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3 --
4 -- NAME:
5 --      mosaicSubset procedure
6 --
8 --      Subset from a set of source georaster objects.
9 --
11 --      inGeoRasters     - The input source georaster objects in a cursor.
12 --      pyramidLevel     - The pyramid level, if NULL and outResolution is
13 --                         specified, use the outResolution to determine the
14 --                         pyramidLevel, otherwise defaults to 0.
15 --      outSRID          - The output georaster data's SRID.
16 --      outModelCoordLoc - The output georaster data's model coordinate
17 --                         location. If NULL, defaults to CENTER.
18 --      referencePoint   - The reference point of the mosaic. The mosaic result
19 --                         will align with this reference point. If this is
20 --                         null, the reference point implicitly uses the
21 --                         upper left corner of the cropArea, or when the
22 --                         cropArea is null, the upper left corner of the
23 --                         output extent.
24 --                         This reference point must be in a SDO_GEOMETRY that
25 --                         describes a point.
26 --      cropArea         - The output georaster data's window. If the
27 --                         sdo_geometry object has srid, the source georaster
28 --                         objects must be georeferenced, otherwise, the source
29 --                         georaster object can be georeferenced or non-
30 --                         georeferenced.
31 --      polygonClip      - Whether to do polygon clipping. If NULL, defaults
32 --                         to FALSE.
33 --      boundaryClip     - Whether to use the source data boundary to clip the
34 --                         cropArea. If false, the outside the source
35 --                         data area is filled with background value. If NULL,
36 --                         defaults to TRUE.
37 --      layerNumbers     - The layer numbers from the source georasters. If
38 --                         NULL, empty or has value of '0', all layers are
39 --                         included.
40 --      outResolutions   - Output georaster data's resolution. If NULL, defaults
41 --                         to the source data's resolution at the given
42 --                         pyramid level.
43 --      resolutionUnit   - The unit of the output resolution. If NULL, defaults
44 --                         to the unit of the output SRID. If outResolutions is
45 --                         NULL, this parameter is ignored. It must be in format
46 --                         of "unit=val" where val is the unit name.
47 --      mosaicParam      - The parameter related to mosaic
48 --      storageParam     - The storage parameter
49 --      outGeoRaster     - The output georaster object.
50 --      bgValues         - The background values for sparse data
51 --      parallelParam    - The parameter related to parallel processing.
52 --                         Currently we only support
53 --                           "parallel=DEFAULT": The database computes
54 --                              the degree of parallelism, which can be 2 or
55 --                              greater.
56 --                           "parallel=n": where n>1 is the degree of parallel.
57 --                              The database optimizer uses the degree of
58 --                              parallelism specified by n
59 --                           By default when this parameter is null, there is
60 --                           no parallel processing.
61 --
63 --
64   PROCEDURE mosaicSubset(
65      inGeoRasters       IN SYS_REFCURSOR,
66      pyramidLevel       IN NUMBER,
67      outSRID            IN NUMBER,
68      outModelCoordLoc   IN NUMBER,
69      referencePoint     IN MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY,
70      cropArea           IN MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY,
71      polygonClip        IN VARCHAR2,
72      boundaryClip       IN VARCHAR2,
73      layerNumbers       IN VARCHAR2,
74      outResolutions     IN MDSYS.SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
75      resolutionUnit     IN VARCHAR2,
76      mosaicParam        IN VARCHAR2,
77      storageParam       IN VARCHAR2,
78      outGeoRaster       IN OUT MDSYS.SDO_GEORASTER,
79      bgValues           IN MDSYS.SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL,
80      parallelParam      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
81      );
83 --
84 -- NAME:
85 --      mosaicSubset procedure
86 --
88 --      Subset from a set of source georaster objects.
89 --
91 --      georasterTableNames - The table names of the input georaster objects
92 --      georasterColumnNames - The column names of the input georaster objects
93 --      pyramidLevel     - The pyramid level, if NULL and outResolution is
94 --                         specified, use the outResolution to determine the
95 --                         pyramidLevel, otherwise defaults to 0.
96 --      outSRID          - The output georaster data's SRID.
97 --      outModelCoordLoc - The output georaster data's model coordinate
98 --                         location. If NULL, defaults to CENTER.
99 --      referencePoint   - The reference point of the mosaic. The mosaic result
100 --                         will align with this reference point. If this is
101 --                         null, the reference point implicitly uses the
102 --                         upper left corner of the cropArea, or when the
103 --                         cropArea is null, the upper left corner of the
104 --                         output extent.
105 --                         This reference point must be in a SDO_GEOMETRY that
106 --                         describes a point.
107 --      cropArea         - The output georaster data's window. If the
108 --                         sdo_geometry object has srid, the source georaster
109 --                         objects must be georeferenced, otherwise, the source
110 --                         georaster object can be georeferenced or non-
111 --                         georeferenced.
112 --      polygonClip      - Whether to do polygon clipping. If NULL, defaults
113 --                         to FALSE.
114 --      boundaryClip     - Whether to use the source data boundary to clip the
115 --                         cropArea. If false, the outside the source
116 --                         data area is filled with background value. If NULL,
117 --                         defaults to TRUE.
118 --      layerNumbers     - The layer numbers from the source georasters. If
119 --                         NULL, empty or has value of '0', all layers are
120 --                         included.
121 --      outResolutions   - Output georaster data's resolution. If NULL, defaults
122 --                         to the source data's resolution at the given
123 --                         pyramid level.
124 --      resolutionUnit   - The unit of the output resolution. If NULL, defaults
125 --                         to the unit of the output SRID. If outResolutions is
126 --                         NULL, this parameter is ignored.It must be in format
127 --                         of "unit=val" where val is the unit name.
128 --      mosaicParam      - The parameter related to mosaic
129 --      storageParam     - The storage parameter
130 --      outGeoRaster     - The output georaster object.
131 --      bgValues         - The background values for sparse data
132 --      parallelParam    - The parameter related to parallel processing.
133 --                         Currently we only support
134 --                           "parallel=DEFAULT": The database computes
135 --                              the degree of parallelism, which can be 2 or
136 --                              greater.
137 --                           "parallel=n": where n>1 is the degree of parallel.
138 --                              The database optimizer uses the degree of
139 --                              parallelism specified by n
140 --                           By default when this parameter is null, there is
141 --                           no parallel processing.
142 --
143 -- RETURNS
144 --
145   PROCEDURE mosaicSubset(
146      georasterTableNames IN VARCHAR2,
147      georasterColumnNames IN VARCHAR2,
148      pyramidLevel       IN NUMBER,
149      outSRID            IN NUMBER,
150      outModelCoordLoc   IN NUMBER,
151      referencePoint     IN MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY,
152      cropArea           IN MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY,
153      polygonClip        IN VARCHAR2,
154      boundaryClip       IN VARCHAR2,
155      layerNumbers       IN VARCHAR2,
156      outResolutions     IN MDSYS.SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
157      resolutionUnit     IN VARCHAR2,
158      mosaicParam        IN VARCHAR2,
159      storageParam       IN VARCHAR2,
160      outGeoRaster       IN OUT MDSYS.SDO_GEORASTER,
161      bgValues           IN MDSYS.SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL,
162      parallelParam      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
163      );
165 --
166 -- NAME:
167 --      getMosaicSubset procedure
168 --
170 --      Subset from a set of source georaster objects.
171 --
173 --      inGeoRasters     - The input source georaster objects in a cursor.
174 --      pyramidLevel     - The pyramid level, if NULL and outResolution is
175 --                         specified, use the outResolution to determine the
176 --                         pyramidLevel, otherwise defaults to 0.
177 --      outSRID          - The output georaster data's SRID.
178 --      outModelCoordLoc - The output georaster data's model coordinate
179 --                         location. If NULL, defaults to CENTER.
180 --      referencePoint   - The reference point of the mosaic. The mosaic result
181 --                         will align with this reference point. If this is
182 --                         null, the reference point implicitly uses the
183 --                         left upper corner of the cropArea, or when the
184 --                         cropArea is null, the upper corner of the outArea.
185 --                         This reference point must be in a SDO_GEOMETRY that
186 --                         describes a point.
187 --      cropArea         - The output georaster data's window. If the
188 --                         sdo_geometry object has srid, the source georaster
189 --                         objects must be georeferenced, otherwise, the source
190 --                         georaster object can be georeferenced or non-
191 --                         georeferenced.
192 --      polygonClip      - Whether to do polygon clipping. If NULL, defaults
193 --                         to FALSE.
194 --      boundaryClip     - Whether to use the source data boundary to clip the
195 --                         cropArea. If false, the outside the source
196 --                         data area is filled with background value. If NULL,
197 --                         defaults to TRUE.
198 --      layerNumbers     - The layer numbers from the source georasters. If
199 --                         NULL, empty or has value of '0', all layers are
200 --                         included.
201 --      outResolutions   - Output georaster data's resolution. If NULL, defaults
202 --                         to the source data's resolution at the given
203 --                         pyramid level.
204 --      resolutionUnit   - The unit of the output resolution. If NULL, defaults
205 --                         to the unit of output SRID. If outResolutions is
206 --                         NULL, this parameter is ignored.It must be in format
207 --                         of "unit=val" where val is the unit name.
211 --      outWindow        - The output window in cell space
208 --      mosaicParam      - The parameter related to mosaic
209 --      rasterBlob       - The output Lob
210 --      outArea          - The output area in model space
212 --      storageParam     - The storage parameter
213 --      bgValues         - The background values for sparse data
214 --
215 -- RETURNS
216 --
217   PROCEDURE getMosaicSubset(
218      inGeoRasters       IN SYS_REFCURSOR,
219      pyramidLevel       IN NUMBER,
220      outSRID            IN NUMBER,
221      outModelCoordLoc   IN NUMBER,
222      referencePoint     IN MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY,
223      cropArea           IN MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY,
224      polygonClip        IN VARCHAR2,
225      boundaryClip       IN VARCHAR2,
226      layerNumbers       IN VARCHAR2,
227      outResolutions     IN MDSYS.SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
228      resolutionUnit     IN VARCHAR2,
229      mosaicParam        IN VARCHAR2,
230      rasterBlob         IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB,
231      outArea            OUT MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY,
232      outWindow          OUT MDSYS.SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
233      storageParam       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
234      bgValues           IN MDSYS.SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL
235      );
237 --
238 -- NAME:
239 --      getMosaicSubset procedure
240 --
242 --      Subset from a set of source georaster objects.
243 --
245 --      georasterTableNames - The table names of the input georaster objects
246 --      georasterColumnNames - The column names of the input georaster objects
247 --      pyramidLevel     - The pyramid level, if NULL and outResolution is
248 --                         specified, use the outResolution to determine the
249 --                         pyramidLevel, otherwise defaults to 0.
250 --      outSRID          - The output georaster data's SRID.
251 --      outModelCoordLoc - The output georaster data's model coordinate
252 --                         location. If NULL, defaults to CENTER.
253 --      referencePoint   - The reference point of the mosaic. The mosaic result
254 --                         will align with this reference point. If this is
255 --                         null, the reference point implicitly uses the
256 --                         left upper corner of the cropArea, or when the
257 --                         cropArea is null, the upper corner of the outArea.
258 --                         This reference point must be in a SDO_GEOMETRY that
259 --                         describes a point.
260 --      cropArea         - The output georaster data's window. If the
261 --                         sdo_geometry object has srid, the source georaster
262 --                         objects must be georeferenced, otherwise, the source
263 --                         georaster object can be georeferenced or non-
264 --                         georeferenced.
265 --      polygonClip      - Whether to do polygon clipping. If NULL, defaults
266 --                         to FALSE.
267 --      boundaryClip     - Whether to use the source data boundary to clip the
268 --                         cropArea. If false, the outside the source
269 --                         data area is filled with background value. If NULL,
270 --                         defaults to TRUE.
271 --      layerNumbers     - The layer numbers from the source georasters. If
272 --                         NULL, empty or has value of '0', all layers are
273 --                         included.
274 --      outResolutions   - Output georaster data's resolution. If NULL, defaults
275 --                         to the source data's resolution at the given
276 --                         pyramid level.
277 --      resolutionUnit   - The unit of the output resolution. If NULL, defaults
278 --                         to the unit of output SRID. If outResolutions is
279 --                         NULL, this parameter is ignored.It must be in format
280 --                         of "unit=val" where val is the unit name.
281 --      mosaicParam      - The parameter related to mosaic
282 --      rasterBlob       - The output Lob
283 --      outArea          - The output area in model space
284 --      outWindow        - The output window in cell space
285 --      storageParam     - The storage parameter
286 --      bgValues         - The background values for sparse data
287 --
288 -- RETURNS
289 --
290   PROCEDURE getMosaicSubset(
291      georasterTableNames IN VARCHAR2,
292      georasterColumnNames IN VARCHAR2,
293      pyramidLevel       IN NUMBER,
294      outSRID            IN NUMBER,
295      outModelCoordLoc   IN NUMBER,
296      referencePoint     IN MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY,
297      cropArea           IN MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY,
298      polygonClip        IN VARCHAR2,
299      boundaryClip       IN VARCHAR2,
300      layerNumbers       IN VARCHAR2,
301      outResolutions     IN MDSYS.SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
302      resolutionUnit     IN VARCHAR2,
303      mosaicParam        IN VARCHAR2,
304      rasterBlob         IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB,
305      outArea            OUT MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY,
306      outWindow          OUT MDSYS.SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
307      storageParam       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
308      bgValues           IN MDSYS.SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL
309      );
311 --
312 -- NAME:
313 --      validateForMosaicSubset procedure
314 --
316 --      Check if the mosaic request is valid. The validation result is stored
317 --  in a user created result table with the following columns:
318 --   (time timestamp, type varchar2, description varchar2,
319 --    table_name varchar2, column_name varchar2, rdt_table_name varchar2,
320 --    raster_id number)
321 --
325 --      outResolutions   - Output georaster data's resolution. If NULL, defaults
323 --      inGeoRasters     - The input source georaster objects in a cursor.
324 --      outSRID          - The output georaster data's SRID.
326 --                         to the source data's resolution at the given
327 --                         pyramid level.
328 --      resolutionUnit   - The unit of the output resolution. If NULL, defaults
329 --                         to the unit of the output SRID. If outResolutions is
330 --                         NULL, this parameter is ignored.It must be in format
331 --                         of "unit=val" where val is the unit name.
332 --      resultTableName  - The name of the result table.
333 --
334 -- RETURNS
335 --
336   PROCEDURE validateForMosaicSubset(
337      inGeoRasters       IN SYS_REFCURSOR,
338      outSRID            IN NUMBER,
339      outResolutions     IN MDSYS.SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
340      resolutionUnit     IN VARCHAR2,
341      resultTableName    IN VARCHAR2
342      );
344 --
345 -- NAME:
346 --      validateForMosaicSubset procedure
347 --
349 --      Check if the mosaic request is valid. The validation result is stored
350 --  in a user created result table with the following columns:
351 --   (time timestamp, type varchar2, description varchar2,
352 --    table_name varchar2, column_name varchar2, rdt_table_name varchar2,
353 --    raster_id number)
354 --
356 --      georasterTableNames - The table names of the input georaster objects
357 --      georasterColumnNames - The column names of the input georaster objects
358 --      outSRID          - The output georaster data's SRID.
359 --      outResolutions   - Output georaster data's resolution. If NULL, defaults
360 --                         to the source data's resolution at the given
361 --                         pyramid level.
362 --      resolutionUnit   - The unit of the output resolution. If NULL, defaults
363 --                         to the unit of the output SRID. If outResolutions is
364 --                         NULL, this parameter is ignored.It must be in format
365 --                         of "unit=val" where val is the unit name.
366 --      resultTableName  - The name of the result table.
367 --
368 -- RETURNS
369 --
370   PROCEDURE validateForMosaicSubset(
371      georasterTableNames IN VARCHAR2,
372      georasterColumnNames IN VARCHAR2,
373      outSRID            IN NUMBER,
374      outResolutions     IN MDSYS.SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY,
375      resolutionUnit     IN VARCHAR2,
376      resultTableName    IN VARCHAR2
377      );
379 --
380 -- NAME:
381 --      getMosaicExtent Function.
382 --
384 --  Calculate the extent of the total mosaic set.
385 --
387 --      inGeoRasters     - The input source georaster objects in a cursor.
388 --      outSRID          - The SRID of the output extent. If null, the
389 --                         SRID of the output extent will use 4326 (WGS84)
390 --
391 -- RETURNS: A MDSYS.GEOMETRY object that describes the MBR of the total mosaic.
392 --
393 FUNCTION getMosaicExtent(
394      inGeoRasters       IN SYS_REFCURSOR,
395      outSRID            IN NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
398 --
399 -- NAME:
400 --      getMosaicExtent Function.
401 --
403 --  Calculate the extent of the total mosaic set.
404 --
406 --      georasterTableNames - The table names of the input georaster objects
407 --      georasterColumnNames - The column names of the input georaster objects
408 --      outSRID          - The SRID of the output extent. If null, the
409 --                         SRID of the output extent will use 4326 (WGS84)
410 --
411 -- RETURNS: A MDSYS.GEOMETRY object that describes the MBR of the total mosaic.
412 --
413 FUNCTION getMosaicExtent(
414      georasterTableNames IN VARCHAR2,
415      georasterColumnNames IN VARCHAR2,
416      outSRID            IN NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
419 --
420 -- NAME:
421 --      getMosaicResolutions Function.
422 --
424 --  Get the resolution range of the total mosaic set in a given coordinate
425 --  system.
426 --
428 --      inGeoRasters     - The input source georaster objects in a cursor.
429 --      resolutionUnit   - The unit of the output resolution range. If NULL,
430 --                         defaults to 'unit=METER'. It must be in format
431 --                         of "unit=val" where val is the unit name.
432 -- RETURN:               - The output x and y resolution range in
433 --                         MDSYS.SDO_RANGE_ARRAY. The resolution unit will
434 --                         be the unit defined by the targetSRID.
435 --
436 --
437 FUNCTION  getMosaicResolutions(
438      inGeoRasters       IN SYS_REFCURSOR,
439      resolutionUnit     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
442 --
443 -- NAME:
444 --      getMosaicResolutions Function.
445 --
447 --  Get the resolution range of the total mosaic set in a given coordinate
448 --  system.
449 --
451 --      georasterTableNames - The table names of the input georaster objects
452 --      georasterColumnNames - The column names of the input georaster objects
453 --      resolutionUnit   - The unit of the output resolution range. If NULL,
454 --                         defaults to 'unit=METER'. It must be in format
455 --                         of "unit=val" where val is the unit name.
456 --      targetSRID       - The target SRID for the resolution. If null, the
457 --                         target SRID will default to 4326 (WGS84)
458 -- RETURN:               - The output x and y resolution range in
459 --                         MDSYS.SDO_RANGE_ARRAY. The resolution unit will
460 --                         be the unit defined by the targetSRID.
461 --
462 FUNCTION getMosaicResolutions(
463      georasterTableNames  IN VARCHAR2,
464      georasterColumnNames IN VARCHAR2,
465      resolutionUnit       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
468 --
469 -- NAME:
470 --      Append procedure
471 --
473 --      Append one GeoRaster object to another GeoRaster object.
474 --
475 -- The source and target GeoRaster objects must have the same number of bands.
476 --
477 -- There is no change on metadata of target GeoRaster object except the
478 -- extent, the number of blocks and statistics removed.
479 --
480 -- The mask of the target GeoRaster object is expanded according to the
481 -- raster data expansion.
482 --
483 -- The sourceGeoRaster object will be appended to the targetGeoRaster pyramid
484 -- level 0. The pyramids of the target GeoRaster object are updated too.
485 --
486 -- The overlapping area of the source and targe GeoRaster objects are resolved
487 -- according to the commonPointRule defined in the appendParam.
488 --
490 --      targetGeoRaster - The GeoRaster object to be appended. Cannot be the
491 --                        same GeoRaster. (Be sure to make a copy of this
492 --                        object before calling this procedure as this object
493 --                        will be modified).
494 --      sourceGeoRaster - The GeoRaster object to be appended to targeGeoRaster
495 --      sourcePyramidLevel - The source GeoRaster object pyramid level to be
496 --                         appended at the target GeoRaster object pyramid level
497 --                         0. If NULL, pyramid level 0 is used.
498 --      appendParam      - The parameter related to append.
499 --      bgValues         - The background values for sparse data
500 --
501 --
502   PROCEDURE Append(
503      targetGeoRaster    IN OUT NOCOPY MDSYS.SDO_GEORASTER,
504      sourceGeoRaster    IN MDSYS.SDO_GEORASTER,
505      sourcePyramidLevel IN NUMBEr,
506      appendParam        IN VARCHAR2,
507      bgValues           IN MDSYS.SDO_NUMBER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL
508      );