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1 package body pay_db_localisation_pkg as
2 /* $Header: pylocaln.pkb 115.3 99/09/06 08:20:51 porting ship  $ */
3 --
4  /*
5 /*
6    ******************************************************************
7    *                                                                *
8    *  Copyright (C) 1989 Oracle Corporation UK Ltd.,                *
9    *                   Richmond, England.                           *
10    *                                                                *
11    *  All rights reserved.                                          *
12    *                                                                *
13    *  This material has been provided pursuant to an agreement      *
14    *  containing restrictions on its use.  The material is also     *
15    *  protected by copyright law.  No part of this material may     *
16    *  be copied or distributed, transmitted or transcribed, in      *
17    *  any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic,   *
18    *  manual, or otherwise, or disclosed to third parties without   *
19    *  the express written permission of Oracle Corporation UK Ltd,  *
20    *  Oracle Park, Bittams Lane, Guildford Road, Chertsey, Surrey,  *
21    *  England.                                                      *
22    *                                                                *
23    ******************************************************************
24 --
25     Name        : pay_db_localisation_pkg
27     Description :
29     Uses        : n/a
30     Used By     : n/a
32     Test List
33     ---------
34     Procedure                     Name       Date        Test Id Status
35     +----------------------------+----------+-----------+-------+--------------+
36     +----------------------------+----------+-----------+-------+--------------+
37 --
38     Change List
39     -----------
40     Date        Name          Vers    Bug No     Description
41     ----        ----          ----    ------     -----------
42     26-Nov-92   J.S.Hobbs     3.0                First Created.
43     20-Jan-93   J.S.Hobbs     3.1                brought uo to new standards.
44     16-Feb-93   J.S.Hobbs     3.2                Added create_BF_localisation
45     16-Mar-93   J.S.Hobbs     3.3                Added create_payments_balance.
46     01-Apr-93   J.S.Hobbs     3.4                Tidied up package.
47     17-JUN-93   A.McGhee      3.5                Removed FORMULA_ID column
48 					         from pay_payment_types
49 						 insert.
50     04-AUG-93   J.S.Hobbs     3.6                Added extra column for
51 						 inserting into element
52 						 classifications ie.
53 						 COSTABLE_FLAG.
54     05-Aug-93   J.S.Hobbs     3.7                Chnaged insert into
55 					     PER_ASSIGNMENT_INFO_TYPES so that
56 					     ACTIVE_INACTIVE_FLAG is set
57 					     correctly.
58     16-Sep-93   M Kaddir      4.1                 Removed SQL which creates
59                                                   PAY VALUE translation
60     29-Sep-93   J.S.Hobbs     4.4 /   B203       Removed
61 			      3.18               create_name_translations as
62 						 this table has been dropped
63 						 and replaced with a lookup
64 						 type.
65     29-SEP-93   M. Callaghan  4.5                Not null column:
66                                                  assignment_remuneration_flag
67                                                  added for pay_balance_types.
68     03-NOV-93   C.Swan        4.6                Added setting of
69                                                  MULTIPLE_OCCURENCES_FLAG on
70                                                  insertion of
71                                                  PER_ASSIGNMENT_INFO_TYPES.
72     05-OCT-94   R.Fine        40.10		 Renamed package to
73 						 pay_db_localisation_pkg
74     21-OCT-94   R.Fine        40.11		 Changed calls to renamed
75 						 packages:
76 						 pyautogn is now pay_autogn;
77 						 pygbatgn is now pay_gbatgn.
78     21-Apr-99   A.Mills       115.2    875795    Changed legislation rule_type
79                                                  'L' rule_modes to DD/MM
80                                                  format.
81    06-Sept-99   sbilling      115.3              Changed call to insert_row()
82                                                                             */
83 --
84  ---------------------------- create_payments_balance ------------------------
85  /*
86  NAME
87    create_payments_balance
89    Creates a payments balance for a legislation. This is to be used in the
90    creation of organization payment methods.
92  */
93 --
94 PROCEDURE create_payments_balance(p_legislation_code varchar2) is
95 --
96  balance_type      number;
97  balance_dimension number;
98  v_rowid           varchar2(100);
99 --
100 begin
101 --
102  -- Get the id of the payments dimension for the legislation.
103  select bd.balance_dimension_id
104  into   balance_dimension
105  from   pay_balance_dimensions bd
106  where  bd.legislation_code = p_legislation_code
107    and  upper(bd.dimension_name) = upper('Payments');
108 --
109 --
110 pay_balance_types_pkg.insert_row(
111  X_ROWID                        => v_rowid,
112  X_BALANCE_TYPE_ID              => balance_type,
113  X_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID            => NULL,
114  X_LEGISLATION_CODE             => p_legislation_code,
115  X_CURRENCY_CODE                => 'GBP',
117  X_BALANCE_NAME                 => p_legislation_code || ' Payments Balance',
118 -- --
119  X_BASE_BALANCE_NAME            => p_legislation_code || ' Payments Balance',
120 -- --
121  X_BALANCE_UOM                  => 'M',
122  X_COMMENTS                     => NULL,
124  X_REPORTING_NAME               => NULL,
125  X_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY           => NULL,
126  X_ATTRIBUTE1                   => NULL,
127  X_ATTRIBUTE2                   => NULL,
128  X_ATTRIBUTE3                   => NULL,
129  X_ATTRIBUTE4                   => NULL,
130  X_ATTRIBUTE5                   => NULL,
131  X_ATTRIBUTE6                   => NULL,
132  X_ATTRIBUTE7                   => NULL,
133  X_ATTRIBUTE8                   => NULL,
134  X_ATTRIBUTE9                   => NULL,
135  X_ATTRIBUTE10                  => NULL,
136  X_ATTRIBUTE11                  => NULL,
137  X_ATTRIBUTE12                  => NULL,
138  X_ATTRIBUTE13                  => NULL,
139  X_ATTRIBUTE14                  => NULL,
143  X_ATTRIBUTE18                  => NULL,
140  X_ATTRIBUTE15                  => NULL,
141  X_ATTRIBUTE16                  => NULL,
142  X_ATTRIBUTE17                  => NULL,
144  X_ATTRIBUTE19                  => NULL,
145  X_ATTRIBUTE20                  => NULL
146 );
147 --
148  -- Create a defined balance for the legislation using the payments
149  -- dimension.
150  insert into pay_defined_balances
156  select
157   pay_defined_balances_s.nextval,
158   balance_type,
159   balance_dimension,
160   'Y',
161   p_legislation_code
162  from sys.dual;
163 --
164 END create_payments_balance;
165 --
166  --------------------------- create_BF_localisation ---------------------------
167  /*
168  NAME
170  NOTES
171  */
172 --
173 PROCEDURE create_BF_localisation is
174 --
175 begin
176 --
177 --   +=====================================================================+
178 --   |    Insert leg rules:                                                |
179 --   +=====================================================================+
180 --
181   -- Time periods are not independent.
182   insert into pay_legislation_rules
184   values
185    ('BF', 'I', 'N');
186 --
187   -- The legislative start date is 6th April.
188   insert into pay_legislation_rules
190   values
191    ('BF', 'L', '06/04');
192 --
193 --   +==================================================================+
194 --   |    Insert Element Classfications (no building blocks yet !)      |
195 --   +==================================================================+
196 --
197 --  This section creates the typical set of startup element
198 --  classifications for the UK. The primary classifications
199 --  created reflect those in R9:
200 --
201 --        Non Payment
202 --        Direct Payment
203 --        Earnings
204 --        Employer Charges
205 --        Pre-Tax Deductions
206 --        Tax Deductions
207 --        Voluntary Deductions
208 --
209 --  Further to this, the following sub classifications are
210 --  added for the Earnings primary classification:
211 --
212 --        PAYE
213 --        NI Employee
214 --        NI Employer
215 --
216 --
217    declare
218       class_id number;
219       earnings_class number;
220       function do_insert(l_classification_name varchar2,
221                          l_description varchar2,
222                          l_costing_debit_or_credit varchar2,
223                          l_default_high_priority number,
224                          l_default_low_priority number,
225                          l_default_priority number,
226                          l_distributable_over_flag varchar2,
230          new_id number;
227                          l_non_payments_flag varchar2,
228                          l_parent_id number,
229 			 l_costable_flag varchar2) return number is
231       begin
232          insert into pay_element_classifications
233             (classification_id,
234              business_group_id,
235              legislation_code,
236              classification_name,
237              description,
238              legislation_subgroup,
239              costing_debit_or_credit,
240              default_high_priority,
241              default_low_priority,
242              default_priority,
243              distributable_over_flag,
244              non_payments_flag,
245              parent_classification_id,
246 	     costable_flag)
247          values
248              (pay_element_classifications_s.nextval,
249               NULL,
250               'BF',
251               l_classification_name,
252               l_description,
253               NULL,
254               l_costing_debit_or_credit,
255               l_default_high_priority,
256               l_default_low_priority,
257               l_default_priority,
258               l_distributable_over_flag,
259               l_non_payments_flag,
260               l_parent_id,
261 	      l_costable_flag);
262 --
263          select pay_element_classifications_s.currval
264          into   new_id
265          from   dual;
266 --
267          return new_id;
268       end do_insert;
269 --
270    begin
271       class_id := do_insert( 'Non Payment',
272                'Used for element types which should not result in a payment',
273                             NULL, 1000, 1, 500, 'N', 'Y', NULL, 'N');
274 --
275       class_id := do_insert( 'Direct Payment',
276                   'Used for element types which result in a direct payment',
277                             'D', 2000, 1001, 1500, 'N', 'N', NULL, 'Y');
278 --
279       --  insert EARNINGS classification and it's sub classifications
280 --
281       earnings_class := do_insert( 'Earnings',
282                          'Used for element types which constitute earnings',
283                                   'D', 3000, 2001, 2500, 'Y', 'N', NULL, 'Y');
284 --
285          class_id := do_insert( 'PAYE',
286                                'Pay As You Earn',
287                        'D', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', earnings_class, 'Y');
288 --
289          class_id := do_insert( 'NI Employee',
290                                'Employee NI',
291                        'D', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', earnings_class, 'Y');
292 --
293          class_id := do_insert( 'NI Employer',
294                                'Employer NI',
295                        'D', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', earnings_class, 'Y');
296 --
297       class_id := do_insert( 'Employer Charges',
298                             'Used for employer charges eg. Employer''s NI',
299                             'D', 4000, 3001, 3500, 'N', 'N', NULL, 'Y');
300 --
301       class_id := do_insert( 'Pre-Tax Deductions',
302                             NULL,
303                             'C', 5000, 4001, 4500, 'N', 'N', NULL, 'Y');
304 --
305       class_id := do_insert( 'Tax Deductions',
306                             'Used for tax deductions eg. PAYE and NI',
307                             'C', 6000, 5001, 5500, 'N', 'N', NULL, 'Y');
308 --
309       class_id := do_insert( 'Voluntary Deductions',
310                             NULL,
311                             'C', 7000, 6001, 6500, 'N', 'N', NULL, 'Y');
312    end;
313 --
314 --
315 --   +==================================================================+
316 --   |    Insert Balance Types (no building blocks yet !)               |
317 --   +==================================================================+
318 --
319    declare
320       procedure do_insert(l_balance_name varchar2,
321                           l_balance_uom  varchar2,
322                           l_assign_remun varchar2) is
323       begin
324          insert into pay_balance_types
325            (balance_type_id,
326             assignment_remuneration_flag,
327             balance_name,
328             balance_uom,
329             legislation_code)
330          values
331            (pay_balance_types_s.nextval,
332             l_assign_remun,
333             l_balance_name,
334             l_balance_uom,
335             'BF');
336       end;
337    begin
338       do_insert( 'Employee NI-able Earnings', 'M', 'N');
339       do_insert( 'Employer NI-able Earnings', 'M', 'N');
340       do_insert( 'Net Earnings', 'M', 'Y');
341       do_insert( 'Total Deductions', 'M', 'N');
342    end;
343 --
350    ,REQUEST_ID
352    ,PROGRAM_ID
357    ,CREATED_BY
359    select 'BF_ASS_INFO'
360    ,'Y'
361    ,'N'
362    ,'Burkina Faso Assignment Extra Details'
363    ,'BF'
364    ,null
365    ,null
366    ,null
367    ,null
368    ,null
369    ,null
370    ,null
371    ,0
372    ,sysdate
373    from dual;
374 --
379    ,CATEGORY
389    ,CREATED_BY
392    ,null
393    ,'GBP'
394    ,'CA'
395    ,'BF_PAYMENT'
396    ,'Y'
397    ,'Burkina Faso Cash Payments in Pounds Sterling'
398    ,null
399    ,null
400    ,null
401    ,null
402    ,null
403    ,null
404    ,0
405    ,sysdate
406    from dual;
407 --
408 --   +==================================================================+
409 --   |    Insert Balance Dimensions and their FF routes                 |
410 --   |    The procedure db_autogen.build_bf_dimensions is               |
411 --   |    automatically generated using the balances.c file             |
412 --   +==================================================================+
413 --
414   -- This creates temporary balance dimensions for the legislation.
415   pay_autogn.insert_bf_dimensions;
416 --
417   -- Create payments balance for legislation
418   pay_db_localisation_pkg.create_payments_balance('BF');
419 --
420 --   +==================================================================+
421 --   |    E X C E P T I O N   H A N D L I N G                           |
422 --   +==================================================================+
423 --
424 end create_BF_localisation;
425 --
426 --
427  --------------------------- create_GB_localisation ---------------------------
428  /*
429  NAME
431  NOTES
432  */
433 --
434 PROCEDURE create_GB_localisation is
435 --
436 begin
437 --
438 --   +=====================================================================+
439 --   |    Insert leg rules:                                                |
440 --   +=====================================================================+
441 --
442   -- Time periods are not independent.
443   insert into pay_legislation_rules
445   values
446    ('GB', 'I', 'N');
447 --
448   -- The legislative start date is 6th April.
449   insert into pay_legislation_rules
451   values
452    ('GB', 'L', '06/04');
453 --
454 --   +==================================================================+
455 --   |    Insert Element Classfications (no building blocks yet !)      |
456 --   +==================================================================+
457 --
461 --
458 --  This section creates the typical set of startup element
459 --  classifications for the GB. The primary classifications
460 --  created reflect those in R9:
462 --        Non Payment
463 --        Direct Payment
464 --        Earnings
465 --        Employer Charges
466 --        Pre-Tax Deductions
467 --        Tax Deductions
468 --        Voluntary Deductions
469 --
470 --  Further to this, the following sub classifications are
471 --  added for the Earnings primary classification:
472 --
473 --        PAYE
474 --        NI Employee
475 --        NI Employer
476 --
477 --
478    declare
479       class_id number;
480       earnings_class number;
481       function do_insert(l_classification_name varchar2,
482                          l_description varchar2,
483                          l_costing_debit_or_credit varchar2,
484                          l_default_high_priority number,
485                          l_default_low_priority number,
486                          l_default_priority number,
487                          l_distributable_over_flag varchar2,
488                          l_non_payments_flag varchar2,
489                          l_parent_id number) return number is
490          new_id number;
491       begin
492          insert into pay_element_classifications
493             (classification_id,
494              business_group_id,
495              legislation_code,
496              classification_name,
497              description,
498              legislation_subgroup,
499              costing_debit_or_credit,
500              default_high_priority,
501              default_low_priority,
502              default_priority,
503              distributable_over_flag,
504              non_payments_flag,
505              parent_classification_id)
506          values
507              (pay_element_classifications_s.nextval,
508               NULL,
509               'GB',
510               l_classification_name,
511               l_description,
512               NULL,
513               l_costing_debit_or_credit,
514               l_default_high_priority,
515               l_default_low_priority,
516               l_default_priority,
517               l_distributable_over_flag,
518               l_non_payments_flag,
519               l_parent_id);
520 --
521          select pay_element_classifications_s.currval
522          into   new_id
523          from   dual;
524 --
525          return new_id;
526       end do_insert;
527 --
528    begin
529       class_id := do_insert( 'Non Payment',
530                'Used for element types which should not result in a payment',
531                             NULL, 1000, 1, 500, 'N', 'Y', NULL);
532 --
533       class_id := do_insert( 'Direct Payment',
534                   'Used for element types which result in a direct payment',
535                             'D', 2000, 1001, 1500, 'N', 'N', NULL);
536 --
537       --  insert EARNINGS classification and it's sub classifications
538 --
539       earnings_class := do_insert( 'Earnings',
540                          'Used for element types which constitute earnings',
541                                   'D', 3000, 2001, 2500, 'Y', 'N', NULL);
542 --
543          class_id := do_insert( 'PAYE',
544                                'Pay As You Earn',
545                           NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', earnings_class);
546 --
547          class_id := do_insert( 'NI Employee',
548                                'Employee NI',
549                           NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', earnings_class);
550 --
551          class_id := do_insert( 'NI Employer',
552                                'Employer NI',
553                           NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', 'N', earnings_class);
554 --
555       class_id := do_insert( 'Employer Charges',
556                             'Used for employer charges eg. Employer''s NI',
557                             'D', 4000, 3001, 3500, 'N', 'N', NULL);
558 --
559       class_id := do_insert( 'Pre-Tax Deductions',
560                             NULL,
561                             'C', 5000, 4001, 4500, 'N', 'N', NULL);
562 --
563       class_id := do_insert( 'Tax Deductions',
564                             'Used for tax deductions eg. PAYE and NI',
565                             'C', 6000, 5001, 5500, 'N', 'N', NULL);
566 --
567       class_id := do_insert( 'Voluntary Deductions',
568                             NULL,
569                             'C', 7000, 6001, 6500, 'N', 'N', NULL);
570    end;
571 --
572 --
573 --   +==================================================================+
574 --   |    Insert Balance Types (no building blocks yet !)               |
575 --   +==================================================================+
576 --
577    declare
578       procedure do_insert(l_balance_name varchar2,
579                           l_balance_uom varchar2,
580                           l_assign_remun varchar2) is
581       begin
582          insert into pay_balance_types
583            (balance_type_id,
584             assignment_remuneration_flag,
585             balance_name,
586             balance_uom,
587             legislation_code)
588          values
589            (pay_balance_types_s.nextval,
590             l_assign_remun,
591             l_balance_name,
592             l_balance_uom,
593             'GB');
594       end;
595    begin
596       do_insert( 'Employee NI-able Earnings', 'M', 'N');
597       do_insert( 'Employer NI-able Earnings', 'M', 'N');
598       do_insert( 'Net Earnings', 'M', 'Y');
599       do_insert( 'Total Deductions', 'M', 'N');
600    end;
601 --
602 --   +==================================================================+
603 --   |    Insert Balance Dimensions and their FF routes                 |
604 --   |    The procedure db_autogen.build_uk_dimensions is               |
605 --   |    automatically generated using the balances.c file             |
606 --   +==================================================================+
607 --
608   -- This is a copy of db_autogen.build_uk_dimensions for use in
609   -- creating temporary balance dimensions for the legislation.
610   pay_gbatgn.insert_gb_dimensions;
611 --
612   -- Create payments balance for legislation
613   pay_db_localisation_pkg.create_payments_balance('GB');
614 --
615 --   +==================================================================+
616 --   |    E X C E P T I O N   H A N D L I N G                           |
617 --   +==================================================================+
618 --
619 end create_GB_localisation;
620 --
621 end pay_db_localisation_pkg;