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Line 79: -- table. It gathers data from bim_r_fund_daily_facts,

76: -- update_balance
77: -- NOTE: This procedure will be called only once within FUND_FIRST_LOAD
78: -- It inserts data into bim_r_fund_balance, which is a daily balance
79: -- table. It gathers data from bim_r_fund_daily_facts,
80: -- and bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts. Calculates balance based on data from
81: -- those two tables.
82: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
83: PROCEDURE update_balance

Line 115: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts b ,

111: nvl(b.original_budget,0)+nvl(b.transfer_in,0)-nvl(b.transfer_out,0)-nvl(c.commited_amt,0) balance,
112: nvl(c.utilized_amt,0) utilized,
113: nvl(c.planned,0) planned,
114: nvl(c.paid,0) paid
115: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts b ,
116: (SELECT
117: c1.fund_id fund_id,
118: c1.week_date week_date,
119: SUM(nvl(fdsp.commited_amt,0)) commited_amt,

Line 126: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts

122: SUM(nvl(fdsp.paid_amt,0)) paid
123: FROM bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts fdsp,
124: (SELECT fund_id fund_id,
125: MIN(transaction_create_date) week_date
126: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts
127: GROUP BY fund_id) c1
128: WHERE fdsp.fund_id(+) = c1.fund_id
129: AND fdsp.transaction_create_date(+) = c1.week_date
130: GROUP BY c1.fund_id, c1.week_date ) c

Line 145: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts noparallel';

141: begin
142: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_PROC_START');
143: fnd_message.set_token('proc_name', 'UPDATE_BALANCE', FALSE);
144: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
145: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts noparallel';
146: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts noparallel';
147: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_balance noparallel';
148: exception

Line 160: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts;

157: --Insert all the fund_id, and transaction date to start with
158: INSERT into BIM_R_FUND_BALANCE (fund_id, week_date,fis_month, fis_qtr, fis_year)
159: SELECT fund_id,transaction_create_date,fis_month, fis_qtr, fis_year
160: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts;
163: select i.index_tablespace into l_index_tablespace
164: from fnd_product_installations i, fnd_application a

Line 177: 'create index bim_r_fund_facts_n6 on bim_r_fund_daily_facts

173: END;
175: BEGIN
177: 'create index bim_r_fund_facts_n6 on bim_r_fund_daily_facts
178: (fund_id,
179: transaction_create_date) tablespace '||l_index_tablespace||' compute statistics';

Line 266: bim_r_fund_daily_facts a,

262: from bim_r_fund_balance
263: where fund_id = x.fund_id
264: and week_date < x.week_date) maxdate,
265: bim_r_fund_balance ba,
266: bim_r_fund_daily_facts a,
267: (select fund_id fund_id,
268: SUM(nvl(commited_amt,0)) commited_amt,
269: SUM(nvl(planned_amt,0)) planned,
270: SUM(nvl(paid_amt,0)) paid,

Line 323: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts w

319: /* cursor fund_cur is to get the new funds, and the transaction
320: date which don't have entry in bim_r_fund_balance */
321: CURSOR fund_cur IS
322: SELECT distinct w.fund_id, w.transaction_create_date
323: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts w
324: WHERE not exists( select 1
325: from bim_r_fund_balance b
326: where b.fund_id = w.fund_id
327: and b.week_date = w.transaction_create_date)

Line 350: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts noparallel';

346: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_PROC_START');
347: fnd_message.set_token('proc_name', 'UPDATE_SUB_BALANCE', FALSE);
348: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
349: BEGIN
350: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts noparallel';
351: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts noparallel';
352: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_balance noparallel';

Line 372: 'create index bim_r_fund_facts_n6 on bim_r_fund_daily_facts

368: END;
370: BEGIN
372: 'create index bim_r_fund_facts_n6 on bim_r_fund_daily_facts
373: (fund_id,
374: transaction_create_date) tablespace '||l_index_tablespace||' compute statistics';

Line 444: bim_r_fund_daily_facts a,

440: a.fis_month,
441: a.fis_qtr,
442: a.fis_year
443: FROM bim_r_fund_balance ba,
444: bim_r_fund_daily_facts a,
445: (SELECT fund_id fund_id,
446: SUM(nvl(commited_amt,0)) commited_amt,
447: SUM(nvl(standard_discount,0)+nvl(accrual,0)+
448: nvl(market_expense,0)) utilized,

Line 500: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts a,

496: nvl(fdsp.paid,0),
497: a.fis_month,
498: a.fis_qtr,
499: a.fis_year
500: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts a,
501: (SELECT fund_id fund_id,
502: SUM(nvl(commited_amt,0)) commited_amt,
503: SUM(nvl(standard_discount,0)+nvl(accrual,0)+
504: nvl(market_expense,0)) utilized,

Line 549: bim_r_fund_daily_facts a,

545: from bim_r_fund_balance
546: where fund_id = x.fund_id
547: and week_date < x.transaction_create_date) maxdate,
548: bim_r_fund_balance ba,
549: bim_r_fund_daily_facts a,
550: (select fund_id fund_id,
551: sum(nvl(commited_amt,0)) commited_amt,
552: SUM(nvl(standard_discount,0)+nvl(accrual,0)+
553: nvl(market_expense,0)) utilized,

Line 831: -- and p_end_date will be inserted into bim_r_fund_daily_facts,

829: -- NOTE This procedure will be executed when load data for first time.
830: -- Transactions for funds whose active date during p_start_date
831: -- and p_end_date will be inserted into bim_r_fund_daily_facts,
832: -- and transactions happened before fund active data are also captured.
833: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
835: p_start_datel DATE,

Line 974: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts nologging';

971: BEGIN
973: --for performance reasons
974: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts nologging';
975: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_weekly_facts nologging';
976: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts nologging';
977: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fdsp_weekly_facts nologging';
978: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 1000';

Line 978: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 1000';

974: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts nologging';
975: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_weekly_facts nologging';
976: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts nologging';
977: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fdsp_weekly_facts nologging';
978: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 1000';
980: l_table_name :='bim_r_fund_daily_facts';
981: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_POPULATE_TABLE');
982: fnd_message.set_token('TABLE_NAME','bim_r_fund_daily_facts', FALSE);

Line 980: l_table_name :='bim_r_fund_daily_facts';

976: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts nologging';
977: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fdsp_weekly_facts nologging';
978: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 1000';
980: l_table_name :='bim_r_fund_daily_facts';
981: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_POPULATE_TABLE');
982: fnd_message.set_token('TABLE_NAME','bim_r_fund_daily_facts', FALSE);
983: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
984: /* First insert: Insert all the transactions: transfer in/out for funds whose active date between p_start_date and p_end_date */

Line 982: fnd_message.set_token('TABLE_NAME','bim_r_fund_daily_facts', FALSE);

978: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 1000';
980: l_table_name :='bim_r_fund_daily_facts';
981: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_POPULATE_TABLE');
982: fnd_message.set_token('TABLE_NAME','bim_r_fund_daily_facts', FALSE);
983: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
984: /* First insert: Insert all the transactions: transfer in/out for funds whose active date between p_start_date and p_end_date */
985: INSERT /*+ append parallel(fdf,p_para_num) */
986: INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts fdf(

Line 986: INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts fdf(

982: fnd_message.set_token('TABLE_NAME','bim_r_fund_daily_facts', FALSE);
983: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
984: /* First insert: Insert all the transactions: transfer in/out for funds whose active date between p_start_date and p_end_date */
985: INSERT /*+ append parallel(fdf,p_para_num) */
986: INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts fdf(
987: fund_transaction_id
988: ,creation_date
989: ,last_update_date
990: ,created_by

Line 1020: bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s.nextval,

1016: ,fis_qtr
1017: ,fis_year
1018: ,business_unit_id)
1019: SELECT /*+ parallel(inner, p_para_num) */
1020: bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s.nextval,
1021: sysdate,
1022: sysdate,
1023: l_user_id,
1024: l_user_id,

Line 1295: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 20';

1291: original_budget
1292: )inner;
1293: l_count:=l_count+SQL%ROWCOUNT;
1295: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 20';
1297: WHEN others THEN
1298: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 20';
1299: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;

Line 1298: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 20';

1295: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 20';
1297: WHEN others THEN
1298: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 20';
1299: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1301: FND_MESSAGE.Set_token('table_name', l_table_name, FALSE);
1302: FND_MSG_PUB.Add;

Line 1310: fnd_message.set_token('table_name', 'bim_r_fund_daily_facts', FALSE);

1306: /*Second insert: more records which transact before active date */
1307: BEGIN
1308: -- dbms_output.put_line('inserting extra');
1309: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_POPULATE_TABLE');
1310: fnd_message.set_token('table_name', 'bim_r_fund_daily_facts', FALSE);
1311: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
1312: INSERT
1313: INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts fdf(
1314: fund_transaction_id

Line 1313: INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts fdf(

1309: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_POPULATE_TABLE');
1310: fnd_message.set_token('table_name', 'bim_r_fund_daily_facts', FALSE);
1311: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
1312: INSERT
1313: INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts fdf(
1314: fund_transaction_id
1315: ,creation_date
1316: ,last_update_date
1317: ,created_by

Line 1348: bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s.nextval,

1344: ,fis_year
1345: ,business_unit_id)
1346: -- ,security_group_id)
1347: SELECT
1348: bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s.nextval,
1349: sysdate,
1350: sysdate,
1351: l_user_id,
1352: l_user_id,

Line 1534: --dbms_output.put_line('error looping inserting INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts'||sqlerrm(sqlcode));

1530: --End inserting transactions happened before start_date
1532: WHEN others THEN
1533: FND_FILE.put_line(fnd_file.log,'error insert into fund_daily for transactions happened b4 start date'||sqlerrm(sqlcode));
1534: --dbms_output.put_line('error looping inserting INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts'||sqlerrm(sqlcode));
1535: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1537: FND_MESSAGE.Set_token('table_name', l_table_name, FALSE);
1538: FND_MSG_PUB.Add;

Line 2098: /* There are discrete dates in bim_r_fund_daily_facts and bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts,because of

2094: x_msg_data,
2095: x_return_status) ;
2096: --END IF;
2098: /* There are discrete dates in bim_r_fund_daily_facts and bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts,because of
2099: the pre-approvals. So, we want to make them have the same dates by inserting into each
2100: table the dates in one table but not in another table for the same funds.*/
2101: BEGIN
2102: -- dbms_output.put_line('balancing');

Line 2104: /* Insert into bim_r_fund_daily_facts the dates which are in bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts

2100: table the dates in one table but not in another table for the same funds.*/
2101: BEGIN
2102: -- dbms_output.put_line('balancing');
2104: /* Insert into bim_r_fund_daily_facts the dates which are in bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts
2105: but not in bim_r_fund_daily_facts. */
2106: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_POPULATE_TABLE');
2107: fnd_message.set_token('table_name', 'BIM_R_FUND_DAILY_FACTS', FALSE);
2108: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);

Line 2105: but not in bim_r_fund_daily_facts. */

2101: BEGIN
2102: -- dbms_output.put_line('balancing');
2104: /* Insert into bim_r_fund_daily_facts the dates which are in bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts
2105: but not in bim_r_fund_daily_facts. */
2106: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_POPULATE_TABLE');
2107: fnd_message.set_token('table_name', 'BIM_R_FUND_DAILY_FACTS', FALSE);
2108: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
2109: INSERT into bim_r_fund_daily_facts(

Line 2107: fnd_message.set_token('table_name', 'BIM_R_FUND_DAILY_FACTS', FALSE);

2104: /* Insert into bim_r_fund_daily_facts the dates which are in bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts
2105: but not in bim_r_fund_daily_facts. */
2106: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_POPULATE_TABLE');
2107: fnd_message.set_token('table_name', 'BIM_R_FUND_DAILY_FACTS', FALSE);
2108: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
2109: INSERT into bim_r_fund_daily_facts(
2110: fund_transaction_id
2111: ,creation_date

Line 2109: INSERT into bim_r_fund_daily_facts(

2105: but not in bim_r_fund_daily_facts. */
2106: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_POPULATE_TABLE');
2107: fnd_message.set_token('table_name', 'BIM_R_FUND_DAILY_FACTS', FALSE);
2108: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
2109: INSERT into bim_r_fund_daily_facts(
2110: fund_transaction_id
2111: ,creation_date
2112: ,last_update_date
2113: ,created_by

Line 2143: bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s.nextval,

2139: ,fis_qtr
2140: ,fis_year
2141: ,business_unit_id)
2142: SELECT
2143: bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s.nextval,
2144: sysdate,
2145: sysdate,
2146: l_user_id,
2147: l_user_id,

Line 2195: from bim_r_fund_daily_facts b1

2191: WHERE fund_id is not null
2192: AND transaction_create_date is not null
2193: AND (fund_id, transaction_create_date) not in
2194: ( SELECT /*+ hash_aj */ fund_id, transaction_create_date
2195: from bim_r_fund_daily_facts b1
2196: )) b2
2197: WHERE b2.fund_id = a.fund_id;
2198: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'commit';

Line 2304: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts

2300: ,SUM(transfer_out) transfer_out
2301: ,SUM(holdback_amt) holdback_amt
2302: ,currency_code_fc currency_code_fc
2303: ,load_date load_date
2304: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts
2305: GROUP BY
2306: fund_id
2307: ,load_date
2308: ,parent_fund_id

Line 2482: DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats('BIM','BIM_R_FUND_DAILY_FACTS', estimate_percent => 5,

2479: null;
2480: END;
2481: BEGIN
2482: DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats('BIM','BIM_R_FUND_DAILY_FACTS', estimate_percent => 5,
2483: degree => 8, granularity => 'GLOBAL', cascade =>TRUE);
2484: END;
2485: BEGIN
2486: DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats('BIM','BIM_R_FUND_WEEKLY_FACTS', estimate_percent => 5,

Line 2565: l_table_name :='bim_r_fund_daily_facts';

2561: l_end_date :=trunc(sysdate-1);
2562: ELSE
2563: l_end_date :=p_end_datel;
2564: END IF;
2565: l_table_name :='bim_r_fund_daily_facts';
2566: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_POPULATE_TABLE');
2567: fnd_message.set_token('table_name', l_table_name, FALSE);
2568: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
2569: --dbms_output.put_line('b4 first inserting into fund daily');

Line 2572: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts nologging';

2568: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
2569: --dbms_output.put_line('b4 first inserting into fund daily');
2571: BEGIN -- Alter table for performance reasons
2572: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts nologging';
2573: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_weekly_facts nologging';
2574: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts nologging';
2575: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fdsp_weekly_facts nologging';
2576: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 1000';

Line 2576: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 1000';

2572: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts nologging';
2573: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_weekly_facts nologging';
2574: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts nologging';
2575: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fdsp_weekly_facts nologging';
2576: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 1000';
2578: /* First insert: Insert transactions happened between p_start_date and p_end_date. */
2579: INSERT /*+ append parallel(fdf,p_para_num) */
2580: INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts fdf(

Line 2580: INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts fdf(

2576: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 1000';
2578: /* First insert: Insert transactions happened between p_start_date and p_end_date. */
2579: INSERT /*+ append parallel(fdf,p_para_num) */
2580: INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts fdf(
2581: fund_transaction_id
2582: ,creation_date
2583: ,last_update_date
2584: ,created_by

Line 2615: bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s.nextval,

2611: ,fis_year
2612: ,business_unit_id)
2613: --,security_group_id)
2614: SELECT /*+ parallel(inner, p_para_num) */
2615: bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s.nextval,
2616: sysdate,
2617: sysdate,
2618: l_user_id,
2619: l_user_id,

Line 2795: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 20';

2791: original_budget
2792: )inner;
2793: l_count:=l_count+SQL%ROWCOUNT;
2795: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 20';
2797: WHEN others THEN
2798: FND_FILE.put_line(fnd_file.log,'error insert into fund_daily'||sqlerrm(sqlcode));
2799: --dbms_output.put_line('error inserting INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts'||sqlerrm(sqlcode));

Line 2799: --dbms_output.put_line('error inserting INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts'||sqlerrm(sqlcode));

2795: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 20';
2797: WHEN others THEN
2798: FND_FILE.put_line(fnd_file.log,'error insert into fund_daily'||sqlerrm(sqlcode));
2799: --dbms_output.put_line('error inserting INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts'||sqlerrm(sqlcode));
2800: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 20';
2801: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
2803: FND_MESSAGE.Set_token('table_name', l_table_name, FALSE);

Line 2800: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 20';

2797: WHEN others THEN
2798: FND_FILE.put_line(fnd_file.log,'error insert into fund_daily'||sqlerrm(sqlcode));
2799: --dbms_output.put_line('error inserting INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts'||sqlerrm(sqlcode));
2800: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER sequence '||l_schema||'.bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s CACHE 20';
2801: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
2803: FND_MESSAGE.Set_token('table_name', l_table_name, FALSE);
2804: FND_MSG_PUB.Add;

Line 2814: INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts fdf(

2810: fnd_message.set_token('table_name', l_table_name, FALSE);
2811: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
2812: BEGIN
2813: INSERT /*+ append parallel(fdf,p_para_num) */
2814: INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts fdf(
2815: fund_transaction_id
2816: ,creation_date
2817: ,last_update_date
2818: ,created_by

Line 2849: bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s.nextval,

2845: ,fis_year
2846: ,business_unit_id)
2847: --,security_group_id)
2848: SELECT /*+ parallel(inner, p_para_num) */
2849: bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s.nextval,
2850: sysdate,
2851: sysdate,
2852: l_user_id,
2853: l_user_id,

Line 3035: --dbms_output.put_line('error looping inserting INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts'||sqlerrm(sqlcode));

3031: --End inserting transactions happened before start_date
3033: WHEN others THEN
3034: FND_FILE.put_line(fnd_file.log,'error insert into fund_daily for transactions happened b4 start date'||sqlerrm(sqlcode));
3035: --dbms_output.put_line('error looping inserting INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts'||sqlerrm(sqlcode));
3036: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
3038: FND_MESSAGE.Set_token('table_name', l_table_name, FALSE);
3039: FND_MSG_PUB.Add;

Line 3049: INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts fdf(

3045: fnd_message.set_token('table_name', l_table_name, FALSE);
3046: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
3047: BEGIN
3048: INSERT /*+ append parallel(fdf,p_para_num) */
3049: INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts fdf(
3050: fund_transaction_id
3051: ,creation_date
3052: ,last_update_date
3053: ,created_by

Line 3084: bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s.nextval,

3080: ,fis_year
3081: ,business_unit_id)
3082: --,security_group_id)
3083: SELECT /*+ parallel(inner, p_para_num) */
3084: bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s.nextval,
3085: sysdate,
3086: sysdate,
3087: l_user_id,
3088: l_user_id,

Line 3144: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts a,

3140: a.set_of_books_id set_of_books_id,
3141: a.currency_code_fc currency_code_fc,
3142: a.original_budget original_budget,
3143: trunc(b.trdate) trdate
3144: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts a,
3145: bim_intl_dates b
3146: WHERE b.trdate between p_start_datel and p_end_datel+0.99999
3147: AND b.trdate between a.start_date and nvl(a.end_date,p_end_datel)+0.99999
3148: AND (a.fund_id, trunc(b.trdate)) not in (select c.fund_id, c.transaction_create_date

Line 3149: from bim_r_fund_daily_facts c

3145: bim_intl_dates b
3146: WHERE b.trdate between p_start_datel and p_end_datel+0.99999
3147: AND b.trdate between a.start_date and nvl(a.end_date,p_end_datel)+0.99999
3148: AND (a.fund_id, trunc(b.trdate)) not in (select c.fund_id, c.transaction_create_date
3149: from bim_r_fund_daily_facts c
3150: where c.fund_id = a.fund_id
3151: and c.transaction_create_date = trunc(b.trdate))) inner;
3152: l_count :=l_count +SQL%ROWCOUNT;
3153: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'commit';

Line 3172: INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts fdf(

3168: fnd_message.set_token('table_name', l_table_name, FALSE);
3169: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
3170: BEGIN
3171: INSERT /*+ append parallel(fdf,p_para_num) */
3172: INTO bim_r_fund_daily_facts fdf(
3173: fund_transaction_id
3174: ,creation_date
3175: ,last_update_date
3176: ,created_by

Line 3207: bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s.nextval,

3203: ,fis_year
3204: ,business_unit_id)
3205: --,security_group_id)
3206: SELECT /*+ parallel(inner, p_para_num) */
3207: bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s.nextval,
3208: sysdate,
3209: sysdate,
3210: l_user_id,
3211: l_user_id,

Line 3277: from bim_r_fund_daily_facts c

3273: AND ad.start_date_active between p_start_datel and p_end_datel
3274: AND b.trdate between p_start_datel and p_end_datel+0.99999
3275: AND b.trdate between ad.start_date_active and nvl(ad.end_date_active,p_end_datel)+0.99999
3276: AND (ad.fund_id, trunc(b.trdate)) not in (select c.fund_id, c.transaction_create_date
3277: from bim_r_fund_daily_facts c
3278: where c.fund_id = ad.fund_id
3279: and c.transaction_create_date = trunc(b.trdate))) inner;
3280: l_count :=l_count +SQL%ROWCOUNT;
3281: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'commit';

Line 3920: /* Insert into bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts the dates which are in bim_r_fund_daily_facts

3916: FND_MESSAGE.Set_token('table_name', l_table_name, FALSE);
3917: FND_MSG_PUB.Add;
3918: END;
3920: /* Insert into bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts the dates which are in bim_r_fund_daily_facts
3921: but not in bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts. */
3922: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_POPULATE_TABLE');
3923: fnd_message.set_token('table_name', l_table_name, FALSE);
3924: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);

Line 3980: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts fd

3976: b1.fis_year
3977: FROM bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts b1,
3978: (SELECT distinct fund_id fund_id,
3979: transaction_create_date transaction_create_date
3980: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts fd
3981: WHERE (fund_id, transaction_create_date) not in
3982: ( SELECT /*+ hash_aj */ fund_id, transaction_create_date
3983: from bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts
3984: where fund_id is not null

Line 3999: --Insert dummy records into bim_r_fund_daily_facts for balancing

3996: FND_MESSAGE.Set_token('table_name', l_table_name, FALSE);
3997: FND_MSG_PUB.Add;
3998: END;
3999: --Insert dummy records into bim_r_fund_daily_facts for balancing
4000: /* Insert into bim_r_fund_daily_facts dates which are in bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts
4001: but not in bim_r_fund_daily_facts */
4002: BEGIN
4003: l_table_name :='bim_r_fund_daily_facts';

Line 4000: /* Insert into bim_r_fund_daily_facts dates which are in bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts

3996: FND_MESSAGE.Set_token('table_name', l_table_name, FALSE);
3997: FND_MSG_PUB.Add;
3998: END;
3999: --Insert dummy records into bim_r_fund_daily_facts for balancing
4000: /* Insert into bim_r_fund_daily_facts dates which are in bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts
4001: but not in bim_r_fund_daily_facts */
4002: BEGIN
4003: l_table_name :='bim_r_fund_daily_facts';
4004: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_POPULATE_TABLE');

Line 4001: but not in bim_r_fund_daily_facts */

3997: FND_MSG_PUB.Add;
3998: END;
3999: --Insert dummy records into bim_r_fund_daily_facts for balancing
4000: /* Insert into bim_r_fund_daily_facts dates which are in bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts
4001: but not in bim_r_fund_daily_facts */
4002: BEGIN
4003: l_table_name :='bim_r_fund_daily_facts';
4004: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_POPULATE_TABLE');
4005: fnd_message.set_token('table_name', l_table_name, FALSE);

Line 4003: l_table_name :='bim_r_fund_daily_facts';

3999: --Insert dummy records into bim_r_fund_daily_facts for balancing
4000: /* Insert into bim_r_fund_daily_facts dates which are in bim_r_fdsp_daily_facts
4001: but not in bim_r_fund_daily_facts */
4002: BEGIN
4003: l_table_name :='bim_r_fund_daily_facts';
4004: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_POPULATE_TABLE');
4005: fnd_message.set_token('table_name', l_table_name, FALSE);
4006: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
4007: INSERT into bim_r_fund_daily_facts(

Line 4007: INSERT into bim_r_fund_daily_facts(

4003: l_table_name :='bim_r_fund_daily_facts';
4004: fnd_message.set_name('BIM','BIM_R_POPULATE_TABLE');
4005: fnd_message.set_token('table_name', l_table_name, FALSE);
4006: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
4007: INSERT into bim_r_fund_daily_facts(
4008: fund_transaction_id
4009: ,creation_date
4010: ,last_update_date
4011: ,created_by

Line 4041: bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s.nextval,

4037: ,fis_qtr
4038: ,fis_year
4039: ,business_unit_id)
4040: SELECT
4041: bim_r_fund_daily_facts_s.nextval,
4042: sysdate,
4043: sysdate,
4044: l_user_id,
4045: l_user_id,

Line 4093: from bim_r_fund_daily_facts b1

4089: WHERE fund_id is not null
4090: AND transaction_create_date is not null
4091: AND (fund_id, transaction_create_date) not in
4092: ( SELECT /*+ hash_aj */ fund_id, transaction_create_date
4093: from bim_r_fund_daily_facts b1
4094: )) b2
4095: WHERE b2.fund_id = a.fund_id;
4096: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'commit';

Line 4213: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts

4209: ,SUM(transfer_out) transfer_out
4210: ,SUM(holdback_amt) holdback_amt
4211: ,currency_code_fc currency_code_fc
4212: ,load_date load_date
4213: FROM bim_r_fund_daily_facts
4214: GROUP BY
4215: fund_id
4216: ,load_date
4217: ,parent_fund_id

Line 4349: DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats('BIM','BIM_R_FUND_DAILY_FACTS', estimate_percent => 5,

4345: END;
4347: --Analysis tables for better performance
4348: BEGIN
4349: DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats('BIM','BIM_R_FUND_DAILY_FACTS', estimate_percent => 5,
4350: degree => 8, granularity => 'GLOBAL', cascade =>TRUE);
4351: END;
4352: BEGIN
4353: DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats('BIM','BIM_R_FUND_WEEKLY_FACTS', estimate_percent => 5,