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1 package ame_api5 AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: ameeapi5.pkh 120.4 2006/10/12 07:53:51 avarri noship $ */
3 /*#
4  * This API package contains ancillary routines.
5  * @rep:scope public
6  * @rep:product AME
7  * @rep:displayname Ancillary Parallel Approvers Process
8 */
9 --
10 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 -- |---------------------------< clearitemclassapprovals1 >-------------------|
12 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 --
14 -- {Start Of Comments}
15 /*#
16  * Clears the approval process for the item class specified by the parameter,
17  * itemClassIdIn.The item id can also be passed optionally to clear approvals
18  * of a particular item only.
19  *
20  * <p><b>Licensing</b><br>
21  * This API is available for use with any licensed component of the e-business
22  * suite.
23  *
24  * <p><b>Prerequisites</b><br>
25  * None
26  *
27  * <p><b>Post Success</b><br>
28  * The API will clear the approval process for the specified item class or item.
29  *
30  * <p><b>Post Failure</b><br>
31  * The API will raise an error.
32  *
33  * @param applicationidin The fnd_application.application_id value of the
34  * originating application calling the AME API routine.
35  * @param transactiontypein This is a string parameter up to 50 bytes long. It
36  * distinguishes one transaction type from another, within a given originating
37  * application. It can be null, but you must always pass its value explicitly.
38  * @param transactionidin This is a string up to 50 bytes long. It identifies a
39  * transaction within a transaction type. Its value must not contain
40  * white-space characters, and must not be the character representation of a
41  * negative integer.
42  * @param itemClassIdIn This uniquely identifies the item class.
43  * @param itemIdIn This uniquely identifies the item with in an item class.
44  * @rep:displayname Clear Item Class Approvals 1
46  * @rep:lifecycle active
47  * @rep:scope public
48 */
49 --
50 -- {End Of Comments}
51 --
52   procedure  clearItemClassApprovals1(applicationIdIn    in number,
53                                       transactionTypeIn  in varchar2,
54                                       transactionIdIn    in varchar2,
55                                       itemClassIdIn      in number,
56                                       itemIdIn           in varchar2 default null);
57 --
58 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 -- |---------------------------< clearitemclassapprovals2 >-------------------|
60 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 --
62 -- {Start Of Comments}
63 /*#
64  * Clears the approval process for the item class specified by the parameter,
65  * itemClassNameIn.The item id can also be passed optionally to clear approvals of a
66  * particular item only.
67  *
68  * <p><b>Licensing</b><br>
69  * This API is available for use with any licensed component of the e-business
70  * suite.
71  *
72  * <p><b>Prerequisites</b><br>
73  * None
74  *
75  * <p><b>Post Success</b><br>
76  * The API will clear the approval process for the specified item class or item.
77  *
78  * <p><b>Post Failure</b><br>
79  * The API will raise an error.
80  *
81  * @param applicationidin The fnd_application.application_id value of the
82  * originating application calling the AME API routine.
83  * @param transactiontypein This is a string parameter up to 50 bytes long. It
84  * distinguishes one transaction type from another, within a given originating
85  * application. It can be null, but you must always pass its value explicitly.
86  * @param transactionidin This is a string up to 50 bytes long. It identifies a
87  * transaction within a transaction type. Its value must not contain
88  * white-space characters, and must not be the character representation of a
89  * negative integer.
90  * @param itemClassNameIn This uniquely identifies the item class.
91  * For example, header, line item, cost center, projects and so on.
92  * This is the string parameter of up to 100 bytes long.
93  * @param itemIdIn This uniquely identifies the item with in an item class.
94  * @rep:displayname Clear Item Class Approvals 2
96  * @rep:lifecycle active
97  * @rep:scope public
98 */
99 --
100 -- {End Of Comments}
101 --
102   procedure  clearItemClassApprovals2(applicationIdIn    in number,
103                                       transactionTypeIn  in varchar2,
104                                       transactionIdIn    in varchar2,
105                                       itemClassNameIn    in varchar2,
106                                       itemIdIn           in varchar2 default null);
107 --
108 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
109 -- |---------------------------< getapprovalgroupname >-----------------------|
110 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
111 --
112 -- {Start Of Comments}
113 /*#
114  * Returns the name of the approval group for the passed approval group id.
115  *
116  * <p><b>Licensing</b><br>
117  * This API is available for use with any licensed component of the e-business
118  * suite.
119  *
120  * <p><b>Prerequisites</b><br>
121  * None
122  *
123  * <p><b>Post Success</b><br>
124  * The API will return the name of the approval group with the out parameter groupNameOut.
125  *
126  * <p><b>Post Failure</b><br>
127  * The API will raise an error.
128  *
129  * @param groupIdIn This uniquely identifies an approver group.
130  * @param groupNameOut Name of the approver group.
131  * @rep:displayname Get Approval Group Name
133  * @rep:lifecycle active
134  * @rep:scope public
135 */
136 --
137 -- {End Of Comments}
138 --
139   procedure  getApprovalGroupName(groupIdIn   in   number
140                                  ,groupNameOut out nocopy ame_util.stringType);
141   procedure getAllApproversAndInsertions
142     (applicationIdIn                in            number
143     ,transactionTypeIn              in            varchar2
144     ,transactionIdIn                in            varchar2
145     ,activeApproversYNIn            in            varchar2 default ame_util.booleanFalse
146     ,coaInsertionsYNIn              in            varchar2 default ame_util.booleanFalse
147     ,approvalProcessCompleteYNOut      out nocopy varchar2
148     ,approversOut                      out nocopy ame_util.approversTable2
149     ,availableInsertionsOut            out nocopy ame_util2.insertionsTable3
150     );
151 end ame_api5;