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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 34

 x_loc_updated   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
Line: 47

  to a given address format. Line breaks are inserted in order for the
  segments to be allocated inside the given box dimension.

  If the box size is not big enough to contain all the required
  segment together with segment joint characters(spaces/commas),
  or the box width is not long enough to contain any segment,
  then the function truncates the string to provide the possible output.

  address_style			: address format style
  address1			: address line 1
  address2			: address line 2
  address3			: address line 3
  address4			: address line 4
  city				: name of city
  county			: name of county
  state				: name of state
  province			: name of province
  postal_code			: postal code
  territory_short_name		: territory short name

  country_code			: country code
  customer_name			: customer name
  first_name			: contact first name
  last_name			: contact last name
  mail_stop			: mailing informatioin
  default_country_code 		: default country code
  default_country_desc		: default territory short name
  print_home_country_flag	: flag to control home county printing
  print_default_attn_flag	: flag to control default attention message
  width NUMBER			: address box width
  height_min			: address box minimum height
  height_max			: address box maximum height

  formatted address string

FUNCTION format_address( address_style IN VARCHAR2,
			 address1 IN VARCHAR2,
			 address2 IN VARCHAR2,
			 address3 IN VARCHAR2,
			 address4 IN VARCHAR2,
			 city IN VARCHAR2,
			 county IN VARCHAR2,
			 state IN VARCHAR2,
			 province IN VARCHAR2,
			 postal_code IN VARCHAR2,
			 territory_short_name IN VARCHAR2,
			 country_code IN VARCHAR2 default NULL,
			 customer_name IN VARCHAR2 default NULL,
			 first_name IN VARCHAR2 default NULL,
			 last_name IN VARCHAR2 default NULL,
			 mail_stop IN VARCHAR2 default NULL,
			 default_country_code IN VARCHAR2,
                         default_country_desc IN VARCHAR2,
                         print_home_country_flag IN VARCHAR2,
                         print_default_attn_flag IN VARCHAR2,
			 width IN NUMBER,
			 height_min IN NUMBER,
			 height_max IN NUMBER
		        )return VARCHAR2 IS

    l_fmt_bkwd_compatible    VARCHAR2(10) :='Y';
Line: 414

PROCEDURE insert_site_use(    p_customer_id   in  number,
			            p_address_id    in  number,
                              p_site_use_code in  varchar2,
                              x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY number,
                              x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                              x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
) is
  l_rowid varchar2(18);
Line: 429

                      	X_Site_Use_Id      	 => l_site_use_id,
                       	X_Last_Update_Date 	 => sysdate,
                       	x_Last_Updated_By        => fnd_global.user_id,
                       	X_Creation_Date          => sysdate,
                       	X_Created_By             => fnd_global.user_id,
                       	X_Site_Use_Code          => p_site_use_code,
				X_customer_id		 => p_customer_id,
                       	X_Address_Id             => p_address_id,
                       	X_Primary_Flag           => 'N',
                       	X_Status                 => 'A',
                       	X_Location               => l_location,
                       	X_Last_Update_Login      => fnd_global.Login_id,
                       	X_Contact_Id             => null,
                       	X_Bill_To_Site_Use_Id    => null,
                       	X_Sic_Code               => null,
                       	X_Payment_Term_Id        => null,
                       	X_Gsa_Indicator          => null,
                       	X_Ship_Partial           => null,
                       	X_Ship_Via               => null,
                       	X_Fob_Point              => null,
                       	X_Order_Type_Id          => null,
                       	X_Price_List_Id          => null,
                       	X_Freight_Term           => null,
                       	X_Warehouse_Id           => null,
                       	X_Territory_Id           => null,
                       	X_Tax_Code               => null,
                       	X_Tax_Reference          => null,
                       	X_Demand_Class_Code      => null,
				x_inventory_location_id  => null,
				x_inventory_organization_id => null,
                       	X_Attribute_Category     => null,
                       	X_Attribute1             => null,
                      	X_Attribute2             => null,
                       	X_Attribute3             => null,
                       	X_Attribute4             => null,
                      	X_Attribute5             => null,
                       	X_Attribute6             => null,
                       	X_Attribute7             => null,
                       	X_Attribute8             => null,
                       	X_Attribute9             => null,
                       	X_Attribute10            => null,
                       	X_Attribute11            => null,
                       	X_Attribute12            => null,
                       	X_Attribute13            => null,
                       	X_Attribute14            => null,
                       	X_Attribute15            => null,
                       	X_Attribute16            => null,
                       	X_Attribute17            => null,
                       	X_Attribute18            => null,
                       	X_Attribute19            => null,
                       	X_Attribute20            => null,
                       	X_Attribute21            => null,
                       	X_Attribute22            => null,
                       	X_Attribute23            => null,
                       	X_Attribute24            => null,
                      	X_Attribute25            => null,
                        X_Tax_Classification     => null,
                        X_Tax_Header_Level_Flag  => null,
                        X_Tax_Rounding_Rule      => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute_Category => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute1      => null,
                      	X_Global_Attribute2      => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute3      => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute4      => null,
                      	X_Global_Attribute5      => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute6      => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute7      => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute8      => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute9      => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute10     => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute11     => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute12     => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute13     => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute14     => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute15     => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute16     => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute17     => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute18     => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute19     => null,
                       	X_Global_Attribute20     => null,
                        X_Primary_Salesrep_Id    => null,
                        X_Finchrg_Receivables_Trx_Id => null,
                        X_GL_ID_Rec	         => null,
		     		X_GL_ID_Rev	  	 => null,
		       	X_GL_ID_Tax	         => null,
		       	X_GL_ID_Freight		 => null,
		       	X_GL_ID_Clearing	 => null,
		       	X_GL_ID_Unbilled	 => null,
		      	X_GL_ID_Unearned 	 => null,
                        X_GL_ID_Unpaid_rec       => null,
                        X_GL_ID_Remittance       => null,
                        X_GL_ID_Factor           => null,
                        X_DATES_NEGATIVE_TOLERANCE    => null,
                        X_DATES_POSITIVE_TOLERANCE    => null,
                        X_DATE_TYPE_PREFERENCE        => null,
                        X_OVER_SHIPMENT_TOLERANCE     => null,
                        X_UNDER_SHIPMENT_TOLERANCE    => null,
                        X_ITEM_CROSS_REF_PREF         => null,
                        X_OVER_RETURN_TOLERANCE       => null,
                        X_UNDER_RETURN_TOLERANCE       => null,
                        X_SHIP_SETS_INCLUDE_LINES_FLAG  => null,
                        X_ARRIVALSETS_INCL_LINES_FLAG   => null,
                                X_SCHED_DATE_PUSH_FLAG          => null,
                                X_INVOICE_QUANTITY_RULE         => null,
                                x_msg_count              => x_msg_count,
                                x_msg_data               => x_msg_data,
                                x_return_status          => x_return_status

Line: 539

end insert_site_use;
Line: 600

			arh_csu_pkg.update_su_status(p_customer_id   => p_customer_id,
					          p_address_id    => p_address_id,
						  p_site_use_id   => l_site_use_id,
					          p_site_use_code => p_site_use_code,
						  p_status	  =>'A');
Line: 607

                insert_site_use(p_customer_id, p_address_id,p_site_use_code,x_msg_count,
Line: 616

			arh_csu_pkg.update_su_status(p_customer_id   => p_customer_id,
					          p_address_id    => p_address_id,
						  p_site_use_id   => l_site_use_id,
					          p_site_use_code => p_site_use_code,
						  p_status	  => 'I');
Line: 660

procedure update_site_use_flag ( p_address_id    in  number,
				 p_site_use_code in varchar2,
				 p_site_use_flag in varchar2 ) is
        -- The procedure is only callled if one of the flags requires updating
	-- therfore the if then else logic has been pushed into the sql
	update 	hz_cust_acct_sites
	set	bill_to_flag = decode(p_site_use_code,
                ship_to_flag = decode(p_site_use_code,
		market_flag  = decode(p_site_use_code,
	where  cust_acct_site_id = p_address_id;
Line: 687

end update_site_use_flag;
Line: 694

	update hz_party_sites set identifying_address_flag = 'N'
        where party_id = x_party_id and identifying_address_flag = 'Y';
Line: 731

	select 	count(1)
	into   	dummy
	from 	hz_cust_acct_sites addr
	where	addr.orig_system_reference = p_orig_system_reference;
Line: 746

  PROCEDURE delete_customer_alt_names(p_rowid in varchar2,
                                    p_status in varchar2,
                                    p_customer_id in number,
                                    p_address_id in number ) is
l_status varchar2(1);
Line: 761

              select status
                into l_status
                from hz_cust_acct_sites
               where rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 768

                 select site_use_id
                 into l_site_use_id
                 from hz_cust_site_uses
                 where cust_acct_site_id = p_address_id
                 and site_use_code = 'BILL_TO'
                 and status = 'A';
Line: 783

                    arp_cust_alt_match_pkg.delete_match ( p_customer_id, l_site_use_id , NULL) ;
Line: 794

              arp_standard.debug('EXCEPTION: arh_addr_pkg.delete_customer_alt_names');
Line: 795

end delete_customer_alt_names;
Line: 799

  PROCEDURE insert_row (
                       X_Address_Id              IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                       X_Last_Update_Date               DATE,
                       X_Last_Updated_By                NUMBER,
                       X_Creation_Date                  DATE,
                       X_Created_By                     NUMBER,
                       X_Status                         VARCHAR2,
                       X_Orig_System_Reference  IN OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                       X_Country                        VARCHAR2,
                       X_Address1                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Address2                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Address3                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Address4                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_City                           VARCHAR2,
                       X_Postal_Code                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_State                          VARCHAR2,
                       X_Province                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_County                         VARCHAR2,
                       X_Last_Update_Login              NUMBER,
                       X_Address_Key                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Language                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute_Category             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute15                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute16                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute17                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute18                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute19                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute20                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Address_warning        out     NOCOPY boolean,
                       X_Address_Lines_Phonetic         VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute_Category      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute1              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute2              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute3              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute4              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute5              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute6              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute7              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute8              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute9              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute10             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute11             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute12             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute13             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute14             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute15             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute16             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute17             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute18             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute19             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute20             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Party_site_id             IN OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER,
                       X_Party_id                       NUMBER,
                       X_Location_id               IN OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER,
                       X_Party_Site_Number         IN OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                       X_Identifying_address_flag       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Cust_acct_site_id    in out           NOCOPY NUMBER,
                       X_Cust_account_id                NUMBER,
                       X_su_Bill_To_Flag                VARCHAR2,
                       X_su_Ship_To_Flag                VARCHAR2,
                       X_su_Market_Flag                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_su_stmt_flag                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_su_dun_flag                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_su_legal_flag                  VARCHAR2,
                       X_Customer_Category              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Key_Account_Flag               VARCHAR2,
                       X_Territory_id                   NUMBER,
                       X_ece_tp_location_code           VARCHAR2,
                       x_address_mode                   VARCHAR2,
                       x_territory                      VARCHAR2,
                       x_translated_customer_name       VARCHAR2,
                       x_sales_tax_geo_code             VARCHAR2,
                       x_sale_tax_inside_city_limits    VARCHAR2,
                       x_ADDRESSEE                      VARCHAR2,
                       x_shared_party_site          IN  VARCHAR2,
                       x_update_account_site        IN  VARCHAR2,
                       x_create_location_party_site IN  VARCHAR2,
                       x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                       x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                       x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
--Bug#2689667 {
                       x_description                IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_short_description          IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_floor                      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_house_number               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_location_directions        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_postal_plus4_code          IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_po_box_number              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_street                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_street_number              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_street_suffix              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_suite                      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
/*Bug 3976386 MOAC changes*/
                       X_ORG_ID                     IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL



  location_rec       hz_location_v2pub.location_rec_type;
Line: 938

            select hr_locations_s.nextval into x_location_id from dual;
Line: 940

            select count(*) into l_count
            from hz_locations
            where location_id = x_location_id;
Line: 965

           select hr_locations_s.nextval into x_location_id from dual;
Line: 967

           select count(*) into l_count
           from hz_locations
           where location_id = x_location_id;
Line: 1211

  IF x_update_account_site = 'Y' THEN

        p_location_id                  => x_location_id,
        p_lock_flag                    => FND_API.G_TRUE,
        p_created_by_module            => 'FORM-WRAPPER',
        p_application_id               => -222,
        x_return_status                => x_return_status,
        x_msg_count                    => x_msg_count,
        x_msg_data                     => x_msg_data,
        x_loc_id                       => x_loc_id );
Line: 1236

    UPDATE hz_cust_acct_sites
       SET party_site_id     =  x_party_site_id
     WHERE cust_acct_site_id =  x_cust_acct_site_id;
Line: 1251

  IF x_update_account_site = 'N' THEN

    HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT_SITE_V2PUB.create_cust_acct_site (
        p_cust_acct_site_rec                => asite_rec,
        x_cust_acct_site_id                 => x_cust_acct_site_id,
        x_return_status                     => x_return_status,
        x_msg_count                         => x_msg_count,
        x_msg_data                          => x_msg_data  );
Line: 1278

  arp_standard.debug('ARHADDRB:Insert Row: After Insert into hz_cust_Acct_sites');
Line: 1282

         insert_site_use (X_Cust_account_id,x_address_id,'BILL_TO',x_msg_count,x_msg_data, x_return_status);
Line: 1285

     arp_standard.debug('After insert_site_use bill_to  call ');
Line: 1288

         insert_site_use (X_Cust_account_id,x_address_id,'SHIP_TO',x_msg_count,x_msg_data, x_return_status);
Line: 1291

     arp_standard.debug('After insert_site_use ship_to  call ');
Line: 1294

         insert_site_use (X_Cust_account_id,x_address_id,'MARKET',x_msg_count,x_msg_data, x_return_status);
Line: 1297

     arp_standard.debug('After insert_site_use market  call ');
Line: 1300

         insert_site_use (X_Cust_account_id,x_address_id,'STMTS',x_msg_count,x_msg_data, x_return_status);
Line: 1303

     arp_standard.debug('After insert_site_use stmts  call ');
Line: 1306

         insert_site_use (X_Cust_account_id,x_address_id,'DUN',x_msg_count,x_msg_data,  x_return_status);
Line: 1309

     arp_standard.debug('After insert_site_use dun  call ');
Line: 1312

         insert_site_use (X_Cust_account_id,x_address_id,'LEGAL',x_msg_count,x_msg_data, x_return_status);
Line: 1315

     arp_standard.debug('After insert_site_use legal  call ');
Line: 1320

      app_exception.invalid_argument('arp_addr_pkg.Insert_Row', 'x_address_mode', x_address_mode);
Line: 1325

        x_address_warning := arp_adds.location_segment_inserted;
Line: 1329

  arp_standard.debug('AROADDRB:Insert Row: END');
Line: 1331

  END Insert_Row;
Line: 1334

  PROCEDURE update_row (
                       X_Address_Id                     NUMBER,
                       X_Last_Update_Date            IN OUT NOCOPY DATE,
                       X_party_site_Last_Update_Date IN OUT NOCOPY DATE,
                       X_loc_Last_Update_Date        IN OUT NOCOPY DATE,
                       X_Last_Updated_By                NUMBER,
                       X_Status                         VARCHAR2,
                       X_Orig_System_Reference          VARCHAR2,
                       X_Country                        VARCHAR2,
                       X_Address1                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Address2                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Address3                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Address4                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_City                           VARCHAR2,
                       X_Postal_Code                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_State                          VARCHAR2,
                       X_Province                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_County                         VARCHAR2,
                       X_Last_Update_Login              NUMBER,
                       X_Address_Key                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Language                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute_Category             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute15                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute16                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute17                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute18                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute19                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute20                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Address_warning          OUT   NOCOPY BOOLEAN,
                       X_Address_Lines_Phonetic         VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute_Category      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute1              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute2              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute3              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute4              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute5              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute6              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute7              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute8              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute9              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute10             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute11             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute12             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute13             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute14             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute15             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute16             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute17             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute18             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute19             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute20             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Party_site_id                  NUMBER,
                       X_Party_id                       NUMBER,
                       X_Location_id                    NUMBER,
                       X_Party_Site_Number              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Identifying_address_flag       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Cust_acct_site_id              NUMBER,
                       X_Cust_account_id                NUMBER,
                       X_su_Bill_To_Flag                VARCHAR2,
                       X_su_Ship_To_Flag                VARCHAR2,
                       X_su_Market_Flag                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_su_stmt_flag                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_su_dun_flag                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_su_legal_flag                  VARCHAR2,
                       X_Customer_Category              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Key_Account_Flag               VARCHAR2,
                       X_Territory_id                   NUMBER,
                       X_ece_tp_location_code           VARCHAR2,
                       x_address_mode                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Territory                      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Translated_Customer_Name       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Sales_Tax_Geocode              VARCHAR2,
                       X_Sales_Tax_Inside_City_Limits   VARCHAR2,
                       x_ADDRESSEE                      VARCHAR2,
                       x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                       x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                       x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                       x_object_version             IN  NUMBER,
                       x_object_version_party_site  IN  NUMBER,
                       x_object_version_location    IN  NUMBER,
--Bug#2689667 {
                       x_description                IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_short_description          IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_floor                      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_house_number               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_location_directions        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_postal_plus4_code          IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_po_box_number              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_street                     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_street_number              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_street_suffix              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                       x_suite                      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
/*Bug 3976386 MOAC changes*/
                       X_ORG_ID                     IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL

  l_site_use_id number;
Line: 1459

     WHERE LOCATION_ID  = x_location_id;
Line: 1466

     WHERE PARTY_SITE_ID  = X_Party_site_id;
Line: 1473

     WHERE CUST_ACCT_SITE_ID = X_address_id;
Line: 1481

  l_last_update_date            DATE;
Line: 1507

           l_last_update_date ;
Line: 1519

     IF TO_CHAR(X_loc_Last_Update_Date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') <>
        TO_CHAR(l_last_update_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS')
Line: 1545

           l_last_update_date ;
Line: 1557

     IF TO_CHAR(X_party_site_Last_Update_Date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') <>
        TO_CHAR(l_last_update_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS')
Line: 1592

           l_last_update_date ;
Line: 1604

     IF TO_CHAR(X_Last_Update_Date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') <>
        TO_CHAR(l_last_update_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS')
Line: 1823

    HZ_LOCATION_V2PUB.update_location (
        p_location_rec                      => location_rec,
        p_object_version_number             => l_object_version_location,
        x_return_status                     => x_return_status,
        x_msg_count                         => x_msg_count,
        x_msg_data                          => x_msg_data );
Line: 1842

    SELECT last_update_date
      INTO x_loc_last_update_date
      FROM hz_locations
     WHERE location_id = x_location_id;
Line: 1850

    HZ_PARTY_SITE_V2PUB.update_party_site (
        p_party_site_rec                    => psite_rec,
        p_object_version_number             => l_object_version_party_site,
        x_return_status                     => x_return_status,
        x_msg_count                         => x_msg_count,
        x_msg_data                          => x_msg_data );
Line: 1869

    SELECT last_update_date
      INTO x_party_site_last_update_date
      FROM hz_party_sites
     WHERE party_site_id = x_party_site_id;
Line: 1877

    HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT_SITE_V2PUB.update_cust_acct_site (
        p_cust_acct_site_rec                => asite_rec,
        p_object_version_number             => l_object_version_account_site,
        x_return_status                     => x_return_status,
        x_msg_count                         => x_msg_count,
        x_msg_data                          => x_msg_data );
Line: 1896

    SELECT last_update_date
      INTO x_last_update_date
      FROM hz_cust_acct_sites
     WHERE cust_acct_site_id = x_address_id;
Line: 1958

          app_exception.invalid_argument('arp_addr_pkg.Insert_Row', 'x_address_mode',
Line: 1965

	x_address_warning := arp_adds.location_segment_inserted;
Line: 1969

  END Update_Row;
Line: 1984

  select loc_assign.loc_id
  into   location_identifier
  from   hz_cust_acct_sites acct_site,
         hz_party_sites party_site,
         hz_locations loc,
         hz_loc_assignments loc_assign
  where  acct_site.party_site_id = party_site.party_site_id
    and  loc.location_id = party_site.location_id
    and  loc.location_id = loc_assign.location_id
    and  nvl(acct_site.org_id,-99) = nvl(loc_assign.org_id, -99)
    and  acct_site.cust_acct_site_id  = p_address_id;
Line: 2027

       select site_use_id
       from   hz_cust_site_uses
       where  cust_acct_site_id     = p_address_id
       and    site_use_code         = 'SHIP_TO';
Line: 2033

       select site_use_id
       from   hz_cust_site_uses
       where  cust_acct_site_id     = p_address_id
       and    site_use_code         = 'BILL_TO';
Line: 2055

       select change_printed_invoice_flag
       into   check_value
       from   ar_system_parameters_all
       where org_id =
       (select org_id from hz_cust_acct_sites_all where cust_acct_site_id = p_address_id);
Line: 2075

         select 'x'
         into   invoice_count
         from   dual
         where  exists ( select 'y'
                         from   ra_cust_trx_types         ctt,
                                ra_customer_trx_lines     ctl,
                                ra_customer_trx           ct
                         where  ct.cust_trx_type_id       = ctt.cust_trx_type_id
                         and    ct.customer_trx_id        = ctl.customer_trx_id
                         and    'TAX'                     = ctl.line_type
                         and    (
                                 'Y'                      = arpt_sql_func_util.get_posted_flag
                                                            ( ct.customer_trx_id,
                                                            )  -- posted_flag
                         OR      'Y'                      = arpt_sql_func_util.get_activity_flag
                                                            ( ct.customer_trx_id,
                                                            ) -- activity_flag
                         OR      DECODE(ct.printing_last_printed,
                                        NULL,'N', 'Y')    = 'Y'
                         and    ct.ship_to_customer_id    = p_customer_id
                         and    ct.ship_to_site_use_id    = i.site_use_id
Line: 2115

             select 'x'
             into   invoice_count
             from   dual
             where  exists ( select 'y'
                             from   ra_cust_trx_types         ctt,
                                    ra_customer_trx_lines     ctl,
                                    ra_customer_trx           ct
                             where  ct.cust_trx_type_id       = ctt.cust_trx_type_id
                             and    ct.customer_trx_id        = ctl.customer_trx_id
                             and    'TAX'                     = ctl.line_type
                             and    (
                                     'Y'                      = arpt_sql_func_util.get_posted_flag
                                                                ( ct.customer_trx_id,
                                                                )  -- posted_flag
                             OR      'Y'                      = arpt_sql_func_util.get_activity_flag
                                                                ( ct.customer_trx_id,
                                                                ) -- activity_flag
                             OR      DECODE(ct.printing_last_printed,
                                            NULL,'N', 'Y')    = 'Y'
                             and    ct.bill_to_customer_id    = p_customer_id
                             and    ct.bill_to_site_use_id    = j.site_use_id
Line: 2178

       select site_use_id
       from   hz_cust_site_uses_all
       where  cust_acct_site_id     = p_address_id
       and    site_use_code         = 'SHIP_TO';
Line: 2184

       select site_use_id
       from   hz_cust_site_uses_all
       where  cust_acct_site_id     = p_address_id
       and    site_use_code         = 'BILL_TO';
Line: 2209

       select change_printed_invoice_flag
       into   check_value
       from   ar_system_parameters_all
       where org_id =
       (select org_id from hz_cust_acct_sites_all where cust_acct_site_id = p_address_id);
Line: 2234

         select 'x'
         into   invoice_count
         from   dual
         where  exists ( select 'y'
                         from   ra_cust_trx_types_all         ctt,
                                ra_customer_trx_lines_all     ctl,
                                ra_customer_trx_all           ct
                         where  ct.cust_trx_type_id       = ctt.cust_trx_type_id
                         and    nvl(ct.org_id, -99)       = nvl(ctt.org_id, -99)
                         and    ct.customer_trx_id        = ctl.customer_trx_id
                         and    'TAX'                     = ctl.line_type
                         and    (
                                 'Y'                      = arpt_sql_func_util.get_posted_flag
                                                            ( ct.customer_trx_id,
                                                            )  -- posted_flag
                         OR      'Y'                      = arpt_sql_func_util.get_activity_flag
                                                            ( ct.customer_trx_id,
                                                            ) -- activity_flag
                         OR      DECODE(ct.printing_last_printed,
                                        NULL,'N', 'Y')    = 'Y'
                         and    ct.ship_to_customer_id    = p_customer_id
                         and    ct.ship_to_site_use_id    = i.site_use_id
Line: 2283

             select 'x'
             into   invoice_count
             from   dual
             where  exists ( select 'y'
                             from   ra_cust_trx_types_all         ctt,
                                    ra_customer_trx_lines_all     ctl,
                                    ra_customer_trx_all           ct
                             where  ct.cust_trx_type_id       = ctt.cust_trx_type_id
 			     and    nvl(ct.org_id,-99)        = nvl(ctt.org_id, -99)
                             and    ct.customer_trx_id        = ctl.customer_trx_id
                             and    'TAX'                     = ctl.line_type
                             and    (
                                     'Y'                      = arpt_sql_func_util.get_posted_flag
                                                                ( ct.customer_trx_id,
                                                                )  -- posted_flag
                             OR      'Y'                      = arpt_sql_func_util.get_activity_flag
                                                                ( ct.customer_trx_id,
                                                                ) -- activity_flag
                             OR      DECODE(ct.printing_last_printed,
                                            NULL,'N', 'Y')    = 'Y'
                             and    ct.bill_to_customer_id    = p_customer_id
                             and    ct.bill_to_site_use_id    = j.site_use_id
Line: 2366

     SELECT acct_site.cust_account_id,
     FROM hz_locations           loc,
          hz_party_sites         party_site,
          hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site
     WHERE loc.location_id           =  party_site.location_id
       AND party_site.party_site_id  =  acct_site.party_site_id
       AND loc.location_id           =  p_location_id;
Line: 2380

  SELECT change_printed_invoice_flag
    FROM ar_system_parameters;
Line: 2385

     select distinct acct_site.org_id
     from hz_locations      loc,
          hz_party_sites    party_site,
          hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site
     where loc.location_id         =   party_site.location_id
     and party_site.party_site_id  =   acct_site.party_site_id
     and loc.location_id =  p_location_id;
Line: 2413

            select change_printed_invoice_flag
            into   check_value
            from   ar_system_parameters_all where org_id=l_org_id;
Line: 2440

      x_loc_updated   => loc_modified );
Line: 2551

     SELECT acct_site.cust_account_id,
     FROM hz_locations           loc,
          hz_party_sites         party_site,
          hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site
     WHERE loc.location_id           =  party_site.location_id
       AND party_site.party_site_id  =  acct_site.party_site_id
       AND loc.location_id           =  p_location_id;
Line: 2565

  SELECT change_printed_invoice_flag
    FROM ar_system_parameters;
Line: 2569

     select distinct acct_site.org_id
     from hz_locations      loc,
          hz_party_sites    party_site,
          hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site
     where loc.location_id         =   party_site.location_id
     and party_site.party_site_id  =   acct_site.party_site_id
     and loc.location_id =  p_location_id;
Line: 2603

            select change_printed_invoice_flag
            into   check_value
            from   ar_system_parameters_all where org_id=l_org_id;
Line: 2651

      x_loc_updated              => loc_modified);
Line: 2737

     SELECT acct_site.cust_account_id,
     FROM hz_locations           loc,
          hz_party_sites         party_site,
          hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site
     WHERE loc.location_id           =  party_site.location_id
       AND party_site.party_site_id  =  acct_site.party_site_id
       AND loc.location_id           =  p_location_id;
Line: 2751

  SELECT change_printed_invoice_flag
    FROM ar_system_parameters;
Line: 2755

     select distinct acct_site.org_id
     from hz_locations      loc,
          hz_party_sites    party_site,
          hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site
     where loc.location_id         =   party_site.location_id
     and party_site.party_site_id  =   acct_site.party_site_id
     and loc.location_id =  p_location_id;
Line: 2790

            select change_printed_invoice_flag
            into   check_value
            from   ar_system_parameters_all where org_id=l_org_id;
Line: 2893

 x_loc_updated   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
  CURSOR c_exist_loc IS
  SELECT  loc.country     ,
          loc.address1    ,
          loc.address2    ,
          loc.address3    ,
          loc.address4    ,
          loc.city        ,
          loc.postal_code ,
          loc.state       ,
          loc.province    ,
          loc.county      ,
          loc.language    ,
          loc.description           ,
          loc.short_description     ,
          loc.floor       ,
          loc.street       ,
          loc.suite        ,
     FROM hz_locations loc
    WHERE location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 2929

   x_loc_updated := 'X';
Line: 3125

   x_loc_updated := loc_modified;
Line: 3127

   arp_standard.debug(' x_loc_updated :'||x_loc_updated);
Line: 3175

 x_loc_updated              IN OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
  l_location_rec       hz_location_v2pub.location_rec_type;
Line: 3241

   x_loc_updated   => x_loc_updated);
Line: 3243

  IF x_loc_updated = 'Y' THEN
    x_country               :=  l_exist_loc_rec.Country;
Line: 3413

     select acct_site.cust_account_id, acct_site.cust_acct_site_id
     from hz_locations      loc,
          hz_party_sites    party_site,
          hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site
     where loc.location_id         =   party_site.location_id
     and party_site.party_site_id  =   acct_site.party_site_id
     and loc.location_id =  p_location_id;
Line: 3422

     select distinct acct_site.org_id
     from hz_locations      loc,
          hz_party_sites    party_site,
          hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site
     where loc.location_id         =   party_site.location_id
     and party_site.party_site_id  =   acct_site.party_site_id
     and loc.location_id =  p_location_id;
Line: 3453

            select change_printed_invoice_flag
            into   check_value
            from   ar_system_parameters_all where org_id=l_org_id;
Line: 3505

	-- are rejected with an error message if a duplicate is provided. Release-11
	-- change for EDI.
	procedure check_unique_edi_location(p_edi_location          in varchar2,
					    p_customer_id           in number,
					    p_orig_system_reference in varchar2) is
	dummy number;
Line: 3517

	  select  count(1)
	  into    dummy
	  from    hz_cust_acct_sites addr
	  where   addr.cust_account_id        = p_customer_id
	  and     addr.ece_tp_location_code   = p_edi_location
	  and     addr.orig_system_reference <> p_orig_system_reference;