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1 PACKAGE BODY gl_budget_utils_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: glubdmsb.pls 120.11.12010000.2 2009/03/20 06:05:14 skotakar ship $ */
4   --
6   --
8   PROCEDURE get_current_budget(x_ledger_id 		NUMBER,
9                                x_budget_version_id 	IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
10                                x_budget_name 		IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
11                                x_bj_required            IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
13     CURSOR chk_budget IS
14       SELECT bv.budget_version_id, b.budget_name,
15              b.require_budget_journals_flag
16       FROM   gl_budgets b, gl_budget_versions bv
17       WHERE  b.ledger_id = x_ledger_id
18       AND    b.status = 'C'
19       AND    bv.budget_name = b.budget_name
20       AND    bv.budget_type = b.budget_type;
21   BEGIN
22     OPEN chk_budget;
23     FETCH chk_budget INTO x_budget_version_id, x_budget_name, x_bj_required;
24     CLOSE chk_budget;
25   END get_current_budget;
27   FUNCTION is_funding_budget(x_ledger_id		NUMBER,
28 			     x_funct_curr		VARCHAR2,
29 			     x_budget_version_id 	NUMBER)
30                               RETURN BOOLEAN IS
32     CURSOR chk_funding IS
33       SELECT 'Funding budget'
34       FROM   gl_budget_assignment_ranges rng, gl_budorg_bc_options bc
35       WHERE  rng.ledger_id = x_ledger_id
36       AND    rng.currency_code = x_funct_curr
37       AND    bc.range_id = rng.range_id
38       AND    bc.funds_check_level_code IN ('D', 'B')
39       AND    bc.funding_budget_version_id = x_budget_version_id;
40     CURSOR chk_sum_funding IS
41       SELECT 'Summary Funding budget'
42       FROM   gl_summary_templates sum, gl_summary_bc_options bc
43       WHERE  sum.ledger_id = x_ledger_id
44       AND    bc.template_id = sum.template_id
45       AND    bc.funds_check_level_code IN ('D','B')
46       AND    bc.funding_budget_version_id = x_budget_version_id;
47     dummy VARCHAR2(100);
48     dummy2 VARCHAR2(100);
49   BEGIN
50     OPEN chk_funding;
51     FETCH chk_funding INTO dummy;
53     OPEN chk_sum_funding;
54     FETCH chk_sum_funding INTO dummy2;
56     IF chk_funding%FOUND OR chk_sum_funding%FOUND THEN
57       CLOSE chk_funding;
58       CLOSE chk_sum_funding;
59       return(TRUE);
60     ELSE
61       CLOSE chk_funding;
62       CLOSE chk_sum_funding;
63       return(FALSE);
64     END IF;
65   END is_funding_budget;
67   FUNCTION is_master_budget(budget_id NUMBER)
68                             RETURN BOOLEAN IS
70     CURSOR chk_master IS
71       SELECT 'Used as master'
72       FROM   gl_budget_versions detail
73       WHERE  detail.control_budget_version_id = budget_id;
74     dummy VARCHAR2(100);
75   BEGIN
76     OPEN chk_master;
77     FETCH chk_master INTO dummy;
79     IF chk_master%FOUND THEN
80       CLOSE chk_master;
81       return(TRUE);
82     ELSE
83       CLOSE chk_master;
84       return(FALSE);
85     END IF;
86   END is_master_budget;
88   FUNCTION frozen_budget(budget_version_id NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
89     CURSOR chk_frozen IS
90       SELECT status
91       FROM   gl_budget_versions
92       WHERE  budget_version_id = frozen_budget.budget_version_id;
93     tmp_status VARCHAR2(1);
94   BEGIN
95     OPEN chk_frozen;
96     FETCH chk_frozen INTO tmp_status;
98     IF chk_frozen%FOUND THEN
99       CLOSE chk_frozen;
100       IF (tmp_status = 'F') THEN
101         return(TRUE);
102       ELSE
103         return(FALSE);
104       END IF;
105     ELSE
106       CLOSE chk_frozen;
108     END IF;
109   END frozen_budget;
111   FUNCTION frozen_budget_entity(budget_version_id NUMBER,
112 				budget_entity_id  NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
113     CURSOR chk_frozen IS
114       SELECT frozen_flag
115       FROM   gl_entity_budgets
116       WHERE  budget_version_id = frozen_budget_entity.budget_version_id
117       AND    budget_entity_id  = frozen_budget_entity.budget_entity_id;
118     tmp_status VARCHAR2(1);
119   BEGIN
120     OPEN chk_frozen;
121     FETCH chk_frozen INTO tmp_status;
123     IF chk_frozen%FOUND THEN
124       CLOSE chk_frozen;
125       IF (tmp_status = 'Y') THEN
126         return(TRUE);
127       ELSE
128         return(FALSE);
129       END IF;
130     ELSE
131       CLOSE chk_frozen;
133     END IF;
134   END frozen_budget_entity;
135   /* Bug Fix 3866812 */
136   /*
137     Modications in frozen_account function:
138     Added two new parameters:
139     Parameters 1. ledger_id 2. Currency_code
140     Added four new cursors :
141     Cursors 1. get_org_name : Fetch the budget organization name
142                               corresponding to budget organization id.
143             2. get_entity_id: Fetch the budget organization id to which
144     	                  a code combination belongs.
145     	3. get_status   : Fetch the status of the given budget organization.
146     	4. get_all_meaning : Fetch the meaning of lookup_code 'ALL'.
147     Modified cursor chk_frozen:Added parameter entity_id to the cursor.
148     Change in logic:
149     Fetch the organization name from the organization ID
150     IF organization name is found THEN
151       IF organization name is 'ALL' THEN
152            Fetch user organization (ALL is system defined),
153            based on LEDGER_ID, CCID and CURRENCY.
154            IF user organization is found THEN
155                 Check if user organization is frozen
156                 IF user organization frozen info found THEN
157                     IF user organization is frozen THEN
158                         return 'TRUE' (frozen org)
159                     Else
160                          Check if acccount (CCID) is frozen in the organization.
161     	             IF account is frozen THEN
162     	                  return 'TRUE'
163           	       Else
164                         return 'FALSE'
165                Else -- user organization frozen info not found then
166                    -- donot register new message since this will rarely happen,
167     	       -- if data modified externally to the system
168                    Raise NO_DATA_FOUND
169           Else -- user organization not found
170               -- happens only if data is corrupted
171               Raise NO_DATA_FOUND
172        Else -- organization name is not 'ALL'
173            Check if acccount (CCID) is frozen in the organization.
174            IF account is frozen then
175                return 'TRUE'
176            Else
177                return 'FALSE'
178     Else
179       -- happens only if data is corrupted
180       Raise NO_DATA_FOUND
181   */
182   FUNCTION frozen_account(coa_id	      NUMBER,
183 			  budget_version_id   NUMBER,
184                           budget_entity_id    NUMBER,
185 			  code_combination_id NUMBER,
186  			  ledger_id           NUMBER,
187 			  currency_code       VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
188     CURSOR chk_frozen (entity_id NUMBER) IS
189       SELECT 'Frozen'
190       FROM   gl_code_combinations cc, gl_budget_frozen_ranges bfr
191       WHERE  bfr.budget_version_id = frozen_account.budget_version_id
192       AND    bfr.budget_entity_id  = entity_id
193       AND    cc.code_combination_id = frozen_account.code_combination_id
194       AND    cc.chart_of_accounts_id = frozen_account.coa_id
195       AND    nvl(cc.segment1,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment1_low,'XXX')
196                                     and nvl(bfr.segment1_high,'XXX')
197       AND    nvl(cc.segment2,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment2_low,'XXX')
198                                     and     nvl(bfr.segment2_high,'XXX')
199       AND    nvl(cc.segment3,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment3_low,'XXX')
200                                     and     nvl(bfr.segment3_high,'XXX')
201       AND    nvl(cc.segment4,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment4_low,'XXX')
202                                     and     nvl(bfr.segment4_high,'XXX')
203       AND    nvl(cc.segment5,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment5_low,'XXX')
204                                     and     nvl(bfr.segment5_high,'XXX')
205       AND    nvl(cc.segment6,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment6_low,'XXX')
206                                     and     nvl(bfr.segment6_high,'XXX')
207       AND    nvl(cc.segment7,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment7_low,'XXX')
208                                     and     nvl(bfr.segment7_high,'XXX')
209       AND    nvl(cc.segment8,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment8_low,'XXX')
210                                     and     nvl(bfr.segment8_high,'XXX')
211       AND    nvl(cc.segment9,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment9_low,'XXX')
212                                     and     nvl(bfr.segment9_high,'XXX')
213       AND    nvl(cc.segment10,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment10_low,'XXX')
214                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment10_high,'XXX')
215       AND    nvl(cc.segment11,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment11_low,'XXX')
216                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment11_high,'XXX')
217       AND    nvl(cc.segment12,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment12_low,'XXX')
218                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment12_high,'XXX')
219       AND    nvl(cc.segment13,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment13_low,'XXX')
220                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment13_high,'XXX')
221       AND    nvl(cc.segment14,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment14_low,'XXX')
222                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment14_high,'XXX')
223       AND    nvl(cc.segment15,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment15_low,'XXX')
224                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment15_high,'XXX')
225       AND    nvl(cc.segment16,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment16_low,'XXX')
226                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment16_high,'XXX')
227       AND    nvl(cc.segment17,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment17_low,'XXX')
228                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment17_high,'XXX')
229       AND    nvl(cc.segment18,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment18_low,'XXX')
230                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment18_high,'XXX')
231       AND    nvl(cc.segment19,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment19_low,'XXX')
232                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment19_high,'XXX')
233       AND    nvl(cc.segment20,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment20_low,'XXX')
234                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment20_high,'XXX')
235       AND    nvl(cc.segment21,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment21_low,'XXX')
236                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment21_high,'XXX')
237       AND    nvl(cc.segment22,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment22_low,'XXX')
238                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment22_high,'XXX')
239       AND    nvl(cc.segment23,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment23_low,'XXX')
240                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment23_high,'XXX')
241       AND    nvl(cc.segment24,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment24_low,'XXX')
242                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment24_high,'XXX')
243       AND    nvl(cc.segment25,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment25_low,'XXX')
244                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment25_high,'XXX')
245       AND    nvl(cc.segment26,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment26_low,'XXX')
246                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment26_high,'XXX')
247       AND    nvl(cc.segment27,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment27_low,'XXX')
248                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment27_high,'XXX')
249       AND    nvl(cc.segment28,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment28_low,'XXX')
250                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment28_high,'XXX')
251       AND    nvl(cc.segment29,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment29_low,'XXX')
252                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment29_high,'XXX')
253       AND    nvl(cc.segment30,'XXX') between nvl(bfr.segment30_low,'XXX')
254                                      and     nvl(bfr.segment30_high,'XXX');
255     CURSOR get_org_name is
256       SELECT name
257       FROM gl_budget_entities
258       WHERE budget_entity_id = frozen_account.budget_entity_id;
260     CURSOR get_entity_id is
261       SELECT budget_entity_id
262       FROM gl_budget_assignments
263       WHERE ledger_id =  frozen_account.ledger_id AND
264             code_combination_id = frozen_account.code_combination_id AND
265             currency_code=frozen_account.currency_code;
267     CURSOR get_status(entity_id number) is
268       SELECT frozen_flag
269       FROM gl_entity_budgets
270       WHERE budget_version_id=frozen_account.budget_version_id and budget_entity_id=entity_id;
272     CURSOR get_all_meaning is
273       SELECT meaning
274       FROM gl_lookups
275       WHERE lookup_type='LITERAL' AND lookup_code='ALL';
277     tmp_status VARCHAR2(100);
278     budget_org_all VARCHAR2(30);
279     budget_org_name VARCHAR2(100);
280     bud_entity_id NUMBER;
281     frozen_flag VARCHAR2(2);
282   BEGIN
283     OPEN get_all_meaning;
284     FETCH get_all_meaning INTO budget_org_all;
285       IF get_all_meaning%FOUND THEN
286         CLOSE get_all_meaning;
287       ELSE
288         CLOSE get_all_meaning;
289       END IF;
290    OPEN get_org_name;
291    FETCH get_org_name INTO budget_org_name;
292      IF get_org_name%FOUND THEN
293        CLOSE get_org_name;
294      ELSE
295        CLOSE get_org_name;
296      END IF;
297      IF UPPER(budget_org_name)= UPPER(budget_org_all) THEN
298        OPEN get_entity_id;
299        FETCH get_entity_id INTO bud_entity_id;
300        IF get_entity_id%FOUND THEN
301          CLOSE get_entity_id;
302          OPEN get_status(bud_entity_id);
303          FETCH get_status INTO frozen_flag;
304          IF get_status%FOUND THEN
305            CLOSE get_status;
306            IF frozen_flag='Y' THEN
307              return(TRUE);
308            END IF;
309          ELSE
310            CLOSE get_status;
311            RAISE NO_DATA_FOUND;
312          END IF;
313        ELSE
314          CLOSE get_entity_id;
315          RAISE NO_DATA_FOUND;
316        END IF;
317        OPEN chk_frozen(bud_entity_id);
318        FETCH chk_frozen INTO tmp_status;
319        IF chk_frozen%FOUND THEN
320          CLOSE chk_frozen;
321          return(TRUE);
322        ELSE
323          CLOSE chk_frozen;
324          return(FALSE);
325        END IF;
326      ELSE
327        OPEN chk_frozen(frozen_account.budget_entity_id);
328        FETCH chk_frozen INTO tmp_status;
329        IF chk_frozen%FOUND THEN
330          CLOSE chk_frozen;
331          return(TRUE);
332        ELSE
333          CLOSE chk_frozen;
334          return(FALSE);
335        END IF;
336      END IF;
337   END frozen_account;
339   PROCEDURE validate_budget_account(lgr_id		         NUMBER,
340 				    coa_id	                 NUMBER,
341 			            budget_version_id            NUMBER,
342  		                    code_combination_id          NUMBER,
343                                     currency_code                VARCHAR2,
344 				    return_code		  IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
345                                     budget_entity_id      IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
346 				    budget_entity         IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
347 				    password_flag         IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
348 				    encrypted_password    IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
349 				    status_code		  IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
350   BEGIN
352     -- Find out which budget organization the account is assigned to
353     DECLARE
354       entry_code VARCHAR2(1);
355       retvalue   VARCHAR2(1);
356       security_flag VARCHAR2(1);--Added as part of bug7382899
357     BEGIN
358       gl_budget_assignment_pkg.select_columns(lgr_id,
359 					      code_combination_id,
360 					      currency_code,
361 					      budget_entity_id,
362                                               entry_code);
364     --Pulled this call from below:bug7382899
365     -- Get various information about the budget organization
366     gl_budget_entities_pkg.select_columns(budget_entity_id,
367                                           budget_entity,
368                                           password_flag,
369                                           encrypted_password,
370 					  status_code,
371 					  security_flag);
374     IF 	security_flag  = 'Y' THEN--Added as part of bug7382899
375 	      retvalue := fnd_data_security.check_function(1.0,'GL_DAS_BUDGET_ORG_U',
376 			     'GL_DAS_BUDGET_ORG', to_char(budget_entity_id),null,
377 			     null,null,null,fnd_global.user_name);
378 	      IF(retvalue <> 'T') THEN
379 		 return_code := 'A';
380 		 return;
381 	      END IF;
382     END IF;----Added as part of bug7382899
386         return_code := 'A';
387 	return;
388     END;
391     --Commented as part of bug7382899: Moving this procedure above
392     --as we need security flag for conditional calling of data security api.
393    /*-- Get various information about the budget organization
394     gl_budget_entities_pkg.select_columns(budget_entity_id,
395                                           budget_entity,
396                                           password_flag,
397                                           encrypted_password,
398 					  status_code);*/
400     -- Verify that the budget organization is not frozen
401     IF (gl_budget_utils_pkg.frozen_budget_entity(budget_version_id,
402 						 budget_entity_id)) THEN
403       return_code := 'O';
404       return;
405     END IF;
407     -- Verify that the account is not frozen
408     /* Bug Fix 3866812 */
409     /* Added two parameters lgr_id and currency_code */
410     IF (gl_budget_utils_pkg.frozen_account(coa_id,
411 					   budget_version_id,
412 					   budget_entity_id,
413 					   code_combination_id,
414                                            lgr_id,
415                                            currency_code)) THEN
416       return_code := 'F';
417       return;
418     END IF;
420     return_code := 'Z';
421     return;
422   END validate_budget_account;
426 -- get unique id for range_id
427     CURSOR c_getid IS
429       FROM   dual;
430     id number;
432   BEGIN
433     OPEN  c_getid;
434     FETCH c_getid INTO id;
436     IF c_getid%FOUND THEN
437       CLOSE c_getid;
438       RETURN( id );
439     ELSE
440       CLOSE c_getid;
441       fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_ERROR_GETTING_UNIQUE_ID');
442       fnd_message.set_token('SEQUENCE', 'GL_BUDGET_FROZEN_RANGES_S');
443       app_exception.raise_exception;
444     END IF;
447     WHEN APP_EXCEPTION.application_exception THEN
448       RAISE;
450       fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION');
451       fnd_message.set_token('PROCEDURE',
452                             'gl_budget_utils_pkg.get_unique_id');
453       RAISE;
454 END get_unique_id;
456   FUNCTION get_opyr_per_range (	x_budget_version_id IN NUMBER,
457 				x_start_period_year IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
458 				x_start_period_name IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
459 				x_start_period_num  IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
460 				x_end_period_year   IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
461 				x_end_period_name   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
462 				x_end_period_num    IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER)
464       CURSOR get_prd IS
465 	SELECT	prs.period_year,
466 		prs.start_period_name,
467 		prs.start_period_num,
468 		pre.period_year,
469 		pre.end_period_name,
470 		pre.end_period_num
471     	FROM	gl_budget_period_ranges prs,
472 		gl_budget_period_ranges pre
473 	WHERE	prs.budget_version_id = pre.budget_version_id
474 	  AND	prs.budget_version_id = x_budget_version_id
475 	  AND 	prs.period_year * 100000 + prs.start_period_num =
476 		(SELECT MIN(period_year * 100000 + start_period_num)
477 		 FROM	gl_budget_period_ranges
478 		 WHERE	budget_version_id = x_budget_version_id
479 		   AND  open_flag = 'O')
480 	  AND	pre.period_year * 100000 + pre.start_period_num =
481 		(SELECT MAX(period_year * 100000 + start_period_num)
482 		 FROM	gl_budget_period_ranges
483 		 WHERE	budget_version_id = x_budget_version_id
484 		   AND  open_flag = 'O');
485   BEGIN
486 	OPEN 	get_prd;
487 	FETCH 	get_prd INTO 	x_start_period_year,
488 				x_start_period_name,
489 				x_start_period_num,
490 				x_end_period_year,
491 				x_end_period_name,
492 				x_end_period_num;
494 	IF get_prd%FOUND THEN
495 	  CLOSE get_prd;
496 	  return (TRUE);
497 	ELSE
498 	  CLOSE get_prd;
499 	  return (FALSE);
500 	END IF;
501   END get_opyr_per_range;
505 PROCEDURE validate_budget(
506                      X_Rowid                           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
507                      X_Budget_Type                     VARCHAR2,
508                      X_Budget_Name                     VARCHAR2,
509                      X_Ledger_Id                       NUMBER,
510                      X_Status                          VARCHAR2,
511                      X_Date_Created                    DATE,
512                      X_Require_Budget_Journals_Flag    VARCHAR2,
513                      X_Current_Version_Id              NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
514                      X_Latest_Opened_Year              NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
515                      X_First_Valid_Period_Name         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
516                      X_Last_Valid_Period_Name          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
517                      X_Description                     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
518                      X_Date_Closed                     DATE DEFAULT NULL,
519                      X_Attribute1                      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
520                      X_Attribute2                      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
521                      X_Attribute3                      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
522                      X_Attribute4                      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
523                      X_Attribute5                      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
524                      X_Attribute6                      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
525                      X_Attribute7                      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
526                      X_Attribute8                      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
527                      X_Context                         VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
528 		     X_User_Id 			       NUMBER,
529 		     X_Login_Id			       NUMBER,
530 		     X_Date                            DATE,
531 		     X_Budget_Version_Id	       NUMBER,
532 		     X_Master_Budget_Version_Id        NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) IS
534   CURSOR chk_first_period IS
535     SELECT period_year, period_num
536     FROM gl_period_statuses
537     WHERE application_id = 101
538     AND   ledger_id = X_Ledger_Id
539     AND   period_num between 1 and 60
540     AND   period_name = X_First_Valid_Period_Name;
542   CURSOR chk_last_period
543           (p_first_valid_period_year NUMBER,
544            p_first_valid_period_num  NUMBER) IS
545     SELECT period_year, period_num
546     FROM gl_period_statuses
547     WHERE application_id = 101
548     AND   ledger_id = X_Ledger_Id
549     AND   period_num between 1 and 60
550     AND   period_year * 10000 + period_num >=
551             p_first_valid_period_year * 10000 + p_first_valid_period_num
552     AND   period_name = X_Last_Valid_Period_Name;
554   v_rbj_flag                 VARCHAR2(1);
555   v_func_curr_code           VARCHAR2(15);
556   v_ledger_name              VARCHAR2(30);
557   v_first_valid_period_year  NUMBER;
558   v_first_valid_period_num   NUMBER;
559   v_last_valid_period_year   NUMBER;
560   v_last_valid_period_num    NUMBER;
564   -- validate Require_Budget_Journals_Flag
565   --   the flag cannot be 'N' if
566   --   the set_of_books has its require_budget_journals_flag checked, or
567   --   the budget is a funding budget
568   IF (X_Require_Budget_Journals_Flag = 'N') THEN
570     SELECT require_budget_journals_flag, currency_code, name
571     INTO v_rbj_flag, v_func_curr_code, v_ledger_name
572     FROM gl_ledgers
573     WHERE ledger_id = X_Ledger_Id;
575     IF (v_rbj_flag = 'Y') THEN
576       fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_API_BUDGET_REQUIRE_JOURNALS');
577       fnd_message.set_token('LEDGER_NAME', v_ledger_name);
578       app_exception.raise_exception;
579     END IF;
581     IF (gl_budget_utils_pkg.is_funding_budget(
582           X_Ledger_Id,
583           v_func_curr_code,
584           X_Budget_Version_Id)) THEN
585       fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_API_BUDGET_FUNDING_JOURNALS');
586       fnd_message.set_token('BUDGET', X_Budget_Name);
587       app_exception.raise_exception;
588     END IF;
589   END IF;
591   -- validate First_Valid_Period_Name
592   OPEN chk_first_period;
593   FETCH chk_first_period
594     INTO v_first_valid_period_year, v_first_valid_period_num;
596   IF chk_first_period%NOTFOUND THEN
597     CLOSE chk_first_period;
598     fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_API_INVALID_VALUE');
599     fnd_message.set_token('VALUE', NVL(X_First_Valid_Period_Name, 'null'));
600     fnd_message.set_token('ATTRIBUTE', 'FirstValidPeriodName');
601     app_exception.raise_exception;
602   END IF;
604   CLOSE chk_first_period;
606   -- validate Last_Valid_Period_Name
607   OPEN chk_last_period(v_first_valid_period_year, v_first_valid_period_num);
608   FETCH chk_last_period
609     INTO v_last_valid_period_year, v_last_valid_period_num;
611   IF chk_last_period%NOTFOUND THEN
612     CLOSE chk_last_period;
613     fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_API_INVALID_VALUE');
614     fnd_message.set_token('VALUE', NVL(X_Last_Valid_Period_Name, 'null'));
615     fnd_message.set_token('ATTRIBUTE', 'LastValidPeriodName');
616     app_exception.raise_exception;
617   END IF;
619   CLOSE chk_last_period;
622   WHEN app_exceptions.application_exception THEN
623     RAISE;
625     fnd_message.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION');
626     RAISE;
628 END validate_budget;
631 END gl_budget_utils_pkg;