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Line 67: , p_hook_call_id in number -- Seeded/Custom API call hook id in the wms_api_hook_calls.

63: , x_valid_flag out nocopy varchar2
64: , p_mode in number -- 1. Selection 2. Validation
65: , p_task_id in number -- MMTT.transaction_temp_id
66: , p_activity_type_id in number -- 1. Inbound 2. Outbound
67: , p_hook_call_id in number -- Seeded/Custom API call hook id in the wms_api_hook_calls.
68: , p_lpn_id in number -- LPN ID for Validation purposes.
69: , p_item_id in number -- Item ID for Validation purposes.
70: , p_subinventory_code in varchar2 -- Subinventory code passed from WMSATFRB.pls
71: , p_locator_id in number -- Locator ID passed from WMSATFRB.pls

Line 80: from wms_api_hook_calls wahc, wms_api_hooked_entities wahe

76: is
78: cursor c_get_hook_call_details is
79: select wahe.current_package_cntr
80: from wms_api_hook_calls wahc, wms_api_hooked_entities wahe
81: where wahe.module_hook_id = wahc.module_hook_id
82: and wahe.short_name_id = 2 -- Restricts the output to "LPN Selection/Validation" only
83: and wahc.hook_call_id = p_hook_call_id;