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Line 1576: FROM po_distributions_all pod, po_req_distributions_all reqdist, TABLE(X_entity_id) entity

1572: BEGIN
1573: -- Collect Req lines(Not Info Funded for Dod) which are linked using Autocreate or SoftLink to the Award
1574: SELECT reqdist.requisition_line_id , Count(1)
1575: BULK COLLECT INTO l_non_infofunded_slin_ids, l_non_infofunded_slin_count
1576: FROM po_distributions_all pod, po_req_distributions_all reqdist, TABLE(X_entity_id) entity
1577: WHERE pod.req_distribution_id = reqdist.distribution_id
1578: AND reqdist.info_line_id IS NULL
1579: AND pod.po_distribution_id = entity.column_value
1580: GROUP BY reqdist.requisition_line_id ;

Line 1601: FROM po_distributions_all pod, po_req_distributions_all reqdist, TABLE(X_entity_id) entity

1597: -- Dod , Collect req lines(Info Funded) which are linked using Autocreate or SoftLink to the Award
1598: -- Fecth info_line_id, rather the requisition_line_id, so that we get InfoFundedLineId
1599: SELECT reqdist.info_line_id , Min(reqdist.requisition_line_id), Count(1)
1600: BULK COLLECT INTO l_info_funded_slin_ids, l_infofunded_slin_grp_ids, l_info_funded_slin_count
1601: FROM po_distributions_all pod, po_req_distributions_all reqdist, TABLE(X_entity_id) entity
1602: WHERE pod.req_distribution_id = reqdist.distribution_id
1603: AND reqdist.info_line_id IS NOT NULL
1604: AND pod.po_distribution_id = entity.column_value
1605: GROUP BY reqdist.info_line_id ;