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1 package body iby_bepinfo_pkg as
2 /*$Header: ibybepib.pls 115.18 2002/11/16 00:40:23 jleybovi ship $*/
5 g_pkg_name  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'IBY_BEPINFO_PKG';
7 /*
8 ** Function:suffixExists.
9 ** Purpose: Check if suffix already exists
10 **
11 */
12 function suffixExists (i_bepsuffix in iby_bepinfo.suffix%type,
13          i_bepid in iby_bepinfo.bepid%type )
14          -- when bepid is -1, we are adding a new one
15          -- otherwise it's update for an existing one
16 return boolean
18 is
19 l_flag boolean := false;
20 l_bepsuffix iby_bepinfo.suffix%type;
22 cursor c_bep(ci_bepsuffix in iby_bepinfo.suffix%type,
23       ci_bepid in iby_bepinfo.bepid%type) is
24 SELECT suffix
25 FROM iby_bepinfo
26 WHERE suffix = ci_bepsuffix AND
27    bepid <> ci_bepid;
28 begin
29    if ( c_bep%isopen) then
30         close c_bep;
31     end if;
32 /*
33 ** open the cursor, which retrieves all the rows
34 */
35     open c_bep(i_bepsuffix, i_bepid);
36     fetch c_bep into l_bepsuffix;
37 /*
38 **  if bep suffix already exist then return true otherwise flase.
39 */
40     l_flag := c_bep%found;
42     close c_bep;
43     return l_flag;
44 end suffixExists;
48 /*
49 ** Function: bepNameExists.
50 ** Purpose: Check if any bep Name already exists in the system.
51 */
52 function bepNameExists (i_bepname in iby_bepinfo.name%type,
53          i_bepid in iby_bepinfo.bepid%type )
54          -- when bepid is -1, we are adding a new one
55          -- otherwise it's update for an existing one
56 return boolean
57 is
58 l_flag boolean := false;
59 l_bepname iby_bepinfo.name%type;
60 cursor c_bep(ci_bepname in iby_bepinfo.name%type,
61       ci_bepid in iby_bepinfo.bepid%type) is
62 SELECT name
63 FROM  iby_bepinfo
64 WHERE name = ci_bepname AND
65    bepid <> ci_bepid;
67 begin
68     if ( c_bep%isopen) then
69         close c_bep;
70     end if;
71 /*
72 ** open the cursor, which retrieves all the rows
73 */
74     open c_bep(i_bepname, i_bepid);
75     fetch c_bep into l_bepname;
76 /*
77 **  if bep name already exist then return true otherwise flase.
78 */
79     l_flag := c_bep%found;
81     close c_bep;
82     return l_flag;
83 end bepNameExists;
85 /*
86 ** Procedure: createBEPInfo
87 ** Purpose:  Creates an entry in the iby_bepinfo table and assigns an id
88 **           to identify it.
89 ** Parameters:  bepname, name of the bep, bepurl, url of the bep
90 **              bepusername, username to be used to logon to bep,
91 **              beppassword, password for bepusername,
92 **              psusername, username to be used by bep when it call ps
93 **              catridge, pspassword, psusernames password.
94 **              login and lout urls for BEP, if any.
95 **              beptype is type of the bep. It could be OFX, creditcard,etc.
96 **              modsupport, cancsupport, identifies whether bep supports them
97 **              or not. srvridimmed, whether a server id is returned
98 **              immediately for a payment or not.
99 **              leadtime is the time that a payment should be scheduled.
100 */
101 procedure createBEPInfo(i_bepname in iby_bepinfo.name%type,
102                       i_bepurl in iby_bepinfo.baseurl%type,
103                       i_bepsuffix in iby_bepinfo.suffix%type,
104                       i_bep_type in iby_bepinfo.bep_type%type,
105                       i_bepusername in iby_bepinfo.bepusername%type,
106                       i_beppassword in iby_bepinfo.beppassword%type,
107                       i_psusername in iby_bepinfo.psusername%type,
108                       i_pspassword in iby_bepinfo.pspassword%type,
109                       i_adminurl in iby_bepinfo.adminurl%type,
110                       i_login in iby_bepinfo.loginurl%type,
111                       i_logout in iby_bepinfo.logouturl%type,
112                       i_supportedop in iby_bepinfo.supportedOp%type,
113                  i_pmtschemeName in JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
114                       i_leadtime in iby_bepinfo.leadtime%type,
115                       i_srvrIdImmed in iby_bepinfo.srvrIdImmed%type,
116                       i_holidayfile in iby_bepinfo.holidayfile%type,
117                       i_fileSupport in iby_bepinfo.fileSupport%type,
118                       i_activestatus in iby_bepinfo.activestatus%type,
119             i_securityscheme in iby_bepinfo.securityscheme%type,
120                       i_partyid in NUMBER,
121                       i_preNLSLang in iby_beplangs.beplang%type,
122                       i_opt1NLSLang in iby_beplangs.beplang%type,
123                       i_opt2NLSLang in iby_beplangs.beplang%type,
124                       io_bepid in out nocopy iby_bepinfo.bepid%type)
125 is
126 l_instrtype iby_bepinfo.instrtype%type;
128 cursor c_bepid is
129 SELECT to_char(iby_bep_s.nextval) FROM dual;
131 begin
133 /*
134 ** error checking, make BEP doesn't already exist, both BEP NAME, and
135 ** SUFFIX has to be unique, and paymentscheme name has to exist
136 */
138 /*
139 ** DB constraints are case sensitive, 'Cybercash' and 'cyBerCash' are
140 ** considered DIFFERENT entries.
141 ** All suffix will be 3-letter code in lower case, ensured in Java layer
142 */
145    if (bepNameExists(i_bepname, -1)) then
146        --raise_application_error(-20524, 'BEP name already exists...',FALSE);
147        raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20524#', FALSE);
148    end if;
150    if (suffixExists(i_bepsuffix, -1)) then
151        raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20525#', FALSE);
152        --raise_application_error(-20525, 'Suffix already exists...',FALSE);
153    end if;
155 /*  obtain the new bep id
156 **  close the cursor if it is already open.
157 **  open the cursor and get the next sequence number.
158 */
159     if ( c_bepid%isopen ) then
160         close c_bepid;
161     end if;
162     open c_bepid;
163     fetch c_bepid into io_bepid;
165 /*
166 ** It's a new BEP, insert information into iby_bepinfo.
167 */
168   INSERT INTO iby_bepinfo ( bepid, name, bepusername, beppassword, psusername,
169                             pspassword, baseurl, suffix, bep_type,
170                             supportedop, adminurl, loginurl, logouturl,
171                             leadtime, srvrIdImmed, holidayfile,
172                             filesupport, activestatus,
173              instrtype, securityscheme, party_id,
174              last_update_date, last_updated_by,
175              creation_date, created_by,
176              last_update_login, object_version_number)
177    VALUES ( io_bepid, i_bepname, i_bepusername, i_beppassword, i_psusername,
178              i_pspassword, i_bepurl, i_bepsuffix, i_bep_type, i_supportedop,
179              i_adminurl,  i_login, i_logout,
180              i_leadtime, i_srvrIdImmed, i_holidayfile,
181         i_fileSupport, i_activeStatus,
182         l_instrtype, i_securityscheme, i_partyid,
183         sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
184         sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
185       fnd_global.login_id, 1);
187     close c_bepid;
189     -- create pmt scheme info
190     -- Add check to create Payment Scheme only if input is not null
191     -- FZ 5/20/02
192     IF i_pmtschemename IS NOT NULL THEN
193       iby_pmtschemes_pkg.createPmtScheme(io_bepid, i_pmtschemename);
194     END IF;
196     --create NLS Languages.
197     iby_beplangs_pkg.createBEPLangs(io_bepid, i_preNLSLang,
198                                    i_opt1NLSLang, i_opt2NLSLang);
200     commit;
202 end createBEPInfo;
207 -- This wrapper version is to handle FND_API.G_MISS_XXX
208 -- Note the validation in createBEPInfo() is not enough
209 -- We should add more to it later. No validation is done
210 -- in this wrapper.
211 -- FZ 5/20/02
212 procedure create_BEPInfo(
213   i_bepname in iby_bepinfo.name%type,
214   i_bepurl in iby_bepinfo.baseurl%type,
215   i_bepsuffix in iby_bepinfo.suffix%type,
216   i_bep_type in iby_bepinfo.bep_type%type,
217   i_bepusername in iby_bepinfo.bepusername%type,
218   i_beppassword in iby_bepinfo.beppassword%type,
219   i_psusername in iby_bepinfo.psusername%type,
220   i_pspassword in iby_bepinfo.pspassword%type,
221   i_adminurl in iby_bepinfo.adminurl%type,
222   i_login in iby_bepinfo.loginurl%type,
223   i_logout in iby_bepinfo.logouturl%type,
224   i_supportedop in iby_bepinfo.supportedOp%type,
225   i_pmtschemeName in JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
226   i_leadtime in iby_bepinfo.leadtime%type,
227   i_srvrIdImmed in iby_bepinfo.srvrIdImmed%type,
228   i_holidayfile in iby_bepinfo.holidayfile%type,
229   i_fileSupport in iby_bepinfo.fileSupport%type,
230   i_activestatus in iby_bepinfo.activestatus%type,
231   i_securityscheme in iby_bepinfo.securityscheme%type,
232   i_partyid in NUMBER,
233   i_preNLSLang in iby_beplangs.beplang%type,
234   i_opt1NLSLang in iby_beplangs.beplang%type,
235   i_opt2NLSLang in iby_beplangs.beplang%type,
236   io_bepid in out nocopy iby_bepinfo.bepid%type)
238 is
240   l_bepname              iby_bepinfo.name%type;
241   l_bepurl               iby_bepinfo.baseurl%type;
242   l_bepsuffix            iby_bepinfo.suffix%type;
243   l_bep_type             iby_bepinfo.bep_type%type;
244   l_bepusername          iby_bepinfo.bepusername%type;
245   l_beppassword          iby_bepinfo.beppassword%type;
246   l_psusername           iby_bepinfo.psusername%type;
247   l_pspassword           iby_bepinfo.pspassword%type;
248   l_adminurl             iby_bepinfo.adminurl%type;
249   l_login                iby_bepinfo.loginurl%type;
250   l_logout               iby_bepinfo.logouturl%type;
251   l_supportedop          iby_bepinfo.supportedOp%type;
252   l_leadtime             iby_bepinfo.leadtime%type;
253   l_srvrIdImmed          iby_bepinfo.srvrIdImmed%type DEFAULT 'Y';
254   l_holidayfile          iby_bepinfo.holidayfile%type DEFAULT 'N';
255   l_fileSupport          iby_bepinfo.fileSupport%type DEFAULT 'N';
256   l_activestatus         iby_bepinfo.activestatus%type DEFAULT 'Y';
257   l_securityscheme       iby_bepinfo.securityscheme%type;
258   l_partyid              NUMBER;
259   l_preNLSLang           iby_beplangs.beplang%type;
260   l_opt1NLSLang          iby_beplangs.beplang%type;
261   l_opt2NLSLang          iby_beplangs.beplang%type;
263 begin
265   l_bepname := i_bepname;
266   IF l_bepname = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
267     l_bepname := NULL;
268   END IF;
270   l_bepurl := i_bepurl;
271   IF l_bepurl = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
272     l_bepurl := NULL;
273   END IF;
275   l_bepsuffix := i_bepsuffix;
276   IF l_bepsuffix = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
277     l_bepsuffix := NULL;
278   END IF;
280   l_bep_type := i_bep_type;
281   IF l_bep_type = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
282     l_bep_type := NULL;
283   END IF;
285   l_bepusername := i_bepusername;
286   IF l_bepusername = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
287     l_bepusername := NULL;
288   END IF;
290   l_beppassword := i_beppassword;
291   IF l_beppassword = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
292     l_beppassword := NULL;
293   END IF;
295   l_psusername := i_psusername;
296   IF l_psusername = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
297     l_psusername := NULL;
298   END IF;
300   l_pspassword := i_pspassword;
301   IF l_pspassword = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
302     l_pspassword := NULL;
303   END IF;
305   l_adminurl := i_adminurl;
306   IF l_adminurl = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
307     l_adminurl := NULL;
308   END IF;
310   l_login := i_login;
311   IF l_login = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
312     l_login := NULL;
313   END IF;
315   l_logout := i_logout;
316   IF l_logout = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
317     l_logout := NULL;
318   END IF;
320   l_supportedop := i_supportedop;
321   IF l_supportedop = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM THEN
322     l_supportedop := NULL;
323   END IF;
325   l_leadtime := i_leadtime;
326   IF l_leadtime = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM THEN
327     l_leadtime := NULL;
328   END IF;
330   l_srvrIdImmed := i_srvrIdImmed;
331   IF l_srvrIdImmed = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
332     l_srvrIdImmed := NULL;
333   END IF;
335   l_holidayfile := i_holidayfile;
336   IF l_holidayfile = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
337     l_holidayfile := NULL;
338   END IF;
340   l_fileSupport := i_fileSupport;
341   IF l_fileSupport = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
342     l_fileSupport := NULL;
343   END IF;
345   l_activestatus := i_activestatus;
346   IF l_activestatus = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
347     l_activestatus := NULL;
348   END IF;
350   l_securityscheme := i_securityscheme;
351   IF l_securityscheme = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM THEN
352     l_securityscheme := NULL;
353   END IF;
355   l_partyid := i_partyid;
356   IF l_partyid = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM THEN
357     l_partyid := NULL;
358   END IF;
360   l_preNLSLang := i_preNLSLang;
362     l_preNLSLang := NULL;
363   END IF;
365   l_opt1NLSLang := i_opt1NLSLang;
367     l_opt1NLSLang := NULL;
368   END IF;
370   l_opt2NLSLang := i_opt2NLSLang;
372     l_opt2NLSLang := NULL;
373   END IF;
375   IF io_bepid = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM THEN
376     io_bepid := NULL;
377   END IF;
379   -- forward the call to the base API
380   createBEPInfo(
381     i_bepname             => l_bepname,
382     i_bepurl              => l_bepurl,
383     i_bepsuffix           => l_bepsuffix,
384     i_bep_type            => l_bep_type,
385     i_bepusername         => l_bepusername,
386     i_beppassword         => l_beppassword,
387     i_psusername          => l_psusername,
388     i_pspassword          => l_pspassword,
389     i_adminurl            => l_adminurl,
390     i_login               => l_login,
391     i_logout              => l_logout,
392     i_supportedop         => l_supportedop,
393     i_pmtschemeName       => i_pmtschemeName,
394     i_leadtime            => l_leadtime,
395     i_srvrIdImmed         => l_srvrIdImmed,
396     i_holidayfile         => l_holidayfile,
397     i_fileSupport         => l_fileSupport,
398     i_activestatus        => l_activestatus,
399     i_securityscheme      => l_securityscheme,
400     i_partyid             => l_partyid,
401     i_preNLSLang          => l_preNLSLang,
402     i_opt1NLSLang         => l_opt1NLSLang,
403     i_opt2NLSLang         => l_opt2NLSLang,
404     io_bepid              => io_bepid
405   );
407 end create_BEPInfo;
412 /*
413 ** Function: modBEPInfo
414 ** Purpose:  modifies the entry in the iby_bepinfo table that matches bepid
415 **           passed with the values specified.
416 ** Parameters:  bepid, id of the bep, bepname, name of the bep,
417 **              bepurl, url of the bep
418 **              bepusername, username to be used to logon to bep,
419 **              beppassword, password for bepusername,
420 **              psusername, username to be used by bep when it call ps
421 **              catridge, pspassword, psusernames password.
422 **              beptype is type of the bep. It could be OFX, creditcard,etc.
423 **              modsupport, cancsupport, identifies whether bep supports them
424 **              or not. srvridimmed, whether a server id is returned
425 **              immediately for a payment or not.
426 **              leadtime is the time that a payment should be scheduled.
427 */
428 procedure    modBEPInfo(i_bepid in iby_bepinfo.bepid%type,
429                       i_bepname in iby_bepinfo.name%type,
430                       i_bepurl in iby_bepinfo.baseurl%type,
431                       i_bepsuffix in iby_bepinfo.suffix%type,
432                       i_bep_type in iby_bepinfo.bep_type%type,
433                       i_bepusername in iby_bepinfo.bepusername%type,
434                       i_beppassword in iby_bepinfo.beppassword%type,
435                       i_psusername in iby_bepinfo.psusername%type,
436                       i_pspassword in iby_bepinfo.pspassword%type,
437                       i_adminurl in iby_bepinfo.adminurl%type,
438                       i_login in iby_bepinfo.loginurl%type,
439                       i_logout in iby_bepinfo.logouturl%type,
440                       i_supportedop in iby_bepinfo.supportedOp%type,
441                  i_pmtschemeName in JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
442                       i_leadtime in iby_bepinfo.leadtime%type,
443                       i_srvrIdImmed in iby_bepinfo.srvrIdImmed%type,
444                       i_holidayfile in iby_bepinfo.holidayfile%type,
445                       i_fileSupport in iby_bepinfo.fileSupport%type,
446                       i_activestatus in iby_bepinfo.activestatus%type,
447             i_securityscheme in iby_bepinfo.securityscheme%type,
448                       i_partyid in NUMBER,
449                       i_preNLSLang in iby_beplangs.beplang%type,
450                       i_opt1NLSLang in iby_beplangs.beplang%type,
451                       i_opt2NLSLang in iby_beplangs.beplang%type,
452       i_object_version in iby_bepinfo.object_version_number%type)
453 is
455 l_instrtype iby_bepinfo.instrtype%type;
457 begin
459    -- check for the bep name/suffix uniqueness before update
460    -- this check is not needed in terms of functionality since there are
461    -- unique constraints in DB already, however, it will give better
462    -- clear error messages
464    if (bepNameExists(i_bepname, i_bepid)) then
465        --raise_application_error(-20524, 'BEP name already exists...',FALSE);
466        raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20524#', FALSE);
467    end if;
469    if (suffixExists(i_bepsuffix, i_bepid)) then
470        raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20525#', FALSE);
471        --raise_application_error(-20525, 'Suffix already exists...',FALSE);
472    end if;
475 /*
476 ** update the row that matches the bepid;
477 */
478     UPDATE iby_bepinfo
479     SET name = i_bepname,
480         bepusername = i_bepusername,
481         beppassword = i_beppassword,
482         psusername = i_psusername,
483         pspassword = i_pspassword,
484         baseurl = i_bepurl,
485         suffix = i_bepsuffix,
486         bep_type = i_bep_type,
487         adminurl = i_adminurl,
488         loginurl = i_login,
489         logouturl = i_logout,
490         supportedop = i_supportedop,
491         leadtime = i_leadtime,
492         srvrIdImmed = i_srvrIdImmed,
493         holidayfile = i_holidayfile,
494         filesupport = i_fileSupport,
495         activeStatus = i_activeStatus,
496    instrtype = l_instrtype,
497    securityscheme = i_securityscheme,
498         party_id = i_partyid,
499       last_update_date = sysdate,
500    last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
501    last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,
502    object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
503     WHERE bepid = i_bepid
504    AND  object_version_number = i_object_version;
506     if ( sql%notfound ) then
507    -- no row matches, invalid bepid or object version number
508        raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20521#', FALSE);
509    -- no need to worry about mulitple matches since 'bepid' is unique
510     end if;
513     -- replace pmt scheme info
514     iby_pmtschemes_pkg.createPmtScheme(i_bepid, i_pmtschemename);
516     -- replace NLS Languages.
517     iby_beplangs_pkg.createBEPLangs(i_bepid, i_preNLSLang,
518                                    i_opt1NLSLang, i_opt2NLSLang);
519     commit;
520 end modbepinfo;
526 -- This is similar to modBEPInfo(), however we add code to
527 -- to handle FND_API.G_MISS_XXX
528 -- As we add this as a new independent API, we also add the
529 -- missing param for IBY_BEPINFO.INSTRTYPE
530 -- FZ 5/20/02
531 procedure update_BEPInfo(
532   i_bepid in iby_bepinfo.bepid%type,
533   i_bepname in iby_bepinfo.name%type,
534   i_bepurl in iby_bepinfo.baseurl%type,
535   i_bepsuffix in iby_bepinfo.suffix%type,
536   i_bep_type in iby_bepinfo.bep_type%type,
537   i_bepusername in iby_bepinfo.bepusername%type,
538   i_beppassword in iby_bepinfo.beppassword%type,
539   i_psusername in iby_bepinfo.psusername%type,
540   i_pspassword in iby_bepinfo.pspassword%type,
541   i_adminurl in iby_bepinfo.adminurl%type,
542   i_login in iby_bepinfo.loginurl%type,
543   i_logout in iby_bepinfo.logouturl%type,
544   i_supportedop in iby_bepinfo.supportedOp%type,
545   i_pmtschemeName in JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
546   i_leadtime in iby_bepinfo.leadtime%type,
547   i_srvrIdImmed in iby_bepinfo.srvrIdImmed%type,
548   i_holidayfile in iby_bepinfo.holidayfile%type,
549   i_fileSupport in iby_bepinfo.fileSupport%type,
550   i_activestatus in iby_bepinfo.activestatus%type,
551   i_securityscheme in iby_bepinfo.securityscheme%type,
552   i_partyid in NUMBER,
553   i_preNLSLang in iby_beplangs.beplang%type,
554   i_opt1NLSLang in iby_beplangs.beplang%type,
555   i_opt2NLSLang in iby_beplangs.beplang%type,
556   i_object_version in iby_bepinfo.object_version_number%type)
558 is
559   l_api_name                CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_BEPInfo';
561 begin
563   -- bepid must not be null or FND_API.G_MISS_NUM
564   IF (i_bepid IS NULL) OR (i_bepid = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM) THEN
565     fnd_message.set_name('IBY', 'IBY_G_INVALID_PARAM_ERR');
566     fnd_message.set_token('API', g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name);
567     fnd_message.set_token('PARAM', 'i_bepid: ' || i_bepid);
568     fnd_message.set_token('REASON', 'Incorrect param value');
569     fnd_msg_pub.add;
572   END IF;
574   -- object_version_number must not be null or FND_API.G_MISS_NUM
575   -- for update API
576   IF (i_object_version IS NULL) OR (i_object_version = FND_API.G_MISS_NUM) THEN
577     fnd_message.set_name('IBY', 'IBY_G_INVALID_PARAM_ERR');
578     fnd_message.set_token('API', g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name);
579     fnd_message.set_token('PARAM', 'i_object_version: ' || i_object_version);
580     fnd_message.set_token('REASON', 'Incorrect param value');
581     fnd_msg_pub.add;
584   END IF;
587   -- check for the bep name/suffix uniqueness before update
588   -- this check is not needed in terms of functionality since there are
589   -- unique constraints in DB already, however, it will give better
590   -- clear error messages
592   -- these validation are still valid, keep them
593   -- however they are incomplete - they do not check against
594   -- FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR for these mandatory columns
595   -- we will add additional checks below
596   -- FZ 5/20/02
597   if (bepNameExists(i_bepname, i_bepid)) then
598     --raise_application_error(-20524, 'BEP name already exists...',FALSE);
599     raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20524#', FALSE);
600   end if;
602   if (suffixExists(i_bepsuffix, i_bepid)) then
603     raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20525#', FALSE);
604     --raise_application_error(-20525, 'Suffix already exists...',FALSE);
605   end if;
608   -- by the new App standard, if input is FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
609   -- in update API, it means the caller wants to set the field
610   -- to null. However IBY_BEPINFO.NAME is a not null column
611   -- note it's ok for the input param to be null. In that case
612   -- the existing value in db is retained
613   IF i_bepname = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
614     fnd_message.set_name('IBY', 'IBY_G_INVALID_PARAM_ERR');
615     fnd_message.set_token('API', g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name);
616     fnd_message.set_token('PARAM', 'i_bepname: FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR');
617     fnd_message.set_token('REASON', 'Incorrect param value');
618     fnd_msg_pub.add;
621   END IF;
623   -- by the new App standard, if input is FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
624   -- in update API, it means the caller wants to set the field
625   -- to null. However IBY_BEPINFO.SUFFIX is a not null column
626   -- note it's ok for the input param to be null. In that case
627   -- the existing value in db is retained
628   IF i_bepsuffix = FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR THEN
629     fnd_message.set_name('IBY', 'IBY_G_INVALID_PARAM_ERR');
630     fnd_message.set_token('API', g_pkg_name || '.' || l_api_name);
631     fnd_message.set_token('PARAM', 'i_bepsuffix: FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR');
632     fnd_message.set_token('REASON', 'Incorrect param value');
633     fnd_msg_pub.add;
636   END IF;
639   -- update the row that matches the bepid;
640   -- should use OVN based locking
642     name              = DECODE(i_bepname, NULL, name, i_bepname),
643     suffix            = DECODE(i_bepsuffix, NULL, suffix, i_bepsuffix),
644     bepusername       = DECODE(i_bepusername, NULL, bepusername, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR, NULL, i_bepusername),
645     beppassword       = DECODE(i_beppassword, NULL, beppassword, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR, NULL, i_beppassword),
646     psusername        = DECODE(i_psusername, NULL, psusername, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR, NULL, i_psusername),
647     pspassword        = DECODE(i_pspassword, NULL, pspassword, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR, NULL, i_pspassword),
648     baseurl           = DECODE(i_bepurl, NULL, baseurl, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR, NULL, i_bepurl),
649     bep_type          = DECODE(i_bep_type, NULL, bep_type, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR, NULL, i_bep_type),
650     adminurl          = DECODE(i_adminurl, NULL, adminurl, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR, NULL, i_adminurl),
651     loginurl          = DECODE(i_login, NULL, loginurl, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR, NULL, i_login),
652     logouturl         = DECODE(i_logout, NULL, logouturl, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR, NULL, i_logout),
653     supportedop       = DECODE(i_supportedop, NULL, supportedop, FND_API.G_MISS_NUM, NULL, i_supportedop),
654     leadtime          = DECODE(i_leadtime, NULL, leadtime, FND_API.G_MISS_NUM, NULL, i_leadtime),
655     srvrIdImmed       = DECODE(i_srvrIdImmed, NULL, srvrIdImmed, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR, NULL, i_srvrIdImmed),
656     holidayfile       = DECODE(i_holidayfile, NULL, holidayfile, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR, NULL, i_holidayfile),
657     filesupport       = DECODE(i_fileSupport, NULL, filesupport, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR, NULL, i_fileSupport),
658     activeStatus      = DECODE(i_activeStatus, NULL, activeStatus, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR, NULL, i_activeStatus),
659     -- instrtype         = DECODE(p_instr_type, NULL, instrtype, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR, NULL, p_instr_type),
660     securityscheme    = DECODE(i_securityscheme, NULL, securityscheme, FND_API.G_MISS_NUM, NULL, i_securityscheme),
661     party_id          = DECODE(i_partyid, NULL, party_id, FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR, NULL, i_partyid),
662     last_update_date  = SYSDATE,
663     last_updated_by   = fnd_global.user_id,
664     last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,
665     object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
666   WHERE bepid = i_bepid
667    AND object_version_number = i_object_version;
669   if ( sql%notfound ) then
670    -- no row matches, invalid bepid or object version number
671     raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20521#', FALSE);
672    -- no need to worry about mulitple matches since 'bepid' is unique
673   end if;
675   -- right now we don't have an update API for the iby_pmtschemes_pkg
676   -- the logic in modbepinfo() is to simply overwrite the existing
677   -- payment scheme definition. This is too simplistic. We need to
678   -- have a better solution. For now we skip the payment schemes
679   -- and BEP langs update, as there are no business requirement
680   -- at this point.
682     -- replace NLS Languages.
683     iby_beplangs_pkg.createBEPLangs(i_bepid, i_preNLSLang,
684                                    i_opt1NLSLang, i_opt2NLSLang);
685   commit;
687 end update_BEPInfo;
692 /*
693 ** Procedure Name : getBEPInfo
694 ** Purpose : retrieves Back end processor information table.
695 **
696 ** Parameters:
697 **
698 **    In  : i_bepid.
699 **    Out : o_bepname, o_bepurl, o_beptype, o_srvrimm, o_modsupport,
700 **          o_bepusername, o_beppassword, o_psusername, o_pspassword,
701 **          o_login, o_logout.
702 **          o_cancsupport, io_depid
703 **
704 */
705 procedure    getBEPInfo(i_bepid in iby_bepinfo.bepid%type,
706                       o_bepname out nocopy iby_bepinfo.name%type,
707                       o_bepurl out nocopy iby_bepinfo.baseurl%type,
708                       o_bepsuffix out nocopy iby_bepinfo.suffix%type,
709                       o_bep_type out nocopy iby_bepinfo.bep_type%type,
710                       o_bepusername out nocopy iby_bepinfo.bepusername%type,
711                       o_beppassword out nocopy iby_bepinfo.beppassword%type,
712                       o_psusername out nocopy iby_bepinfo.psusername%type,
713                       o_pspassword out nocopy iby_bepinfo.pspassword%type,
714                       o_adminurl out nocopy iby_bepinfo.adminurl%type,
715                       o_login out nocopy iby_bepinfo.loginurl%type,
716                       o_logout out nocopy iby_bepinfo.logouturl%type,
717                       o_supportedop out nocopy iby_bepinfo.supportedOp%type,
718                  o_pmtschemeName out nocopy JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
719                       o_leadtime out nocopy iby_bepinfo.leadtime%type,
720                       o_srvrIdImmed out nocopy iby_bepinfo.srvrIdImmed%type,
721                       o_holidayfile out nocopy iby_bepinfo.holidayfile%type,
722                       o_fileSupport out nocopy iby_bepinfo.fileSupport%type,
723                       o_activestatus out nocopy iby_bepinfo.activestatus%type,
724             o_securityscheme out nocopy iby_bepinfo.securityscheme%type,
725                       o_partyid out nocopy NUMBER,
726                       o_preNLSLang out nocopy iby_beplangs.beplang%type,
727                       o_opt1NLSLang out nocopy iby_beplangs.beplang%type,
728                       o_opt2NLSLang out nocopy iby_beplangs.beplang%type,
729       o_object_version out nocopy iby_bepinfo.object_version_number%type)
730 is
732 cursor c_bepinfo(ci_bepid in iby_bepinfo.bepid%type) is
733 SELECT name, baseurl, suffix, bep_type, bepusername, beppassword,
734    supportedop, psusername, pspassword,
735        adminurl, loginurl, logouturl, leadtime, holidayfile,
736        srvridimmed, filesupport, activestatus,
737    securityscheme, party_id, object_version_number
738 FROM iby_bepinfo
739 WHERE bepid = ci_bepid;
741 cursor c_preNLSLang(ci_bepid in iby_bepinfo.bepid%type) is
742 SELECT beplang
743 FROM iby_beplangs
744 WHERE bepid = ci_bepid
745 AND preferred = 0;
747 cursor c_opt1NLSLang(ci_bepid in iby_bepinfo.bepid%type) is
748 SELECT beplang
749 FROM iby_beplangs
750 WHERE bepid = ci_bepid
751 AND preferred = 1;
753 cursor c_opt2NLSLang(ci_bepid in iby_bepinfo.bepid%type) is
754 SELECT beplang
755 FROM iby_beplangs
756 WHERE bepid = ci_bepid
757 AND preferred = 2;
759 begin
760     if ( c_bepinfo%isopen ) then
761          close c_bepinfo;
762     end if;
763     open c_bepinfo(i_Bepid);
764     fetch c_bepinfo into o_bepname, o_bepurl, o_bepsuffix, o_bep_type,
765                          o_bepusername,
766                          o_beppassword,
767          o_supportedop,
768                          o_psusername, o_pspassword, o_adminurl,
769                          o_login, o_logout, o_leadtime,
770                          o_holidayfile, o_srvrIdImmed, o_filesupport,
771                          o_activestatus,
772          o_securityscheme, o_partyid,
773          o_object_version;
775     if ( c_bepinfo%notfound ) then
776    -- no row matched, invalid bepid or object version number
777        raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20521#', FALSE);
778     end if;
780     close c_bepinfo;
782     -- get pmtscheme name based on bepid
783     iby_pmtschemes_pkg.getPmtSchemeName(i_bepid, o_pmtschemeName);
785     if ( c_preNLSLang%isopen ) then
786          close c_preNLSLang;
787     end if;
788     open c_preNLSLang(i_bepid);
789     fetch c_preNLSLang into o_preNLSLang;
790     close c_preNLSLang;
792     if ( c_opt1NLSLang%isopen ) then
793          close c_opt1NLSLang;
794     end if;
795     open c_opt1NLSLang(i_bepid);
796     fetch c_opt1NLSLang into o_opt1NLSLang;
797     close c_opt1NLSLang;
799     if ( c_opt2NLSLang%isopen ) then
800          close c_opt2NLSLang;
801     end if;
802     open c_opt2NLSLang(i_bepid);
803     fetch c_opt2NLSLang into o_opt2NLSLang;
804     close c_opt2NLSLang;
805 end;
808 /*
809 ** Procedure Name : setBEPStatus
810 ** Purpose : Sets BEP status to the given value.
811 **
812 ** Parameters:
813 **
814 **    In  : i_bepid, i_status.
815 **    Out : o_flag
816 **
817 */
818 procedure  setBEPStatus(i_bepid in iby_bepinfo.bepid%type,
819                    i_status in iby_bepinfo.activestatus%type,
820                      o_flag out nocopy int)
821 is
823 begin
825     o_flag := 0;
827     UPDATE iby_bepinfo
828     SET activestatus = i_status,
829     last_update_date = sysdate,
830     last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
831     last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,
832     object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
833     WHERE bepid = i_bepid;
834    -- can't check object version here, as old API didn't ask for
835    -- object_version, simply increment it
836    ---AND  object_version_number = i_object_version;
838     if ( sql%notfound ) then
839    -- no row matches, invalid bepid or object version number
840        raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20521#', FALSE);
841    -- no need to worry about mulitple matches since 'bepid' is unique
842     end if;
844     o_flag := 1;
845     commit;
846 end setBEPStatus;
848 /*
849 ** Function: getBepName
850 ** Purpose: return the bep name that matches the id passed
851 */
853 function getBEPName(i_id iby_bepinfo.bepid%type)
854 return varchar
855 is
857 l_bepname iby_bepinfo.name%type;
859 cursor c_bep(ci_id iby_bepinfo.bepid%type)
860 is
861 SELECT name
862 FROM iby_bepinfo
863 WHERE bepid = ci_id;
866    IF (c_bep%isopen) THEN
867       close c_bep;
868    END IF;
870    open c_bep(i_id);
871       fetch c_bep into l_bepname;
873       if ( c_bep%notfound ) then
874          l_bepname := null;
875    end if;
876       close c_bep;
877       return l_bepname;
878 end getBEPName;
881 /*
882 ** Function: getBEPId.
883 ** Purpose: returnt the bep id that matches the name passed.
884 */
885 function getBEPId(i_name iby_bepinfo.name%type)
886 return int
887 is
889 l_flag boolean := false;
890 l_bepid iby_bepinfo.bepid%type;
892 cursor c_bep(ci_name iby_bepinfo.name%type)
893 is
894 select bepid
895 from iby_bepinfo
896 where name = ci_name;
898 begin
900     if ( c_bep%isopen) then
901         close c_bep;
902     end if;
903 /*
904 ** open the cursor, which retrieves all the rows
905 */
906     open c_bep(i_name);
907     fetch c_bep into l_bepid;
908 /*
909 **  if bep does not exist then return error value.
910 */
911     if ( c_bep%notfound ) then
912          l_bepid := -99;
913     end if;
914     close c_bep;
915     return l_bepid;
916 end getBEPId;
920 end iby_bepinfo_pkg;