VARCHAR2,
116   force                   IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
118 -- Define an argument of a program. All arguments of a program must be defined.
119 -- If given, the argument name must be unique for this program.
120 -- Any argument already defined at this position will be overwritten.
121 -- The argument type must be a valid Oracle or user-defined type.
122 -- out_argument is reserved for future use. The default and only valid value
123 -- is FALSE.
124 PROCEDURE define_program_argument(
125  program_name            IN VARCHAR2,
126  argument_position       IN PLS_INTEGER,
127  argument_name           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
128  argument_type           IN VARCHAR2,
129  default_value           IN VARCHAR2,
130  out_argument            IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
132 -- Define an argument of a program without a default value.
133 -- Any job using this program must set a value to this argument.
134 -- See other notes for define_program_argument above.
135 PROCEDURE define_program_argument(
136  program_name            IN VARCHAR2,
137  argument_position       IN PLS_INTEGER,
138  argument_name           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
139  argument_type           IN VARCHAR2,
140  out_argument            IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
142 -- Define an argument with a default value encapsulated in an ANYDATA.
143 -- See other notes for define_program_argument above.
144 PROCEDURE define_anydata_argument(
145   program_name            IN VARCHAR2,
146   argument_position       IN PLS_INTEGER,
147   argument_name           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
148   argument_type           IN VARCHAR2,
149   default_value           IN SYS.ANYDATA,
150   out_argument            IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
152 -- Define a special metadata argument for the program. The program developer
153 -- can retrieve specific scheduler metadata through this argument.
154 -- Jobs cannot set values for this argument.
155 -- valid metadata_attributes are: 'COMPLETION_CODE', 'JOB_SUBNAME','JOB_NAME',
157 -- See other notes for define_program_argument above.
158 PROCEDURE define_metadata_argument(
159   program_name            IN VARCHAR2,
160   metadata_attribute      IN VARCHAR2,
161   argument_position       IN PLS_INTEGER,
162   argument_name           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
164 -- drop a program argument either by name or position
165 PROCEDURE drop_program_argument (
166   program_name            IN VARCHAR2,
167   argument_position       IN PLS_INTEGER);
169 PROCEDURE drop_program_argument (
170   program_name            IN VARCHAR2,
171   argument_name           IN VARCHAR2);
173 /*************************************************************
174  * Job Administration Procedures
175  *************************************************************
176  */
178 -- Job attributes which can be used with set_attribute/get_attribute are :
179 --
180 -- program_name      - VARCHAR2
181 --                     The name of a program object to use with this job.
182 --                     If this is set, job_action, job_type and
183 --                     number_of_arguments should be NULL
184 -- job_action        - VARCHAR2
185 --                     This is a string specifying the action. In case of:
186 --                      'PLSQL_BLOCK': PLSQL code
187 --                      'STORED_PROCEDURE': name of the database stored
188 --                          procedure (C, Java or PL/SQL), optionally qualified
189 --                          with a schema name).
190 --                      'EXECUTABLE': Name of an executable of shell script
191 --                         including the full pathname and any command-line
192 --                         flags to it.
193 --                     If this is set, program_name should be NULL.
194 -- job_type          - VARCHAR2
195 --                      type of this job. Can be any of:
196 --                      'PLSQL_BLOCK', 'STORED_PROCEDURE', 'EXECUTABLE'
197 --                     If this is set,program_name should be NULL
198 -- number_of_arguments- PLS_INTEGER
199 --                     the number of arguments if the program is inlined. If
200 --                     this is set, program_name should be NULL.
201 -- schedule_name     - VARCHAR2
202 --                     The name of a schedule or window or window group to use
203 --                     as the schedule for this job.
204 --                     If this is set, end_date, start_date and repeat_interval
205 --                     should all be NULL.
206 -- repeat_interval   - VARCHAR2
207 --                     either a PL/SQL function returning the next date on
208 --                     which to run,or calendar syntax expression.
209 --                     If this is set, schedule_name should be NULL.
210 -- start_date        - TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
211 --                     the original date on which this job was or will be
212 --                     scheduled to start.
213 --                     If this is set, schedule_name should be NULL.
214 -- end_date          - TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
215 --                     the date after which the job will no longer run (it will
216 --                     be dropped if auto_drop is set or disabled with the
217 --                     state changed to 'COMPLETED' if it is)
218 --                     If this is set, schedule_name should be NULL.
219 -- schedule_limit    - INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND
220 --                     time in minutes after the scheduled time after which a
221 --                     job that has not been run will be rescheduled. This is
222 --                     only valid for repeating jobs.
223 --                     If this is NULL, a job will never
224 --                     be rescheduled unless it has been run (failed or
225 --                     successfully)
226 -- job_class         - VARCHAR2
227 --                     the class this job is associated with.
228 -- job_priority      - PLS_INTEGER
229 --                     the priority of this job relative to other jobs in the
230 --                     same class. The default is 3 and values should
231 --                     be 1 and 5 (1 being the highest priority)
232 -- comments           - VARCHAR2
233 --                     an optional comment.
234 -- max_runs          - PLS_INTEGER
235 --                     the maximum number of consecutive times this job will be
236 --                     allowed to be run (after this number of consecurtive
237 --                     times it will be disabled and its state will be changed
238 --                     to 'COMPLETED'
239 -- job_weight        - PLS_INTEGER
240 --                     jobs which include parallel queries should set this to
241 --                     the number of parallel slaves they expect to spawn
242 -- logging_level     - PLS_INTEGER
243 --                     represents how much logging pertaining to
244 --                     this job should be done
245 -- max_run_duration  - INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND
246 --                     the max time for the job to run, if the job runs for
247 --                     longer than this interval, a job_over_max_dur event
248 --                     will be raised (the job will not be stopped)
249 -- max_failures      - PLS_INTEGER
250 --                     the number of times a job can fail on consecutive
251 --                     scheduled runs before it is automatically disabled. If
252 --                     this is set to 0 then the job will keep running no
253 --                     matter how often it has failed. If a job is
254 --                     automatically disabled after having failed this number
255 --                     of times, its state will be changed to BROKEN.
256 -- instance_stickiness- BOOLEAN
257 --                      If this option is set to TRUE, then for the first run
258 --                      of the job the scheduler will choose the instance with
259 --                      the lightest load to run this job on. Subsequent runs
260 --                      will use the same instance that the first run used
261 --                      (unless this instance is down). If this is FALSE then
262 --                      the scheduler will choose the first available instance
263 --                      to schedule the job on on all runs.
264 -- stop_on_window_exit - BOOLEAN
265 --                       If this job has a window or window group as a schedule
266 --                       it will be stopped if the associated window closes, if
267 --                       this boolean attribute is set to TRUE.
268 -- enabled             - BOOLEAN
269 --                       whether the job is enabled or not
270 -- auto_drop           - BOOLEAN
271 --                       whether the job should be dropped after having
272 --                       completed
273 -- restartable         - BOOLEAN
274 --                       whether the job can be safely restarted (and should be
275 --                       restarted in case of failure). By default this is set
276 --                       to FALSE.
277 -- destination_name      VARCHAR2
278 --                       Destination name as created with
279 --                       create_database_destination
280 --                       or an external agent destination name
281 --                       or destination group name
282 -- credential            VARCHAR2
283 --                       Credential name as created with create_credential
285 -- create a job in a single call (without using an existing program or
286 -- schedule).
287 -- Valid values for job_type and job_action are the same as those for
288 -- program_type and program_action. If enabled is set TRUE, it will be
289 -- attempted to enable this job after creating it. If number_of_arguments is
290 -- set non-zero, values must be set for each of the arguments before enabling
291 -- the job.
292 PROCEDURE create_job(
293   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
294   job_type                 IN VARCHAR2,
295   job_action              IN VARCHAR2,
296   number_of_arguments     IN PLS_INTEGER              DEFAULT 0,
297   start_date              IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NULL,
298   repeat_interval         IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
299   end_date                IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NULL,
300   job_class               IN VARCHAR2              DEFAULT '$SCHED_DEFAULT$',
301   enabled                 IN BOOLEAN                  DEFAULT FALSE,
302   auto_drop               IN BOOLEAN                  DEFAULT TRUE,
303   comments                IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
304   credential_name         IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
305   destination_name        IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL);
310 -- Values must be set for each argument of the program that does not have a
307 -- create a job using inlined program and inlined event schedule.
308 -- If enabled is set TRUE, it will be attempted to enable this job after
309 -- creating it.
311 -- default_value specified (before enabling the job).
312 -- Note that there are no defaults for event_condition and queue_spec. They
313 -- must be set explicitly to create an event based job.
314 PROCEDURE create_job(
315   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
316   job_type                 IN VARCHAR2,
317   job_action              IN VARCHAR2,
318   number_of_arguments     IN PLS_INTEGER              DEFAULT 0,
319   start_date              IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NULL,
320   event_condition         IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
321   queue_spec              IN VARCHAR2,
322   end_date                IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NULL,
323   job_class               IN VARCHAR2              DEFAULT '$SCHED_DEFAULT$',
324   enabled                 IN BOOLEAN                  DEFAULT FALSE,
325   auto_drop               IN BOOLEAN                  DEFAULT TRUE,
326   comments                IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
327   credential_name         IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
328   destination_name        IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL);
330 -- create a job using a named schedule object and a named program object.
331 -- If enabled is set TRUE, it will be attempted to enable this job after
332 -- creating it.
333 -- Values must be set for each argument of the program that does not have a
334 -- default_value specified (before enabling the job).
335 PROCEDURE create_job(
336   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
337   program_name            IN VARCHAR2,
338   schedule_name           IN VARCHAR2,
339   job_class               IN VARCHAR2              DEFAULT '$SCHED_DEFAULT$',
340   enabled                 IN BOOLEAN                  DEFAULT FALSE,
341   auto_drop               IN BOOLEAN                  DEFAULT TRUE,
342   comments                 IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
343   job_style               IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT 'REGULAR',
344   credential_name         IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
345   destination_name        IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL);
347 -- create a job using a named program object and an inlined schedule
348 -- If enabled is set TRUE, it will be attempted to enable this job after
349 -- creating it.
350 -- Values must be set for each argument of the program that does not have a
351 -- default_value specified (before enabling the job).
352 PROCEDURE create_job(
353   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
354   program_name            IN VARCHAR2,
355   start_date              IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NULL,
356   repeat_interval         IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
357   end_date                IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NULL,
358   job_class               IN VARCHAR2              DEFAULT '$SCHED_DEFAULT$',
359   enabled                 IN BOOLEAN                  DEFAULT FALSE,
360   auto_drop               IN BOOLEAN                  DEFAULT TRUE,
361   comments                 IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
362   job_style               IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT 'REGULAR',
363   credential_name         IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
364   destination_name        IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL);
366 -- create a job using named program and inlined event schedule.
367 -- If enabled is set TRUE, it will be attempted to enable this job after
368 -- creating it.
369 -- Values must be set for each argument of the program that does not have a
370 -- default_value specified (before enabling the job).
371 -- Note that there are no defaults for event_condition and queue_spec. They
372 -- must be set explicitly to create an event based job.
373 PROCEDURE create_job(
374   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
375   program_name            IN VARCHAR2,
376   start_date              IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NULL,
377   event_condition         IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
378   queue_spec              IN VARCHAR2,
379   end_date                IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NULL,
380   job_class               IN VARCHAR2              DEFAULT '$SCHED_DEFAULT$',
381   enabled                 IN BOOLEAN                  DEFAULT FALSE,
382   auto_drop               IN BOOLEAN                  DEFAULT TRUE,
383   comments                 IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
384   job_style               IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT 'REGULAR',
385   credential_name         IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
386   destination_name        IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL);
388 -- create a job using a named schedule object and an inlined program
389 -- Valid values for job_type and job_action are the same as those for
390 -- program_type and program_action. If enabled is set TRUE, it will be
391 -- attempted to enable this job after creating it. If number_of_arguments is
392 -- set non-zero, values must be set for each of the arguments before enabling
393 -- the job.
394 PROCEDURE create_job(
395   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
396   schedule_name           IN VARCHAR2,
397   job_type                 IN VARCHAR2,
398   job_action              IN VARCHAR2,
399   number_of_arguments     IN PLS_INTEGER              DEFAULT 0,
400   job_class               IN VARCHAR2              DEFAULT '$SCHED_DEFAULT$',
401   enabled                 IN BOOLEAN                  DEFAULT FALSE,
402   auto_drop               IN BOOLEAN                  DEFAULT TRUE,
403   comments                 IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
404   credential_name         IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL,
405   destination_name        IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL);
407 -- Run a job immediately. If use_current_session is TRUE the job is run in the
408 -- user's current session. If use_current_session is FALSE the job is run in the
409 -- background by a dedicated job slave.
410 PROCEDURE run_job(
411   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
412   use_current_session     IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
413   event_message           IN SYS.ANYDATA DEFAULT NULL);
416 -- Stop a job or several jobs that are currently running. Job name can also be
417 -- the name of a job class or a comma-separated list of jobs.
418 -- If the force option is not specified this will interrupt the job
419 -- by sending an equivalent of a Ctrl-C to the job. If this fails, an error
420 -- will be returned.
421 -- If the force option is specified the job slave will be terminated. Use of
422 -- the force option requires the MANAGE SCHEDULER system privilege
423 PROCEDURE stop_job(
424   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
425   force                   IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
426   commit_semantics        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'STOP_ON_FIRST_ERROR');
428 -- Copy a job. The new_job will contain all the attributes of the old_job,
429 -- except that it will be created disabled. The state of the old_job will not
430 -- be altered.
432 PROCEDURE copy_job(
433   old_job                 IN VARCHAR2,
434   new_job                 IN VARCHAR2);
436 -- Drop a job or several jobs.  Job name can also be
437 -- the name of a job class or a comma-separated list of jobs.
438 -- If force is true, all running instances of the job will be stopped by
439 -- calling stop_job with force set to false. If defer is true, all running
440 -- instances of the job will be allowed to complete before the job is dropped.
441 -- If force and defer are false, dropping a job with running instances will
442 -- fail.  If force and defer are both true, an error will be raised.
443 PROCEDURE drop_job(
444   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
445   force                   IN BOOLEAN      DEFAULT FALSE,
446   defer                   IN BOOLEAN      DEFAULT FALSE,
447   commit_semantics        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'STOP_ON_FIRST_ERROR');
449 -- Set a value to be passed to one of the arguments of the program (either
450 -- named, or inlined). If program is inlined, only setting by position is
451 -- supported. The passed value will override any default value set during
452 -- definition of the program argument and overwrite any value previously set
453 -- for this argument position for this job (the previous value will be lost).
454 PROCEDURE set_job_argument_value(
455   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
456   argument_position       IN PLS_INTEGER,
457   argument_value          IN VARCHAR2);
459 -- This refers to a program argument by its name. It can only be used if the
460 -- job is using a named program (i.e. program_name points to an existing
461 -- program). The argument_name used must be the same name defined by the
462 -- program.
463 PROCEDURE set_job_argument_value(
464   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
465   argument_name           IN VARCHAR2,
466   argument_value          IN VARCHAR2);
468 -- Same as above but accepts the default value encapsulated in an AnyData
469 PROCEDURE set_job_anydata_value(
470   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
471   argument_position       IN PLS_INTEGER,
472   argument_value          IN SYS.ANYDATA);
474 -- This refers to a program argument by its name. It can only be used if the
475 -- job is using a named program (i.e. program_name points to an existing
476 -- program). The argument_name used must be the same name defined by the
477 -- program.
478 PROCEDURE set_job_anydata_value(
479   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
480   argument_name           IN VARCHAR2,
481   argument_value          IN SYS.ANYDATA);
483 -- Clear a previously set job argument value. All job specific value
484 -- information for this argument is erased. The job will revert back to the
485 -- default value for this argument as defined by the program (if any).
486 PROCEDURE reset_job_argument_value(
487   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
488   argument_position       IN PLS_INTEGER);
490 -- This refers to a program argument by its name. It can only be used if the
491 -- job is using a named program (i.e. program_name points to an existing
492 -- program). The argument_name used must be the same name defined by the
493 -- program.
494 PROCEDURE reset_job_argument_value(
495   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
496   argument_name           IN VARCHAR2);
498 /*************************************************************
499  * Job Destination Administration Procedures
500  *************************************************************
501  */
502 -- * Create group: Create a destination group to be set as a destination of
503 --   a job.
504 -- * The namespace for groups is different from that of database objects
505 --   but we will not allow creating a group with the name of an existing
506 --   object.
507 -- * All members of the group must be of the same type. In the case of a
508 --   destination group all members must either represent destinations for
509 --   external jobs or destinations for database jobs.
510 -- * The format of destination members is
514 -- * An error will be returned if one of the members does not exist. Or in
511 --   [[schema.]credential@][schema.]destination. The credential part is
512 --   optional.  If  it isn't present the job instance representing this
513 --   destination will use the default credential specified with the job.
515 --   the  case of destinations groups if either part of the destination
516 --   (credential or destination) does not exist.
517 -- * Groups will reside in a particular schema but there are no specific
518 --   privileges you can grant on groups. Only the owner and SYS can modify
519 --   the group (create, add, remove, drop) and everybody can see which groups
520 --   have been created. However, you will only be able to see those member
521 --   of a group that you have access to (i.e. privileges on).
522 --   Even though there are no privileges on destinations, you still will not
523 --   be able to see those destination group members that contain a credential
524 --   you have no access to.
525 -- * When groups are used in API calls, the action will only be performed on
526 --   those members of the group that you have privileges on.
527 -- * LOCAL  and  ALL_INSTANCES  are special keywords only to be used as
528 --   destination group members. LOCAL can be used for external as well as
529 --   database jobs. In the case of a database job it represents the source
530 --   database on which the job is created. In the case of an external job it
531 --   represents the machine on which the source database runs. When the
532 --   source  database is a RAC database the destination LOCAL_INSTANCES
533 --   indicates that a database job must be run on every instance of the
534 --   database and an external job must run on every machine that runs an
535 --   instance of the database. LOCAL and ALL_INSTANCES can not be used as
536 --   group names.
537 -- Arguments:
538 -- * group_name -- Name of group
539 -- * group_type --  Group type, currently only 'DESTINATION' is supported
540 -- * member     --  Optional list of group members. Default is NULL.
541 -- * comments   --  Comments
542 PROCEDURE  create_group(
544         group_name IN VARCHAR2,
545         group_type IN VARCHAR2,
546         member     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
547         comments   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
549 -- Drop Group:
550 -- * When a group of type destination is dropped the jobs that have their
551 --   destination attribute set to this group will be disabled. All its job
552 --   instances will be removed from the *_scheduler_job_destinations view.
553 -- Arguments:
554 -- * group_name Name of group
555 -- * force      Unused for now
556 PROCEDURE drop_group(
557                 group_name IN VARCHAR2,
558                 force      IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
560 -- Add group member:
561 -- * Member is a comma separated list of new members to add.
562 -- * The  members  of  a group must be of the same type. In the case of
563 --   destination groups the members must either be all external destinations
564 --   or all database destinations.
565 -- * Groups can not be specified in the member list not even to get them
566 --   fully expanded.
567 -- * The member will be canonicalized.
568 -- * This routine will skip a member if it is already a member of the group.
569 --   It will not error out.
570 -- * LOCAL  and  ALL_INSTANCES are reserved keywords only to be used as
571 --   destination group members. See create_group() for more information.
572 -- Arguments:
573 -- * group_name: Name of group
574 -- * member:     Name of one or more members to add to the group
575 PROCEDURE add_group_member (
576          group_name IN VARCHAR2,
577          member     IN VARCHAR2);
580 -- Remove group member:
581 -- * Member is a comma separated list of members to remove from the group.
582 -- * An error will be returned if the specified member is not part of the group.
583 -- * The member will only be removed from this group.
584 -- * If the member is a destination, any job instances that represent this
585 --   destination will be removed from the all_scheduler_job_destinations view.
586 -- Arguments:
587 -- * group_name Name of group
588 -- * member     Name of the member to remove from the group
589 PROCEDURE remove_group_member(
590              group_name IN VARCHAR2,
591              member     IN VARCHAR2);
594 -- Create database destination
595 -- * It's only possible to create a remote database job if first a database
596 --   destination that represents the remote database has been created.
597 -- * The agent value must be an existing external destination name.
598 -- Arguments:
599 -- * destination_name Name of destination representing the
600 --                 database that you want to connect to.
601 -- * agent            Name of the external destination that represents
602 --                 the agent that is used to connect to the remote database.
603 -- * tns_name         Name of the local tnsnames.ora entry that
604 --                  points to the remote database to connect to.
605 -- * comments         Comments
606 PROCEDURE create_database_destination(
607   destination_name IN VARCHAR2,
608   agent            IN VARCHAR2,
609   tns_name         IN VARCHAR2,
610   comments         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
612 -- Drop database destination:
613 -- * When a database destination is dropped all members of destination groups
614 --   that point to this destination will be dropped as well.
615 -- * When a database destination is dropped all the job instances in the
619 -- *  destination_name: Name of destination representing the database that
616 --   scheduler_job_destinations views that point to this destination will
617 --   be dropped as well.
618 -- Arguments:
620 --     you want to connect to.
621 PROCEDURE drop_database_destination(
622   destination_name IN VARCHAR2);
624 -- Drop external destination:
625 -- * Emergency use only, use agent control utility on agent residing
626 --   host to drop the agent destination.
627 -- * When an agent destination is dropped all the job instances in the
628 --   scheduler_job_destinations views that point to this destination will
629 --   be dropped as well.
630 -- * all database destinations refering to the agent destination will
631 --   be dropped as well.
632 -- * Manage scheduler privilege is required for this procedure
633 -- Arguments:
634 -- * destination_name: Name of destination representing the external job
635 --    agent
636 PROCEDURE drop_agent_destination(
637   destination_name IN VARCHAR2);
638 /*************************************************************
639  * Job Class Administration Procedures
640  *************************************************************
641 */
643 -- Job Class attributes which can be used with set_attribute/get_attribute are:
644 --
645 -- resource_consumer_group - VARCHAR2
646 --                       resource consumer group a class is associated with
647 -- service             - VARCHAR2
648 --                       The service the job class belongs to. Default is NULL,
649 --                       which implies the default service. This should be the
650 --                       name of the service database object and not the
651 --                       service name as defined in tnsnames.ora .
652 -- log_purge_policy    - VARCHAR2
653 --                       The policy for purging of scheduler log table entries
654 --                       pertaining to jobs belonging to this class. By default
655 --                       log table entries are not purged.
656 -- comments             - VARCHAR2
657 --                       an optional comment about the class.
659 -- Create a job class.
660 PROCEDURE create_job_class(
661   job_class_name          IN VARCHAR2,
662   resource_consumer_group IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
663   service                 IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
665   log_history             IN PLS_INTEGER  DEFAULT NULL,
666   comments                IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL);
668 -- Drop a job class (or a comma-separated list of classes). This will return
669 -- an error if force is set to FALSE and
670 -- there are still jobs (in any state) that are part of this class.
671 -- If force is set to TRUE, all jobs that are part of this class will be
672 -- disabled and their class will be set to the default class.
673 PROCEDURE drop_job_class(
674   job_class_name              IN VARCHAR2,
675   force                   IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
677 /*************************************************************
678  * System Window Administration Procedures
679  *************************************************************
680  */
682 -- System window attributes that can be used with set_attribute/get_attribute
683 -- are:
684 --
685 -- resource_plan       - VARCHAR2
686 --                       the resource plan to be associated with a window.
687 --                       When the window opens, the system will switch to
688 --                       using this resource plan. When the window closes, the
689 --                       original resource plan will be restored. If a
690 --                       resource plan has been made active with the force
691 --                       option, no resource plan switch will occur.
692 -- window_priority     - VARCHAR2
693 --                       The priority of the window. Must be one of
694 --                       'LOW' (default) , 'HIGH'.
695 -- duration            - INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND
696 --                       The duration of the window in minutes.
697 -- schedule_name       - VARCHAR2
698 --                       The name of a schedule to use with this window. If
699 --                       this is set, start_date, end_date and repeat_interval
700 --                       must all be NULL.
701 -- repeat_interval     - VARCHAR2
702 --                       A string using the calendar syntax. PL/SQL date
703 --                       functions are not allowed
704 --                       If this is set, schedule_name must be NULL
705 -- start_date          - TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
706 --                       next date on which this window is scheduled to open.
707 --                       If this is set, schedule_name must be NULL.
708 -- end_date            - TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
709 --                       the date after which the window will no longer open.
710 --                       If this is set, schedule_name must be NULL.
711 -- enabled             - BOOLEAN
712 --                       whether the window is enabled or not
713 -- comments             - VARCHAR2
714 --                       an optional comment about the window.
715 -- The below attribute is only visible through the views and not to
716 -- get_attribute or set_attribute
717 -- schedule_type     - VARCHAR2
718 --                     will be one of: 'CALENDAR_STRING', 'NAMED'
720 -- Create a system window using a named schedule object. The specified
721 -- schedule must exist.
722 PROCEDURE create_window(
726   duration                IN INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND,
723   window_name             IN VARCHAR2,
724   resource_plan            IN VARCHAR2,
725   schedule_name           IN VARCHAR2,
727   window_priority         IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT 'LOW',
728   comments                 IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL);
730 -- Create a system window using an inlined schedule.
731 -- repeat_interval must use the calendar syntax. PL/SQL date functions are not
732 -- allowed.
733 PROCEDURE create_window(
734   window_name             IN VARCHAR2,
735   resource_plan           IN VARCHAR2,
736   start_date              IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NULL,
737   repeat_interval         IN VARCHAR2,
738   end_date                IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NULL,
739   duration                IN INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND,
740   window_priority         IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT 'LOW',
741   comments                 IN VARCHAR2                 DEFAULT NULL);
743 -- Drops a scheduler system window. Window name can also be a window group (in
744 -- which case all the windows in that window group are dropped) or a
745 -- comma-separated list of windows. Dropping a window disables all jobs which
746 -- use the window as a schedule (leaving currently running jobs running). If
747 -- the window is open, dropping it will attempt to close it first
748 -- The window is also dropped from any referring window groups.
749 PROCEDURE drop_window(
750   window_name             IN VARCHAR2,
751   force                   IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
753 -- Immediately opens a scheduler window independent of its specified schedule.
754 -- The window will be opened for the specified duration. If the duration is
755 -- null, the window will be opened for the duration as specified when the
756 -- window was created.
757 -- The next open time of the window is not updated, and will be as determined
758 -- by the regular scheduled opening.
759 -- Opening of the window will fail if the DBA has blocked the scheduler from
760 -- switching to a different resource plan.
761 -- If force option not specified and a current window is active the operation
762 -- will fail, unless the window is the current open window.
763 -- If the current open window equals window_name, the closing time  is set to
764 -- the system date plus the given duration, i.e. the closing time of the
765 -- current window is moved up or down, but no jobs are stopped.
766 PROCEDURE open_window(
767   window_name             IN VARCHAR2,
768   duration                IN INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND,
769   force                   IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
772 -- Prematurely closes the currently active window. This premature closing
773 -- of a window will have the same effect as a regular close e.g. any jobs that
774 -- have a window or a window group as their schedule and were started at the
775 -- beginning of this window because of that schedule and have indicated that
776 --they must be stopped on closing of the window, will be stopped.
777 PROCEDURE close_window(
778   window_name             IN VARCHAR2);
781 /*************************************************************
782  * System Window Administration Procedures
783  *************************************************************
784  */
786 -- enable and disable can be used on window groups. They disable/enable the
787 -- window group as a whole, not the individual windows in the group.
788 --
789 -- member_list refers to a comma-separated list of windows
790 -- Window groups cannot contain other window groups.
792 -- Creates a window group optionally containing windows specified in
793 -- member_list.
794 PROCEDURE create_window_group(
795   group_name             IN VARCHAR2,
796   window_list            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
797   comments               IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
799 -- Adds a window (or comma-separated list of windows) to a window group.
800 -- If a window is already in the window group, it will not be added again.
801 PROCEDURE add_window_group_member(
802   group_name             IN VARCHAR2,
803   window_list            IN VARCHAR2);
805 -- Removes a window (or comma-separated list of windows) from a window group.
806 PROCEDURE remove_window_group_member(
807   group_name             IN VARCHAR2,
808   window_list            IN VARCHAR2);
810 -- Drops a window group (does not drop windows that are members of this group)
811 -- Returns an error when force is set to false and there are jobs whose
812 -- schedule is the name of the window group. If force is set to true, any jobs
813 -- whose schedule is the name of the window group will be disabled.
814 PROCEDURE drop_window_group(
815   group_name             IN VARCHAR2,
816   force                  IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
818 -- Get scheduler default time and timezone.
819 -- This would be used for jobs without a start time specified.
820 -- Follow default timezone can be set to simulate an object with
821 -- this attribute set (i.e system windows etc).
822 FUNCTION stime (
823         follow_default_timezone BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE)
827 --Get information about the running agent
828 --Possible attributes are 'ALL', 'VERSION',
830 --and 'UPTIME'
831 FUNCTION get_agent_info(
832   agent_name            IN VARCHAR2,
836 FUNCTION get_agent_version(
833   attribute             IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;
835 -- Get the version of a Scheduler Execution Agent
837   agent_host             IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;
838 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(get_agent_version, NONE);
840 -- Internal.
841 -- Used for initializing the scheduler default timezone.
842 FUNCTION get_sys_time_zone_name  RETURN VARCHAR2;
843 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(get_sys_time_zone_name, NONE);
845 /*************************************************************
846  * Schedule Administration Procedures
847  *************************************************************
848  */
850 -- Schedule attributes which can be used with set_attribute/get_attribute are :
851 --
852 -- repeat_interval   - VARCHAR2
853 --                     an expression using the calendar syntax
854 -- comments          - VARCHAR2
855 --                     an optional comment.
856 -- end_date          - TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
857 --                     cutoff date after which the schedule will not specify
858 --                     any dates
859 -- start_date        - TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
860 --                     start or reference date used by the calendar syntax
861 --
862 -- Schedules cannot be enabled and disabled.
864 -- Create a named schedule. This must be a valid schedule.
865 PROCEDURE create_schedule(
866   schedule_name           IN VARCHAR2,
867   start_date              IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE  DEFAULT NULL,
868   repeat_interval         IN VARCHAR2,
869   end_date                IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE  DEFAULT NULL,
870   comments                IN VARCHAR2                  DEFAULT NULL);
872 --- Import helper function.
873 PROCEDURE disable1_calendar_check;
875 -- Create a named event schedule. This must be a valid schedule.
876 PROCEDURE create_event_schedule(
877   schedule_name           IN VARCHAR2,
878   start_date              IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE  DEFAULT NULL,
879   event_condition         IN VARCHAR2                  DEFAULT NULL,
880   queue_spec              IN VARCHAR2,
881   end_date                IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE  DEFAULT NULL,
882   comments                IN VARCHAR2                  DEFAULT NULL);
884 -- Drop a schedule (or comma-separated list of schedules). When force is set
885 -- to false, and there are jobs or windows
886 -- that point to this schedule an error will be raised.
887 -- If force is set to true, any jobs or windows pointing to this schedule will
888 -- be disabled before the schedule is dropped.
889 -- Schedules may refer to day calendar schedules in which case no checking
890 -- occurs. Thus for day calendar drops  force is always assumed true,
891 -- even if specified as false.
892 PROCEDURE drop_schedule(
893   schedule_name           IN VARCHAR2,
894   force                   IN BOOLEAN      DEFAULT FALSE);
896 /*************************************************************
897  * Chain Administration Procedures
898  *************************************************************
899  */
901 -- Chain attributes which can be used with set_attribute/get_attribute
902 -- are :
903 --
904 -- comments            - VARCHAR2
905 --                       an optional comment.
906 -- evaluation_interval - INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND
907 --                       interval between periodic re-evaluations of a
908 --                       running chain
909 --
911 -- Creates a chain.
912 -- Chains are created disabled and must be enabled before use.
913 PROCEDURE create_chain(
914   chain_name              IN VARCHAR2,
915   rule_set_name           IN VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL,
916   evaluation_interval     IN INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND DEFAULT NULL,
917   comments                IN VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL);
919 -- adds or replaces a chain rule
920 PROCEDURE define_chain_rule(
921   chain_name              IN VARCHAR2,
922   condition               IN VARCHAR2,
923   action                  IN VARCHAR2,
924   rule_name               IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
925   comments                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
927 -- adds or replaces a chain step and associates it with a program
928 -- or chain
929 PROCEDURE define_chain_step(
930   chain_name              IN VARCHAR2,
931   step_name               IN VARCHAR2,
932   program_name            IN VARCHAR2);
934 -- adds or replaces a chain step and associates it with an event schedule
935 PROCEDURE define_chain_event_step(
936   chain_name              IN VARCHAR2,
937   step_name               IN VARCHAR2,
938   event_schedule_name     IN VARCHAR2,
939   timeout                 IN INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND DEFAULT NULL);
941 -- adds or replaces a chain step and associates it with an inline event
942 PROCEDURE define_chain_event_step(
943   chain_name              IN VARCHAR2,
944   step_name               IN VARCHAR2,
945   event_condition         IN VARCHAR2,
946   queue_spec              IN VARCHAR2,
947   timeout                 IN INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND DEFAULT NULL);
949 -- drops a chain rule
950 PROCEDURE drop_chain_rule(
951   chain_name              IN VARCHAR2,
952   rule_name               IN VARCHAR2,
953   force                   IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE);
955 -- drops a chain step
956 PROCEDURE drop_chain_step(
957   chain_name              IN VARCHAR2,
958   step_name               IN VARCHAR2,
962 PROCEDURE alter_chain(
959   force                   IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE);
961 -- alters steps of a chain
963   chain_name              IN VARCHAR2,
964   step_name               IN VARCHAR2,
965   attribute               IN VARCHAR2,
966   value                   IN BOOLEAN);
968 -- alters steps of a chain
969 PROCEDURE alter_chain(
970   chain_name              IN VARCHAR2,
971   step_name               IN VARCHAR2,
972   attribute               IN VARCHAR2,
973   char_value              IN VARCHAR2);
975 -- drops a chain
976 PROCEDURE drop_chain(
977   chain_name              IN VARCHAR2,
978   force                   IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
980 -- analyzes a chain or a list of steps and rules and outputs a list of
981 -- chain dependencies
982 PROCEDURE analyze_chain(
983 chain_name  IN VARCHAR2,
984 rules       IN sys.scheduler$_rule_list,
985 steps       IN sys.scheduler$_step_type_list,
986 step_pairs  OUT sys.scheduler$_chain_link_list);
988 -- alters steps of a running chain
989 PROCEDURE alter_running_chain(
990   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
991   step_name               IN VARCHAR2,
992   attribute               IN VARCHAR2,
993   value                   IN BOOLEAN);
995 -- alters steps of a running chain
996 PROCEDURE alter_running_chain(
997   job_name                IN VARCHAR2,
998   step_name               IN VARCHAR2,
999   attribute               IN VARCHAR2,
1000   value                   IN VARCHAR2);
1002 -- forces immediate evaluation of a running chain
1003 PROCEDURE evaluate_running_chain(
1004   job_name                IN VARCHAR2);
1006 -- immediately runs a job pointing to a chain starting with a list of
1007 -- specified steps. The job will be started in the background.
1008 -- If start_steps is NULL, the chain is run from the beginning.
1009 PROCEDURE run_chain(
1010   chain_name              IN VARCHAR2,
1011   start_steps             IN VARCHAR2,
1012   job_name                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
1013 -- immediately runs a job pointing to a chain starting with the given
1014 -- list of step states. The job will be started in the background.
1015 -- If step_state_list is NULL, the chain is run from the beginning.
1016 PROCEDURE run_chain(
1017   chain_name              IN VARCHAR2,
1018   step_state_list         IN SYS.SCHEDULER$_STEP_TYPE_LIST,
1019   job_name                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
1021 /*************************************************************
1022  * Credential Administration Procedures
1023  *************************************************************
1024  */
1026 -- credential attributes which can be used with set_attribute/get_attribute:
1027 --
1028 -- username           - VARCHAR2
1029 --                      user to execute the job as.
1030 -- password           - VARCHAR2
1031 --                      password to use to authenticate the user
1032 -- comments           - VARCHAR2
1033 --                      an optional comment. This can describe what the
1034 --                      credential is intended to be used for.
1035 -- database_role      - VARCHAR2
1036 --                      Database role to use when logging in (either SYSDBA or
1037 --                      SYSOPER or NULL)
1038 -- windows_domain     - VARCHAR2
1039 --                      Windows domain to use when logging in
1041 -- Create a new credential. The credential name can be optionally qualified
1042 -- with a schema.
1043 PROCEDURE create_credential(
1044   credential_name          IN VARCHAR2,
1045   username                 IN VARCHAR2,
1046   password                 IN VARCHAR2,
1047   database_role            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
1048   windows_domain           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
1049   comments                 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
1050 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(create_credential, NONE);
1052 -- Drops an existing credential (or a comma separated list of credentials).
1053 -- When force is set to false the credential must not be
1054 -- referred to by any job.  When force is set to true, any jobs referring to
1055 -- this credential will be disabled (same behavior as calling the disable
1056 -- routine on those jobs with the force option).
1057 PROCEDURE drop_credential(
1058   credential_name         IN VARCHAR2,
1059   force                   IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
1061 -- Saves a file to one or more specified destination hosts. Uses a
1062 -- specified credential to login to the given hosts. All specified remote hosts
1063 -- must have an execution agent installed and running.
1064 -- The caller must have the CREATE EXTERNAL JOB system privilege and
1065 -- have EXECUTE privileges on the credential.
1066 procedure put_file (
1067   destination_file             IN VARCHAR2,
1068   destination_host             IN VARCHAR2,
1069   credential_name              IN VARCHAR2,
1070   file_contents                IN CLOB CHARACTER SET ANY_CS,
1071   destination_permissions      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
1072 procedure put_file (
1073   destination_file             IN VARCHAR2,
1074   destination_host             IN VARCHAR2,
1075   credential_name              IN VARCHAR2,
1076   file_contents                IN BLOB,
1077   destination_permissions      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
1078 procedure put_file (
1079   destination_file             IN VARCHAR2,
1080   destination_host             IN VARCHAR2,
1081   credential_name              IN VARCHAR2,
1082   source_file_name             IN VARCHAR2,
1086 -- Retrieves a file from a specified destination host. Uses a
1083   source_directory_object      IN VARCHAR2,
1084   destination_permissions      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
1087 -- specified credential to login to the given host. Any specified remote host
1088 -- must have an execution agent installed and running.
1089 -- The caller must have the CREATE EXTERNAL JOB system privilege and
1090 -- have EXECUTE privileges on the credential.
1091 procedure get_file (
1092   source_file                  IN VARCHAR2,
1093   source_host                  IN VARCHAR2,
1094   credential_name              IN VARCHAR2,
1095   file_contents                IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB CHARACTER SET ANY_CS);
1096 procedure get_file (
1097   source_file                  IN VARCHAR2,
1098   source_host                  IN VARCHAR2,
1099   credential_name              IN VARCHAR2,
1100   file_contents                IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB);
1101 procedure get_file (
1102   source_file                  IN VARCHAR2,
1103   source_host                  IN VARCHAR2,
1104   credential_name              IN VARCHAR2,
1105   destination_file_name        IN VARCHAR2,
1106   destination_directory_object IN VARCHAR2,
1107   destination_permissions      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
1109 procedure create_file_watcher (
1110   file_watcher_name            IN VARCHAR2,
1111   directory_path               IN VARCHAR2,
1112   file_name                    IN VARCHAR2,
1113   credential_name              IN VARCHAR2,
1114   destination                  IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
1115   min_file_size                IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
1116   steady_state_duration        IN INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND DEFAULT NULL,
1117   comments                     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
1118   enabled                      IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE);
1120 procedure drop_file_watcher (
1121   file_watcher_name          IN VARCHAR2,
1122   force                      IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
1124 -- PROCEDURE add_job_email_notification:
1125 -- ARGUMENTS:
1126 -- job_name - Name of the job to send e-mail notifications for. Cannot be NULL
1127 -- recipients - Comma-separated list of e-mail addresses to send
1128 --     notifications to. E-mail notifications for all listed events will
1129 --     be sent to all e-mail addresses provided. This cannot be NULL.
1130 -- sender - E-mail address to use as the sender for e-mail
1131 --     notifications. If this is NULL and the scheduler attribute
1132 --     default_email_sender contains a valid e-mail address, that value will
1133 --     be used instead.
1134 -- subject - This will be used as the subject of notification e-mails. This
1135 --     can contain the following variables for which values will be
1136 --     substituted before the e-mail is sent:
1137 --     %job_owner%
1138 --     %job_name%
1139 --     %job_subname%
1140 --     %event_type%
1141 --     %event_timestamp%
1142 --     %log_id%
1143 --     %error_code%
1144 --     %error_message%
1145 --     %run_count%
1146 --     %failure_count%
1147 --     %retry_count%
1148 -- body - This will be used as the body of notification e-mails. This
1149 --     can contain any of the variables that are valid in the subject.
1150 -- events - Comma-separated list of events to e-mail notifications for.
1151 --     E-mail notifications for all specified events will be sent to all
1152 --     e-mail addresses provided. This cannot be NULL. The list of events that
1153 --     can be set is documented under the raise_events attribute of jobs.
1154 -- filter_condition - This will be used to additionally filter e-mail
1155 --     notifications that are sent. If this is NULL (the default), all listed
1156 --     events will be e-mailed to all specified recipient addresses. The
1157 --     format is a SQL where-clause with :event bound to
1158 --     a scheduler$_event_info type object.
1159 --     For example to send e-mail only when the error number is 600 or 700
1160 --     you can use the following filter_condition:
1161 --     :event.error_code=600 or :event.error_code=700
1162 --
1163 -- This will add job e-mail notifications so that e-mails will be sent to the
1164 -- specified recipient addresses whenever any of the listed events are
1165 -- generated by the job. This will automatically modify the job to raise
1166 -- these events by modifying the raise_events flag. If a filter_condition is
1167 -- given, only events which match the filter_condition will generate an
1168 -- e-mail.
1169 -- This will fail if the scheduler attribute email_server is not set or if the
1170 -- job specified does not exist.
1171 PROCEDURE add_job_email_notification
1172 (
1173   job_name             IN VARCHAR2,
1174   recipients           IN VARCHAR2,
1175   sender               IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
1176   subject              IN VARCHAR2
1177     DEFAULT dbms_scheduler.default_notification_subject,
1178   body                 IN VARCHAR2
1179     DEFAULT dbms_scheduler.default_notification_body,
1180   events               IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT
1182   filter_condition     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
1184 -- PROCEDURE remove_job_email_notification:
1185 -- ARGUMENTS:
1186 -- job_name - Name of the job to remove e-mail notifications for. This cannot
1187 --     be NULL.
1188 -- recipients - Comma-separated list of e-mail addresses to remove
1189 --     notifications for. If this is NULL, all notifications for the given
1190 --     job and listed events will be removed.
1191 -- events - Comma-separated list of events to remove e-mail notifications for.
1192 --     If this is NULL, all notifications for the given job and the listed
1196 -- It will not modify the job to stop raising the events, but no events will
1193 --     e-mail addresses will be removed.
1194 --
1195 -- This is used to remove one or more e-mail notifications for a given job.
1197 -- be raised if there are no recipients. The user may reset the event flags
1198 -- in the raise_events job attribute if he is sure that these events are not
1199 -- required or used.
1200 -- If one or both of recipients or events are comma-separated lists,
1201 -- all matching combinations for the given job will be removed. If both are
1202 -- NULL then all e-mail notifications for the job are removed. job_name cannot
1203 -- be NULL.
1204 PROCEDURE remove_job_email_notification
1205 (
1206   job_name             IN VARCHAR2,
1207   recipients           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
1208   events               IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
1209 );
1211 /*************************************************************
1212  * Generic Procedures
1213  *************************************************************
1214  */
1216 -- Disable a program, chain, job, window or window_group.
1217 -- The procedure will NOT return an error if the object was already disabled.
1218 -- It will return an error when force is set to false and:
1219 --   name points to a program and there are jobs/chains pointing to the program
1220 --   name points to a chain and there are jobs/chains pointing to the chain
1221 --   name points to a window or window group and a job has that object as its
1222 --     schedule
1223 -- The only purpose of the force option is to point out dependencies. No
1224 -- dependent objects are altered.
1225 PROCEDURE disable(
1226   name                   IN VARCHAR2,
1227   force                  IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
1228   commit_semantics       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'STOP_ON_FIRST_ERROR');
1230 -- Enable a program, chain, job, window or window group. The procedure will NOT
1231 -- return an error if the object was already enabled.
1232 PROCEDURE enable(
1233   name                  IN VARCHAR2,
1234   commit_semantics      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'STOP_ON_FIRST_ERROR');
1236 -- Set an attribute of a scheduler object. Name can be the name of any
1237 -- Scheduler object. The procedure is overloaded to accept
1238 -- different datatypes.
1239 -- number types are implicitly converted to varchar2
1240 PROCEDURE set_attribute(
1241   name                  IN VARCHAR2,
1242   attribute             IN VARCHAR2,
1243   value                 IN BOOLEAN);
1244 PROCEDURE set_attribute(
1245   name                  IN VARCHAR2,
1246   attribute             IN VARCHAR2,
1247   value                 IN VARCHAR2,
1248   value2                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
1249 PROCEDURE set_attribute(
1250   name                  IN VARCHAR2,
1251   attribute             IN VARCHAR2,
1252   value                 IN DATE);
1253 PROCEDURE set_attribute(
1254   name                  IN VARCHAR2,
1255   attribute             IN VARCHAR2,
1256   value                 IN TIMESTAMP);
1257 PROCEDURE set_attribute(
1258   name                  IN VARCHAR2,
1259   attribute             IN VARCHAR2,
1260   value                 IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE);
1261 PROCEDURE set_attribute(
1262   name                  IN VARCHAR2,
1263   attribute             IN VARCHAR2,
1264   value                 IN TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE);
1265 PROCEDURE set_attribute(
1266   name                  IN VARCHAR2,
1267   attribute             IN VARCHAR2,
1268   value                 IN INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND);
1270 -- Set an attribute of a scheduler program to NULL
1271 -- This is necessary because the overloading above does not allow NULL
1272 -- as a valid value.
1273 PROCEDURE set_attribute_null(
1274   name                  IN VARCHAR2,
1275   attribute             IN VARCHAR2);
1277 -- Get the value of an attribute of a Scheduler object.
1278 -- The procedure is overloaded to support different datatypes for the
1279 -- attribute values: PLS_INTEGER, BOOLEAN,VARCHAR2, all date types.
1280 PROCEDURE get_attribute(
1281   name                  IN  VARCHAR2,
1282   attribute             IN  VARCHAR2,
1283   value                 OUT PLS_INTEGER);
1284 PROCEDURE get_attribute(
1285   name                  IN  VARCHAR2,
1286   attribute             IN  VARCHAR2,
1287   value                 OUT BOOLEAN);
1288 PROCEDURE get_attribute(
1289   name                  IN  VARCHAR2,
1290   attribute             IN  VARCHAR2,
1291   value                 OUT DATE);
1292 PROCEDURE get_attribute(
1293   name                  IN  VARCHAR2,
1294   attribute             IN  VARCHAR2,
1295   value                 OUT TIMESTAMP);
1296 PROCEDURE get_attribute(
1297   name                  IN  VARCHAR2,
1298   attribute             IN  VARCHAR2,
1299   value                 OUT TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE);
1300 PROCEDURE get_attribute(
1301   name                  IN  VARCHAR2,
1302   attribute             IN  VARCHAR2,
1303   value                 OUT TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE);
1304 PROCEDURE get_attribute(
1305   name                  IN  VARCHAR2,
1306   attribute             IN  VARCHAR2,
1307   value                 OUT INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND);
1308 PROCEDURE get_attribute(
1309   name                  IN  VARCHAR2,
1310   attribute             IN  VARCHAR2,
1311   value                 OUT VARCHAR2);
1312 PROCEDURE get_attribute(
1313   name                  IN  VARCHAR2,
1314   attribute             IN  VARCHAR2,
1315   value                 OUT VARCHAR2,
1316   value2                OUT VARCHAR2);
1321  */
1318 /*************************************************************
1319  * Special Scheduler Administrative Procedures
1320  *************************************************************
1323 -- There are several scheduler attributes that control the behavior of the
1324 -- scheduler. These have defaults but a DBA may wish to change the default
1325 -- settings or view the current settings. These two functions are provided for
1326 -- this purpose.
1327 -- Even though the scheduler attributes have different types (e.g. strings,
1328 -- numbers) all the values are passed as string literals. The set
1329 -- procedure requires the MANAGE SCHEDULER privilege.
1330 -- This takes effect immediately, but the resulting changes may not be seen
1331 -- immediately.
1332 -- Attributes which may be set are:
1333 -- 'MAX_SLAVE_PROCESSES'(pls_integer), 'DEFAULT_LOG_PURGE_POLICY'(varchar2),
1334 -- 'LOG_HISTORY' (pls_integer)
1336 -- Set the value of a scheduler attribute. This takes effect immediately,
1337 -- but the resulting changes may not be seen immediately.
1338 PROCEDURE set_scheduler_attribute(
1339   attribute          IN VARCHAR2,
1340   value              IN VARCHAR2);
1342 -- Get the value of a scheduler attribute.
1343 PROCEDURE get_scheduler_attribute(
1344   attribute          IN VARCHAR2,
1345   value             OUT VARCHAR2);
1347 PROCEDURE add_event_queue_subscriber(
1348   subscriber_name    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
1350 PROCEDURE remove_event_queue_subscriber(
1351   subscriber_name    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
1353 -- The following procedure purges from the logs based on the arguments
1354 -- The default is to purge all entries
1355 PROCEDURE purge_log(
1356   log_history        IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
1357   which_log          IN VARCHAR2    DEFAULT 'JOB_AND_WINDOW_LOG',
1358   job_name           IN VARCHAR2    DEFAULT NULL);
1361 /*************************************************************
1362  * Auxiliary Functions and Procedures
1363  *************************************************************
1364  */
1366 -- This function returns a unique name for a job.
1367 -- If prefix is NULL this will be a number from a sequence, otherwise
1368 -- it will be of the form {prefix}N where N is a number from a sequence.
1369 FUNCTION generate_job_name(
1370   prefix            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'JOB$_') RETURN VARCHAR2 ;
1371 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(generate_job_name, NONE);
1373 /*************************************************************
1374  * Internal Functions and Procedures
1375  *************************************************************
1376  */
1378 -- These functions are for internal scheduler use. They are not intended to
1379 -- be directly called by the user.
1381 FUNCTION check_sys_privs RETURN PLS_INTEGER ;
1384 FUNCTION get_varchar2_value (a SYS.ANYDATA) RETURN VARCHAR2;
1385 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(get_varchar2_value, NONE);
1387 FUNCTION get_varchar2_value (a BLOB) RETURN VARCHAR2;
1388 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(get_varchar2_value, NONE);
1390 -- The following procedure purges from the logs based on class and global
1391 -- log_history
1392 PROCEDURE auto_purge;
1394 -- This accepts an attribute name and returns the default value.
1395 -- If the attribute is not recognized it returns NULL.
1396 -- If the attribute is of type BOOLEAN, it will return 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
1397 FUNCTION get_default_value (attribute_name VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 ;
1398 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(get_default_value, NONE);
1400 -- this is used by chain views to output rule actions
1401 FUNCTION get_chain_rule_action(action_in IN re$nv_list) RETURN VARCHAR2;
1402 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(get_chain_rule_action, NONE);
1404 -- this is used by chain views to output rule conditions
1405 FUNCTION get_chain_rule_condition(action_in IN re$nv_list, condition_in IN VARCHAR2)
1407 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(get_chain_rule_condition, NONE);
1409 -- this is used to retrieve the canonicalized object owner or name
1410 FUNCTION resolve_name(
1411    full_name      IN VARCHAR2,
1412    default_owner  IN VARCHAR2,
1413    return_part    IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2;
1416 -- this is the execution engine for remote external jobs. It checks all
1417 -- required privileges. This can only be called from the job slave.
1418 PROCEDURE submit_remote_external_job (
1419   job_name          IN VARCHAR2,
1420   job_subname       IN VARCHAR2,
1421   job_owner         IN VARCHAR2,
1422   command           IN VARCHAR2,
1423   arguments         IN ODCIVARCHAR2LIST,
1424   credential_name   IN VARCHAR2,
1425   credential_owner  IN VARCHAR2,
1426   destination       IN VARCHAR2,
1427   destination_owner IN VARCHAR2,
1428   destination_name  IN VARCHAR2,
1429   job_dest_id       IN VARCHAR2,
1430   job_action        IN VARCHAR2,
1431   job_scheduled_start IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,
1432   job_start         IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,
1433   window_start      IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,
1434   window_end        IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,
1435   chainid           IN VARCHAR2,
1436   request_id        IN NUMBER,
1437   log_id            IN NUMBER,
1438   logging_level     IN NUMBER,
1439   store_output      IN NUMBER,
1440   connect_credential_name  IN VARCHAR2,
1441   connect_credential_owner IN VARCHAR2);
1445 /*************************************************************
1442 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(submit_remote_external_job, NONE);
1446  * Calendar utility functions for schedule type sched_calendar_string
1447  *************************************************************
1448  */
1450 TYPE bylist IS VARRAY (256) OF PLS_INTEGER;
1452 Yearly     Constant Pls_Integer := 1;
1453 Monthly    Constant Pls_Integer := 2;
1454 Weekly     Constant Pls_Integer := 3;
1455 Daily      Constant Pls_Integer := 4;
1456 Hourly     Constant Pls_Integer := 5;
1457 Minutely   Constant Pls_Integer := 6;
1458 Secondly   Constant Pls_Integer := 7;
1461 Monday     Constant Integer := 1;
1462 Tuesday    Constant Integer := 2;
1463 Wednesday  Constant Integer := 3;
1464 Thursday   Constant Integer := 4;
1465 Friday     Constant Integer := 5;
1466 Saturday   Constant Integer := 6;
1467 Sunday     Constant Integer := 7;
1469 -- byday_days contains list of days
1470 -- byday_occurrence contains the corresponding monthly (or yearly)
1471 --   occurrence -5 .. -1,0, 1 .. 5    // 0 meaning any this weekday
1473 -- Example  BYDAY=-2MO, -1MO, 1MO, TU
1474 -- byday_day = Monday,Monday,Monday,Tuesday
1475 -- byday_orrurrence= -2,-1, 1, 0
1477 Procedure create_calendar_string(
1478    frequency         in   pls_integer,
1479    interval          in   pls_integer,
1480    bysecond          in   bylist,
1481    byminute          in   bylist,
1482    byhour            in   bylist,
1483    byday_days        in   bylist,
1484    byday_occurrence  in   bylist,
1485    bymonthday        in   bylist,
1486    byyearday         in   bylist,
1487    byweekno          in   bylist,
1488    bymonth           in   bylist,
1489    calendar_string   out  Varchar2);
1490 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(create_calendar_string, NONE);
1491 --
1492 Procedure resolve_calendar_string(
1493    calendar_string   in   varchar2,
1494    frequency         out  pls_integer,
1495    interval          out  pls_integer,
1496    calendars_used    out  boolean,
1497    bysecond          out  scheduler$_int_array_type,
1498    byminute          out  scheduler$_int_array_type,
1499    byhour            out  scheduler$_int_array_type,
1500    byday_days        out  scheduler$_int_array_type,
1501    byday_occurrence  out  scheduler$_int_array_type,
1502    bydate_y          out  scheduler$_int_array_type,
1503    bydate_md         out  scheduler$_int_array_type,
1504    bymonthday        out  scheduler$_int_array_type,
1505    byyearday         out  scheduler$_int_array_type,
1506    byweekno          out  scheduler$_int_array_type,
1507    bymonth           out  scheduler$_int_array_type,
1508    bysetpos          out  scheduler$_int_array_type);
1509 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(resolve_calendar_string, NONE);
1512 Procedure resolve_calendar_string(
1513    calendar_string   in   varchar2,
1514    frequency         out  pls_integer,
1515    interval          out  pls_integer,
1516    bysecond          out  bylist,
1517    byminute          out  bylist,
1518    byhour            out  bylist,
1519    byday_days        out  bylist,
1520    byday_occurrence  out  bylist,
1521    bymonthday        out  bylist,
1522    byyearday         out  bylist,
1523    byweekno          out  bylist,
1524    bymonth           out  bylist);
1525 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(resolve_calendar_string, NONE);
1527 -- Repeat intervals of jobs, windows or schedules are defined using the
1528 -- scheduler's calendar syntax. This procedure evaluates the calendar string
1529 -- and tells you what the next execution date of a job or window will be. This
1530 -- is very useful for testing the correct definition of the calendar string
1531 -- without having to actually schedule the job or window.
1532 --
1533 -- Parameters
1534 -- calendar_string    The to be evaluated calendar string.
1535 -- start_date         The date by which the calendar string becomes valid.
1536 --                    It might also be used to fill in specific items that are
1537 --                    missing from the calendar string. Can optionally be NULL.
1538 -- return_date_after  With the start_date and the calendar string the scheduler
1539 --                    has sufficient information to determine all valid
1540 --                    execution dates. By setting this argument the scheduler
1541 --                    determines which one of all possible matches to return.
1542 --                    When a NULL value is passed for this argument the
1543 --                    scheduler automatically fills in systimestamp as its
1544 --                    value.
1545 -- next_run_date      The first timestamp that matches the calendar string and
1546 --                    start date that occurs after the value passed in for the
1547 --                    return_date_after argument.
1551 -- This procedure can also be used to get multiple steps of the repeat interval
1552 -- by passing the next_run_date returned by one invocation as the
1553 -- return_date_after argument of the next invocation of this procedure.
1555 Procedure evaluate_calendar_string(
1556    calendar_string    in  varchar2,
1557    start_date         in  timestamp with time zone,
1558    return_date_after  in  timestamp with time zone,
1559    next_run_date      OUT timestamp with time zone);
1560 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(evaluate_calendar_string, NONE);
1562 -- Set the remote execution agent registration password for this database
1563 -- optionally limit the password to a limited number of uses or to before a
1564 -- specified expiry date
1565 PROCEDURE set_agent_registration_pass(
1566    registration_password   IN VARCHAR2,
1567    expiration_date         IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NULL,
1568    max_uses                IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL);
1569 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(set_agent_registration_pass, NONE);
1571 -- Internal function. Do not document
1572 FUNCTION is_scheduler_created_agent(
1573    schema_name                 VARCHAR2,
1574    agent_name                  VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;
1575 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(is_scheduler_created_agent, NONE);
1577 -- Internal function. Do not document.
1578 FUNCTION get_job_step_cf
1579 (
1580    iec                         VARCHAR2,
1581    icn                         VARCHAR2,
1582    vname                       VARCHAR2,
1583    iev                         SYS.RE$NV_LIST
1587 FUNCTION generate_event_list(statusvec NUMBER) return VARCHAR2;
1588 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(generate_event_list, NONE);
1590 -- ###################################################################
1591 -- ###################################################################
1592 --                           NEW BATCH API
1593 -- ###################################################################
1594 -- ###################################################################
1596 -- In the following routines the argument 'semantics' can have one of
1598 -- If the value is 'STOP_ON_FIRST_ERROR', the routine will return on
1599 -- the first error but the previous successful operations will be
1600 -- comitted to disk. If the value is 'TRANSACTIONAL', it will return
1601 -- on the first error and the previous successful operations will be
1602 -- rolled back. If the value is 'ABSORB_ERRORS' then even if errors
1603 -- occur, the routine will proceed with until either all jobs in the
1604 -- array have been handled or a "fatal" error occurs. The successful
1605 -- operations will be comitted to disk. The exact errors for each of
1606 -- the failed jobs will be stored in UGA memory - calling the
1607 -- show_errors routine will retrieve them.
1609 -- Batch create job
1610 PROCEDURE create_jobs(
1611   jobdef_array     IN     SYS.JOB_DEFINITION_ARRAY,
1612   commit_semantics IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'STOP_ON_FIRST_ERROR');
1614 PROCEDURE create_jobs(
1615   job_array        IN     SYS.JOB_ARRAY,
1616   commit_semantics IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'STOP_ON_FIRST_ERROR');
1618 -- Batch set job attribute
1619 PROCEDURE set_job_attributes(
1620   jobattr_array    IN     SYS.JOBATTR_ARRAY,
1621   commit_semantics IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'STOP_ON_FIRST_ERROR');
1623 -- Batch show errors
1624 PROCEDURE show_errors(
1625   error_list       OUT    SYS.SCHEDULER$_BATCHERR_ARRAY);
1627 PROCEDURE end_detached_job_run (
1628   job_name        IN VARCHAR2,
1629   error_number    IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
1630   additional_info IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
1632 FUNCTION file_watch_filter(
1633   sch_name        IN VARCHAR2,
1634   obj_name        IN VARCHAR2,
1635   obj_subname     IN VARCHAR2,
1636   fw_msgid        IN RAW) RETURN NUMBER;
1638 PRAGMA SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA(file_watch_filter, NONE);
1640 PROCEDURE check_credential(
1641   credential_name   IN VARCHAR2,
1642   destination_name  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
1643   );
1646 END dbms_scheduler;