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4 **
1 PACKAGE BODY pay_ie_prsi AS
2 /* $Header: pyieprsi.pkb 120.2 2009/05/06 05:09:27 knadhan ship $ */
3 /*
5 **  Copyright (C) 1999 Oracle Corporation
6 **  All Rights Reserved
7 **
8 **  IE PAYE package
9 **
10 **  Change List
11 **  ===========
12 **
13 **  Date        Author   Reference Description
14 **  -----------+--------+---------+-------------
15 **  26 JUN 2001 ILeath    N/A        Created
16 **  16 SEP 2002 Vimal     N/A      Fixed bug 2547639.
17 **                                 The procedure initialise has been changed
18 **                                 such that contribution_class is now set to
19 **                                 IE_A. Also even if the cursor
20 **                                 c_prsi_dtl retuns no row, wew still retun
21 **                                 1 instead of 0 as this will let default
22 **                                 PRSI contributions.
23 **  10-JAN-2003 SMRobins  2652940  Added function:
24 **                                 get_ins_weeks_for_monthly_emps
25 **  14-JAN-2003 SMRobins           Added function: get_period_type
26 **  04-feb-2004 vmkhande  3419204  The get_ins_weeks_for_monthly
27                                    returns l_count_of_days of 1, when
28                                    l_count_of_days is -ve, this is incorrect
29                                    for terminarted employees being processed
30                                    after last standard process date.
31                                    it should retrun 0 as the number of insuarable
32                                    weeks for terminated employee is 0. But
33                                    l_count_of_days is used in IE_PRSI_INITIALIZE
34                                    to derive the multiplying factor. hence
35                                    the l_count_of_days is not being set to 0
36                                    but we will return -ve and handle -ve value
37                                    in fast formula.
38     11-feb-2004 vmkhande  3436179  Fixed gscc warning.
39                                    Date conversion was not using format mask.
40                                    Added format mask.
41     16-dec-2006 rbhardwa  3427614  Modified code to calculate correct insurable weeks
42                                    for jan and dec.
43 **  21-APR-2009 knadhan  8448176    Added function get_bal_value_30_04_09
44 **  21-APR-2009 knadhan  8448176    Added exception block in function get_bal_value_30_04_09
45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 */
47 g_package  varchar2(33) := 'pay_ie_prsi.';
49 /* knadhan */
50 FUNCTION get_bal_value_30_04_09 (p_assignment_id IN  per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE
51                                  ,p_tax_unit_id IN NUMBER
52                                  ,p_balance_name IN pay_balance_types.balance_name%TYPE
53 				 ,p_dimension_name IN pay_balance_dimensions.dimension_name%TYPE
54 				 ,p_till_date IN DATE) RETURN  number IS
55 CURSOR cur_assignment_action is
56 SELECT fnd_number.canonical_to_number(substr(max(lpad(paa.action_sequence,15,'0')||
57       paa.assignment_action_id),16))
58 FROM pay_assignment_actions paa
59     ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
60 WHERE paa.assignment_id=p_assignment_id
61   AND paa.payroll_action_id=ppa.payroll_action_id
62   AND ppa.action_type in ('Q','B','R','I','V')
63   AND ppa.action_status ='C'
64   AND paa.source_action_id is null
65   AND ppa.effective_date<= p_till_date;
66 CURSOR cur_defined_balance_id is
67 SELECT pdb.defined_balance_id
68 FROM pay_balance_dimensions pbd
69     ,pay_defined_balances  pdb
73   AND pbd.dimension_name =p_dimension_name
70     ,pay_balance_types pbt
71 WHERE pbt.balance_name = p_balance_name
72   AND pbt.legislation_code='IE'
74   AND pbd.legislation_code='IE'
75   AND pdb.balance_dimension_id=pbd.balance_dimension_id
76   AND pdb.balance_type_id=pbt.balance_type_id;
77 l_assignment_action pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type;
78 l_defined_balance_id pay_defined_balances.defined_balance_id%TYPE;
79 l_balance_value                  NUMBER:=0;
80   BEGIN
81   OPEN cur_assignment_action;
82   FETCH cur_assignment_action INTO l_assignment_action;
83   CLOSE cur_assignment_action;
84   OPEN cur_defined_balance_id;
85   FETCH cur_defined_balance_id INTO l_defined_balance_id;
86   CLOSE cur_defined_balance_id;
87   /* 8448176 */
88   BEGIN
89   l_balance_value := PAY_BALANCE_PKG.GET_VALUE(l_defined_balance_id,
90                                    l_assignment_action,
91                                    p_tax_unit_id,
92                                    null,
93                                    null,
94                                    null,
95                                    null,
96                                    null);
97    EXCEPTION When others THEN
98    RETURN 0;
99    END;
100    IF l_balance_value is null THEN
101    l_balance_value:=0;
102    END IF;
103    RETURN l_balance_value;
104    END;
106  Function get_prsi_details ( p_assignment_id            in           number
107                             ,p_payroll_action_id        in           number
108                             ,p_contribution_class       out   nocopy varchar2
109                             ,p_overridden_subclass      out   nocopy varchar2
110                             ,p_soc_ben_flag             out   nocopy varchar2
111                             ,p_overridden_ins_weeks     out   nocopy number
112                             ,p_community_flag           out   nocopy varchar2
113                             ,p_exemption_start_date     out   nocopy date
114                             ,p_exemption_end_date       out   nocopy date) return number is
117   --Local vriables-----
119   l_proc                 varchar2(72) := g_package||'get_prsi_details';
121   cursor c_prsi_dtl is select contribution_class
122                               ,overridden_subclass
123                               ,soc_ben_flag
124                               ,overridden_ins_weeks
125                               ,community_flag
126                               ,exemption_start_date
127                               ,exemption_end_date
128                          from  pay_ie_prsi_details_v pipd
129                                ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
130                         where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
131                           and  ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
132                           and  ppa.date_earned between pipd.effective_start_date and pipd.effective_end_date;
134    procedure initialise is
135    begin
136       p_contribution_class:='IE_A';
137       --p_overridden_subclass:='z ';
138       p_soc_ben_flag:='N';
139       --p_overridden_ins_weeks:=0;
140       --p_community_flag:=' ';
141       --p_exemption_start_date:=to_date('01-01-0001','DD-MM-YYYY');
142       --p_exemption_end_date:=to_date('01-01-0001','DD-MM-YYYY');
143    end;
146  --end Local vriables---------
148 begin
150     hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
152     open c_prsi_dtl;
154     fetch c_prsi_dtl into p_contribution_class
155                          ,p_overridden_subclass
156                          ,p_soc_ben_flag
157                          ,p_overridden_ins_weeks
158                          ,p_community_flag
159                          ,p_exemption_start_date
160                          ,p_exemption_end_date;
161     if c_prsi_dtl%notfound then
162         initialise;
163         close c_prsi_dtl;
164         return 1;
165     end if;
166     close c_prsi_dtl;
167     hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'||l_proc, 30);
168     return 1;
169 exception when others then
170      initialise;
171      close c_prsi_dtl;
172      return 0;
174 end get_prsi_details;
175 --
176 -- Adding function get_ins_weeks_for_monthly_emps
177 -- to address bug 2652940.
178 -- We work out what DAY the 01-JAN for the processing
179 -- year falls on, and then work out how many of those
180 -- days falls between the greatest start date and
181 -- lowest end date. The greatest start date is the greatest
182 -- of processing period start date and emp hire date (except
183 -- for January which excludes the first day of the month).
184 -- The lowest end date is the earliest of the processing
185 -- period end date and the emp termination date
186 --
187 Function get_ins_weeks_for_monthly_emps( p_hire_date              in  date
188                                         ,p_proc_period_start_date in  date
189                                         ,p_term_date              in  date
190                                         ,p_proc_period_end_date   in  date
191                                         ,p_processing_date        in  date)
192 Return  NUMBER IS
193 --
194 l_day                     varchar2(120);
195 l_test_day                varchar2(120);
196 l_actual_start_of_year    date;
197 l_calc_start_of_year      date;
198 l_count_of_days           number := 0;
199 l_greatest_start_date     date;
200 l_lowest_end_date         date;
201 l_test_date               date;
202 l_compare_date            date;  -- 3427614
203 --
204 Cursor day_of_week (p_test_date in date) is
208 -- l_calc_start_of_year := to_date('02-JAN-'||to_char(p_processing_date,'RRRR'));
205    select to_char(p_test_date, 'DAY') from sys.dual;
207 /* 3436179 */
209  l_calc_start_of_year := to_date('02/01/'||to_char(p_processing_date,'RRRR'),
210                          'DD/MM/RRRR');
212  l_actual_start_of_year := l_calc_start_of_year -1;
213  --
214  -- What days is the first day of the year
215  --
216  OPEN day_of_week(l_actual_start_of_year);
217  FETCH day_of_week into l_day;
218  CLOSE day_of_week;
219  l_greatest_start_date := greatest(p_proc_period_start_date, p_hire_date, l_actual_start_of_year);  -- 3427614
220  l_lowest_end_date := least(p_proc_period_end_date, p_term_date);
221  l_test_date := l_greatest_start_date;
222  WHILE l_test_date <= l_lowest_end_date loop
223    OPEN day_of_week(l_test_date);
224    FETCH day_of_week into l_test_day;
225    CLOSE day_of_week;
226   IF l_test_day = l_day THEN
227    l_count_of_days := l_count_of_days + 1;
228   END IF;
229   l_test_date := l_test_date + 1;
230  END LOOP;
231  /* 3419204
232  If l_count_of_days < 1 then
233    l_count_of_days := 1;
234  End If;
235  */
236 l_compare_date := to_date('01/12/'||to_char(l_greatest_start_date,'RRRR'),       -- to assign only 4 weeks for dec month
237                     'DD/MM/RRRR');                                               -- 3427614
238 IF l_greatest_start_date >= l_compare_date THEN
239    l_count_of_days := l_count_of_days - 1;
240 END IF;
241  RETURN l_count_of_days;
242 end get_ins_weeks_for_monthly_emps;
243 --
244 Function get_period_type (p_payroll_id      in  number
245                          ,p_session_date    in  date)
246 RETURN  varchar2 IS
247 --
248 l_period_type  varchar2(120);
249 --
250 cursor get_type is
251 select pap.period_type
252 from   pay_all_payrolls_f pap
253 where  pap.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
254 and    p_session_date between pap.effective_start_date and pap.effective_end_date;
255 --
256 Begin
257   OPEN get_type;
258   FETCH get_type into l_period_type;
259   CLOSE get_type;
260   RETURN l_period_type;
261 End get_period_type;
262 --
263 Function get_period_start_date (p_payroll_id   in number
264                                ,p_session_date in date)
265 RETURN  varchar2 IS
266 --
267 l_period_start_date   date;
268 --
269 cursor get_start_date is
270 select ptp.start_date
271 from   per_time_periods ptp
272 where  ptp.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
273 and    p_session_date between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date;
274 --
275 Begin
276    OPEN get_start_date;
277    FETCH get_start_date into l_period_start_date;
278    CLOSE get_start_date;
279    RETURN l_period_start_date;
280 End get_period_start_date;
281 --
282 Function get_period_end_date (p_payroll_id   in number
283                                ,p_session_date in date)
284 RETURN  varchar2 IS
285 --
286 l_period_end_date   date;
287 --
288 cursor get_end_date is
289 select ptp.end_date
290 from   per_time_periods ptp
291 where  ptp.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
292 and    p_session_date between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date;
293 --
294 Begin
295    OPEN get_end_date;
296    FETCH get_end_date into l_period_end_date;
297    CLOSE get_end_date;
298    RETURN l_period_end_date;
299 End get_period_end_date;
300 --
301 end pay_ie_prsi;