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Line 34: -- p_init_msg_list Default FND_API.g_false; indicate whether to

30: -- Parameters
31: --
32: -- IN
33: -- p_api_version
34: -- p_init_msg_list Default FND_API.g_false; indicate whether to
35: -- initialize the message buffer.
36: -- p_commit Default FND_API.g_false; indicate whether to
37: -- commit the transaction.
38: -- p_upload_batch_id Batch ID used to identify the records belonging

Line 36: -- p_commit Default FND_API.g_false; indicate whether to

32: -- IN
33: -- p_api_version
34: -- p_init_msg_list Default FND_API.g_false; indicate whether to
35: -- initialize the message buffer.
36: -- p_commit Default FND_API.g_false; indicate whether to
37: -- commit the transaction.
38: -- p_upload_batch_id Batch ID used to identify the records belonging
39: -- in the same upload batch.
40: -- p_object_type Default 'CSCH'; the type of object the metrics

Line 70: p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false,

66: -- End of Comments
67: -- ==============================================================================
68: PROCEDURE load_metrics (
69: p_api_version IN NUMBER,
70: p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false,
71: p_commit IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false,
72: p_upload_batch_id IN NUMBER,
73: p_object_type IN VARCHAR2 := 'CSCH',
74: p_object_name IN VARCHAR2,

Line 71: p_commit IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false,

67: -- ==============================================================================
68: PROCEDURE load_metrics (
69: p_api_version IN NUMBER,
70: p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false,
71: p_commit IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false,
72: p_upload_batch_id IN NUMBER,
73: p_object_type IN VARCHAR2 := 'CSCH',
74: p_object_name IN VARCHAR2,
75: p_parent_type IN VARCHAR2,

Line 96: -- p_init_msg_list Default FND_API.g_false; indicate whether to

92: -- Parameters
93: --
94: -- IN
95: -- p_api_version
96: -- p_init_msg_list Default FND_API.g_false; indicate whether to
97: -- initialize the message buffer.
98: -- p_commit Default FND_API.g_false; indicate whether to
99: -- commit the transaction.
100: -- p_media_planner_rec ###### description here #######

Line 98: -- p_commit Default FND_API.g_false; indicate whether to

94: -- IN
95: -- p_api_version
96: -- p_init_msg_list Default FND_API.g_false; indicate whether to
97: -- initialize the message buffer.
98: -- p_commit Default FND_API.g_false; indicate whether to
99: -- commit the transaction.
100: -- p_media_planner_rec ###### description here #######
101: -- x_return_status Status of the API execution.
102: -- x_msg_count Number of messages in the message buffer.

Line 117: p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false,

113: -- End of Comments
114: -- ==============================================================================
115: PROCEDURE load_metrics (
116: p_api_version IN NUMBER,
117: p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false,
118: p_commit IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false,
119: p_media_planner_rec IN ams_adi_media_planner%ROWTYPE,
120: p_err_recs IN OUT NOCOPY AMS_ADI_COMMON_PVT.ams_adi_error_rec_t,
121: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,

Line 118: p_commit IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false,

114: -- ==============================================================================
115: PROCEDURE load_metrics (
116: p_api_version IN NUMBER,
117: p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false,
118: p_commit IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_false,
119: p_media_planner_rec IN ams_adi_media_planner%ROWTYPE,
120: p_err_recs IN OUT NOCOPY AMS_ADI_COMMON_PVT.ams_adi_error_rec_t,
121: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
122: x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,