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2 /* $Header: OEXFLINS.pls 120.3.12020000.2 2013/01/07 02:09:01 sujithku ship $ */
10 TYPE Varchar2_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF Varchar2(2000)
13 G_NULL_NUMBER_TBL        Number_Tbl_Type;
14 G_NULL_VARCHAR2_TBL      Varchar2_Tbl_Type;
16 -- Out parameter record for Validate_And_Write
17 TYPE Validate_Write_Rec_Type IS RECORD
18   ( x_creation_date                     DATE
19   , x_created_by                        NUMBER
20   , x_last_update_date                  DATE
21   , x_last_updated_by                   NUMBER
22   , x_last_update_login                 NUMBER
23   , x_goods_value                       NUMBER
24   , x_discounts                         NUMBER
25   , x_charges                           NUMBER
26   , x_taxes                             NUMBER
27   , x_line_tax_value                    NUMBER
28   , x_schedule_ship_date                DATE
29   , x_schedule_arrival_date             DATE
30   , x_schedule_status_code              VARCHAR2(30)
31   , x_schedule_action_code              VARCHAR2(30)
32   , x_ship_from_address1                VARCHAR2(240)
33   , x_ship_from_address2                VARCHAR2(240)
34   , x_ship_from_address3                VARCHAR2(240)
35   , x_ship_from_address4                VARCHAR2(240)
36   , x_ship_from_location                VARCHAR2(240)
37   , x_ship_from_org                     VARCHAR2(240)
38   , x_ship_from_org_id                  NUMBER
39   , x_subinventory                      VARCHAR2(10)
40   , x_promise_date                      DATE
41   , x_unit_selling_price                NUMBER
42   , x_unit_list_price                   NUMBER
43   , x_list_percent                      NUMBER
44   , x_selling_percent                   NUMBER
45   , x_pricing_quantity                  NUMBER
46   , x_pricing_quantity_uom              VARCHAR2(3)
47   , x_calculate_price_flag              VARCHAR2(1)
48   , x_calculate_price_descr             VARCHAR2(240)
49   , x_inventory_item_id                 NUMBER
50   , x_ordered_item_id                   NUMBER
51   , x_price_list_id                     NUMBER
52   , x_price_list                        VARCHAR2(240)
53   , x_payment_term_id                   NUMBER
54   , x_payment_term                      VARCHAR2(240)
55   , x_shipment_priority_code            VARCHAR2(30)
56   , x_shipment_priority                 VARCHAR2(240)
57   , x_freight_terms_code                VARCHAR2(30)
58   , x_freight_terms                     VARCHAR2(240)
59   , x_commitment_applied_amount         NUMBER
60   , x_lock_control                      NUMBER
61   , x_Original_Inventory_Item_Id        NUMBER
62   , x_Original_item_iden_Type           VARCHAR2(30)
63   , x_Original_ordered_item_id          NUMBER
64   , x_Original_ordered_item             VARCHAR2(2000)
65   , x_Original_inventory_item           VARCHAR2(2000)
66   , x_Original_item_type                VARCHAR2(240)
67   , x_Late_Demand_Penalty_Factor        NUMBER    -- Bug-2478107
68   , x_Override_ATP_Date_Code            VARCHAR2(30)  -- BUG 1282873
69   , x_unit_cost                         NUMBER  --MRG BGN
70   , x_shipping_method_code              VARCHAR2(30)  -- 2806483
71   , x_shipping_method                   VARCHAR2(80)  -- 2806483
72   , x_freight_carrier_code              VARCHAR2(30)  -- 2806483
73   , x_freight_carrier                   VARCHAR2(80)  -- 2806483
74   , x_arrival_set_id                    NUMBER        -- 2817915
75   , x_arrival_set                       VARCHAR2(30)  -- 2817915
76   , x_ship_set_id                       NUMBER        -- 2817915
77   , x_ship_set                          VARCHAR2(30)  -- 2817915
78   , x_firm_demand_flag                  VARCHAR2(1)
79   , x_earliest_ship_date                DATE
80 -- Override List Price
81   , x_original_list_price                 NUMBER
82   , x_unit_list_price_per_pqty            NUMBER
83   , x_unit_selling_price_per_pqty         NUMBER
84   );
86 --  Procedure : Default_Attributes
87 --
89 PROCEDURE Default_Attributes
90 ( x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
91 , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
92 , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
93 ,   p_header_id                     IN  NUMBER
94 ,   x_line_tbl                      IN OUT NOCOPY OE_ORDER_PUB.Line_Tbl_Type
95 ,   x_old_line_tbl                  IN OUT NOCOPY OE_ORDER_PUB.Line_Tbl_Type
96 ,   x_line_val_tbl                  IN OUT NOCOPY OE_ORDER_PUB.Line_Val_Tbl_Type
97 );
99 --  Procedure   :   Change_Attribute
100 --
101 -- Commenting out all flex attributes because
102 -- we ran into an odd bug where the client(pld) does not recognize a package
103 -- at all once it gets over a certain size (255 parameters per procedure)
105 -- Commenting out the pricing attributes for now since the same problem
106 -- of the client pld not able to recognize the package beyond 255 parameters.
108 PROCEDURE Change_Attribute
109 ( x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
110 , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
111 , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
112 ,   p_line_id                       IN  NUMBER
113 ,   p_attr_id                       IN  NUMBER
114 ,   p_attr_value                    IN  VARCHAR2
115 ,   p_attr_id_tbl                   IN  Number_Tbl_Type DEFAULT G_NULL_NUMBER_TBL
116 ,   p_attr_value_tbl                IN  Varchar2_Tbl_Type DEFAULT G_NULL_VARCHAR2_TBL
117 ,   p_reason			    IN  VARCHAR2
118 ,   p_comments			    IN  VARCHAR2
119 ,   p_line_dff_rec                  IN OE_OE_FORM_LINE.line_dff_rec_type
120 ,   p_default_cache_line_rec           IN  OE_ORDER_PUB.Line_Rec_Type
121 ,   p_date_format_mask              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'
122 ,   x_line_tbl                      IN OUT NOCOPY OE_ORDER_PUB.Line_Tbl_Type
123 ,   x_old_line_tbl                  IN OUT NOCOPY OE_ORDER_PUB.Line_Tbl_Type
124 ,   x_line_val_tbl                  IN OUT NOCOPY OE_ORDER_PUB.Line_Val_Tbl_Type
125 --, x_dualum_ind OUT NOCOPY NUMBER --OPM 02/JUN/00  INVCONV
126 --, x_grade_ctl OUT NOCOPY NUMBER --OPM 02/JUN/00   INVCONV
127 , x_process_warehouse_flag OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --OPM 02/JUN/00
128 , x_ont_pricing_qty_source OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2  -- INVCONV
129 , x_grade_control_flag OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 -- INVCONV
130 , x_tracking_quantity_ind   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 -- INVCONV
131 , x_secondary_default_ind OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 -- INVCONV
132 , x_lot_divisible_flag OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 -- INVCONV
133 , x_lot_control_code  OUT  NOCOPY			NUMBER  -- 4172680 INVCONV
136 );
138 --  Procedure       Validate_And_Write
139 --
140 -- 2806483 All out parameters are replace dy Validate_Write_Rec_Type
142 PROCEDURE Validate_And_Write
143 (x_return_status                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
144 , x_msg_count                     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
145 , x_msg_data                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
146 , x_cascade_flag                  OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
147 , p_line_id                       IN  NUMBER
148 , p_change_reason_code            IN  VARCHAR2
149 , p_change_comments               IN  VARCHAR2
150 , x_line_val_rec                  OUT NOCOPY Validate_Write_Rec_Type  -- 2806483
151 );
153 --  Procedure       Delete_Row
154 --
156 PROCEDURE Delete_Row
157 ( x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
158 , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
159 , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
160 ,   p_line_id                       IN  NUMBER
161 , p_change_reason_code            IN  VARCHAR2 Default Null
162 , p_change_comments               IN  VARCHAR2 Default Null
163 );
165 --  Procedure       Process_Entity
166 --
168 PROCEDURE Process_Entity
169 ( x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
170 , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
171 , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
172 );
174 --  Procedure       lock_Row
175 --
177 PROCEDURE Lock_Row
178 ( x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
179 , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
180 , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
181 ,   p_line_id                       IN  NUMBER
182 ,   p_lock_control                  IN  NUMBER
184 );
187 TYPE Line_Rec_Type IS RECORD
188 (   accounting_rule_id            NUMBER
189 ,   agreement_id                  NUMBER
190 ,   arrival_set_id                NUMBER
191 ,   authorized_to_ship_flag       VARCHAR2(1)
192 ,   booked_flag                   VARCHAR2(1)
193 ,   cancelled_flag                VARCHAR2(1)
194 ,   cancelled_quantity2            NUMBER     --OPM 02/JUN/00
195 ,   commitment_id                 NUMBER
196 ,   credit_invoice_line_id        NUMBER
197 ,   cust_po_number                VARCHAR2(50)
198 ,   delivery_lead_time            NUMBER
199 ,   deliver_to_contact_id         NUMBER
200 ,   deliver_to_org_id             NUMBER
201 ,   demand_bucket_type_code       VARCHAR2(30)
202 ,   demand_class_code             VARCHAR2(30)
203 ,   dep_plan_required_flag        VARCHAR2(1)
204 ,   end_item_unit_number          VARCHAR2(30)
205 ,   fob_point_code                VARCHAR2(30)
206 ,   freight_carrier_code          VARCHAR2(30)
207 ,   freight_terms_code            VARCHAR2(30)
208 ,   fulfilled_quantity2           NUMBER                --OPM 02/JUN/00
209 ,   header_id                     NUMBER
210 ,   intermed_ship_to_org_id       NUMBER
211 ,   intermed_ship_to_contact_id   NUMBER
212 ,   inventory_item_id             NUMBER
213 ,   invoice_interface_status_code VARCHAR2(30)
214 ,   invoice_to_contact_id         NUMBER
215 ,   invoice_to_org_id             NUMBER
216 ,   invoicing_rule_id             NUMBER
217 ,   item_relationship_type        NUMBER
218 ,   ordered_item                  VARCHAR2(2000)
219 ,   item_revision                 VARCHAR2(3)
220 ,   item_type_code                VARCHAR2(30)
221 ,   line_category_code            VARCHAR2(30)
222 ,   line_id                       NUMBER
223 ,   line_number                   NUMBER
224 ,   open_flag                     VARCHAR2(1)
225 ,   option_flag                   VARCHAR2(1)
226 ,   option_number                 NUMBER
227 ,   ordered_quantity              NUMBER
228 ,   ordered_quantity2             NUMBER                --OPM 02/JUN/00
229 ,   order_quantity_uom            VARCHAR2(3)
230 ,   ordered_quantity_uom2         VARCHAR2(3)           --OPM 02/JUN/00
231 ,   org_id                        NUMBER
232 ,   orig_sys_document_ref         VARCHAR2(50)
233 ,   orig_sys_line_ref             VARCHAR2(50)
234 ,   over_ship_reason_code	    VARCHAR2(30)
235 ,   over_ship_resolved_flag	    VARCHAR2(1)
236 ,   payment_term_id               NUMBER
237 ,   preferred_grade               VARCHAR2(150)           -- INVCONV 4091955
238 ,   price_list_id                 NUMBER
239 ,   project_id                    NUMBER
240 ,   reference_customer_trx_line_id NUMBER
241 ,   reference_header_id           NUMBER
242 ,   reference_line_id             NUMBER
243 ,   reference_type                VARCHAR2(30)
244 ,   request_date                  DATE
245 ,   return_reason_code		    VARCHAR2(30)
246 ,   rla_schedule_type_code        VARCHAR2(30)
247 ,   salesrep_id			    NUMBER
248 ,   schedule_action_code          VARCHAR2(30)
249 ,   schedule_status_code          VARCHAR2(30)
250 ,   shipment_number               NUMBER
251 ,   shipment_priority_code        VARCHAR2(30)
252 ,   shipping_interfaced_flag      VARCHAR2(1)
253 ,   shipping_method_code          VARCHAR2(30)
254 ,   shipped_quantity2             NUMBER                --OPM 02/JUN/00
255 ,   shipping_quantity2            NUMBER                --OPM 02/JUN/00
256 ,   shipping_quantity_uom         VARCHAR2(3)
257 ,   shipping_quantity_uom2        VARCHAR2(3)           --OPM 02/JUN/00
258 ,   ship_from_org_id              NUMBER
259 ,   subinventory                  VARCHAR2(10)
260 ,   ship_model_complete_flag      VARCHAR2(30)
261 ,   ship_set_id                   NUMBER
262 ,   fulfillment_set_id            NUMBER
263 ,   ship_tolerance_above          NUMBER
264 ,   ship_tolerance_below          NUMBER
265 ,   ship_to_contact_id            NUMBER
266 ,   ship_to_org_id                NUMBER
267 ,   sold_to_org_id                NUMBER
268 ,   sold_from_org_id              NUMBER
269 ,   source_document_id            NUMBER
270 ,   source_document_line_id       NUMBER
271 ,   source_document_type_id       NUMBER
272 ,   source_type_code              VARCHAR2(30)
273 ,   task_id                       NUMBER
274 ,   tax_code                      VARCHAR2(50)
275 ,   tax_exempt_flag               VARCHAR2(30)
276 ,   tax_exempt_number             VARCHAR2(80)
277 ,   tax_exempt_reason_code        VARCHAR2(30)
278 ,   tax_point_code                VARCHAR2(30)
279 ,   return_status                 VARCHAR2(1)
280 ,   operation                     VARCHAR2(30)
281 ,   change_reason                 VARCHAR2(30)
282 ,   arrival_set	              VARCHAR2(30)
283 ,   ship_set			         VARCHAR2(30)
284 ,   fulfillment_set		         VARCHAR2(30)
285 ,   order_source_id               NUMBER
286 ,   orig_sys_shipment_ref	    VARCHAR2(50)
287 ,   change_sequence	  	         VARCHAR2(50)
288 ,   drop_ship_flag		         VARCHAR2(1)
289 ,   customer_line_number	         VARCHAR2(50)
290 ,   customer_shipment_number	    VARCHAR2(50)
291 ,   customer_item_net_price	    NUMBER
292 ,   customer_payment_term_id	    NUMBER
293 ,   ordered_item_id               NUMBER
294 ,   item_identifier_type          VARCHAR2(25)
295 ,   calculate_price_flag          VARCHAR2(30)
296 ,   service_txn_reason_code       VARCHAR2(30)
297 ,   service_txn_comments         VARCHAR2(2000)
298 ,   service_duration             NUMBER
299 ,   service_period               VARCHAR2(3)
300 ,   service_start_date           DATE
301 ,   service_end_date             DATE
302 ,   service_coterminate_flag     VARCHAR2(1)
303 ,   service_number               NUMBER
304 ,   service_reference_type_code  VARCHAR2(30)
305 ,   service_reference_line_id    NUMBER
306 ,   service_reference_system_id  NUMBER
307 ,   flow_status_code		   VARCHAR2(30)
308 ,   svc_ref_order_number     NUMBER
309 ,   svc_ref_order_type       Varchar2(200)
310 ,   payment_level_code          VARCHAR2(30)
311 ,   payment_commitment_id       NUMBER
312 ,   original_inventory_item_id  NUMBER
313 ,   original_ordered_item_id      NUMBER
314 ,   original_item_identifier_Type VARCHAR2(30)
315 ,   original_ordered_item        VARCHAR2(2000)
316 ,   late_demand_penalty_factor   NUMBER              -- Bug-2478107
317 ,   override_atp_date_code       VARCHAR2(30)
318 ,   user_item_description        VARCHAR2(1000)
319 ,   blanket_number               NUMBER
320 --retro{
321 ,   retrobill_request_id         NUMBER
322 --retro}
323 , end_customer_site_use_id  NUMBER
324 ,  end_customer_contact_id  NUMBER
325 , end_customer_id  NUMBER
326 --Macd
327 ,   config_header_id        NUMBER
328 ,   config_rev_nbr          NUMBER
329 , configuration_id          NUMBER
330 , ib_owner                  VARCHAR2(60)
331 , ib_current_location       VARCHAR2(60)
332 , ib_installed_at_location  VARCHAR2(60)
333 --recurring charges
334 , charge_periodicity_code   VARCHAR2(3)
335 --Customer Acceptance
336 , CONTINGENCY_ID            NUMBER
337 , REVREC_EVENT_CODE         VARCHAR2(30)
338 , ACCEPTED_BY               NUMBER
339 -- sol_ord_er #16014165
340 ,service_bill_option_code varchar2(10)
341 ,service_bill_profile_id NUMBER
342 ,service_cov_template_id NUMBER
343 ,service_subs_template_id NUMBER
344 ,subscription_enable_flag varchar2(10)
345 -- sol_ord_er #16014165
346 );
348 TYPE Line_Val_Rec_Type IS RECORD
349 (
350  Project_Number                  VARCHAR2(25),
351  Task_Number                     VARCHAR2(25),
352  Ref_Order_Number                NUMBER,
353  Ref_Line_Number                 NUMBER,
354  Ref_Shipment_Number             NUMBER,
355  Ref_Option_Number               NUMBER,
356  Ref_Component_Number            NUMBER, -- added for bug3818680
357  Ref_Invoice_number              VARCHAR2(80),
358  Ref_invoice_Line_Number         NUMBER,
359  Credit_Invoice_Number           VARCHAR2(80),
360  Salesrep                        VARCHAR2(240),
361  shipment_priority               VARCHAR2(200),
362  freight_terms                   VARCHAR2(200),
363  freight_carrier                 VARCHAR2(200),
364  shipping_method                 VARCHAR2(200),
365  FOB                             VARCHAR2(200),
366  TAX_EXEMPT                      VARCHAR2(200),
367  TAX_EXEMPT_REASON               VARCHAR2(200),
368  tax_group                       VARCHAR2(1),
369  RETURN_REASON                   VARCHAR2(200),
370  Item_Description                VARCHAR2(2000),
371  Ordered_Item_Dsp                VARCHAR2(2000),
372  source_type                     VARCHAR2(80),
373  demand_class                    VARCHAR2(80),
374  status                          VARCHAR2(240),
375  Transactional_Curr_Code         VARCHAR2(15),
376  Ship_To_Customer_Name           VARCHAR2(360),
377  Invoice_To_Customer_Name        VARCHAR2(360),
378  Ship_To_Customer_Number         VARCHAR2(60),
379  Invoice_To_Customer_Number      VARCHAR2(60),
380  intmed_ship_to                  VARCHAR2(40),
381  intmed_ship_to_location         VARCHAR2(40),
382  intmed_ship_to_address1         VARCHAR2(240),
383  intmed_ship_to_address2         VARCHAR2(240),
384  intmed_ship_to_address3         VARCHAR2(240),
385  intmed_ship_to_address4         VARCHAR2(246),
386 /*1621182*/
387  intmed_ship_to_address5         VARCHAR2(246),
388 /*1621182*/
389  intmed_ship_to_contact          VARCHAR2(123),
390  deliver_to                      VARCHAR2(40),
391  deliver_to_location             VARCHAR2(40),
392  deliver_to_address1             VARCHAR2(240),
393  deliver_to_address2             VARCHAR2(240),
394  deliver_to_address3             VARCHAR2(240),
395  deliver_to_address4             VARCHAR2(246),
396 /*1621182*/
397  deliver_to_address5             VARCHAR2(246),
398 /*1621182*/
399  deliver_to_contact              oe_contacts_v.name%type,	--Bug#9241636
400  agreement                       VARCHAR2(240),
401  source_document_type            VARCHAR2(240),
402  arrival_set                     VARCHAR2(30),
403  ship_set                        VARCHAR2(30),
404  commitment                      VARCHAR2(20),
405  ship_to_customer_id             NUMBER,
406  invoice_to_customer_id          NUMBER,
407  hold_exists_flag                VARCHAR2(1),
408 /*1931163*/
409  cascaded_hold_exists_flag       VARCHAR2(1),
410  Calculate_Price_Descr           Varchar2(80),
411  booking_id                      NUMBER,
412  ota_name                        Varchar2(80),
413  reserved_quantity               NUMBER,
414  fulfillment_list              Varchar2(2000),
415  subtotal                      Number,
416  discount                      Number,
417  charges                       Number,
418  line_charges                  Number,
419  tax                           Number,
420  svc_header_id                 Number,
421  Order_source                  Varchar2(240),
422  Order_source_ref              NUMBER,
423  Order_source_line_ref         NUMBER,
424  inventory_item                VARCHAR2(2000),    -- Changed the width from 30 to 2000 for the bug #3087989
425  commitment_applied_amount    NUMBER,
426  payment_level_code           VARCHAR2(30),
427  deliver_to_customer_id       NUMBER,
428  deliver_To_Customer_Name     VARCHAR2(360),
429  deliver_To_Customer_Number   VARCHAR2(60),
430  Original_Ordered_item        VARCHAR2(2000),
431  Original_inventory_item      VARCHAR2(2000),
432  Original_item_type           VARCHAR2(240),
433  item_relationship_type_dsp   VARCHAR2(240),
434 --MRG BGN
435  margin                       NUMBER,
436  margin_percent               NUMBER,
437 --MRG END
438  blanket_agreement_name       VARCHAR2(240),
439 --retro{
440  Retro_Order_Number             NUMBER,
441  Retro_Line_Number              NUMBER,
442  Retro_Shipment_Number          NUMBER,
443  Retro_Option_Number            NUMBER,
444  retrobilled_price            NUMBER,
445  Retro_Service_Number	      NUMBER,
446  Retro_Component_Number       NUMBER,
447 --retro}
448 end_customer_contact VARCHAR(240),
449 end_customer_name         VARCHAR(240),
450 end_customer_number VARCHAR(240),
451 end_customer_site_location             VARCHAR2(240),
452 end_customer_site_address1    VARCHAR2(240),
453 end_customer_site_address2          VARCHAR2(240),
454 end_customer_site_address3             VARCHAR2(240),
455 end_customer_site_address4             VARCHAR2(240),
456 end_customer_site_city               varchar2(240),
457 end_customer_site_state               varchar2(240),
458 end_customer_site_postal_code               varchar2(240),
459 end_customer_site_country               varchar2(240),
460 --Macd
461 instance_name                           VARCHAR2(255),
462 ib_owner_dsp                            VARCHAR2(60),
463 ib_current_location_dsp                 VARCHAR2(60),
464 ib_installed_at_location_dsp            VARCHAR2(60),
465 --recurring charges
466 charge_periodicity                 VARCHAR2(25),
467 service_reference_type                  varchar2(240),  --3557382
468 service_period_dsp                      varchar2(240),   --3605052
469 --datafix begin
470 message_exists_flag          VARCHAR2(1),
471 --datafix end
472 charge_periodicity_dsp       VARCHAR2(25),
473 reserved_quantity2			                NUMBER -- INVCONV
474 --Customer Acceptance
475 ,CONTINGENCY_NAME            VARCHAR2(80)
478 ,REVREC_EVENT                VARCHAR2(80)
479 ,ACCEPTED_BY_DSP             VARCHAR2(100)
480 -- sol_ord_er #16014165
481 ,service_bill_profile varchar2(200)
482 ,service_subs_template varchar2(200)
483 ,service_cov_template varchar2(200)
484 ,service_bill_option varchar2(200)
485 -- sol_ord_er #16014165
487  );
489 -- OPM 02/JUN/00
490 TYPE Process_Controls_Rec_Type IS RECORD
492 (
493 --   dualum_ind                 NUMBER INVCONV
494 --,   grade_ctl                  NUMBER INVCONV
495     process_warehouse_flag     VARCHAR2(1)
496 --,   ont_pricing_qty_source     NUMBER   --OPM 2046190
497 ,     ont_pricing_qty_source   VARCHAR2(30) -- INVCONV
498 ,   grade_control_flag				 VARCHAR2(1) -- INVCONV
499 ,   tracking_quantity_ind      VARCHAR2(30) -- INVCONV
500 ,   secondary_default_ind      VARCHAR2(30) -- INVCONV
501 ,   lot_divisible_flag			   VARCHAR2(1) -- INVCONV
502 ,   lot_control_code           NUMBER   -- 4172680 INVCONV
503 );
506 -- OPM 02/JUN/00 END
509 (
510  p_line_rec                         IN Line_Rec_Type,
511  x_line_val_rec OUT NOCOPY Line_val_rec_type ,
512  p_calling_block IN  VARCHAR2
513  );
515 -- OPM 02/JUN/00 overloaded proc below for process features
517 (
518  p_line_rec                         IN Line_Rec_Type,
519  x_line_val_rec OUT NOCOPY Line_val_rec_type,
520  p_calling_block        IN  VARCHAR2,
521  x_process_controls_rec OUT NOCOPY process_controls_rec_type
522  );
523  -- OPM 02/JUN/00 END
525 FUNCTION Is_Description_Matched
526 (p_item_identifier_type  IN   VARCHAR2
527 ,p_ordered_item_id       IN   NUMBER
528 ,p_inventory_item_id     IN   NUMBER
529 ,p_ordered_item          IN   VARCHAR2
530 ,p_sold_to_org_id        IN   NUMBER
531 ,p_description           IN   VARCHAR2
532 ,p_org_id                IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
536 /* 2913927 - 3348159 start */
537 FUNCTION Is_Internal_Item_Matched
538 (p_item_identifier_type  IN   VARCHAR2
539 ,p_ordered_item_id       IN   NUMBER
540 ,p_inventory_item_id     IN   NUMBER
541 ,p_ordered_item          IN   VARCHAR2
542 ,p_sold_to_org_id        IN   NUMBER
543 ,p_inventory_item        IN   VARCHAR2
544 ,p_org_id                IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
546 /* 2913927 - 3348159 end */
548 /*1477598*/
549 FUNCTION Is_Item_Matched
550 (p_item_identifier_type  IN   VARCHAR2
551 ,p_ordered_item_id       IN   NUMBER
552 ,p_inventory_item_id     IN   NUMBER
553 ,p_ordered_item          IN   VARCHAR2
554 ,p_sold_to_org_id        IN   NUMBER
555 ,p_item                  IN   VARCHAR2
556 ,p_org_id                IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
558 /*1477598*/
560 TYPE Split_Line_Rec_Type IS RECORD
561   (
562    line_id     NUMBER,
563    ordered_quantity    NUMBER,
564    ordered_quantity2    NUMBER,   /* OPM  - NC 3/8/02 Bug#2046641 */
565    ship_to_org_id NUMBER,
566    request_date  DATE,
567    ship_from_org_id NUMBER
568    );
569 TYPE Split_Line_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF Split_Line_Rec_Type
575 (
576  p_split_by      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
577 ,x_line_tbl_type IN  split_line_tbl_type
578 ,p_change_reason_code   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
579 ,p_change_comments IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
580 ,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
581 ,x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
582 ,x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
583 );
585 Procedure Clear_Record
586 ( x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
587 , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
588 , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
589 ,   p_line_id                     IN  NUMBER
590 );
592 PROCEDURE Ship_To_Customer_Id(
593                               p_ship_to_org_id IN Number,
594 x_ship_to_Customer_id OUT NOCOPY Number
595                               );
597 PROCEDURE Invoice_To_Customer_Id(
598                               p_invoice_to_org_id IN Number,
599 x_invoice_to_Customer_id OUT NOCOPY Number
600                               );
602 PROCEDURE Get_line
603 (   p_db_record                     IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE
604 ,   p_line_id                       IN  NUMBER
605 ,   x_line_rec                      OUT NOCOPY  OE_Order_PUB.Line_Rec_Type
606 );
609 ( x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
610 , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
611 , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
612                                  ,   p_header_id                     IN  Number
613 , x_line_id OUT NOCOPY Number
614 , x_line_number OUT NOCOPY Number
615 , x_shipment_number OUT NOCOPY Number
616                                  );
619 /* --- Bug 1823073 start --------*/
620 -- Added this procedure Get_Ordered_Item to provide ordered_item
621 -- and fix the problem cauesd by null ordered_item
622 -- This procedure is called from OEXOELIN.pld
624 ( x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
625 , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
626 , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
627                                  ,   p_item_identifier_type          IN VARCHAR2
628                                  ,   p_inventory_item_id             IN Number
629                                  ,   p_ordered_item_id               IN Number
630                                  ,   p_sold_to_org_id                IN Number
631 , x_ordered_item OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
632                                  );
633 /* --- Bug 1823073 end --------*/
636 -- Bug 1713035
637 -- Added this procedure to reduce the number
638 -- of calls to server side packages while deleting
639 -- all the adjustments related to a line.
640 -- This procedure is called from OEXOELIN.pld
642 PROCEDURE Delete_Adjustments(x_line_id IN NUMBER);
645 TYPE Line_Dff_Rec_Type IS RECORD
646 (
647     attribute1                    VARCHAR2(240)
648 ,   attribute10                   VARCHAR2(240)
649 ,   attribute11                   VARCHAR2(240)
650 ,   attribute12                   VARCHAR2(240)
651 ,   attribute13                   VARCHAR2(240)
652 ,   attribute14                   VARCHAR2(240)
653 ,   attribute15                   VARCHAR2(240)
654 ,   attribute16                   VARCHAR2(240)     --For bug 2184255
655 ,   attribute17                   VARCHAR2(240)
656 ,   attribute18                   VARCHAR2(240)
657 ,   attribute19                   VARCHAR2(240)
658 ,   attribute2                    VARCHAR2(240)
659 ,   attribute20                   VARCHAR2(240)
660 ,   attribute3                    VARCHAR2(240)
661 ,   attribute4                    VARCHAR2(240)
662 ,   attribute5                    VARCHAR2(240)
663 ,   attribute6                    VARCHAR2(240)
664 ,   attribute7                    VARCHAR2(240)
665 ,   attribute8                    VARCHAR2(240)
666 ,   attribute9                    VARCHAR2(240)
667 ,   context                       VARCHAR2(30)
668 ,   global_attribute1             VARCHAR2(240)
669 ,   global_attribute10            VARCHAR2(240)
670 ,   global_attribute11            VARCHAR2(240)
671 ,   global_attribute12            VARCHAR2(240)
672 ,   global_attribute13            VARCHAR2(240)
673 ,   global_attribute14            VARCHAR2(240)
674 ,   global_attribute15            VARCHAR2(240)
675 ,   global_attribute16            VARCHAR2(240)
676 ,   global_attribute17            VARCHAR2(240)
677 ,   global_attribute18            VARCHAR2(240)
678 ,   global_attribute19            VARCHAR2(240)
679 ,   global_attribute2             VARCHAR2(240)
680 ,   global_attribute20            VARCHAR2(240)
681 ,   global_attribute3             VARCHAR2(240)
682 ,   global_attribute4             VARCHAR2(240)
683 ,   global_attribute5             VARCHAR2(240)
684 ,   global_attribute6             VARCHAR2(240)
685 ,   global_attribute7             VARCHAR2(240)
686 ,   global_attribute8             VARCHAR2(240)
687 ,   global_attribute9             VARCHAR2(240)
688 ,   global_attribute_category     VARCHAR2(30)
689 ,   industry_attribute1           VARCHAR2(240)
690 ,   industry_attribute10          VARCHAR2(240)
691 ,   industry_attribute11          VARCHAR2(240)
692 ,   industry_attribute12          VARCHAR2(240)
693 ,   industry_attribute13          VARCHAR2(240)
694 ,   industry_attribute14          VARCHAR2(240)
695 ,   industry_attribute15          VARCHAR2(240)
696 ,   industry_attribute16          VARCHAR2(240)
697 ,   industry_attribute17          VARCHAR2(240)
698 ,   industry_attribute18          VARCHAR2(240)
699 ,   industry_attribute19          VARCHAR2(240)
700 ,   industry_attribute20          VARCHAR2(240)
701 ,   industry_attribute21          VARCHAR2(240)
702 ,   industry_attribute22          VARCHAR2(240)
703 ,   industry_attribute23          VARCHAR2(240)
704 ,   industry_attribute24          VARCHAR2(240)
705 ,   industry_attribute25          VARCHAR2(240)
706 ,   industry_attribute26          VARCHAR2(240)
707 ,   industry_attribute27          VARCHAR2(240)
708 ,   industry_attribute28          VARCHAR2(240)
709 ,   industry_attribute29          VARCHAR2(240)
710 ,   industry_attribute30          VARCHAR2(240)
711 ,   industry_attribute2           VARCHAR2(240)
712 ,   industry_attribute3           VARCHAR2(240)
713 ,   industry_attribute4           VARCHAR2(240)
714 ,   industry_attribute5           VARCHAR2(240)
715 ,   industry_attribute6           VARCHAR2(240)
716 ,   industry_attribute7           VARCHAR2(240)
717 ,   industry_attribute8           VARCHAR2(240)
718 ,   industry_attribute9           VARCHAR2(240)
719 ,   industry_context              VARCHAR2(30)
720 ,   TP_CONTEXT                    VARCHAR2(30)
721 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE1                 VARCHAR2(240)
722 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE2                 VARCHAR2(240)
723 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE3                 VARCHAR2(240)
724 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE4                 VARCHAR2(240)
725 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE5                 VARCHAR2(240)
726 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE6                 VARCHAR2(240)
727 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE7                 VARCHAR2(240)
728 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE8                 VARCHAR2(240)
729 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE9                 VARCHAR2(240)
730 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE10                VARCHAR2(240)
731 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE11                VARCHAR2(240)
732 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE12                VARCHAR2(240)
733 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE13                VARCHAR2(240)
734 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE14                VARCHAR2(240)
735 ,   TP_ATTRIBUTE15                VARCHAR2(240)
736 ,   return_attribute1             VARCHAR2(240)
737 ,   return_attribute10            VARCHAR2(240)
738 ,   return_attribute11            VARCHAR2(240)
739 ,   return_attribute12            VARCHAR2(240)
740 ,   return_attribute13            VARCHAR2(240)
741 ,   return_attribute14            VARCHAR2(240)
742 ,   return_attribute15            VARCHAR2(240)
743 ,   return_attribute2             VARCHAR2(240)
744 ,   return_attribute3             VARCHAR2(240)
745 ,   return_attribute4             VARCHAR2(240)
746 ,   return_attribute5             VARCHAR2(240)
747 ,   return_attribute6             VARCHAR2(240)
748 ,   return_attribute7             VARCHAR2(240)
749 ,   return_attribute8             VARCHAR2(240)
750 ,   return_attribute9             VARCHAR2(240)
751 ,   return_context                VARCHAR2(30)
752 ,   pricing_attribute1            VARCHAR2(240)
753 ,   pricing_attribute10           VARCHAR2(240)
754 ,   pricing_attribute2            VARCHAR2(240)
755 ,   pricing_attribute3            VARCHAR2(240)
756 ,   pricing_attribute4            VARCHAR2(240)
757 ,   pricing_attribute5            VARCHAR2(240)
758 ,   pricing_attribute6            VARCHAR2(240)
759 ,   pricing_attribute7            VARCHAR2(240)
760 ,   pricing_attribute8            VARCHAR2(240)
761 ,   pricing_attribute9            VARCHAR2(240)
762 ,   pricing_context               VARCHAR2(240)
764 );
766 -- for 5331980 start
767 PROCEDURE reset_calculate_line_total;
768 -- for 5331980 end
770 END oe_oe_form_line;