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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 36

|     20-MAI-2003 K.Boussema    Added a Token to XLA_AP_CANNOT_INSERT_JE     |
|                               message                                      |
|     27-MAI-2003 K.Boussema    Renamed the Document seq. Accounting sources |
|     27-MAI-2003 K.Boussema    Renamed code_combination_status by           |
|                                  code_combination_status_flag              |
|                               Renamed base_amount by ledger_amount         |
|     30-MAI-2003 K.Boussema   Renamed BUSGET_VERSION_ID by BUDGET_VERSION_ID|
|                               bug 2981358                                  |
|     11-JUN-2003 K.Boussema    Renamed Sequence columns, bug 3000007        |
|     23-JUN-2003 K.Boussema   Updated the call to get_period_name bug3005754|
|     17-JUL-2003 K.Boussema    Reviewd the code                             |
|     17-SEP-2003 K.Boussema    Updated to Get je_category from cache:3109690|
|     19-SEP-2003 K.Boussema    Code changed to include reversed_ae_header_id|
|                               and reversed_line_num, see bug 3143095       |
|     03-OCT-2003 K.Boussema    Changed description width to 1996            |
|     16-OCT-2003 K.Boussema    Fixed the issue when the entered and         |
|                               accounted amounts are reversed.              |
|     22-OCT-2003 K.Boussema    Changed to capture the Merge Matching Lines  |
|                               preference for Accounting Reversal from JLT  |
|     26-NOV-2003 K.Boussema    Removed the insert of the sl_coa_mapping name|
|                               for change third party lines, bug 3278955    |
|     12-DEC-2003 K. Boussema   Renamed target_coa_id in xla_ae_lines_gt     |
|                               by ccid_coa_id                               |
|                               Reviewed the InsertHeaders, bug 3042840      |
|     18-DEC-2003 K.Boussema    Changed to fix bug 3042840,3307761,3268940   |
|                               3310291 and 3320689                          |
|     07-JAN-2004 K.Boussema    Changed to populate switch_side_flag column  |
|     19-JAN-2004 K.Boussema    Removed the validation of doc sequence       |
|     05-FEB-2004 S.Singhania   Changes based on bug 3419803.                |
|                                 - correct column names are used            |
|                                   TAX_LINE_REF_ID, TAX_SUMMARY_LINE_REF_ID,|
|                                   TAX_REC_NREC_DIST_REF_ID                 |
|                                 - reference to the column is removed.      |
|                                   TAX_REC_NREC_SUMMARY_DIST_REF            |
|     17-FEB-2004 K.Boussema    Made changes for the FND_LOG.                |
|                               passed ae_header_id to error messages        |
|     12-MAR-2004 K.Boussema    Removed the validation of the party type     |
|     22-MAR-2004 K.Boussema    Added a parameter p_module to the TRACE calls|
|                               and the procedure.                           |
|     29-MAR-2204 K.Boussema    Changed based on bug 3528667                 |
|                                - added get_period_name function to retrieve|
|                                the period_name from gl_period_statuses     |
|                                - added the cache of period_name            |
|                                - changed the insert into xla_ae_headers_gt |
|     11-MAY-2004 K.Boussema  Removed the call to XLA trace routine from     |
|                             trace() procedure                              |
|     17-MAY-2004 W.Shen      change for attribute enhancement project       |
|                             1. add TransactionReversal procedure from      |
|                                lines package                               |
|                             2. SetHdrAccountingSource, add gl_transfer_flag|
|                                and trx_acct_reversal_option                |
|                             3. SetHdrAccountingSource, add gl_date         |
|                             4. change to InsertHeaders procedure           |
|                             5. rename reversed_ae_header_id to             |
|                                ref_ae_header_id, reversed_ae_line_num to   |
|                                ref_ae_line_num                             |
|     26-MAY-2004 W.Shen      change error message                           |
|     02-JUL-2004 W.Shen      if gl_transfer_flag is not mapped at all, set  |
|                                the default value to 'N' instead of 'NT'    |
|                                bug 3741223                                 |
|     27-JUL-2004 W.Shen      In SetHeaderId, if all the 3 flag is 'N',      |
|                               (which is the case when transaction reversal)|
|                               3 header ids are generated and assigned      |
|                               bug 3786980                                  |
|     23-Sep-2004 S.Singhania Made changes for the bulk peroformance. It has |
|                               changed the code at number of places.        |
|     25-May-2005 W. Shen     Remove column ledger_amount,entered amount     |
|                               from xla_distribution_links, change the      |
|                               function change_third_party to remove the    |
|                               reference to the columns.                    |
|     11-Jul-2005 A. Wan      Changed for MPA.  4262811                      |
|     01-Aug-2005 W. Chan     4458381 - Public Sector Enhancement            |
|     18-Oct-2005 V. Kumar    Removed code for Analytical Criteria           |
|     23-Nov-2005 V. Kumar    Bug 4752774 - Added Hints for performance      |
|     3-Jan-2006  W. Chan     Bug 4924492 - Populate budget version id for   |
|                               accounting reversal                          |
|     20-JAN-2006 A.Wan       4884853 add GetAccrualRevDate                  |
|     07-FEB-2006 A.Wan       4897417 error if MPA's GL periods not defined. |
|     13-Feb-2006 A.Wan       4955764 - set MPA's g_rec_lines.array_gl_date  |
|     16-Apr-2006 A.Wan       5132302 - applied to amt for Gain/Loss         |
|     09-May-2006 A.Wan       5161760 - chk header attributes is valid.      |
|     21-Jun-2006 A.Wan       5100860 Performance fix, see bug for detail    |
|     01-Mar-2009 VGOPISET    7109881 Changed the call of CopyLineInfo from  |
|                                     CreateRecongitionEntries procedure     |
|     01-Mar-2009 VGOPISET    8214450 Changed GetRecognitionEntries to use   |
|                                     CEIL rather than ROUND in calculating  |
|                                    future GL_DATE for ORIGINATIONDAY option|
|     14-May-2010 VGOPISET    9630931 Added filter of 6 Months while deriving|
|                                    the next transaction date.              |
|     1-Sep-2010  VGOPISET    10047074  Perf Change to Lines Update in       |
|                                    in ValidateBusinessDate                 |
|    06-Sep-2010  VGOPISET    9954676 Added call to InsertMpaTrxAcctCopyInfo |
|                             to populate MPA Recog Line Trx COA data in the |
|                             procedure CreateRecongitionEntries             |
|    02-Nov-2010  VGOPISET    10229047 U1 Hint added in Headers update of    |
|                             accounting date in ValidateBusinessDate        |
|    27-Jan-2011  VGOPISET    11654120 GetRecognitionEntries change for MPA  |
|                             with proration code as FIRST_PERIOD            |
|    11-Oct-2011  VGOPISET    13018752 added P_TRX_GL_DATE as the new param  |
|                             in GetRecognitionEntries to ensure Recog Period|
|                             is never before the Accrual Entry Period.      |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--| CONSTANTS                                                                |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
C_VALID             CONSTANT NUMBER        := 0;
Line: 553

/* Events Process_Status_Code Update is soley written with X as SUCCESS so any
 * change in the code to represent SUCCESS/New Status Code changes please revisit the code
 * changes in xlajeaex.pkb PostAccountingEngine code done for bug#9086275 */

g_rec_header_new.array_event_status(g_header_idx)   := 'X'; -- X indicates processed sucessfully.
Line: 595

SELECT period_name
      ,CASE p_gl_date_option
            WHEN 'XLA_FIRST_DAY_NEXT_GL_PERIOD' THEN start_date
            WHEN 'XLA_LAST_DAY_NEXT_GL_PERIOD'  THEN end_date
            ELSE  p_gl_date + 1
            END                                   GL_DATE
  FROM gl_period_statuses gps
 WHERE gps.application_id         = 101
   AND gps.ledger_id              = p_ledger_id
   AND gps.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
   AND p_gl_date < gps.start_date
ORDER BY gps.start_date ASC;
Line: 695

SELECT period_name
      ,CASE p_gl_date_option
              WHEN 'FIRST_DAY_GL_PERIOD' THEN start_date
              WHEN 'LAST_DAY_GL_PERIOD' THEN  end_date
             -- ELSE  ADD_MONTHS(p_start_date, ROUND(MONTHS_BETWEEN(start_date, p_start_date)))  -- originating_day
	     ELSE  ADD_MONTHS(p_start_date, CEIL(MONTHS_BETWEEN(start_date, p_start_date)))  -- originating_day
	             -- changed from ROUND to CEIL for bug: 8214450
              END                                   GL_DATE
  FROM gl_period_statuses gps
 WHERE gps.application_id         = 101
   AND gps.ledger_id              = p_ledger_id
   AND gps.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
   AND p_end_date BETWEEN gps.start_date AND gps.end_date
 ORDER BY gps.start_date DESC;
Line: 717

        WHEN gps_mpa.effective_period_num < gps_orig.effective_period_num
             THEN gps_orig.period_name
        ELSE gps_mpa.period_name
        END period_name
      ,CASE  p_gl_date_option
                                              WHEN gps_mpa.effective_period_num < gps_orig.effective_period_num
                                                   THEN gps_orig.start_date
                                              ELSE gps_mpa.start_date
                                              WHEN gps_mpa.effective_period_num < gps_orig.effective_period_num
                                              THEN gps_orig.end_date
                                              ELSE gps_mpa.end_date
	      ELSE  CASE
                    WHEN gps_mpa.effective_period_num < gps_orig.effective_period_num
                         THEN ADD_MONTHS(p_start_date, CEIL(MONTHS_BETWEEN(gps_orig.start_date, p_start_date)))
                    ELSE ADD_MONTHS(p_start_date, CEIL(MONTHS_BETWEEN(gps_mpa.start_date, p_start_date)))
        END                                   GL_DATE
  FROM gl_period_statuses gps_mpa
       , gl_period_statuses gps_orig
 WHERE gps_mpa.application_id         = 101
   AND gps_mpa.ledger_id              = p_ledger_id
   AND gps_mpa.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
   AND p_end_date BETWEEN gps_mpa.start_date AND gps_mpa.end_date
   AND gps_orig.application_id         = 101
   AND gps_orig.ledger_id              = p_ledger_id
   AND gps_orig.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
   AND p_trx_gl_date between gps_orig.start_date  and gps_orig.end_date
 ORDER BY gps_mpa.start_date DESC;
Line: 756

  SELECT period_name,
         CASE p_gl_date_option
              WHEN 'FIRST_DAY_GL_PERIOD' THEN start_date
              WHEN 'LAST_DAY_GL_PERIOD' THEN  end_date
              --ELSE  ADD_MONTHS(p_start_date, ROUND(MONTHS_BETWEEN(start_date, p_start_date)))  -- originating_day
	      ELSE  ADD_MONTHS(p_start_date, CEIL(MONTHS_BETWEEN(start_date, p_start_date)))  -- originating_day
	                  -- changed from ROUND to CEIL for bug: 8214450
              END                                   GL_DATE,
      -- closing_status,    -- Not needed.  Updated in PostAccountingEngine (?)
         CASE p_proration_code
              WHEN '360_DAYS' THEN 30
              ELSE  end_date-start_date+1
              END                                   DAYS_IN_PERIOD,
         CASE p_proration_code
              WHEN '360_DAYS' THEN least(end_date-p_start_date+1,30)
              ELSE  end_date-p_start_date+1
              END                                   DAYS_IN_FIRST_PERIOD,  -- only valid for first period
         CASE p_proration_code
              WHEN '360_DAYS' THEN least(p_end_date-start_date+1,30)
              ELSE  p_end_date-start_date+1
              END                                   DAYS_IN_LAST_PERIOD    -- only valid for last period
    FROM gl_period_statuses
   WHERE application_id         = 101
     AND ledger_id              = p_ledger_id
     AND adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
     AND end_date               >= p_start_date -- included boundary conditions for bug12939974
     AND start_date             <= p_end_date   -- included boundary conditions for bug12939974
   ORDER BY start_date;
Line: 791

        WHEN gps_mpa.effective_period_num < gps_orig.effective_period_num
             THEN gps_orig.period_name
        ELSE gps_mpa.period_name
        END period_name ,
        CASE  p_gl_date_option
                                              WHEN gps_mpa.effective_period_num < gps_orig.effective_period_num
                                                   THEN gps_orig.start_date
                                              ELSE gps_mpa.start_date
                                              WHEN gps_mpa.effective_period_num < gps_orig.effective_period_num
                                              THEN gps_orig.end_date
                                              ELSE gps_mpa.end_date
	      ELSE  CASE
                    WHEN gps_mpa.effective_period_num < gps_orig.effective_period_num
                         THEN ADD_MONTHS(p_start_date, CEIL(MONTHS_BETWEEN(gps_orig.start_date, p_start_date)))
                    ELSE ADD_MONTHS(p_start_date, CEIL(MONTHS_BETWEEN(gps_mpa.start_date, p_start_date)))
        END                                   GL_DATE,
         CASE p_proration_code
              WHEN '360_DAYS' THEN 30
              ELSE  gps_mpa.end_date-gps_mpa.start_date+1
              END                                   DAYS_IN_PERIOD,
         CASE p_proration_code
              WHEN '360_DAYS' THEN least(gps_mpa.end_date-p_start_date+1,30)
              ELSE  gps_mpa.end_date-p_start_date+1
              END                                   DAYS_IN_FIRST_PERIOD,  -- only valid for first period
         CASE p_proration_code
              WHEN '360_DAYS' THEN least(p_end_date-gps_mpa.start_date+1,30)
              ELSE  p_end_date-gps_mpa.start_date+1
              END                                   DAYS_IN_LAST_PERIOD    -- only valid for last period
    FROM gl_period_statuses gps_mpa
        ,gl_period_statuses gps_orig
    WHERE gps_mpa.application_id         = 101
     AND gps_mpa.ledger_id              = p_ledger_id
     AND gps_mpa.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
     AND gps_mpa.end_date               >= p_start_date -- included boundary conditions for bug12939974
     AND gps_mpa.start_date             <= p_end_date   -- included boundary conditions for bug12939974
     AND gps_orig.application_id         = 101
     AND gps_orig.ledger_id              = p_ledger_id
     AND gps_orig.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
     AND p_trx_gl_date between gps_orig.start_date  and gps_orig.end_date
   ORDER BY gps_mpa.start_date ;
Line: 1094

Line: 1517

      XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.UpdateJournalEntryStatus (p_hdr_idx           => l_hdr_idx
                                                        ,p_balance_type_code => 'A');
Line: 1547

      XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.UpdateJournalEntryStatus (p_hdr_idx           => l_hdr_idx
                                                        ,p_balance_type_code => 'A');
Line: 1575

      XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.UpdateJournalEntryStatus (p_hdr_idx           => l_hdr_idx
                                                        ,p_balance_type_code => 'A');
Line: 1903

|     InsertHeaders                                                     |
|                                                                       |
FUNCTION  InsertHeaders
l_period_name            VARCHAR2(25);
Line: 1926

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.InsertHeaders';
Line: 1932

         (p_msg      => 'BEGIN of InsertHeaders'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 2002

            (p_msg      => 'SQL - Insert into  xla_ae_headers_gt'
            ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
            ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 2009

    INSERT /*+ opt_param('_gby_hash_aggregation_enabled','false') */ INTO xla_ae_headers_gt  -- added hint for bug 14246749
       ( ae_header_id
       , accounting_entry_status_code
       , accounting_entry_type_code
       , ledger_id
       , entity_id
       , event_id
       , event_type_code
       , accounting_date
       , product_rule_type_code
       , product_rule_code
       , product_rule_version
       , je_category_name
       --, period_name
       , doc_sequence_id
       , doc_sequence_value
       , description
       , budget_version_id
       --, encumbrance_type_id
       , balance_type_code
       , amb_context_code
       , doc_category_code
       , gl_transfer_status_code
       , event_status_code
       , anc_id_1
       , anc_id_2
       , anc_id_3
       , anc_id_4
       , anc_id_5
       , anc_id_6
       , anc_id_7
       , anc_id_8
       , anc_id_9
       , anc_id_10
       , anc_id_11
       , anc_id_12
       , anc_id_13
       , anc_id_14
       , anc_id_15
       , anc_id_16
       , anc_id_17
       , anc_id_18
       , anc_id_19
       , anc_id_20
       , anc_id_21
       , anc_id_22
       , anc_id_23
       , anc_id_24
       , anc_id_25
       , anc_id_26
       , anc_id_27
       , anc_id_28
       , anc_id_29
       , anc_id_30
       , anc_id_31
       , anc_id_32
       , anc_id_33
       , anc_id_34
       , anc_id_35
       , anc_id_36
       , anc_id_37
       , anc_id_38
       , anc_id_39
       , anc_id_40
       , anc_id_41
       , anc_id_42
       , anc_id_43
       , anc_id_44
       , anc_id_45
       , anc_id_46
       , anc_id_47
       , anc_id_48
       , anc_id_49
       , anc_id_50
       , anc_id_51
       , anc_id_52
       , anc_id_53
       , anc_id_54
       , anc_id_55
       , anc_id_56
       , anc_id_57
       , anc_id_58
       , anc_id_59
       , anc_id_60
       , anc_id_61
       , anc_id_62
       , anc_id_63
       , anc_id_64
       , anc_id_65
       , anc_id_66
       , anc_id_67
       , anc_id_68
       , anc_id_69
       , anc_id_70
       , anc_id_71
       , anc_id_72
       , anc_id_73
       , anc_id_74
       , anc_id_75
       , anc_id_76
       , anc_id_77
       , anc_id_78
       , anc_id_79
       , anc_id_80
       , anc_id_81
       , anc_id_82
       , anc_id_83
       , anc_id_84
       , anc_id_85
       , anc_id_86
       , anc_id_87
       , anc_id_88
       , anc_id_89
       , anc_id_90
       , anc_id_91
       , anc_id_92
       , anc_id_93
       , anc_id_94
       , anc_id_95
       , anc_id_96
       , anc_id_97
       , anc_id_98
       , anc_id_99
       , anc_id_100
       , event_number
       , header_num               -- 4262811
       , accrual_reversal_flag    -- 4262811
       , acc_rev_gl_date_option   -- 4262811
       , parent_header_id         -- 4262811
       , parent_ae_line_num)      -- 4262811
       (SELECT  /*+ INDEX (AEL, XLA_AE_LINES_GT_N3) */      -- 4752774  -- changed in  8319065 performance changes
               , CASE ael.balance_type_code
                   when C_BUDGET THEN
                   when C_ENCUMBRANCE THEN
                   when C_ACTUAL THEN
                 END CASE
               , C_STANDARD
               , g_rec_header_new.array_target_ledger_id(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_entity_id(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_event_id(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_event_type_code(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_gl_date(Idx)
               , XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.g_cache_pad.product_rule_type_code
               , XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.g_cache_pad.product_rule_code
               , XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.g_cache_pad.product_rule_version
               , g_rec_header_new.array_je_category_name(Idx)
               --, 'XYZ' --l_period_name
               , g_rec_header_new.array_doc_sequence_id(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_doc_sequence_value(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_description(Idx)
               , DECODE(ael.balance_type_code  -- 4924492
                       ,C_BUDGET, g_rec_header_new.array_budget_version_id(Idx)
                       ,'X', g_rec_header_new.array_budget_version_id(Idx)
               --, DECODE(ael.balance_type_code, C_ENCUMBRANCE, g_rec_header_new.array_encumbrance_type_id(Idx)
               --         , NULL)  -- 4458381  Public Sector Enh
               , ael.balance_type_code
               , XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.g_cache_pad.amb_context_code
               , g_rec_header_new.array_doc_category_code(Idx)
               , DECODE(g_rec_header_new.array_gl_transfer_flag(Idx), 'N', 'NT', 'Y', 'N', 'N')
               , g_rec_header_new.array_event_status(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_1(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_2(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_3(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_4(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_5(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_6(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_7(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_8(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_9(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_10(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_11(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_12(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_13(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_14(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_15(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_16(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_17(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_18(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_19(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_20(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_21(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_22(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_23(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_24(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_25(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_26(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_27(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_28(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_29(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_30(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_31(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_32(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_33(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_34(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_35(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_36(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_37(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_38(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_39(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_40(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_41(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_42(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_43(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_44(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_45(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_46(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_47(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_48(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_49(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_50(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_51(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_52(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_53(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_54(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_55(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_56(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_57(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_58(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_59(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_60(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_61(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_62(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_63(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_64(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_65(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_66(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_67(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_68(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_69(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_70(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_71(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_72(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_73(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_74(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_75(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_76(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_77(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_78(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_79(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_80(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_81(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_82(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_83(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_84(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_85(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_86(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_87(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_88(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_89(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_90(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_91(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_92(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_93(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_94(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_95(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_96(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_97(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_98(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_99(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_anc_id_100(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_event_number(Idx)
               , g_rec_header_new.array_header_num(Idx)              -- 4262811
               , g_rec_header_new.array_accrual_reversal_flag(Idx)   -- 4262811
               , g_rec_header_new.array_acc_rev_gl_date_option(Idx)  -- 4262811
               , g_rec_header_new.array_parent_header_id(Idx)        -- 4262811
               , g_rec_header_new.array_parent_line_num(Idx)         -- 4262811
          FROM   xla_ae_lines_gt ael
         WHERE   ael.ae_header_id = g_rec_header_new.array_event_id(Idx)
           AND   ael.ledger_id    = g_rec_header_new.array_target_ledger_id(Idx)
           AND   (nvl(ael.gain_or_loss_flag, 'N') <> 'Y' or nvl(ael.calculate_g_l_amts_flag, 'N') <> 'Y')
           AND   ael.header_num =
, NVL(g_rec_header_new.array_header_num(Idx),0) )
                                -- added for bug#9162117

--           AND   nvl(ael.entered_amount,0) > 0
--           AND   ael.temp_line_num <> 0
           group by ael.balance_type_code
Line: 2303

             (p_msg      => '# temporary headers inserted into GT xla_ae_headers_gt = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
             ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_EVENT
             ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 2315

         (p_msg      => 'END of InsertHeaders'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 2342

      (p_location => 'XLA_AE_HEADER_PKG.InsertHeaders');
Line: 2345

      (p_location => 'XLA_AE_HEADER_PKG.InsertHeaders');
Line: 2346

END InsertHeaders;
Line: 2376

         (p_msg      => 'SQL - Insert into xla_ae_lines_gt  '
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 2381

 INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines_gt
, temp_line_num
, event_id
, ref_ae_header_id
, ref_ae_line_num
, ref_temp_line_num
, accounting_class_code
, event_class_code
, event_type_code
, line_definition_owner_code
, line_definition_code
, accounting_line_type_code
, accounting_line_code
, code_combination_status_code
, code_combination_id
, sl_coa_mapping_name
, dynamic_insert_flag
, source_coa_id
, ccid_coa_id
, description
, gl_transfer_mode_code
, merge_duplicate_code
, switch_side_flag
--, entered_amount
--, ledger_amount
, unrounded_entered_cr
, unrounded_entered_dr
, unrounded_accounted_cr
, unrounded_accounted_dr
, entered_cr
, entered_dr
, accounted_cr
, accounted_dr
, currency_code
, currency_conversion_date
, currency_conversion_rate
, currency_conversion_type
, statistical_amount
, party_id
, party_site_id
, party_type_code
, ussgl_transaction_code
, jgzz_recon_ref
, source_distribution_id_char_1
, source_distribution_id_char_2
, source_distribution_id_char_3
, source_distribution_id_char_4
, source_distribution_id_char_5
, source_distribution_id_num_1
, source_distribution_id_num_2
, source_distribution_id_num_3
, source_distribution_id_num_4
, source_distribution_id_num_5
, source_distribution_type
, tax_line_ref_id
, tax_summary_line_ref_id
, tax_rec_nrec_dist_ref_id
, anc_id_1
, anc_id_2
, anc_id_3
, anc_id_4
, anc_id_5
, anc_id_6
, anc_id_7
, anc_id_8
, anc_id_9
, anc_id_10
, anc_id_11
, anc_id_12
, anc_id_13
, anc_id_14
, anc_id_15
, anc_id_16
, anc_id_17
, anc_id_18
, anc_id_19
, anc_id_20
, anc_id_21
, anc_id_22
, anc_id_23
, anc_id_24
, anc_id_25
, anc_id_26
, anc_id_27
, anc_id_28
, anc_id_29
, anc_id_30
, anc_id_31
, anc_id_32
, anc_id_33
, anc_id_34
, anc_id_35
, anc_id_36
, anc_id_37
, anc_id_38
, anc_id_39
, anc_id_40
, anc_id_41
, anc_id_42
, anc_id_43
, anc_id_44
, anc_id_45
, anc_id_46
, anc_id_47
, anc_id_48
, anc_id_49
, anc_id_50
, anc_id_51
, anc_id_52
, anc_id_53
, anc_id_54
, anc_id_55
, anc_id_56
, anc_id_57
, anc_id_58
, anc_id_59
, anc_id_60
, anc_id_61
, anc_id_62
, anc_id_63
, anc_id_64
, anc_id_65
, anc_id_66
, anc_id_67
, anc_id_68
, anc_id_69
, anc_id_70
, anc_id_71
, anc_id_72
, anc_id_73
, anc_id_74
, anc_id_75
, anc_id_76
, anc_id_77
, anc_id_78
, anc_id_79
, anc_id_80
, anc_id_81
, anc_id_82
, anc_id_83
, anc_id_84
, anc_id_85
, anc_id_86
, anc_id_87
, anc_id_88
, anc_id_89
, anc_id_90
, anc_id_91
, anc_id_92
, anc_id_93
, anc_id_94
, anc_id_95
, anc_id_96
, anc_id_97
, anc_id_98
, anc_id_99
, anc_id_100
, inherit_desc_flag        -- 4219869
, mpa_accrual_entry_flag   -- 4262811
, encumbrance_type_id      -- 4458381  Public Sector Enh
, header_num               -- 5100860  assign value to avoid using function index

        CASE xah.balance_type_code
          WHEN C_ACTUAL      THEN g_rec_header_new.array_actual_header_id(g_header_idx)
          WHEN C_BUDGET      THEN g_rec_header_new.array_budget_header_id(g_header_idx)
          WHEN C_ENCUMBRANCE THEN g_rec_header_new.array_encumb_header_id(g_header_idx)
     ,  XLA_AE_LINES_PKG.SetLineNum(xah.balance_type_code)
     ,  XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.g_cache_event.event_id
     ,  xal.ae_header_id
     ,  xal.ae_line_num
     ,  xdl.temp_line_num
     ,  xal.accounting_class_code
     ,  xdl.event_class_code
     ,  xdl.event_type_code
     ,  xdl.line_definition_owner_code
     ,  xdl.line_definition_code
     ,  xdl.accounting_line_type_code
     ,  xdl.accounting_line_code
     , C_CCID
     , xal.code_combination_id
     , NULL
     , NULL
     , NULL
     , NULL
     , xal.description
     , xal.gl_transfer_mode_code
     , xdl.merge_duplicate_code
     , DECODE(XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.g_cache_ledgers_info.ledger_reversal_option,
                  'SIDE', C_SWITCH,
/*     , xdl.entered_amount
     , xdl.ledger_amount */
     , xal.unrounded_entered_dr
     , xal.unrounded_entered_cr
     , xal.unrounded_accounted_dr
     , xal.unrounded_accounted_cr
     , xal.entered_dr
     , xal.entered_cr
     , xal.accounted_dr
     , xal.accounted_cr
     , xal.currency_code
     , xal.currency_conversion_date
     , xal.currency_conversion_rate
     , xal.currency_conversion_type
     , xal.statistical_amount
     , xal.party_id
     , xal.party_site_id
     , xal.party_type_code
     , xal.ussgl_transaction_code
     , xal.jgzz_recon_ref
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_char_1
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_char_2
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_char_3
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_char_4
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_char_5
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_num_2
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_num_3
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_num_4
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_num_5
     , xdl.source_distribution_type
     , xdl.tax_line_ref_id
     , xdl.tax_summary_line_ref_id
     , xdl.tax_rec_nrec_dist_ref_id
     , anc_id_1
     , anc_id_2
     , anc_id_3
     , anc_id_4
     , anc_id_5
     , anc_id_6
     , anc_id_7
     , anc_id_8
     , anc_id_9
     , anc_id_10
     , anc_id_11
     , anc_id_12
     , anc_id_13
     , anc_id_14
     , anc_id_15
     , anc_id_16
     , anc_id_17
     , anc_id_18
     , anc_id_19
     , anc_id_20
     , anc_id_21
     , anc_id_22
     , anc_id_23
     , anc_id_24
     , anc_id_25
     , anc_id_26
     , anc_id_27
     , anc_id_28
     , anc_id_29
     , anc_id_30
     , anc_id_31
     , anc_id_32
     , anc_id_33
     , anc_id_34
     , anc_id_35
     , anc_id_36
     , anc_id_37
     , anc_id_38
     , anc_id_39
     , anc_id_40
     , anc_id_41
     , anc_id_42
     , anc_id_43
     , anc_id_44
     , anc_id_45
     , anc_id_46
     , anc_id_47
     , anc_id_48
     , anc_id_49
     , anc_id_50
     , anc_id_51
     , anc_id_52
     , anc_id_53
     , anc_id_54
     , anc_id_55
     , anc_id_56
     , anc_id_57
     , anc_id_58
     , anc_id_59
     , anc_id_60
     , anc_id_61
     , anc_id_62
     , anc_id_63
     , anc_id_64
     , anc_id_65
     , anc_id_66
     , anc_id_67
     , anc_id_68
     , anc_id_69
     , anc_id_70
     , anc_id_71
     , anc_id_72
     , anc_id_73
     , anc_id_74
     , anc_id_75
     , anc_id_76
     , anc_id_77
     , anc_id_78
     , anc_id_79
     , anc_id_80
     , anc_id_81
     , anc_id_82
     , anc_id_83
     , anc_id_84
     , anc_id_85
     , anc_id_86
     , anc_id_87
     , anc_id_88
     , anc_id_89
     , anc_id_90
     , anc_id_91
     , anc_id_92
     , anc_id_93
     , anc_id_94
     , anc_id_95
     , anc_id_96
     , anc_id_97
     , anc_id_98
     , anc_id_99
     , anc_id_100
     , 'N'   -- 4219869  inherit_desc_flag
     , 'N'   -- 4262811  mpa_accrual_entry_flag
     , xal.encumbrance_type_id -- 4458381  Public Sector Enh
     , 0                       -- 5100860  assign value to avoid using function index
FROM  xla_ae_lines            xal,
      xla_ae_headers          xah,
      xla_distribution_links  xdl,
      xla_events              xe,
     (SELECT ae_header_id
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,1,anc_id)) anc_id_1
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,2,anc_id)) anc_id_2
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,3,anc_id)) anc_id_3
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,4,anc_id)) anc_id_4
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,5,anc_id)) anc_id_5
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,6,anc_id)) anc_id_6
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,7,anc_id)) anc_id_7
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,8,anc_id)) anc_id_8
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,9,anc_id)) anc_id_9
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,10,anc_id)) anc_id_10
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,11,anc_id)) anc_id_11
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,12,anc_id)) anc_id_12
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,13,anc_id)) anc_id_13
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,14,anc_id)) anc_id_14
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,15,anc_id)) anc_id_15
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,16,anc_id)) anc_id_16
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,17,anc_id)) anc_id_17
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,18,anc_id)) anc_id_18
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,19,anc_id)) anc_id_19
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,20,anc_id)) anc_id_20
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,21,anc_id)) anc_id_21
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,22,anc_id)) anc_id_22
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,23,anc_id)) anc_id_23
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,24,anc_id)) anc_id_24
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,25,anc_id)) anc_id_25
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,26,anc_id)) anc_id_26
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,27,anc_id)) anc_id_27
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,28,anc_id)) anc_id_28
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,29,anc_id)) anc_id_29
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,30,anc_id)) anc_id_30
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,31,anc_id)) anc_id_31
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,32,anc_id)) anc_id_32
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,33,anc_id)) anc_id_33
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,34,anc_id)) anc_id_34
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,35,anc_id)) anc_id_35
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,36,anc_id)) anc_id_36
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,37,anc_id)) anc_id_37
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,38,anc_id)) anc_id_38
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,39,anc_id)) anc_id_39
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,40,anc_id)) anc_id_40
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,41,anc_id)) anc_id_41
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,42,anc_id)) anc_id_42
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,43,anc_id)) anc_id_43
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,44,anc_id)) anc_id_44
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,45,anc_id)) anc_id_45
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,46,anc_id)) anc_id_46
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,47,anc_id)) anc_id_47
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,48,anc_id)) anc_id_48
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,49,anc_id)) anc_id_49
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,50,anc_id)) anc_id_50
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,51,anc_id)) anc_id_51
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,52,anc_id)) anc_id_52
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,53,anc_id)) anc_id_53
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,54,anc_id)) anc_id_54
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,55,anc_id)) anc_id_55
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,56,anc_id)) anc_id_56
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,57,anc_id)) anc_id_57
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,58,anc_id)) anc_id_58
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,59,anc_id)) anc_id_59
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,60,anc_id)) anc_id_60
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,61,anc_id)) anc_id_61
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,62,anc_id)) anc_id_62
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,63,anc_id)) anc_id_63
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,64,anc_id)) anc_id_64
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,65,anc_id)) anc_id_65
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,66,anc_id)) anc_id_66
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,67,anc_id)) anc_id_67
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,68,anc_id)) anc_id_68
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,69,anc_id)) anc_id_69
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,70,anc_id)) anc_id_70
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,71,anc_id)) anc_id_71
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,72,anc_id)) anc_id_72
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,73,anc_id)) anc_id_73
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,74,anc_id)) anc_id_74
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,75,anc_id)) anc_id_75
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,76,anc_id)) anc_id_76
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,77,anc_id)) anc_id_77
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,78,anc_id)) anc_id_78
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,79,anc_id)) anc_id_79
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,80,anc_id)) anc_id_80
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,81,anc_id)) anc_id_81
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,82,anc_id)) anc_id_82
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,83,anc_id)) anc_id_83
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,84,anc_id)) anc_id_84
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,85,anc_id)) anc_id_85
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,86,anc_id)) anc_id_86
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,87,anc_id)) anc_id_87
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,88,anc_id)) anc_id_88
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,89,anc_id)) anc_id_89
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,90,anc_id)) anc_id_90
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,91,anc_id)) anc_id_91
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,92,anc_id)) anc_id_92
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,93,anc_id)) anc_id_93
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,94,anc_id)) anc_id_94
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,95,anc_id)) anc_id_95
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,96,anc_id)) anc_id_96
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,97,anc_id)) anc_id_97
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,98,anc_id)) anc_id_98
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,99,anc_id)) anc_id_99
            ,MAX(DECODE(rank,100,anc_id)) anc_id_100
     (SELECT  xald.ae_header_id
            , xald.ae_line_num
            , xald.analytical_criterion_code      || '(]' ||
              xald.analytical_criterion_type_code || '(]' ||
              xald.amb_context_code               || '(]' ||
              xald.ac1                            || '(]' ||
              xald.ac2                            || '(]' ||
              xald.ac3                            || '(]' ||
              xald.ac4                            || '(]' ||
              xald.ac5                            anc_id
            , RANK() OVER (
              PARTITION BY ae_header_id, ae_line_num
                  ORDER BY analytical_criterion_code
                          ,ac5) rank
       FROM  xla_ae_line_acs xald)
      GROUP  BY ae_header_id, ae_line_num) anc

WHERE xe.event_id                         = xdl.event_id
  AND xe.event_id                         = xah.event_id
  AND xal.ae_header_id                    = xdl.ae_header_id
  AND xal.ae_header_id                    = xah.ae_header_id
  AND xal.ae_line_num                     = xdl.ae_line_num
  AND xe.entity_id                        = XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.g_cache_event.entity_id
  AND anc.ae_header_id                    = xdl.ae_header_id
  AND anc.ae_line_num                     = xdl.ae_line_num
  AND xah.ledger_id                       = XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.g_cache_event.target_ledger_id
  AND (g_rec_header_new.array_previous_party_id(g_header_idx) IS NULL
      xal.party_id                        = g_rec_header_new.array_previous_party_id(g_header_idx))
  AND (g_rec_header_new.array_previous_party_site_id(g_header_idx) IS NULL
      xal.party_site_id                   = g_rec_header_new.array_previous_party_site_id(g_header_idx))
  AND (g_rec_header_new.array_party_change_type(g_header_idx) IS NULL
      xal.party_type_code                 = g_rec_header_new.array_party_change_type(g_header_idx))
Line: 2887

         (p_msg      => '# temporary journal lines inserted into GT xla_ae_lines_gt = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_EVENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 2900

         (p_msg      => 'SQL - Insert into xla_ae_lines_gt  '
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 2906

 INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines_gt
, temp_line_num
, event_id
, ref_ae_header_id
, ref_ae_line_num
, ref_temp_line_num
, accounting_class_code
, event_class_code
, event_type_code
, line_definition_owner_code
, line_definition_code
, accounting_line_type_code
, accounting_line_code
, code_combination_status_code
, code_combination_id
, sl_coa_mapping_name
, dynamic_insert_flag
, source_coa_id
, ccid_coa_id
, description
, gl_transfer_mode_code
, merge_duplicate_code
, switch_side_flag
--, entered_amount
--, ledger_amount
, unrounded_entered_dr
, unrounded_entered_cr
, unrounded_accounted_dr
, unrounded_accounted_cr
, entered_dr
, entered_cr
, accounted_dr
, accounted_cr
, currency_code
, currency_conversion_date
, currency_conversion_rate
, currency_conversion_type
, statistical_amount
, party_id
, party_site_id
, party_type_code
, ussgl_transaction_code
, jgzz_recon_ref
, source_distribution_id_char_1
, source_distribution_id_char_2
, source_distribution_id_char_3
, source_distribution_id_char_4
, source_distribution_id_char_5
, source_distribution_id_num_1
, source_distribution_id_num_2
, source_distribution_id_num_3
, source_distribution_id_num_4
, source_distribution_id_num_5
, source_distribution_type
, tax_line_ref_id
, tax_summary_line_ref_id
, tax_rec_nrec_dist_ref_id
, inherit_desc_flag        -- 4219869
, mpa_accrual_entry_flag   -- 4262811
, encumbrance_type_id      -- 4458381  Public Sector Enh
, header_num               -- 5100860  assign value to avoid using function index

        CASE xah.balance_type_code
          WHEN C_ACTUAL      THEN g_rec_header_new.array_actual_header_id(g_header_idx)
          WHEN C_BUDGET      THEN g_rec_header_new.array_budget_header_id(g_header_idx)
          WHEN C_ENCUMBRANCE THEN g_rec_header_new.array_encumb_header_id(g_header_idx)
     ,  XLA_AE_LINES_PKG.SetLineNum(xah.balance_type_code)
     ,  XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.g_cache_event.event_id
     ,  xal.ae_header_id
     ,  xal.ae_line_num
     ,  xdl.temp_line_num
     ,  xal.accounting_class_code
     ,  xdl.event_class_code
     ,  xdl.event_type_code
     ,  xdl.line_definition_owner_code
     ,  xdl.line_definition_code
     ,  xdl.accounting_line_type_code
     ,  xdl.accounting_line_code
     , C_CCID
     , xal.code_combination_id
     , NULL
     , NULL
     , NULL
     , NULL
     , xal.description
     , xal.gl_transfer_mode_code
     , xdl.merge_duplicate_code
     , DECODE(XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.g_cache_ledgers_info.ledger_reversal_option,
                  'SIDE', C_SWITCH,
--     , xdl.entered_amount
--     , xdl.ledger_amount
     , xal.unrounded_entered_dr
     , xal.unrounded_entered_cr
     , xal.unrounded_accounted_dr
     , xal.unrounded_accounted_cr
     , xal.entered_dr
     , xal.entered_cr
     , xal.accounted_dr
     , xal.accounted_cr
     , xal.currency_code
     , xal.currency_conversion_date
     , xal.currency_conversion_rate
     , xal.currency_conversion_type
     , xal.statistical_amount
     , g_rec_header_new.array_new_party_id(g_header_idx)
     , g_rec_header_new.array_new_party_site_id(g_header_idx)
     , g_rec_header_new.array_party_change_type(g_header_idx)
     , xal.ussgl_transaction_code
     , xal.jgzz_recon_ref
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_char_1
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_char_2
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_char_3
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_char_4
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_char_5
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_num_2
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_num_3
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_num_4
     , xdl.source_distribution_id_num_5
     , xdl.source_distribution_type
     , xdl.tax_line_ref_id
     , xdl.tax_summary_line_ref_id
     , xdl.tax_rec_nrec_dist_ref_id
     , 'N'   -- 4219869 inherit_desc_flag
     , 'N'   -- 4262811 mpa_accrual_entry_flag
     , xal.encumbrance_type_id -- 4458381  Public Sector Enh
     , 0                       -- 5100860  assign value to avoid using function index
FROM  xla_ae_lines            xal,
      xla_ae_headers          xah,
      xla_distribution_links  xdl,
      xla_events              xe
WHERE xe.event_id                         = xdl.event_id
  AND xe.event_id                         = xah.event_id
  AND xal.ae_header_id                    = xdl.ae_header_id
  AND xal.ae_header_id                    = xah.ae_header_id
  AND xal.ae_line_num                     = xdl.ae_line_num
  AND xe.entity_id                        = XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.g_cache_event.entity_id
  AND xah.ledger_id                       = XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.g_cache_event.target_ledger_id
  AND ( g_rec_header_new.array_previous_party_id(g_header_idx) IS NULL
      xal.party_id                        = g_rec_header_new.array_previous_party_id(g_header_idx))
  AND ( g_rec_header_new.array_previous_party_site_id(g_header_idx) IS NULL
      xal.party_site_id                   = g_rec_header_new.array_previous_party_site_id(g_header_idx))
  AND ( g_rec_header_new.array_party_change_type(g_header_idx) IS NULL
      xal.party_type_code                 = g_rec_header_new.array_party_change_type(g_header_idx))
Line: 3085

         (p_msg      => '# temporary journal lines inserted into GT xla_ae_lines_gt = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_EVENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3386

       (p_msg      => 'SQL - update xla_ae_headers_gt'
       ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
       ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3428

	  UPDATE /*+ index(xah XLA_AE_HEADERS_GT_U1) */ xla_ae_headers_gt xah --added U1 hint for bug#10229047
	     SET accounting_date =
			  ( SELECT min(transaction_date)
			    FROM gl_transaction_dates d
			    WHERE d.business_day_flag = 'Y'
			    AND d.transaction_date >= xah.accounting_date
			    AND d.transaction_calendar_id = l_transaction_calendar_id),
			  ( SELECT transaction_date
			    FROM (SELECT /*+  USE_NL(xah2,gps,d) INDEX(d GL_TRANSACTION_DATES_U1) index(xah2 XLA_AE_HEADERS_GT_U1) */ xah2.ae_header_id
			                                                                          --added U1 hint for bug#10229047
				      , d.transaction_date
				   FROM xla_ae_headers_gt xah2
				      , gl_transaction_dates d
				      , gl_period_statuses gps
				  WHERE d.transaction_calendar_id = l_transaction_calendar_id
				    AND d.business_day_flag       = 'Y'
				    AND d.transaction_date        >= xah2.period_start_date
				    AND gps.application_id = 101
				    AND gps.ledger_id = xah2.ledger_id
				    AND gps.period_name = xah2.period_name
				    AND d.transaction_date <= gps.end_date
				    AND d.transaction_date >= gps.start_date
				    AND xah2.ae_header_id = xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.g_array_ae_header_id(i)
				  ORDER by CASE WHEN d.transaction_date = xah2.accounting_date
						THEN 0
						WHEN d.transaction_date < xah2.accounting_date
						THEN xah2.accounting_date - d.transaction_date
						WHEN d.transaction_date > xah2.accounting_date
						THEN 1000 + d.transaction_date - xah2.accounting_date
						END ) tmp
			    WHERE ROWNUM = 1 )
	   WHERE xah.ae_header_id = xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.g_array_ae_header_id(i);
Line: 3479

               (p_msg      => '# rows updated in xla_ae_headers_gt(1.2) ='|| l_count
               ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
               ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 3493

                    UPDATE /*+ INDEX(XAL XLA_AE_LINES_GT_N4) */ xla_ae_lines_gt XAL
                    SET XAL.ACCOUNTING_DATE = (SELECT /*+ INDEX(xah XLA_AE_HEADERS_GT_U1) */xah.accounting_date
                                               FROM xla_ae_headers_gt xah
                                               WHERE xah.ae_header_id = xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.g_array_ae_header_id(i)
                                                 and   xah.ledger_id = xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.g_array_ledger_id(i)
                                                  and  xah.event_id = xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.g_array_event_id(i)
                                                  and  xah.balance_type_code = xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.g_array_balance_type(i)
                    WHERE xal.ae_header_id = xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.g_array_event_id(i)
                         and   xal.ledger_id = xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.g_array_ledger_id(i)
                         and  xal.event_id = xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.g_array_event_id(i)
                         and xal.balance_type_code = xla_ae_journal_entry_pkg.g_array_balance_type(i);
Line: 3512

		(p_msg      => '# rows updated in xla_ae_lines_gt(date_adjust) =' || l_count
		,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
		,p_module   => l_log_module);