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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 452

**			inserts objects into Event System
**			Parameters:	EventData
 P_EVENTDATA		in	clob
) is

l_length_end_string	integer := 16;
Line: 548

select guid from wf_systems
where name like nvl(p_key,'%');
Line: 560

    l_clob := wf_event_functions_pkg.generate('oracle.apps.wf.event.system.update', g.guid);
Line: 596

select guid from wf_agents
where name like nvl(p_key,'%')
and (xguid is null or system_guid=xguid);
Line: 627

    l_clob := wf_event_functions_pkg.generate('oracle.apps.wf.event.agent.update', g.guid);
Line: 681

select g.name||'/'||a.name GUID
from   wf_agents g, wf_agents a,wf_agent_groups ag
where  g.guid=ag.group_guid
and    a.guid=ag.member_guid
and    (p_key is null or a.name like p_key);
Line: 687

/*select wag.group_guid||'/'||wag.member_guid GUID from wf_agent_groups wag
where exists
        (       select 'x'
                from wf_agents
                where guid = wag.member_guid
                and name like nvl(p_key,'%')
Line: 704

    l_clob := wf_event_functions_pkg.generate('oracle.apps.wf.event.agentgroup.update', g.guid);
Line: 738

select guid
from   wf_events
where  type = 'EVENT'
and    name like p_key
and    owner_tag like nvl(p_ownertag, '%');
Line: 745

select guid
from   wf_events
where  type = 'EVENT'
and    owner_tag like nvl(p_ownertag, '%');
Line: 759

      l_clob := wf_event_functions_pkg.generate('oracle.apps.wf.event.event.update', g.guid);
Line: 770

      l_clob := wf_event_functions_pkg.generate('oracle.apps.wf.event.event.update', g.guid);
Line: 801

select g.name||'/'||e.name names
from   wf_events g, wf_events e, wf_event_groups eg
where  g.guid = eg.group_guid
and    g.type = 'GROUP'
and    e.guid = eg.member_guid
and    e.name like p_key
and    e.owner_tag like nvl(p_ownertag, '%')
order by e.name;
Line: 811

select g.name||'/'||e.name names
from   wf_events g, wf_events e, wf_event_groups eg
where  g.guid = eg.group_guid
and    g.type = 'GROUP'
and    e.guid = eg.member_guid
and    e.owner_tag like nvl(p_ownertag, '%')
order by e.name;
Line: 828

      l_clob := wf_event_functions_pkg.generate('oracle.apps.wf.event.group.update', g.names);
Line: 839

      l_clob := wf_event_functions_pkg.generate('oracle.apps.wf.event.group.update', g.names);
Line: 870

select guid
from   wf_events
where  type = 'GROUP'
and    name like p_key
and    owner_tag like nvl(p_ownertag, '%');
Line: 877

select guid
from   wf_events
where  type = 'GROUP'
and    owner_tag like nvl(p_ownertag, '%');
Line: 891

      l_clob := wf_event_functions_pkg.generate('oracle.apps.wf.event.event.update', g.guid);
Line: 902

      l_clob := wf_event_functions_pkg.generate('oracle.apps.wf.event.event.update', g.guid);
Line: 928

select g.name||'/'||e.name names
from   wf_events g, wf_events e, wf_event_groups eg
where  g.guid = eg.group_guid
and    g.type = 'GROUP'
and    e.guid = eg.member_guid
and    (p_key is null or g.name like p_key )
and    (p_ownertag is null or g.owner_tag like p_ownertag)
order by g.name;
Line: 946

    l_clob := wf_event_functions_pkg.generate('oracle.apps.wf.event.group.update', g.names);
Line: 984

select distinct(wes.guid) GUID from wf_event_subscriptions wes
where owner_tag like NVL(p_ownertag, '%')
 and exists
	(	select 'x'
		from wf_events
		where guid = wes.event_filter_guid
		and   name like nvl(p_key,'%')
                and   (xguid is null or system_guid=xguid)
Line: 995

select guid from wf_agents
where name = wfagt;
Line: 1024

    l_clob := wf_event_functions_pkg.generate('oracle.apps.wf.event.subscription.update', g.guid);
Line: 1210

** UpdateGUID- Update GUID in WF_RESOURCES table
**                      returns varchar2
**                      Parameters:     
procedure UpdateGUID (
 g_guid in varchar2
) is
ret number default 0; -- 0 means value didn't get update
Line: 1222

    select count(*)
    into l_count
    from WF_SYSTEMS;
Line: 1226

      update WF_RESOURCES
      set text=g_guid
      where name='WF_SYSTEM_GUID';
Line: 1233

    wf_core.context('WF_EVENT_SYNCHRONIZE_PKG', 'UpdateGUID');
Line: 1302

Line: 1357

    select value
    into l_sid
    from v$parameter
    where name='db_name';
Line: 1362

    select global_name
    into l_sid from global_name;
Line: 1388

    select owner
    into l_owner
    from all_queues
    where name='WF_IN';
Line: 1398

    select substr(queue_name,1,instr(queue_name,'.')-1)
    into   l_owner
    from   wf_agents
    where  name = 'WF_IN';
Line: 1480

select guid from wf_agents
where name=str
and system_guid = hextoraw(wf_core.translate('WF_SYSTEM_GUID'));
Line: 1738

        select name
        into   l_replaceTarget
        from   wf_agents
        where  guid = l_agtguid;
Line: 1804

         select guid
         into   l_replaceTarget
         from   wf_agents
         where  name = l_agt;