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1 PACKAGE BODY msc_gen_priorities AS
2 /* $Header: MSCPRIRB.pls 120.3 2007/01/17 19:34:28 hulu ship $  */
4  Procedure gen_priorities(
5                      p_rule_set_id in number) is
7   CURSOR dmd_type_c IS
8  select d_type.priority  type_pri,
9         nvl(d_class.priority,d_type.priority)  class_pri,
10         d_type.demand_type,
11         nvl(d_class.demand_class, d_type.demand_class) demand_class
12    from msc_drp_pri_rules_specified d_type,
13         msc_drp_pri_rules_specified d_class
14    where d_type.rule_set_id = p_rule_set_id
15      and d_type.rule_type =1 -- demand type
16      and d_type.rule_set_id = d_class.rule_set_id (+)
17      and d_class.rule_type(+) =2 -- demand class
18      and not exists (select 1
19                from  msc_drp_pri_rules_specified
20                where rule_type = 3 -- demand type-demand class
21                and   rule_set_id = d_type.rule_set_id
22                and   demand_type = d_type.demand_type
23                and   demand_class = d_class.demand_class)
24  union select  d_type.priority  type_pri,
25         d_type.priority  class_pri,
26         d_type.demand_type,
27         d_type.demand_class
28    from msc_drp_pri_rules_specified d_type
29    where d_type.rule_set_id = p_rule_set_id
30      and d_type.rule_type =3
31  union select d_type.priority type_pri,
32               999 class_pri,
33               d_type.demand_type, '-1'
34   from msc_drp_pri_rules_specified d_type
35    where d_type.rule_set_id = p_rule_set_id
36      and d_type.rule_type =1
37      and exists (select 1
38                from  msc_drp_pri_rules_specified
39                where rule_type = 2
40                and   rule_set_id = d_type.rule_set_id)
41      and not exists (select 1
42                from  msc_drp_pri_rules_specified
43                where rule_type = 2
44                and   rule_set_id = d_type.rule_set_id
45                and   demand_class = '-1')
46      and not exists (select 1
47                from  msc_drp_pri_rules_specified
48                where rule_type = 3 -- demand type-demand class
49                and   rule_set_id = d_type.rule_set_id
50                and   demand_type = d_type.demand_type
51                and   demand_class = '-1')
52 union select d_class.priority  type_pri, --5762540,
53         d_class.priority class_pri,      -- when FC, SO, OverConsumed is not
54         d_type.demand_type,              -- defined in demand_type,
55         d_class.demand_class demand_class  -- but in demand_type/demand_class
56    from msc_drp_pri_rules_specified d_type,
57         msc_drp_pri_rules_specified d_class
58    where d_type.rule_set_id = p_rule_set_id
59      and d_type.rule_type =3 -- demand type-demand class
60      and d_type.rule_set_id = d_class.rule_set_id
61      and d_class.rule_type =2 -- demand class
62      and d_type.demand_class <> d_class.demand_class
63      and not exists (select 1
64                  from  msc_drp_pri_rules_specified
65                where rule_type = 1 -- demand type
66                and   rule_set_id = d_type.rule_set_id
67                and   demand_type = d_type.demand_type)
68   order by type_pri, class_pri;
70  l_user_id number := fnd_global.user_id;
71  v_priority number :=0;
72  v_dmd_type_rec dmd_type_c%ROWTYPE;
73  v_prev_type_pri number := 0;
74  v_prev_class_pri number := 0;
75 begin
77    delete msc_drp_pri_rules_calc
78    where rule_set_id = p_rule_set_id;
80    Open dmd_type_c;
81    LOOP
82     Fetch dmd_type_c Into v_dmd_type_rec;
83     EXIT when dmd_type_c%NOTFOUND;
84           if v_dmd_type_rec.type_pri <> v_prev_type_pri or
85              v_dmd_type_rec.class_pri <> v_prev_class_pri then
86              v_priority := v_priority+1;
87           end if;
88 --dbms_output.put_line('v_priority='||v_priority||','||v_dmd_type_rec.demand_class||','||v_dmd_type_rec.demand_type);
89           insert into msc_drp_pri_rules_calc
90           (
91           rule_set_id,
92           demand_type,
93           demand_class,
94           priority,
95           last_update_date,
96           last_updated_by,
97           creation_date,
98           created_by,
99           last_update_login
100           )
101           values(
102           p_rule_set_id,
103           v_dmd_type_rec.demand_type,
104           v_dmd_type_rec.demand_class,
105           v_priority,
106           sysdate,
107           l_user_id,
108           sysdate,
109           l_user_id,
110           l_user_id
111           );
112           v_prev_type_pri := v_dmd_type_rec.type_pri;
113           v_prev_class_pri := v_dmd_type_rec.class_pri;
115     END LOOP;
116     CLOSE dmd_type_c;
118     -- add safety stock,
119     for a in 4..6 loop
120        v_priority := v_priority +1;
121        insert into msc_drp_pri_rules_calc
122        (
123        rule_set_id,
124        demand_type,
125        demand_class,
126        priority,
127        last_update_date,
128        last_updated_by,
129        creation_date,
130        created_by,
131        last_update_login
132        )
133        values(
134        p_rule_set_id,
135        a,
136        '-1',
137        v_priority,
138        sysdate,
139        l_user_id,
140        sysdate,
141        l_user_id,
142        l_user_id
143        );
145     end loop;
146 end gen_priorities;
148 FUNCTION all_defined(p_rule_set_id in number) return boolean IS
150   p_rule_type number;
151   p_demand_type number;
152   cursor defined_types_c is
153    select demand_type, demand_class
154      from msc_drp_pri_rules_specified
155     where rule_set_id = p_rule_set_id
156       and rule_type = p_rule_type
157       and demand_type = nvl(p_demand_type, demand_type)
158     order by demand_type, demand_class;
160     v_dmd_type number;
161     v_dmd_class varchar2(100);
162     v_cum varchar2(10);
164 /* rule type
165          1 Demand Type
166          2 Demand Class
167          3 Demand Type - Demand Class
169    demand type
170          1 Sales Orders
171          2 Over-Consumed Sales Orders
172          3 Forecast
173 */
175 /* return true if
176    a. rule_type =1 and all three demand type defined, or
177    b. rule_type = 3 and all other demand class defined
178 */
180     p_rule_type := 1;  -- Demand Type
181     OPEN defined_types_c;
182     LOOP
183        FETCH defined_types_c INTO v_dmd_type, v_dmd_class;
184        EXIT WHEN defined_types_c%NOTFOUND;
185           v_cum := v_cum||v_dmd_type;
186     END LOOP;
187     CLOSE defined_types_c;
188     FOR a in 1..3 LOOP
189        IF instr(v_cum, a) <= 0 then
190           -- no dmd type rule defined for dmd type a
191           -- for dmd type - class rule type, need to have all other dmd class
192           p_rule_type := 3;  -- Demand Type -  Demand Class
193           p_demand_type := a;
194           OPEN defined_types_c;
195           LOOP
196             FETCH defined_types_c INTO v_dmd_type, v_dmd_class;
197             EXIT WHEN defined_types_c%NOTFOUND;
198               if v_dmd_class = '-1' then -- all other
199                  v_cum := v_cum ||a;
200                  exit;
201               end if;
202           END LOOP;
203           CLOSE defined_types_c;
204        END IF; -- IF instr(v_cum, a) <= 0 then
205     END LOOP; -- FOR a in 1..3 LOOP
207     if v_cum is null then
208        -- only rule_type 2 is defined
209        return false;
210     end if;
212     FOR a in 1..3 LOOP
213        IF instr(v_cum, a) <= 0 then
214           -- still no demand type defined
215           return false;
216        END IF;
217     END LOOP;
219     -- v_cum has all three dmd types
220     return true;
222 END all_defined;
224 end msc_gen_priorities;