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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 4

procedure UpdateAttrValues(WEB_HOST in  varchar2,
                           DOMAIN   in varchar2,
                           WEB_PORT in varchar2,
                           SID      in varchar2,
			   URL_PROTO in varchar2 )
  source_web_agent    varchar2(2000);
Line: 24

 select    text
 into      source_web_agent
 from      wf_resources
 where     name = 'WF_WEB_AGENT'
 and       language = 'US';
Line: 38

 set       wiav.text_value =
 where    (wiav.item_type, wiav.name) =
             (select wia.item_type, wia.name
              from WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES wia
              where wia.type = 'URL'
              and   wia.item_type = wiav.item_type
              and   wia.name = wiav.name)
 and       wiav.text_value is not null
 and       instr(wiav.text_value,source_web_agent) > 0 ;
Line: 52

 update       WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES
 set             text_default = replace(text_default,source_web_agent,target_web_agent)
 where         type ='URL'
 and            text_default is not null
 and           instr(text_default,source_web_agent) > 0 ;
Line: 60

 update wf_activity_attributes
 set text_default = replace(text_default,source_web_agent,target_web_agent)
 where type ='URL'
 and text_default is not null
 and instr(text_default,source_web_agent)> 0;
Line: 67

 update wf_activity_attr_values waav
 set  waav.text_value = replace(waav.text_value,source_web_agent,target_web_agent)
 where   (waav.process_activity_id,waav.name) =(
  select wpa.instance_id ,waa.name
  from   wf_process_activities wpa,wf_activity_attributes waa
  where  waa.activity_item_type = wpa.activity_item_type
  and     waa.activity_name = wpa.activity_name
  and     wpa.instance_id = waav.process_activity_id
  and     waa.name        = waav.name
  and     waa.activity_version = wpa.process_version
  and     waa.type   = 'URL')
 and     waav.text_value is not null
 and     waav.value_type  = 'CONSTANT'
 and    instr(text_value,source_web_agent) > 0;
Line: 84

 update     wf_notification_attributes
 set          TEXT_VALUE = replace(text_value,source_web_agent,target_web_agent)
 where      instr(text_value,source_web_agent)> 0;
Line: 89

 update     wf_message_attributes
 set          text_default = replace(text_default,source_web_agent,target_web_agent)
 where      type='URL'
 and         value_type = 'CONSTANT'
 and         text_default is not null
 and         instr(text_default,source_web_agent) > 0;
Line: 108

     raise_application_error(-20000, 'Error : WF_CLONE.UpdateAttrValues -:Oracle Error = '||to_char(sqlcode)||' -'||sqlerrm);
Line: 113

procedure UpdateSysGuid as
source_guid   raw(16);
Line: 120

 savepoint wf_update_guid;
Line: 122

 select   text
 into     source_guid
 from      wf_resources
 where    name = 'WF_SYSTEM_GUID'
 and      language = 'US';
Line: 132

 update    wf_resources
 set       text = target_guid
 where     name = 'WF_SYSTEM_GUID';
Line: 138

 select    name
 into      source_name
 from      wf_systems
 where     guid = source_guid;
Line: 144

 select     global_name
 into       target_name
 from       global_name;
Line: 151

 update wf_agents
 set    address = substr(address,1,instr(address,'@',1))||target_name
 where  address = substr(address,1,instr(address,'@',1))||source_name;
Line: 156

 update    wf_agents
 set       system_guid = target_guid
 where     system_guid = source_guid;
Line: 161

 update    wf_event_subscriptions
 set       SYSTEM_GUID = target_guid
 where     SYSTEM_GUID = source_guid;
Line: 166

 update   wf_systems
 set      name = target_name
 where    name = source_name;
Line: 171

 update   wf_systems
 set      guid = target_guid
 where    guid = source_guid;
Line: 178

   rollback to wf_update_guid;
Line: 179

   raise_application_error(-20000, 'Error : WF_CLONE.UpdateSysGuid -: Oracle Error = '||to_char(sqlcode)||' -'||sqlerrm);
Line: 182

procedure UpdateMailer(WEB_HOST in  varchar2,
                       DOMAIN   in varchar2,
                       WEB_PORT in varchar2,
                       SID      in varchar2,
		       URL_PROTO in varchar2 )
source_web_agent  varchar2(2000);
Line: 193

 select    text
 into      source_web_agent
 from      wf_resources
 where     name = 'WF_WEB_AGENT'
 and       language = 'US';
Line: 207

 update    wf_mailer_parameters
 set       VALUE = l_url_proto||'://'||WEB_HOST||'.'||DOMAIN||':'||WEB_PORT||'/pls/'||SID
 where     parameter = 'HTMLAGENT';
Line: 212

 update    wf_mailer_parameters
 set       VALUE = substr(VALUE,1,instr(VALUE,'@'))||DOMAIN
 where     parameter = 'REPLYTO';
Line: 218

  raise_application_error(-20000, 'Error : WF_CLONE.UpdateMailer -: Oracle Error = '||to_char(sqlcode)||' -'||sqlerrm);
Line: 224

procedure UpdateResource(WEB_HOST in  varchar2,
                         DOMAIN   in varchar2,
                         WEB_PORT in varchar2,
                         SID      in varchar2,
			 URL_PROTO in varchar2 )
 target_web_agent    varchar2(2000);
Line: 243

 update     wf_resources
 set        text = target_web_agent
 where      name = 'WF_WEB_AGENT';
Line: 249

   raise_application_error(-20000, 'Error : WF_CLONE.UpdateResource -:Oracle Error = '||to_char(sqlcode)||' -'||sqlerrm);
Line: 264

   select       text
   into         source_agent
   from         wf_resources
   where        name  = 'WF_WEB_AGENT'
   and          language = 'US';
Line: 307

  wf_clone.UpdateAttrValues(p_web_host,p_domain, p_web_port,p_sid,p_url_proto);
Line: 308

Line: 309

  wf_clone.UpdateMailer(p_web_host, p_domain, p_web_port,p_sid,p_url_proto );
Line: 310

  wf_clone.UpdateResource(p_web_host,p_domain, p_web_port,p_sid,p_url_proto );
Line: 320

  select  queue_name , name
  from    wf_agents
  where   type ='AGENT';
Line: 403

  select      que.queue_table , que.owner
  into        l_queue_tab , l_owner
  from        all_queues que
  where       que.name = QTableTruncate.QName ;
Line: 503

   select   qtab.RECIPIENTS ,qtab.queue_table
   into     l_consumer , l_qTable
   from     dba_queue_tables qtab , dba_queues aq
   where    aq.name = QDequeue.Qname
   and      aq.owner = QDequeue.owner
   and      qtab.queue_table = aq.queue_table
   and      qtab.owner = aq.owner ;
Line: 516

        select sys_context('USERENV', 'CURRENT_SCHEMA')
        into l_dequeue_options.consumer_name
        from sys.dual;
Line: 528

    l_sql := 'select msgid from '||QDequeue.owner||'.'||l_qTable||' where q_name ='||''''||QDequeue.Qname||''''||' and   state=1';