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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 64

           SELECT * FROM (                                 -- 14776842
	   SELECT rsl.shipment_line_id
	     , rsl.unit_of_measure
	     , rsl.item_id
	     , 'VENDOR'                                  receipt_source_code -- 14776842
	     , rsl.to_organization_id
	     , 0                                           rcv_transaction_id  -- 14776842
	     , To_number(NULL)                         oe_order_line_id    -- 14776842
	     , poll.po_header_id
	     , poll.po_line_id
	     , poll.line_location_id
	     , pod.po_distribution_id
	     , rsl.item_description
	     , Nvl(rsh.expected_receipt_date, Sysdate) expected_receipt_date
	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	     , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	     , po_line_locations poll
	     , po_distributions pod
	     , (SELECT DISTINCT source_line_id
		FROM wms_lpn_contents
		WHERE parent_lpn_id = v_lpn_id) wlc
	     WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
	     AND rsl.shipment_header_id  = v_shipment_header_id
	     AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	     AND poll.po_header_id = Nvl(v_po_header_id, poll.po_header_id)
	     -- Bug 3213241
	     AND poll.po_line_id = wlc.source_line_id (+)
	     AND v_wms_po_j_or_higher = 'N'
	     AND pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
	     AND (rsl.item_id = v_item_id
		  OR (v_item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_description = v_item_desc))
	     AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y'
	     AND Nvl(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
	     AND Nvl(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
	     AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
	     AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
	     AND rsh.asn_type IN ('ASN', 'ASBN')
	     -- bug 2752051
	     AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code IN ('EXPECTED','PARTIALLY RECEIVED') --<> 'CANCELLED'
	     AND (  v_project_id is null or
		    (v_project_id = -9999 and pod.project_id is null) or -- bug2669021
		    pod.project_id = v_project_id
	     and (v_task_id is null or pod.task_id = v_task_id)
	   SELECT rsl.shipment_line_id
	     , rsl.unit_of_measure
	     , rsl.item_id
	     , 'VENDOR'                           receipt_source_code -- 14776842
	     , rsl.to_organization_id
	     , 0 -- rcv_transaction_id          rcv_transaction_id  -- 14776842
	     , To_number(NULL)                   oe_order_line_id  -- 14776842
	     , poll.po_header_id
	     , poll.po_line_id
	     , poll.line_location_id
	     , pod.po_distribution_id
	     , rsl.item_description
	     , Nvl(rsh.expected_receipt_date, Sysdate) expected_receipt_date
	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	     , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	     , po_line_locations poll
	     , po_distributions pod
	     WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
	     AND rsl.shipment_header_id  = v_shipment_header_id
	     AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	     AND poll.po_header_id = Nvl(v_po_header_id, poll.po_header_id)
	     -- Bug 3213241
	     AND v_wms_po_j_or_higher = 'Y'
	     AND (((rsl.asn_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
		    AND rsl.asn_lpn_id = v_lpn_id
		  OR (rsl.asn_lpn_id IS NULL)
		  OR (v_lpn_id IS NULL)
	     AND pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
	     AND (rsl.item_id = v_item_id
		  OR (v_item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_description = v_item_desc))
	     AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y'
	     AND Nvl(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
	     AND Nvl(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
	     AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
	     AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
	     AND rsh.asn_type IN ('ASN', 'ASBN')
	     -- bug 2752051
	     AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code IN ('EXPECTED','PARTIALLY RECEIVED') --<> 'CANCELLED'
	     AND (  v_project_id is null or
		    (v_project_id = -9999 and pod.project_id is null) or -- bug2669021
		    pod.project_id = v_project_id
             and (v_task_id is null or pod.task_id = v_task_id)
         )ta --14776842
        ORDER BY expected_receipt_date, Decode(unit_of_measure,v_uom_code,0,1); --14776842
Line: 176

	  ( SELECT 1
	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	     , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	     , po_line_locations poll
	     , po_distributions pod
	     , (SELECT DISTINCT source_line_id
		FROM wms_lpn_contents
		WHERE parent_lpn_id = v_lpn_id) wlc
	     WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
	     AND rsl.shipment_header_id  = v_shipment_header_id
	     AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	     AND poll.po_header_id = Nvl(v_po_header_id, poll.po_header_id)
	     -- Bug 3213241
	     --AND poll.po_line_id = wlc.source_line_id (+)
	     AND poll.po_line_id = wlc.source_line_id (+)
	     AND v_wms_po_j_or_higher = 'N'
	     AND pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
	     AND (rsl.item_id = v_item_id
		  OR (v_item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_description = v_item_desc))
	     AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y'
	     AND Nvl(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
	     AND Nvl(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
	     AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
	     AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
	     AND rsh.asn_type IN ('ASN', 'ASBN')
	     -- bug 2752051
	     AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code IN ('EXPECTED','PARTIALLY RECEIVED') --<> 'CANCELLED'
	     AND ( v_project_id is null or
		   (v_project_id = -9999 and pod.project_id is null) or  --bug 2669021
		   pod.project_id = v_project_id
	     and   (v_task_id is null or pod.task_id = v_task_id)
	   SELECT 1
	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	     , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	     , po_line_locations poll
	     , po_distributions pod
	     WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
	     AND rsl.shipment_header_id  = v_shipment_header_id
	     AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	     AND poll.po_header_id = Nvl(v_po_header_id, poll.po_header_id)
	     -- Bug 3213241
	     AND v_wms_po_j_or_higher = 'Y'
	     AND (((rsl.asn_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
		    AND rsl.asn_lpn_id = v_lpn_id
		  OR (rsl.asn_lpn_id IS NULL)
		  OR (v_lpn_id IS NULL)
	     AND pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
	     AND (rsl.item_id = v_item_id
		  OR (v_item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_description = v_item_desc))
	     AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y'
	     AND Nvl(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
	     AND Nvl(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
	     AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
	     AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
	     AND rsh.asn_type IN ('ASN', 'ASBN')
	     -- bug 2752051
	     AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code IN ('EXPECTED','PARTIALLY RECEIVED') --<> 'CANCELLED'
	     AND (  v_project_id is null or
		    (v_project_id = -9999 and pod.project_id is null) or -- bug2669021
		    pod.project_id = v_project_id
             and (v_task_id is null or pod.task_id = v_task_id) ) ;
Line: 263

          SELECT      shipment_line_id,      -- 14776842
            FROM (                       -- 14776842
	   SELECT shipment_line_id  /*Bug 13598673 modified the cursor by adding outer query to add order by*/
	     , unit_of_measure
	     , item_id
	     , 'VENDOR'                         receipt_source_code -- 14776842
	     , to_organization_id
	     , 0                                  rcv_transaction_id  -- 14776842
	     , To_number(NULL)                oe_order_line_id    -- 14776842
	     , po_header_id
	     , po_line_id
	     , line_location_id
	     , To_number(NULL)                po_distribution_id  -- 14776842
	     , item_description
	     , expected_receipt_date
            , revision, quantity_received  -- 14776842
		 FROM( SELECT rsl.shipment_line_id shipment_line_id
			, rsl.unit_of_measure unit_of_measure
			, rsl.item_id item_id
			, 'VENDOR'
			, rsl.to_organization_id to_organization_id
			, 0 -- rcv_transaction_id
			, To_number(NULL)
			, poll.po_header_id po_header_id
			, poll.po_line_id po_line_id
			, poll.line_location_id line_location_id
			, To_number(NULL)
			, rsl.item_description item_description
			, Nvl(rsh.expected_receipt_date, Sysdate) expected_receipt_date
			, (rsl.QUANTITY_SHIPPED - nvl(rsl.quantity_received, 0))  quantity_received		--Bug 13598673
			, decode(nvl(rsl.item_revision,'@@'), nvl(v_item_revision, '@@'),0,1) revision --Bug 13598673
			FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	        , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	        , po_line_locations poll
 	        , (SELECT DISTINCT source_line_id
		     FROM wms_lpn_contents
		    WHERE parent_lpn_id = v_lpn_id) wlc
			WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
			AND rsl.shipment_header_id  = v_shipment_header_id
			AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
			AND poll.po_header_id = Nvl(v_po_header_id, poll.po_header_id)
			-- Bug 3213241
			--AND poll.po_line_id = wlc.source_line_id (+)
			AND poll.po_line_id = wlc.source_line_id (+)
			AND v_wms_po_j_or_higher = 'N'
			-- change to receive non-item master lines
			--AND rsl.item_id = v_item_id
			AND (   rsl.item_id = v_item_id
			OR (    v_item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_description = v_item_desc))
			AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y'
			AND Nvl(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
			AND Nvl(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
			AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
			AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
			AND rsh.asn_type IN ('ASN', 'ASBN')
			-- bug 2752051
			AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code IN ('EXPECTED','PARTIALLY RECEIVED') --<> 'CANCELLED'
			AND exists
			( select '1'
			  from po_distributions_all pod
			  where pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
			  and   (v_project_id is null or
				 (v_project_id = -9999 and pod.project_id is null) or -- bug2669021
				 pod.project_id = v_project_id
			  and   (v_task_id is null or pod.task_id = v_task_id)
			AND (NVL(rsl.quantity_received,0)=0 OR NVL(rsl.item_revision, '@@') = NVL(v_item_revision, '@@'))    --Bug 13598673
	      SELECT rsl.shipment_line_id shipment_line_id
			, rsl.unit_of_measure unit_of_measure
			, rsl.item_id item_id
			, 'VENDOR'                                           receipt_source_code -- 14776842
			, rsl.to_organization_id to_organization_id
			, 0                                                    rcv_transaction_id  -- 14776842
			, To_number(NULL)                                   oe_order_line_id    -- 14776842
			, poll.po_header_id po_header_id
			, poll.po_line_id po_line_id
			, poll.line_location_id line_location_id
			, To_number(NULL)                                    po_distribution_id  -- 14776842
			, rsl.item_description item_description
			, Nvl(rsh.expected_receipt_date, Sysdate) expected_receipt_date
			, (rsl.QUANTITY_SHIPPED - nvl(rsl.quantity_received, 0))  quantity_received		--Bug 13598673
			, decode(nvl(rsl.item_revision,'@@'), nvl(v_item_revision, '@@'),0,1) revision  --Bug 13598673
	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	        , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	        , po_line_locations poll
	    WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_header_id  = v_shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	      AND poll.po_header_id = Nvl(v_po_header_id, poll.po_header_id)
	      -- Bug 3213241
	      AND v_wms_po_j_or_higher = 'Y'
	      AND (((rsl.asn_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
		     AND rsl.asn_lpn_id = v_lpn_id
		   OR (rsl.asn_lpn_id IS NULL)
		   OR (v_lpn_id IS NULL)
	     -- change to receive non-item master lines
	      --AND rsl.item_id = v_item_id
	      AND (   rsl.item_id = v_item_id
		  OR (    v_item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_description = v_item_desc))
	      AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y'
	      AND Nvl(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
	      AND Nvl(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
	      AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
	      AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
	      AND rsh.asn_type IN ('ASN', 'ASBN')
	      -- bug 2752051
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code IN ('EXPECTED','PARTIALLY RECEIVED') --<> 'CANCELLED'
	      --Added for Bug 12732516
	      AND (
                     v_lot_number IS NULL
                            SELECT lot_num
                            FROM   rcv_lots_supply rls
                            WHERE  rls.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
                            AND    rls.lot_num = v_lot_number
			                AND    rls.supply_type_code = 'SHIPMENT'
	      AND exists
			( select '1'
			  from po_distributions_all pod
			  where pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
			  and   (v_project_id is null or
				 (v_project_id = -9999 and pod.project_id is null) or -- bug2669021
				 pod.project_id = v_project_id
			  and   (v_task_id is null or pod.task_id = v_task_id)
      AND (NVL(rsl.quantity_received,0)=0 OR NVL(rsl.item_revision, '@@') = NVL(v_item_revision, '@@')))    --Bug 13598673
       )ta -- 14776842
	      ORDER BY expected_receipt_date, revision, quantity_received , Decode(unit_of_measure,v_uom_code,0,1); --14776842
Line: 433

           SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
	   ( SELECT 1
	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	        , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	        , po_line_locations poll
 	        , (SELECT DISTINCT source_line_id
		     FROM wms_lpn_contents
		    WHERE parent_lpn_id = v_lpn_id) wlc
	    WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_header_id  = v_shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	      AND poll.po_header_id = Nvl(v_po_header_id, poll.po_header_id)
	      -- Bug 3213241
	      --AND poll.po_line_id = wlc.source_line_id (+)
	      AND poll.po_line_id = wlc.source_line_id (+)
	      AND v_wms_po_j_or_higher = 'N'
	     -- change to receive non-item master lines
	      --AND rsl.item_id = v_item_id
	      AND (   rsl.item_id = v_item_id
		  OR (    v_item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_description = v_item_desc))
	      AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y'
	      AND Nvl(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
	      AND Nvl(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
	      AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
	      AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
	      AND rsh.asn_type IN ('ASN', 'ASBN')
	      -- bug 2752051
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code IN ('EXPECTED','PARTIALLY RECEIVED') --<> 'CANCELLED'
         AND exists
             ( select '1'
               from po_distributions_all pod
               where pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
               and   (v_project_id is null or
                      (v_project_id = -9999 and pod.project_id is null) or -- bug2669021
                      pod.project_id = v_project_id
               and   (v_task_id is null or pod.task_id = v_task_id)
		 AND (NVL(rsl.quantity_received,0)=0 OR NVL(rsl.item_revision, '@@') = NVL(v_item_revision, '@@'))    --Bug 13598673
	   SELECT 1
	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	        , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	        , po_line_locations poll
	    WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_header_id  = v_shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	      AND poll.po_header_id = Nvl(v_po_header_id, poll.po_header_id)
	      -- Bug 3213241
	      AND v_wms_po_j_or_higher = 'Y'
	      AND (((rsl.asn_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
		     AND rsl.asn_lpn_id = v_lpn_id
		   OR (rsl.asn_lpn_id IS NULL)
		   OR (v_lpn_id IS NULL)
	     -- change to receive non-item master lines
	      --AND rsl.item_id = v_item_id
	      AND (   rsl.item_id = v_item_id
		  OR (    v_item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_description = v_item_desc))
	      AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y'
	      AND Nvl(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
	      AND Nvl(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
	      AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
	      AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
	      AND rsh.asn_type IN ('ASN', 'ASBN')
	      -- bug 2752051
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code IN ('EXPECTED','PARTIALLY RECEIVED') --<> 'CANCELLED'
	      --Added for Bug 12732516
	      AND (
                     v_lot_number IS NULL
                            SELECT lot_num
                            FROM   rcv_lots_supply rls
                            WHERE  rls.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
                            AND    rls.lot_num = v_lot_number
			                AND    rls.supply_type_code = 'SHIPMENT'
	      AND exists
			( select '1'
			  from po_distributions_all pod
			  where pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
			  and   (v_project_id is null or
				 (v_project_id = -9999 and pod.project_id is null) or -- bug2669021
				 pod.project_id = v_project_id
			  and   (v_task_id is null or pod.task_id = v_task_id)
		 AND (NVL(rsl.quantity_received,0)=0 OR NVL(rsl.item_revision, '@@') = NVL(v_item_revision, '@@'))    --Bug 13598673
Line: 545

	   SELECT rsl.shipment_line_id
	     , rsl.unit_of_measure
	     , rsl.item_id
	     , 'VENDOR'
	     , rsl.to_organization_id
	     , 0 -- rcv_transaction_id
	     , To_number(NULL)
	     , poll.po_header_id
	     , poll.po_line_id
	     , poll.line_location_id
	     , pod.po_distribution_id
	     , rsl.item_description
	     , Nvl(rsh.expected_receipt_date, Sysdate) expected_receipt_date
	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	     , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	     , po_line_locations poll
	     , po_distributions pod
	     , (SELECT DISTINCT source_line_id
		FROM wms_lpn_contents
		WHERE parent_lpn_id = v_lpn_id) wlc
	     WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
	     AND rsl.shipment_header_id  = v_shipment_header_id
	     AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	     AND poll.po_header_id = Nvl(v_po_header_id, poll.po_header_id)
	     -- Bug 3213241
	     AND poll.po_line_id = wlc.source_line_id (+)
	     AND v_wms_po_j_or_higher = 'N'
	     AND pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
	     AND (rsl.item_id = v_item_id
		  OR (v_item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_description = v_item_desc))
	     AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y'
	     AND Nvl(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
	     AND Nvl(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
	     AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
	     AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
	     AND rsh.asn_type IN ('LCM')
	     -- bug 2752051
	     AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code IN ('EXPECTED','PARTIALLY RECEIVED') --<> 'CANCELLED'
	     AND (  v_project_id is null or
		    (v_project_id = -9999 and pod.project_id is null) or -- bug2669021
		    pod.project_id = v_project_id
	     and (v_task_id is null or pod.task_id = v_task_id)
	   SELECT rsl.shipment_line_id
	     , rsl.unit_of_measure
	     , rsl.item_id
	     , 'VENDOR'
	     , rsl.to_organization_id
	     , 0 -- rcv_transaction_id
	     , To_number(NULL)
	     , poll.po_header_id
	     , poll.po_line_id
	     , poll.line_location_id
	     , pod.po_distribution_id
	     , rsl.item_description
	     , Nvl(rsh.expected_receipt_date, Sysdate) expected_receipt_date
	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	     , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	     , po_line_locations poll
	     , po_distributions pod
	     WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
	     AND rsl.shipment_header_id  = v_shipment_header_id
	     AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	     AND poll.po_header_id = Nvl(v_po_header_id, poll.po_header_id)
	     -- Bug 3213241
	     AND v_wms_po_j_or_higher = 'Y'
	     AND pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
	     AND (rsl.item_id = v_item_id
		  OR (v_item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_description = v_item_desc))
	     AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y'
	     AND Nvl(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
	     AND Nvl(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
	     AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
	     AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
	     AND rsh.asn_type IN ('LCM')
	     -- bug 2752051
	     AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code IN ('EXPECTED','PARTIALLY RECEIVED') --<> 'CANCELLED'
	     AND (  v_project_id is null or
		    (v_project_id = -9999 and pod.project_id is null) or -- bug2669021
		    pod.project_id = v_project_id
             and (v_task_id is null or pod.task_id = v_task_id)
        ORDER BY expected_receipt_date;
Line: 647

	  ( SELECT 1
	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	     , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	     , po_line_locations poll
	     , po_distributions pod
	     , (SELECT DISTINCT source_line_id
		FROM wms_lpn_contents
		WHERE parent_lpn_id = v_lpn_id) wlc
	     WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
	     AND rsl.shipment_header_id  = v_shipment_header_id
	     AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	     AND poll.po_header_id = Nvl(v_po_header_id, poll.po_header_id)
	     -- Bug 3213241
	     --AND poll.po_line_id = wlc.source_line_id (+)
	     AND poll.po_line_id = wlc.source_line_id (+)
	     AND v_wms_po_j_or_higher = 'N'
	     AND pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
	     AND (rsl.item_id = v_item_id
		  OR (v_item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_description = v_item_desc))
	     AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y'
	     AND Nvl(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
	     AND Nvl(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
	     AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
	     AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
	     AND rsh.asn_type IN ('LCM')
	     -- bug 2752051
	     AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code IN ('EXPECTED','PARTIALLY RECEIVED') --<> 'CANCELLED'
	     AND ( v_project_id is null or
		   (v_project_id = -9999 and pod.project_id is null) or  --bug 2669021
		   pod.project_id = v_project_id
	     and   (v_task_id is null or pod.task_id = v_task_id)
	   SELECT 1
	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	     , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	     , po_line_locations poll
	     , po_distributions pod
	     WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
	     AND rsl.shipment_header_id  = v_shipment_header_id
	     AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	     AND poll.po_header_id = Nvl(v_po_header_id, poll.po_header_id)
	     -- Bug 3213241
	     AND v_wms_po_j_or_higher = 'Y'
	     AND pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
	     AND (rsl.item_id = v_item_id
		  OR (v_item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_description = v_item_desc))
	     AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y'
	     AND Nvl(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
	     AND Nvl(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
	     AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
	     AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
	     AND rsh.asn_type IN ('LCM')
	     -- bug 2752051
	     AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code IN ('EXPECTED','PARTIALLY RECEIVED') --<> 'CANCELLED'
	     AND (  v_project_id is null or
		    (v_project_id = -9999 and pod.project_id is null) or -- bug2669021
		    pod.project_id = v_project_id
             and (v_task_id is null or pod.task_id = v_task_id) ) ;
Line: 724

	   SELECT rsl.shipment_line_id
	     , rsl.unit_of_measure
	     , rsl.item_id
	     , 'VENDOR'
	     , rsl.to_organization_id
	     , 0 -- rcv_transaction_id
	     , To_number(NULL)
	     , poll.po_header_id
	     , poll.po_line_id
	     , poll.line_location_id
	     , To_number(NULL)
	     , rsl.item_description
	     , Nvl(rsh.expected_receipt_date, Sysdate) expected_receipt_date
	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	        , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	        , po_line_locations poll
 	        , (SELECT DISTINCT source_line_id
		     FROM wms_lpn_contents
		    WHERE parent_lpn_id = v_lpn_id) wlc
	    WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_header_id  = v_shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	      AND poll.po_header_id = Nvl(v_po_header_id, poll.po_header_id)
	      -- Bug 3213241
	      --AND poll.po_line_id = wlc.source_line_id (+)
	      AND poll.po_line_id = wlc.source_line_id (+)
	      AND v_wms_po_j_or_higher = 'N'
	     -- change to receive non-item master lines
	      --AND rsl.item_id = v_item_id
	      AND (   rsl.item_id = v_item_id
		  OR (    v_item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_description = v_item_desc))
	      AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y'
	      AND Nvl(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
	      AND Nvl(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
	      AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
	      AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
	      AND rsh.asn_type IN ('LCM')
	      -- bug 2752051
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code IN ('EXPECTED','PARTIALLY RECEIVED') --<> 'CANCELLED'
	      AND exists
			( select '1'
			  from po_distributions_all pod
			  where pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
			  and   (v_project_id is null or
				 (v_project_id = -9999 and pod.project_id is null) or -- bug2669021
				 pod.project_id = v_project_id
			  and   (v_task_id is null or pod.task_id = v_task_id)
	      SELECT rsl.shipment_line_id
	     , rsl.unit_of_measure
	     , rsl.item_id
	     , 'VENDOR'
	     , rsl.to_organization_id
	     , 0 -- rcv_transaction_id
	     , To_number(NULL)
	     , poll.po_header_id
	     , poll.po_line_id
	     , poll.line_location_id
	     , To_number(NULL)
	     , rsl.item_description
	     , Nvl(rsh.expected_receipt_date, Sysdate) expected_receipt_date
	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	        , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	        , po_line_locations poll
	    WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_header_id  = v_shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	      AND poll.po_header_id = Nvl(v_po_header_id, poll.po_header_id)
	      -- Bug 3213241
	      AND v_wms_po_j_or_higher = 'Y'
	     -- change to receive non-item master lines
	      --AND rsl.item_id = v_item_id
	      AND (   rsl.item_id = v_item_id
		  OR (    v_item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_description = v_item_desc))
	      AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y'
	      AND Nvl(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
	      AND Nvl(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
	      AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
	      AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
	      AND rsh.asn_type IN ('LCM')
	      -- bug 2752051
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code IN ('EXPECTED','PARTIALLY RECEIVED') --<> 'CANCELLED'
	      AND exists
			( select '1'
			  from po_distributions_all pod
			  where pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
			  and   (v_project_id is null or
				 (v_project_id = -9999 and pod.project_id is null) or -- bug2669021
				 pod.project_id = v_project_id
			  and   (v_task_id is null or pod.task_id = v_task_id)
	      ORDER BY expected_receipt_date;
Line: 837

           SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
	   ( SELECT 1
	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	        , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	        , po_line_locations poll
 	        , (SELECT DISTINCT source_line_id
		     FROM wms_lpn_contents
		    WHERE parent_lpn_id = v_lpn_id) wlc
	    WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_header_id  = v_shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	      AND poll.po_header_id = Nvl(v_po_header_id, poll.po_header_id)
	      -- Bug 3213241
	      --AND poll.po_line_id = wlc.source_line_id (+)
	      AND poll.po_line_id = wlc.source_line_id (+)
	      AND v_wms_po_j_or_higher = 'N'
	     -- change to receive non-item master lines
	      --AND rsl.item_id = v_item_id
	      AND (   rsl.item_id = v_item_id
		  OR (    v_item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_description = v_item_desc))
	      AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y'
	      AND Nvl(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
	      AND Nvl(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
	      AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
	      AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
	      AND rsh.asn_type IN ('LCM')
	      -- bug 2752051
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code IN ('EXPECTED','PARTIALLY RECEIVED') --<> 'CANCELLED'
         AND exists
             ( select '1'
               from po_distributions_all pod
               where pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
               and   (v_project_id is null or
                      (v_project_id = -9999 and pod.project_id is null) or -- bug2669021
                      pod.project_id = v_project_id
               and   (v_task_id is null or pod.task_id = v_task_id)
	   SELECT 1
	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	        , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	        , po_line_locations poll
	    WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_header_id  = v_shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	      AND poll.po_header_id = Nvl(v_po_header_id, poll.po_header_id)
	      -- Bug 3213241
	      AND v_wms_po_j_or_higher = 'Y'
	     -- change to receive non-item master lines
	      --AND rsl.item_id = v_item_id
	      AND (   rsl.item_id = v_item_id
		  OR (    v_item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_id IS NULL
		      AND rsl.item_description = v_item_desc))
	      AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y'
	      AND Nvl(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
	      AND Nvl(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
	      AND poll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
	      AND poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
	      AND rsh.asn_type IN ('LCM')
	      -- bug 2752051
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_status_code IN ('EXPECTED','PARTIALLY RECEIVED') --<> 'CANCELLED'
	      AND exists
			( select '1'
			  from po_distributions_all pod
			  where pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
			  and   (v_project_id is null or
				 (v_project_id = -9999 and pod.project_id is null) or -- bug2669021
				 pod.project_id = v_project_id
			  and   (v_task_id is null or pod.task_id = v_task_id)
			  ) );
Line: 931

	   SELECT rsl.shipment_line_id
	     , rsl.unit_of_measure
	     , rsl.item_id
	     , Decode(rsl.source_document_code,'INVENTORY','INVENTORY','REQ','INTERNAL ORDER')
	     , rsl.to_organization_id
	     , 0 -- rcv_transaction_id
	     , To_number(NULL)
	     , To_number(NULL)
	     , To_number(NULL)
	     , To_number(NULL)
	     , To_number(NULL)
	     , rsl.item_description
	     , Nvl(rsh.expected_receipt_date, Sysdate) expected_receipt_date
	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	        , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	        , mtl_supply ms
	    WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = v_shipment_header_id
	      AND rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	      AND rsl.item_id = v_item_id
	      AND rsh.receipt_source_code <> 'VENDOR'
	      AND ms.supply_type_code(+) = 'SHIPMENT'
	      AND ms.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
              and ms.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
	      AND rsl.to_organization_id = v_org_id
	      AND (((rsl.asn_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
		     AND rsl.asn_lpn_id = v_lpn_id
		   OR (rsl.asn_lpn_id IS NULL)
		   OR (v_lpn_id IS NULL)
		   )--bug 4608033: Should join on rsl.asn_lpn_id so that
		    --the correct rsl can be picked up
	      AND Nvl(rsh.shipped_date,Nvl(v_txn_date-1,Sysdate-1)) < Nvl(v_txn_date,Sysdate)
              AND (  (
                           rsl.source_document_code = 'REQ'
                      and exists
                           ( select '1'
                             from po_req_distributions_all prd
                             where rsl.requisition_line_id = prd.requisition_line_id
                             and   Nvl(rsl.req_distribution_id,prd.distribution_id) = prd.distribution_id--BUG4930681
                             and  (v_project_id is null or
                                    (v_project_id = -9999 and prd.project_id is null) or -- bug2669021
                                     prd.project_id = v_project_id
                             and  (v_task_id is null or prd.task_id = v_task_id)
                    or rsl.source_document_code <> 'REQ'
				  --  12546176 added condition for requistion
 	                           AND  (  (
 	                                                  rsl.source_document_code = 'REQ'
 	                          and exists
 	                            ( select '1'
 	                              from po_requisition_lines prl
 	                              where prl.requisition_line_id = rsl.requisition_line_id
 	                                                          AND  prl.requisition_header_id = v_req_header_id
 	                         or v_req_header_id is null
 	                                           or rsl.source_document_code <> 'REQ'
 	               --  12546176 added condition for requistion
              AND (   --9229228-Added this AND condition for lot.
                     v_lot_number IS NULL
		     -- 12814511 Added OR condition in cursor for plain item in source org
                     OR ( exists (SELECT 1 FROM mtl_system_items
 	                            WHERE inventory_item_id = v_item_id
 	                            AND LOT_CONTROL_CODE = 1
 	                            AND ORGANIZATION_ID = rsl.FROM_ORGANIZATION_ID )
 	                   OR EXISTS (SELECT lot_num
                                  FROM   rcv_lots_supply rls
                                  WHERE  rls.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
                                  AND    rls.lot_num = v_lot_number
			          AND    rls.supply_type_code = 'SHIPMENT')
	      AND (   --9651496,9764650-Added this AND condition for serial.
                     v_serial_number IS NULL
                            SELECT serial_num
                            FROM   rcv_serials_supply rss
                            WHERE  rss.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
                            AND    rss.serial_num = v_serial_number
                            AND    rss.supply_type_code = 'SHIPMENT'
         ORDER BY Nvl(rsh.expected_receipt_date,Sysdate), Decode(unit_of_measure,v_uom_code,0,1),rsl.shipment_line_id; --Bug 8374257  and 14776842
Line: 1039

	     FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	        , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	        , mtl_supply ms
	    WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = v_shipment_header_id
	      AND rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_id = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id, rsl.shipment_line_id)
	      AND rsl.item_id = v_item_id
	      AND rsh.receipt_source_code <> 'VENDOR'
	      AND ms.supply_type_code(+) = 'SHIPMENT'
	      AND ms.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
              and ms.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
	      AND rsl.to_organization_id = v_org_id
	      AND Nvl(rsh.shipped_date,Nvl(v_txn_date-1,Sysdate-1)) < Nvl(v_txn_date,Sysdate)
	      AND (((rsl.asn_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
		     AND rsl.asn_lpn_id = v_lpn_id
		   OR (rsl.asn_lpn_id IS NULL)
		   OR (v_lpn_id IS NULL)
		   )--bug 4608033: Should join on rsl.asn_lpn_id so that
		    --the correct rsl can be picked up
              AND (  (
                           rsl.source_document_code = 'REQ'
                      and exists
                           ( select '1'
                             from po_req_distributions_all prd
                             where rsl.requisition_line_id = prd.requisition_line_id
                             and   Nvl(rsl.req_distribution_id,prd.distribution_id) = prd.distribution_id--BUG4930681
                             and  (v_project_id is null or
                                    (v_project_id = -9999 and prd.project_id is null) or -- bug2669021
                                     prd.project_id = v_project_id
                             and  (v_task_id is null or prd.task_id = v_task_id)
                    or rsl.source_document_code <> 'REQ'
				--  12546176 added condition for requistion
 	                           AND  ( (
 	                         (rsl.source_document_code = 'REQ'

 	                          and exists
 	                            ( select '1'
 	                              from po_requisition_lines prl
 	                              where prl.requisition_line_id = rsl.requisition_line_id
 	                                                          AND  prl.requisition_header_id = v_req_header_id
 	                          or v_req_header_id is null
 	                                           or rsl.source_document_code <> 'REQ'
 	               --  12546176 added condition for requistion

              AND (   --9229228-Added this AND condition for lot.
                     v_lot_number IS NULL
		     -- 12814511 Added OR condition in the count cursor for plain item in source org
                     OR ( exists (SELECT 1 FROM mtl_system_items
 	                            WHERE inventory_item_id = v_item_id
 	                            AND LOT_CONTROL_CODE = 1
 	                            AND ORGANIZATION_ID = rsl.FROM_ORGANIZATION_ID )
 	                  OR  EXISTS (SELECT lot_num
                            FROM   rcv_lots_supply rls
                            WHERE  rls.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
                            AND    rls.lot_num = v_lot_number
                            AND    rls.supply_type_code = 'SHIPMENT')
	      AND (   --9651496,9764650-Added this AND condition for serial.
                     v_serial_number IS NULL
                            SELECT serial_num
                            FROM   rcv_serials_supply rss
                            WHERE  rss.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
                            AND    rss.serial_num = v_serial_number
                            AND    rss.supply_type_code = 'SHIPMENT'
Line: 1133

		      SELECT To_number(NULL)
			,oel.order_quantity_uom --bug3592116-- v_primary_uom unit_of_measure -- the view was selecting the primary uom so just selected the same FROM the value passed TO avoid one more join.
			, oel.inventory_item_id item_id
			, Nvl(oel.ship_from_org_id, oeh.ship_from_org_id) to_organization_id
			, 0 -- rcv_transaction_id
			, oel.line_id oe_order_line_id
			, To_number(NULL)
			, To_number(NULL)
			, To_number(NULL)
			, To_number(NULL)
			, To_char(NULL)
			, To_char(NULL)
			FROM oe_order_lines_all oel
			, oe_order_headers_all oeh
			--, wf_item_activity_statuses wf
			--, wf_process_activities wpa
			WHERE oel.header_id = oeh.header_id
			AND oel.header_id = v_oe_order_header_id
			AND oel.line_id = Nvl(v_oe_order_line_id, oel.line_id)
			AND oel.inventory_item_id = v_item_id
			AND oel.line_category_code = 'RETURN'
			AND oel.booked_flag = 'Y'
			AND oel.ordered_quantity > Nvl(oel.shipped_quantity,0)
			-- Date tolerance fix.
			AND (Trunc(Sysdate) >=
			AND (Trunc(Sysdate) <=
			-- performance fix
			--AND wpa.activity_item_type = 'OEOL'
			--AND wpa.activity_name = 'RMA_WAIT_FOR_RECEIVING'
			--AND wf.item_type = 'OEOL'
			--AND wf.process_activity = wpa.instance_id
			--AND wf.activity_status = 'NOTIFIED'
			--AND oel.line_id = To_number(wf.item_key)
			AND ( v_project_id is null
			      or (v_project_id = -9999 and oel.project_id is null) -- bug2669021
			      or (oel.project_id = v_project_id)
			AND (v_task_id is null or oel.task_id= v_task_id)
		        AND Nvl(oel.ship_from_org_id, oeh.ship_from_org_id) = v_org_id /*added for bug 3578489*/
                        ORDER BY Nvl(Nvl(oel.promise_date,oel.request_date),Sysdate),Decode(ORDER_QUANTITY_UOM,v_uom_code,0,1); --14776842
Line: 1188

			     SELECT COUNT(*)
			       FROM oe_order_lines_all oel
			       , oe_order_headers_all oeh
			       --, wf_item_activity_statuses wf
			       --, wf_process_activities wpa
			       WHERE oel.header_id = oeh.header_id
			       AND oel.header_id = v_oe_order_header_id
			       AND oel.line_id = Nvl(v_oe_order_line_id, oel.line_id)
			       AND oel.inventory_item_id = v_item_id
			       AND oel.line_category_code = 'RETURN'
			       AND oel.booked_flag = 'Y'
			       AND oel.ordered_quantity > Nvl(oel.shipped_quantity,0)
			       -- Date tolerance fix.
			       AND (Trunc(Sysdate) >=
			       AND (Trunc(Sysdate) <=
			       -- performance fix
			       --AND wpa.activity_item_type = 'OEOL'
			       --AND wpa.activity_name = 'RMA_WAIT_FOR_RECEIVING'
			       --AND wf.item_type = 'OEOL'
			       --AND wf.process_activity = wpa.instance_id
			       --AND wf.activity_status = 'NOTIFIED'
			       --AND oel.line_id = To_number(wf.item_key)
			       AND ( v_project_id is null
				     or (v_project_id = -9999 and oel.project_id is null) -- bug2669021
				     or (oel.project_id = v_project_id)
                               AND (v_task_id is null or oel.task_id= v_task_id)
                               AND Nvl(oel.ship_from_org_id, oeh.ship_from_org_id) = v_org_id; --added for bug 3578489
Line: 1240

	   SELECT rsup.shipment_line_id
	     , rt.unit_of_measure
	     -- Dont know if it is really correct, should be
	     -- rsl.unit_of_measure but this actually IS
	     -- rt.unit_of_measure....depends ON the transaction processor
	     -- ON what it puts FOR this column.
	     , rsup.item_id
	     , rsh.receipt_source_code
	     , rsup.to_organization_id
	     , rsup.rcv_transaction_id
	     , To_number(NULL) oe_order_line_id
	     , To_number(NULL) po_header_id
	     , To_number(NULL) po_line_id
	     , To_number(NULL) po_line_location_id
	     , To_number(NULL) po_distribution_id
	     , rsl.item_description item_description
	     , Nvl(rsh.expected_receipt_date, Sysdate) expected_receipt_date
	     FROM rcv_supply rsup
	        , rcv_transactions rt
	        , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	        , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	    WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = v_shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_id  = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id,rsl.shipment_line_id)
	      AND rsup.item_id = v_item_id
	      AND Nvl(rsh.receipt_num,'@@@') = Nvl(v_receipt_num, Nvl(rsh.receipt_num,'@@@'))
	      AND rt.transaction_date < Nvl(v_txn_date, (rt.transaction_date +1))
		   (rt.routing_header_id = 2
		    AND rt.inspection_status_code <> 'NOT INSPECTED'
		    AND rt.inspection_status_code = Nvl(v_inspection_status,rt.inspection_status_code)))
		   --(RT.ROUTING_HEADER_ID = 2 AND rt.inspection_status_code <> 'NOT INSPECTED'))
	      -- for all the transactions in rt for which we can putaway, the
	      -- transfer_lpn_id should match the lpn being putaway.
	      --AND Nvl(rt.transfer_lpn_id,-1)        = Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1)
	      -- Fix for 1865886. Commented the above and added the following for lpn
	      AND Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1) IN (select nvl(rt2.transfer_lpn_id,-1)
				         from rcv_transactions rt2
				        where rt2.transaction_type <> 'DELIVER'
				        start with rt2.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
				      connect by prior rt2.transaction_id = rt2.parent_transaction_id
				    union all
				       select nvl(rt2.lpn_id,-1)
				         from rcv_transactions rt2
					/* Changes made for bug #4926987 -- added ACCEPT and REJECT */
				        where rt2.transaction_type not in ('RECEIVE', 'DELIVER','ACCEPT','REJECT')
					/* End of changes made for bug #4926987 -- added ACCEPT and REJECT */
				        start with rt2.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
				      connect by prior rt2.transaction_id = rt2.parent_transaction_id
	      AND RSUP.to_organization_id = v_org_id
          AND  (
                v_lot_number IS NULL
                   exists (SELECT 1 FROM mtl_system_items
                           WHERE inventory_item_id = v_item_id
                           AND LOT_CONTROL_CODE = 1
                           AND ORGANIZATION_ID = rsup.FROM_ORGANIZATION_ID )
                   OR EXISTS
                   --Bug 13400589 Modified the below condition which will handle the case for non wms orgs.
                     SELECT lot_num
                     FROM   rcv_lots_supply rls
                     WHERE  ( rls.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
                              OR (rls.transaction_id IS NULL
                                  AND rls.shipment_Line_Id=rsup.shipment_line_id))
                     AND    rls.lot_num = v_lot_number
        AND  (
               v_parent_txn_id_to_match IS NULL
	      OR v_parent_txn_id_to_match = rsup.supply_source_id
        AND  (
               v_lpn_id_to_match IS NULL
               OR (rsup.lpn_id = v_lpn_id_to_match)
	    ORDER BY rt.transaction_date;
Line: 1337

	     FROM rcv_supply rsup
	        , rcv_transactions rt
	        , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	        , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
	    WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = v_shipment_header_id
	      AND rsl.shipment_line_id  = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id,rsl.shipment_line_id)
	      AND rsup.item_id = v_item_id
	      AND Nvl(rsh.receipt_num,'@@@') = Nvl(v_receipt_num, Nvl(rsh.receipt_num,'@@@'))
	      AND rt.transaction_date < Nvl(v_txn_date, (rt.transaction_date +1))
		   (rt.routing_header_id = 2
		    AND rt.inspection_status_code <> 'NOT INSPECTED'
		    AND rt.inspection_status_code = Nvl(v_inspection_status,rt.inspection_status_code)))
		   --(RT.ROUTING_HEADER_ID = 2 AND rt.inspection_status_code <> 'NOT INSPECTED'))
	      -- for all the transactions in rt for which we can putaway, the
	      -- transfer_lpn_id should match the lpn being putaway.
	      --AND Nvl(rt.transfer_lpn_id,-1)        = Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1)
	      -- Fix for 1865886. Commented the above and added the following for lpn
	      AND Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1) IN (select nvl(rt2.transfer_lpn_id,-1)
				         from rcv_transactions rt2
				        where rt2.transaction_type <> 'DELIVER'
				        start with rt2.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
				      connect by prior transaction_id = parent_transaction_id
				    union all
				       select nvl(lpn_id,-1)
				         from rcv_transactions
					/* Changes made for bug #4926987 -- added ACCEPT and REJECT */
				        where transaction_type not in ('RECEIVE', 'DELIVER', 'ACCEPT', 'REJECT')
					/* End Changes made for bug #4926987 -- added ACCEPT and REJECT */
				        start with transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
				      connect by prior transaction_id = parent_transaction_id
	      AND RSUP.to_organization_id = v_org_id
	      AND RSH.SHIPMENT_HEADER_ID = RSUP.shipment_header_id
          AND  (
                v_lot_number IS NULL
                   exists (SELECT 1 FROM mtl_system_items
                           WHERE inventory_item_id = v_item_id
                           AND LOT_CONTROL_CODE = 1
                           AND ORGANIZATION_ID = rsup.FROM_ORGANIZATION_ID )
                   OR EXISTS
                   --Bug 13400589 Modified the below condition which will handle the case for non wms orgs.
                     SELECT lot_num
                     FROM   rcv_lots_supply rls
                     WHERE  ( rls.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
                              OR (rls.transaction_id IS NULL
                                  AND rls.shipment_Line_Id=rsup.shipment_line_id))
                     AND    rls.lot_num = v_lot_number
        AND  (
               v_parent_txn_id_to_match IS NULL
	      OR v_parent_txn_id_to_match = rsup.supply_source_id
        AND  (
               v_lpn_id_to_match IS NULL
               OR (rsup.lpn_id = v_lpn_id_to_match)
             ) ;
Line: 1424

	   SELECT To_number(NULL)
	     , rt.unit_of_measure
	     -- Dont know if it is really correct, should be
	     -- rsl.unit_of_measure but this actually IS
	     -- rt.unit_of_measure....depends ON the transaction processor
	     -- ON what it puts FOR this column.
	     , rsup.item_id
	     , rsh.receipt_source_code
	     , rsup.to_organization_id
	     , rsup.rcv_transaction_id
	     , rsup.oe_order_line_id
	     , To_number(NULL)
	     , To_number(NULL)
	     , To_number(NULL)
	     , To_number(NULL)
	     , To_char(NULL)
	     , To_char(NULL)
	     FROM rcv_supply rsup
	        , rcv_transactions rt
	        , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	    WHERE rsh.receipt_source_code = 'CUSTOMER'
	      AND rsup.item_id = v_item_id
	      AND rsup.oe_order_header_id = v_oe_order_header_id
	      AND rsup.oe_order_line_id = Nvl(v_oe_order_line_id,Nvl(rsup.oe_order_line_id,-1))
	      AND Nvl(rsh.receipt_num,'@@@') = Nvl(v_receipt_num, Nvl(rsh.receipt_num,'@@@'))
	      AND rt.transaction_date < Nvl(v_txn_date, (rt.transaction_date + 1))
		   (rt.routing_header_id = 2
		    AND rt.inspection_status_code <> 'NOT INSPECTED'
		    AND rt.inspection_status_code = Nvl(v_inspection_status,rt.inspection_status_code)))
		   --(RT.ROUTING_HEADER_ID = 2 AND rt.inspection_status_code <> 'NOT INSPECTED'))
	      -- for all the transactions in rt for which we can putaway, the
	      -- transfer_lpn_id should match the lpn being putaway.
	      -- AND Nvl(rt.transfer_lpn_id,-1)        = Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1)
	      -- Fix for 1865886. Commented the above and added the following for lpn
	      AND Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1) IN (select nvl(rt2.transfer_lpn_id,-1)
				         from rcv_transactions rt2
				        where rt2.transaction_type <> 'DELIVER'
				        start with rt2.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
				      connect by prior transaction_id = parent_transaction_id
				    union all
				       select nvl(lpn_id,-1)
				         from rcv_transactions
				        where transaction_type not in ('RECEIVE', 'DELIVER')
				        start with transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
				      connect by prior transaction_id = parent_transaction_id
	      AND RSUP.to_organization_id = v_org_id
	      AND RSH.SHIPMENT_HEADER_ID = RSUP.shipment_header_id
        AND  (
               v_lot_number IS NULL OR EXISTS
                 SELECT lot_num
                 FROM   rcv_lots_supply rls
                 WHERE  rls.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
                 AND    rls.lot_num = v_lot_number
        AND  (
               v_parent_txn_id_to_match IS NULL
	      OR v_parent_txn_id_to_match = rsup.supply_source_id
        AND  (
               v_lpn_id_to_match IS NULL
               OR (rsup.lpn_id = v_lpn_id_to_match)
	   ORDER BY rt.transaction_date;
Line: 1509

	     FROM rcv_supply rsup
	        , rcv_transactions rt
	        , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	    WHERE rsh.receipt_source_code = 'CUSTOMER'
	      AND rsup.item_id = v_item_id
	      AND rsup.oe_order_header_id = v_oe_order_header_id
	      AND rsup.oe_order_line_id = Nvl(v_oe_order_line_id,Nvl(rsup.oe_order_line_id,-1))
	      AND Nvl(rsh.receipt_num,'@@@') = Nvl(v_receipt_num, Nvl(rsh.receipt_num,'@@@'))
	      AND rt.transaction_date < Nvl(v_txn_date, (rt.transaction_date + 1))
		   (rt.routing_header_id = 2
		    AND rt.inspection_status_code <> 'NOT INSPECTED'
		    AND rt.inspection_status_code = Nvl(v_inspection_status,rt.inspection_status_code)))
		   --(RT.ROUTING_HEADER_ID = 2 AND rt.inspection_status_code <> 'NOT INSPECTED'))
	      -- for all the transactions in rt for which we can putaway, the
	      -- transfer_lpn_id should match the lpn being putaway.
	      --AND Nvl(rt.transfer_lpn_id,-1)        = Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1)
	      -- Fix for 1865886. Commented the above and added the following for lpn
	      AND Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1) IN (select nvl(rt2.transfer_lpn_id,-1)
				         from rcv_transactions rt2
				        where rt2.transaction_type <> 'DELIVER'
				        start with rt2.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
				      connect by prior transaction_id = parent_transaction_id
				    union all
				       select nvl(lpn_id,-1)
				         from rcv_transactions
				        where transaction_type not in ('RECEIVE', 'DELIVER')
				        start with transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
				      connect by prior transaction_id = parent_transaction_id
	      AND RSUP.to_organization_id = v_org_id
	      AND RSH.SHIPMENT_HEADER_ID = RSUP.shipment_header_id
        AND  (
               v_lot_number IS NULL OR EXISTS
                 SELECT lot_num
                 FROM   rcv_lots_supply rls
                 WHERE  rls.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
                 AND    rls.lot_num = v_lot_number
        AND  (
               v_parent_txn_id_to_match IS NULL
	      OR v_parent_txn_id_to_match = rsup.supply_source_id
        AND  (
               v_lpn_id_to_match IS NULL
               OR (rsup.lpn_id = v_lpn_id_to_match)
             ) ;
Line: 1577

           SELECT rsup.shipment_line_id
             , rt.unit_of_measure
             -- Dont know if it is really correct, should be
             -- rsl.unit_of_measure but this actually IS
             -- rt.unit_of_measure....depends ON the transaction processor
             -- ON what it puts FOR this column.
             , rsup.item_id
             , rsh.receipt_source_code
             , rsup.to_organization_id
             , rsup.rcv_transaction_id
             , To_number(NULL) oe_order_line_id
             , rsup.po_header_id po_header_id
             , rsup.po_line_id po_line_id
             , rsup.po_line_location_id po_line_location_id
             , pod.po_distribution_id po_distribution_id
             , rsl.item_description item_description
	     , to_char(null)
             FROM rcv_supply rsup
                , rcv_transactions rt
                , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
                , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
                , po_line_locations poll
                , po_distributions pod
            WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = v_shipment_header_id
              AND rsl.shipment_line_id  = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id,rsl.shipment_line_id)
              AND rsup.item_id = v_item_id
              AND rsup.po_header_id = pod.po_header_id
              AND rsup.PO_LINE_ID = pod.PO_LINE_ID
              AND rsup.po_header_id = poll.po_header_id
              AND rsup.PO_LINE_ID = poll.PO_LINE_ID
              AND rsup.PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID = poll.LINE_LOCATION_ID
              and NVL(poll.APPROVED_FLAG,'N')        = 'Y'
              and NVL(poll.CANCEL_FLAG, 'N')         = 'N'
              and NVL(poll.CLOSED_CODE,'OPEN')       <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
              and poll.SHIPMENT_TYPE                 IN ('STANDARD','BLANKET','SCHEDULED')
              AND rt.transaction_date < Nvl(v_txn_date, (rt.transaction_date +1))
                   RT.ROUTING_HEADER_ID <> 2 OR
                   (rt.routing_header_id = 2
                    AND rt.inspection_status_code <> 'NOT INSPECTED'
                    AND rt.inspection_status_code = Nvl(v_inspection_status,rt.inspection_status_code)))
                   --(RT.ROUTING_HEADER_ID = 2 AND rt.inspection_status_code <> 'NOT INSPECTED'))
              -- for all the transactions in rt for which we can putaway, the
              -- transfer_lpn_id should match the lpn being putaway.
              --AND Nvl(rt.transfer_lpn_id,-1)        = Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1)
              -- Fix for 1865886. Commented the above and added the following for lpn
              AND Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1) IN (select nvl(rt2.transfer_lpn_id,-1)
                                         from rcv_transactions rt2
                                        where rt2.transaction_type <> 'DELIVER'
                                        start with rt2.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
                                      connect by prior rt2.transaction_id = rt2.parent_transaction_id
                                    union all
                                       select nvl(rt2.lpn_id,-1)
                                         from rcv_transactions rt2
                                        where rt2.transaction_type not in ('RECEIVE', 'DELIVER')
                                        start with rt2.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
                                      connect by prior rt2.transaction_id = rt2.parent_transaction_id
              AND RSUP.to_organization_id = v_org_id
			  AND RT.TRANSACTION_ID = NVL(v_parent_transaction_id, rt.transaction_id) -- 9879753
        AND  (
               v_lot_number IS NULL OR EXISTS
                 SELECT lot_num
                 FROM   rcv_lots_supply rls
                 WHERE  rls.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
                 AND    rls.lot_num = v_lot_number
        AND  (
               v_lpn_id_to_match IS NULL
               OR (rsup.lpn_id = v_lpn_id_to_match)
            ORDER BY rt.transaction_date,
  	             rsup.rcv_transaction_id; -- Added for bug# 8931640
Line: 1674

           SELECT COUNT(*)
             FROM rcv_supply rsup
                , rcv_transactions rt
                , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
                , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
                , po_line_locations poll
                , po_distributions pod
            WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = v_shipment_header_id
              AND rsl.shipment_line_id  = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id,rsl.shipment_line_id)
              AND rsup.item_id = v_item_id
              AND rsup.po_header_id = pod.po_header_id
              AND rsup.PO_LINE_ID = pod.PO_LINE_ID
              AND rsup.po_header_id = poll.po_header_id
              AND rsup.PO_LINE_ID = poll.PO_LINE_ID
              AND rsup.PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID = poll.LINE_LOCATION_ID
              and NVL(poll.APPROVED_FLAG,'N')        = 'Y'
              and NVL(poll.CANCEL_FLAG, 'N')         = 'N'
              and NVL(poll.CLOSED_CODE,'OPEN')       <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
              and poll.SHIPMENT_TYPE                 IN ('STANDARD','BLANKET','SCHEDULED')
              AND rt.transaction_date < Nvl(v_txn_date, (rt.transaction_date +1))
                   RT.ROUTING_HEADER_ID <> 2 OR
                   (rt.routing_header_id = 2
                    AND rt.inspection_status_code <> 'NOT INSPECTED'
                    AND rt.inspection_status_code = Nvl(v_inspection_status,rt.inspection_status_code)))
                   --(RT.ROUTING_HEADER_ID = 2 AND rt.inspection_status_code <> 'NOT INSPECTED'))
              -- for all the transactions in rt for which we can putaway, the
              -- transfer_lpn_id should match the lpn being putaway.
              --AND Nvl(rt.transfer_lpn_id,-1)        = Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1)
              -- Fix for 1865886. Commented the above and added the following for lpn
              AND Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1) IN (select nvl(rt2.transfer_lpn_id,-1)
                                         from rcv_transactions rt2
                                        where rt2.transaction_type <> 'DELIVER'
                                        start with rt2.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
                                      connect by prior rt2.transaction_id = rt2.parent_transaction_id
                                    union all
                                       select nvl(rt2.lpn_id,-1)
                                         from rcv_transactions rt2
                                        where rt2.transaction_type not in ('RECEIVE', 'DELIVER')
                                        start with rt2.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
                                      connect by prior rt2.transaction_id = rt2.parent_transaction_id
              AND RSUP.to_organization_id = v_org_id
			  AND RT.TRANSACTION_ID = NVL(v_parent_transaction_id, rt.transaction_id) -- 9879753
        AND  (
               v_lot_number IS NULL OR EXISTS
                 SELECT lot_num
                 FROM   rcv_lots_supply rls
                 WHERE  rls.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
                 AND    rls.lot_num = v_lot_number
        AND  (
               v_lpn_id_to_match IS NULL
               OR (rsup.lpn_id = v_lpn_id_to_match)
            ORDER BY rt.transaction_date;
Line: 1752

           SELECT rsup.shipment_line_id
             , rt.unit_of_measure
             -- Dont know if it is really correct, should be
             -- rsl.unit_of_measure but this actually IS
             -- rt.unit_of_measure....depends ON the transaction processor
             -- ON what it puts FOR this column.
             , rsup.item_id
             , rsh.receipt_source_code
             , rsup.to_organization_id
             , rsup.rcv_transaction_id
             , To_number(NULL) oe_order_line_id
             , rsup.po_header_id po_header_id
             , rsup.po_line_id po_line_id
             , rsup.po_line_location_id po_line_location_id
             , pod.po_distribution_id po_distribution_id
             , rsl.item_description item_description
	     , to_char(null)
             FROM rcv_supply rsup
                , rcv_transactions rt
                , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
                , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
                , po_line_locations poll
                , po_distributions pod
            WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = v_shipment_header_id
              AND rsl.shipment_line_id  = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id,rsl.shipment_line_id)
              AND rsup.item_id = v_item_id
              AND rsup.po_header_id = pod.po_header_id
              AND rsup.PO_LINE_ID = pod.PO_LINE_ID
              AND rsup.po_header_id = poll.po_header_id
              AND rsup.PO_LINE_ID = poll.PO_LINE_ID
              AND rsup.PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID = poll.LINE_LOCATION_ID
              and NVL(poll.APPROVED_FLAG,'N')        = 'Y'
              and NVL(poll.CANCEL_FLAG, 'N')         = 'N'
              and NVL(poll.CLOSED_CODE,'OPEN')       <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
              and poll.SHIPMENT_TYPE                 IN ('STANDARD','BLANKET','SCHEDULED')
              AND rt.transaction_date < Nvl(v_txn_date, (rt.transaction_date +1))
                   RT.ROUTING_HEADER_ID <> 2 OR
                   (rt.routing_header_id = 2
                    AND rt.inspection_status_code <> 'NOT INSPECTED'
                    AND rt.inspection_status_code = Nvl(v_inspection_status,rt.inspection_status_code)))
                   --(RT.ROUTING_HEADER_ID = 2 AND rt.inspection_status_code <> 'NOT INSPECTED'))
              -- for all the transactions in rt for which we can putaway, the
              -- transfer_lpn_id should match the lpn being putaway.
              --AND Nvl(rt.transfer_lpn_id,-1)        = Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1)
              -- Fix for 1865886. Commented the above and added the following for lpn
              AND Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1) IN (select nvl(rt2.transfer_lpn_id,-1)
                                         from rcv_transactions rt2
                                        where rt2.transaction_type <> 'DELIVER'
                                        start with rt2.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
                                      connect by prior rt2.transaction_id = rt2.parent_transaction_id
                                    union all
                                       select nvl(rt2.lpn_id,-1)
                                         from rcv_transactions rt2
                                        where rt2.transaction_type not in ('RECEIVE', 'DELIVER')
                                        start with rt2.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
                                      connect by prior rt2.transaction_id = rt2.parent_transaction_id
              AND RSUP.to_organization_id = v_org_id
        AND  (
               v_lot_number IS NULL OR EXISTS
                 SELECT lot_num
                 FROM   rcv_lots_supply rls
                 WHERE  rls.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
                 AND    rls.lot_num = v_lot_number
        AND  (
               v_lpn_id_to_match IS NULL
               OR (rsup.lpn_id = v_lpn_id_to_match)
            ORDER BY rt.transaction_date;
Line: 1845

           SELECT COUNT(*)
             FROM rcv_supply rsup
                , rcv_transactions rt
                , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
                , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
                , po_line_locations poll
                , po_distributions pod
            WHERE rsl.shipment_header_id = v_shipment_header_id
              AND rsl.shipment_line_id  = Nvl(v_shipment_line_id,rsl.shipment_line_id)
              AND rsup.item_id = v_item_id
              AND rsup.po_header_id = pod.po_header_id
              AND rsup.PO_LINE_ID = pod.PO_LINE_ID
              AND rsup.po_header_id = poll.po_header_id
              AND rsup.PO_LINE_ID = poll.PO_LINE_ID
              AND rsup.PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID = poll.LINE_LOCATION_ID
              and NVL(poll.APPROVED_FLAG,'N')        = 'Y'
              and NVL(poll.CANCEL_FLAG, 'N')         = 'N'
              and NVL(poll.CLOSED_CODE,'OPEN')       <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
              and poll.SHIPMENT_TYPE                 IN ('STANDARD','BLANKET','SCHEDULED')
              AND rt.transaction_date < Nvl(v_txn_date, (rt.transaction_date +1))
                   RT.ROUTING_HEADER_ID <> 2 OR
                   (rt.routing_header_id = 2
                    AND rt.inspection_status_code <> 'NOT INSPECTED'
                    AND rt.inspection_status_code = Nvl(v_inspection_status,rt.inspection_status_code)))
                   --(RT.ROUTING_HEADER_ID = 2 AND rt.inspection_status_code <> 'NOT INSPECTED'))
              -- for all the transactions in rt for which we can putaway, the
              -- transfer_lpn_id should match the lpn being putaway.
              --AND Nvl(rt.transfer_lpn_id,-1)        = Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1)
              -- Fix for 1865886. Commented the above and added the following for lpn
              AND Nvl(v_lpn_id,-1) IN (select nvl(rt2.transfer_lpn_id,-1)
                                         from rcv_transactions rt2
                                        where rt2.transaction_type <> 'DELIVER'
                                        start with rt2.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
                                      connect by prior rt2.transaction_id = rt2.parent_transaction_id
                                    union all
                                       select nvl(rt2.lpn_id,-1)
                                         from rcv_transactions rt2
                                        where rt2.transaction_type not in ('RECEIVE', 'DELIVER')
                                        start with rt2.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
                                      connect by prior rt2.transaction_id = rt2.parent_transaction_id
              AND RSUP.to_organization_id = v_org_id
        AND  (
               v_lot_number IS NULL OR EXISTS
                 SELECT lot_num
                 FROM   rcv_lots_supply rls
                 WHERE  rls.transaction_id = rsup.supply_source_id
                 AND    rls.lot_num = v_lot_number
        AND  (
               v_lpn_id_to_match IS NULL
               OR (rsup.lpn_id = v_lpn_id_to_match)
            ORDER BY rt.transaction_date;
Line: 1928

      insert_into_table                 BOOLEAN := FALSE;
Line: 2259

             SELECT uom_code INTO l_rma_uom    -- 14776842 In oe_order_lines_all, it only keep uom code
		   FROM mtl_units_of_measure WHERE unit_of_measure=temp_cascaded_table(current_n).unit_of_measure AND ROWNUM=1;
Line: 2824

Line: 2850

Line: 2875

		   select ordered_qty
		     into x_oe_line_qty
		     from oe_po_enter_receipts_v
		     where oe_order_line_id =
Line: 2930

Line: 2953

	     -- Delete the temp_cascaded_table just to be sure
	     IF temp_cascaded_table.COUNT > 0 THEN
		FOR i IN 1..temp_cascaded_table.COUNT LOOP
Line: 3078

		      SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
			INTO temp_cascaded_table(current_n).primary_unit_of_measure
			FROM mtl_system_items
		       WHERE mtl_system_items.inventory_item_id =
			 AND mtl_system_items.organization_id =
Line: 3098

	  insert_into_table := FALSE;
Line: 3106

	  IF insert_into_table THEN
	     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
Line: 3112

Line: 3136

		SELECT unit_of_measure INTO l_rma_uom
		FROM mtl_units_of_measure
		WHERE uom_code = x_MatchedRec.unit_of_measure;
Line: 3170

                   SELECT rsl.quantity_shipped, rsl.unit_of_measure
                   INTO   l_rsl_qty, l_rsl_uom
                   FROM   rcv_shipment_lines  rsl
                   WHERE  rsl.shipment_line_id = l_parent_id;
Line: 3180

Line: 3195

Line: 3430

		   insert_into_table := TRUE;
Line: 3433

		   insert_into_table := TRUE;
Line: 3448

		   -- last row needs to be inserted anyway
		   -- so that the row can be used based on qty tolerance
		   -- checks
		   insert_into_table := TRUE;
Line: 3456

		   insert_into_table := FALSE;
Line: 3459

	     IF insert_into_table THEN
		IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
Line: 3465

Line: 3500

	       insert_into_table := TRUE;
Line: 3503

	       insert_into_table    := TRUE;
Line: 3521

		    -- last row needs to be inserted anyway
		    -- so that the row can be used based on qty tolerance
		    -- checks

		    insert_into_table := TRUE;
Line: 3531

		    insert_into_table := FALSE;
Line: 3535

		    IF insert_into_table THEN
		       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
Line: 3541

Line: 3546

	  IF insert_into_table THEN
	     IF (x_first_trans) THEN
		x_first_trans := FALSE;