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Line 280: , wsh_delivery_details wdd

277: CURSOR c_delivery(v_cartonization_id NUMBER) IS
278: SELECT distinct wda.delivery_id
279: FROM wsh_delivery_assignments wda
280: , wsh_delivery_details wdd
281: , mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
282: WHERE mmtt.cartonization_id = v_cartonization_id
283: AND mmtt.move_order_line_id = wdd.move_order_line_id
284: AND wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id;

Line 480: wsh_delivery_details wdd,

476: mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt1,
477: mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt1
478: WHERE mmtt1.transaction_temp_id = mtlt1.transaction_temp_id(+)
479: ) mmtt, -- mmtt with lot number information
480: wsh_delivery_details wdd,
481: wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda,
482: mtl_item_locations_kfv milk,
483: mtl_item_locations_kfv milk2,
484: oe_order_lines_all oeol

Line 503: from wsh_delivery_details wdd

499: -- Added for bug 8454264 8486711 start
501: CURSOR c_cust_details(p_delivery_detail_id NUMBER) IS
502: SELECT acct_site.cust_acct_site_id cust_site_id
503: from wsh_delivery_details wdd
504: , wsh_delivery_assignments wda
505: , hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsua
506: , hz_party_sites party_site
507: --, hz_loc_assignments loc_assign --13683119

Line 643: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd_item -- records with item info

639: ,NULL wnd_ship_method_code -- Place holder, get later with c_delivery
640: ,NULL intmed_ship_to_location_id -- Place holder, get later with c_delivery
641: ,wdd_item.intmed_ship_to_contact_id
642: ,wdd_item.delivery_detail_id --Bug9261874
643: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd_item -- records with item info
644: , wsh_delivery_details wdd_lpn -- records of the immediate lpn
645: , wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda
646: , oe_order_lines_all oeol
647: , wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn

Line 644: , wsh_delivery_details wdd_lpn -- records of the immediate lpn

640: ,NULL intmed_ship_to_location_id -- Place holder, get later with c_delivery
641: ,wdd_item.intmed_ship_to_contact_id
642: ,wdd_item.delivery_detail_id --Bug9261874
643: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd_item -- records with item info
644: , wsh_delivery_details wdd_lpn -- records of the immediate lpn
645: , wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda
646: , oe_order_lines_all oeol
647: , wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
648: WHERE wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd_item.delivery_detail_id

Line 756: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd_item -- records with item info

752: ,NULL wnd_ship_method_code -- Place holder, get later with c_delivery
753: ,NULL intmed_ship_to_location_id -- Place holder, get later with c_delivery
754: ,wdd_item.intmed_ship_to_contact_id
755: ,wdd_item.delivery_detail_id --Bug9261874
756: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd_item -- records with item info
757: , wsh_delivery_details wdd_lpn -- records of the immediate lpn
758: , wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
759: , wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda
760: , oe_order_lines_all oeol

Line 757: , wsh_delivery_details wdd_lpn -- records of the immediate lpn

753: ,NULL intmed_ship_to_location_id -- Place holder, get later with c_delivery
754: ,wdd_item.intmed_ship_to_contact_id
755: ,wdd_item.delivery_detail_id --Bug9261874
756: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd_item -- records with item info
757: , wsh_delivery_details wdd_lpn -- records of the immediate lpn
758: , wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
759: , wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda
760: , oe_order_lines_all oeol
761: WHERE wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd_item.delivery_detail_id

Line 865: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd_item -- records with item info

861: ,NULL wnd_ship_method_code -- Place holder, get later with c_delivery
862: ,NULL intmed_ship_to_location_id -- Place holder, get later with c_delivery
863: ,wdd_item.intmed_ship_to_contact_id
864: ,wdd_item.delivery_detail_id --Bug9261874
865: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd_item -- records with item info
866: , wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda
867: , mtl_item_locations_kfv milk
868: , oe_order_lines_all oeol
869: WHERE wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd_item.delivery_detail_id

Line 927: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd

923: , (wdd.gross_weight - wdd.net_weight) tare_weight
924: , wdd.weight_uom_code tare_weight_uom
925: , wdd.volume
926: , wdd.volume_uom_code
927: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd
928: WHERE lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
930: CURSOR c_item(p_organization_id NUMBER, p_inventory_item_id NUMBER) IS
931: SELECT msik.concatenated_segments

Line 1403: , wsh_delivery_details wdd

1401: , msnt.TO_SERIAL_NUMBER
1402: FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
1403: , wsh_delivery_details wdd
1404: WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id = wdd.transaction_temp_id
1405: AND wdd.delivery_detail_id = p_delivery_detail_id
1407: UNION

Line 1411: FROM wsh_delivery_details

1407: UNION
1409: SELECT serial_number FM_SERIAL_NUMBER
1410: , serial_number TO_SERIAL_NUMBER
1411: FROM wsh_delivery_details
1412: WHERE delivery_detail_id = p_delivery_detail_id
1413: AND serial_number IS NOT NULL ;
1415: l_selected_fields INV_LABEL.label_field_variable_tbl_type;

Line 1509: TYPE wdd_list_tabletype IS TABLE OF wsh_delivery_details.delivery_detail_id%TYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;

1505: l_serial_check NUMBER;
1506: l_wdd_loop_counter NUMBER := 0;
1508: --Bug9462735
1509: TYPE wdd_list_tabletype IS TABLE OF wsh_delivery_details.delivery_detail_id%TYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
1510: l_wdd_id_list wdd_list_tabletype;
1511: l_wdd_id_empty wdd_list_tabletype;
1512: l_consolidation_counter NUMBER;
1513: l_wdd_already_printed NUMBER := 0; -- Bug 9472868

Line 1618: FROM wsh_delivery_details

1614: --End Bug 6696594
1615: ELSIF p_label_type_info.business_flow_code in (6) THEN
1616: BEGIN
1617: SELECT lpn_id INTO l_outer_lpn_id
1618: FROM wsh_delivery_details
1619: WHERE delivery_detail_id = p_transaction_id;
1621: WHEN others THEN
1622: IF (l_debug =1 ) THEN

Line 2320: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd,

2316: BEGIN
2318: SELECT wdd.delivery_detail_id
2319: bulk collect INTO l_wdd_id_list
2320: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd,
2321: wsh_delivery_assignments wda2,
2322: (SELECT wsh1.inventory_item_id item,
2323: wsh1.lot_number lot,
2324: wsh1.revision rev,

Line 2326: FROM wsh_delivery_details wsh1, wsh_delivery_assignments wda

2322: (SELECT wsh1.inventory_item_id item,
2323: wsh1.lot_number lot,
2324: wsh1.revision rev,
2325: wsh1.lpn_id lpn_id
2326: FROM wsh_delivery_details wsh1, wsh_delivery_assignments wda
2328: (SELECT 'Y' FROM wsh_delivery_details wsh2,wsh_delivery_assignments wda1
2329: WHERE wsh1.inventory_item_id = wsh2.inventory_item_id
2330: AND Nvl(wsh1.lot_number,'@@@')=Nvl(wsh2.lot_number,'@@@')

Line 2328: (SELECT 'Y' FROM wsh_delivery_details wsh2,wsh_delivery_assignments wda1

2324: wsh1.revision rev,
2325: wsh1.lpn_id lpn_id
2326: FROM wsh_delivery_details wsh1, wsh_delivery_assignments wda
2328: (SELECT 'Y' FROM wsh_delivery_details wsh2,wsh_delivery_assignments wda1
2329: WHERE wsh1.inventory_item_id = wsh2.inventory_item_id
2330: AND Nvl(wsh1.lot_number,'@@@')=Nvl(wsh2.lot_number,'@@@')
2331: AND Nvl(wsh1.revision,'@@@')=Nvl(wsh2.revision,'@@@')
2332: AND Nvl(wsh1.lpn_id,-999)=Nvl(wsh2.lpn_id,-999)

Line 2363: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd,

2360: BEGIN
2361: SELECT wdd.delivery_detail_id
2362: bulk collect INTO l_wdd_id_list
2363: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd,
2364: wsh_delivery_assignments wda2,
2365: wsh_delivery_details wdd1,
2366: (SELECT wsh1.inventory_item_id item,
2367: wsh1.lot_number lot,

Line 2365: wsh_delivery_details wdd1,

2361: SELECT wdd.delivery_detail_id
2362: bulk collect INTO l_wdd_id_list
2363: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd,
2364: wsh_delivery_assignments wda2,
2365: wsh_delivery_details wdd1,
2366: (SELECT wsh1.inventory_item_id item,
2367: wsh1.lot_number lot,
2368: wsh1.revision rev,
2369: wlpn2.lpn_id lpn_id

Line 2370: FROM wsh_delivery_details wsh1, wsh_delivery_assignments wda, wsh_delivery_details wsh2 ,

2366: (SELECT wsh1.inventory_item_id item,
2367: wsh1.lot_number lot,
2368: wsh1.revision rev,
2369: wlpn2.lpn_id lpn_id
2370: FROM wsh_delivery_details wsh1, wsh_delivery_assignments wda, wsh_delivery_details wsh2 ,
2371: wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn,wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn2
2372: WHERE wlpn.lpn_id = wsh2.lpn_id
2373: AND wlpn.outermost_lpn_id=wlpn2.outermost_lpn_id
2374: AND wda.delivery_detail_id = wsh1.delivery_detail_id

Line 2378: and exists(select 1 from wsh_delivery_details wdd4, wsh_delivery_assignments wda3

2374: AND wda.delivery_detail_id = wsh1.delivery_detail_id
2375: AND wda.parent_delivery_detail_id = wsh2.delivery_detail_id
2376: AND wda.delivery_id = l_delivery_id
2377: AND wsh1.delivery_detail_id = l_cur_wdd.delivery_detail_id
2378: and exists(select 1 from wsh_delivery_details wdd4, wsh_delivery_assignments wda3
2379: where wdd4.lpn_id=wlpn2.lpn_id
2380: and wda3.delivery_detail_id = wdd4.delivery_detail_id
2381: and wda3.delivery_id=l_delivery_id)) wsh_filter
2382: WHERE wdd.inventory_item_id = wsh_filter.item