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1 PACKAGE BODY ast_event_order_pkg AS
2  /* $Header: astevoeb.pls 115.7 2002/02/06 12:32:47 pkm ship     $ */
4     g_qte_header_rec      ASO_QUOTE_PUB.Qte_Header_Rec_Type;
5     g_qte_line_tbl        ASO_QUOTE_PUB.Qte_Line_Tbl_Type;
6     g_hd_payment_tbl      ASO_QUOTE_PUB.Payment_Tbl_Type;
7     g_payment_rec         ASO_QUOTE_PUB.Payment_Rec_Type;
8     g_hd_shipment_tbl     ASO_QUOTE_PUB.Shipment_tbl_Type;
9     g_hd_tax_detail_tbl   ASO_QUOTE_PUB.Tax_Detail_Tbl_Type;
10     g_tax_detail_rec      ASO_QUOTE_PUB.Tax_Detail_Rec_Type;
11     g_ln_shipment_tbl     ASO_QUOTE_PUB.Shipment_Tbl_Type;
12  -- ***************************************************
13  PROCEDURE open_order (
14      p_cust_party_id           IN NUMBER
15    , p_cust_account_id         IN NUMBER
16    , p_currency_code           IN VARCHAR2
17    , p_source_code             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ASO'
18    , p_order_type_id           IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1000
19    , p_price_list_id           IN NUMBER
20    , p_employee_id             IN NUMBER
21    , p_invoice_party_id        IN NUMBER
22    , p_invoice_party_site_id   IN NUMBER
23    , p_quote_header_id         IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
24  ) IS
27     -- reinitialize the order header record types
28     g_qte_header_rec  := ASO_QUOTE_PUB.G_MISS_QTE_HEADER_REC;
29     g_payment_rec     := ASO_QUOTE_PUB.G_MISS_Payment_REC;
30     -- assign parameters passed to the quote header record
31     g_qte_header_rec.quote_source_code  := p_source_code ;
32     g_qte_header_rec.currency_code := p_currency_code    ;
33     g_qte_header_rec.party_id := p_cust_party_id;
34     -- worked without Quote header id, why would have a quote header with
35     -- an event order anyway
36     IF ( p_quote_header_id IS NOT NULL ) THEN
37        g_qte_header_rec.quote_header_id := p_quote_header_id;
38     END IF;
39     g_qte_header_rec.order_type_id := p_order_type_id;
40     g_qte_header_rec.price_list_id :=  p_price_list_id;
41  -- employee id was set up to jtf_rs_salesreps table
42  -- the create_order check on ra_salesreps view which does not included the jtf
43  -- but return 'S'uccess
44     g_qte_header_rec.employee_person_id := p_employee_id;
45     g_qte_header_rec.cust_account_id := p_cust_account_id;
46     g_qte_header_rec.invoice_to_party_id := p_invoice_party_id;
47     g_qte_header_rec.invoice_to_party_site_id  := p_invoice_party_site_id;
48     -- reinitialize the order line table types
49     g_hd_shipment_tbl := ASO_QUOTE_PUB.G_MISS_Shipment_TBL;
50     g_qte_line_tbl    := ASO_QUOTE_PUB.G_MISS_QTE_LINE_TBL;
51     g_ln_shipment_tbl := ASO_QUOTE_PUB.G_MISS_Shipment_TBL;
52     g_hd_payment_tbl  := ASO_QUOTE_PUB.G_MISS_Payment_TBL;
54  END open_order;
55  -- ***************************************************
56  PROCEDURE add_order_line (
57      p_ship_party_id      IN NUMBER
58    , p_ship_party_site_id IN NUMBER
59    , p_inventory_item_id  IN NUMBER
60    , p_line_list_price    IN NUMBER
61    , p_quantity           IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1
62    , p_discount           IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
63    , p_discount_uom       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
64    , p_uom_code           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Ea'
65    , p_price_list_id      IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
66    , p_price_list_line_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
67  ) IS
68   l_line_num NUMBER ;
70    l_line_num := g_hd_shipment_tbl.COUNT + 1;
71    -- if the account is null; create_order ship to org.
72    -- complaint on ship_to_contact if passed individual party_id
73    if g_qte_header_rec.cust_account_id is not null then
74      g_hd_shipment_tbl(l_line_num).ship_to_party_id := p_ship_party_id;
75    else
76      g_hd_shipment_tbl(l_line_num).ship_to_party_id := g_qte_header_rec.party_id;
77    end if;
78    g_hd_shipment_tbl(l_line_num).ship_to_party_site_id := p_ship_party_site_id;
79    g_qte_line_tbl(l_line_num).inventory_item_id := p_inventory_item_id;
80    g_qte_line_tbl(l_line_num).quantity := p_quantity;
81    IF p_discount_uom = 'P'  THEN -- percentage
82 	g_qte_line_tbl(l_line_num).line_adjusted_percent := p_discount;
83    ELSIF p_discount_uom = 'A' THEN -- amount
84      g_qte_line_tbl(l_line_num).line_adjusted_amount := p_discount;
85    ELSE
86      NULL;
87    END IF;
88    g_qte_line_tbl(l_line_num).UOM_code := p_uom_code;
89    IF ( p_price_list_id IS NULL ) THEN
90       g_qte_line_tbl(l_line_num).price_list_id := g_qte_header_rec.price_list_id;
91    ELSE
92       g_qte_line_tbl(l_line_num).price_list_id := p_price_list_id;
93    END IF;
94    g_qte_line_tbl(l_line_num).line_category_code := 'ORDER';
95    g_ln_shipment_tbl(l_line_num).quantity := p_quantity;
96    g_ln_shipment_tbl(l_line_num).qte_line_index := l_line_num;
97  END add_order_line;
98  -- ***************************************************
99  PROCEDURE submit_order (
100      p_payment_term_id          IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
101    , p_payment_amount           IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
102    , p_payment_type             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
103    , p_payment_option           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
104    , p_credit_card_code         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
105    , p_credit_card_holder_name  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
106    , p_payment_ref_number       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
107    , p_credit_card_approval     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
108    , p_credit_card_expiration   IN DATE DEFAULT NULL
109    , p_total_discount           IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
110    , p_total_discount_uom       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
111    , x_return_status            OUT VARCHAR2
112    , x_order_header_rec         OUT ASO_ORDER_INT.Order_Header_rec_type
113    , x_order_line_tbl           OUT ASO_ORDER_INT.Order_Line_tbl_type
114  ) IS
115     l_control_rec      ASO_ORDER_INT.control_rec_type;
116     l_api_ver          NUMBER := 1.0;
117     l_init_msg_list    VARCHAR2(1) := FND_API.G_TRUE;
118     l_commit           VARCHAR2(1) := FND_API.G_TRUE;
119     x_msg_count        NUMBER;
120     x_msg_data         VARCHAR2(2000);
121  BEGIN
122     l_control_rec.book_flag := FND_API.G_TRUE;
123     l_control_rec.calculate_price := FND_API.G_TRUE;
125     -- assign payment information passed
126     IF ( p_payment_term_id IS NOT NULL ) THEN
127        g_hd_payment_tbl(1).payment_term_id := p_payment_term_id ; -- FK RA_TERMS_B
128        g_hd_payment_tbl(1).payment_type_code := p_payment_type;
129        g_hd_payment_tbl(1).payment_amount := p_payment_amount ;
130        IF ( p_credit_card_code IS NOT NULL ) THEN
131          g_hd_payment_tbl(1).credit_card_code := p_credit_card_code;
132          g_hd_payment_tbl(1).credit_card_holder_name := p_credit_card_holder_name;
133          g_hd_payment_tbl(1).credit_card_expiration_date := p_credit_card_expiration;
134          IF ( p_credit_card_approval IS NOT NULL ) THEN
135            g_hd_payment_tbl(1).credit_card_approval_code := p_credit_card_approval;
136          END IF;
137        END IF;
138        -- this has credit card number , PO number or check number
139        g_hd_payment_tbl(1).payment_ref_number := p_payment_ref_number;
140     END IF;
142     IF p_total_discount_uom = 'A' THEN
143       g_qte_header_rec.total_adjusted_amount  := p_total_discount ;
144     ELSIF p_total_discount_uom = 'P' THEN
145       g_qte_header_rec.total_adjusted_percent := p_total_discount ;
146     END IF;
148     -- initialize the message stack
149     FND_MSG_PUB.Initialize;
151     ASO_ORDER_INT.create_order(
152          p_api_version_number    => l_api_ver
153        , p_init_msg_list         => l_init_msg_list
154        , p_commit                => l_commit
155        , p_qte_rec               => g_qte_header_rec
156        , p_header_payment_tbl    => g_hd_payment_tbl
157        , p_header_shipment_tbl   => g_hd_shipment_tbl
158        , p_header_tax_detail_tbl => g_hd_tax_detail_tbl
159        , p_qte_line_tbl          => g_qte_line_tbl
160        , p_line_shipment_tbl     => g_ln_shipment_tbl
161        , p_control_rec           => l_control_rec
162        , x_order_header_rec      => x_order_header_rec
163        , x_order_line_tbl        => x_order_line_tbl
164        , x_return_status         => x_return_status
165        , x_msg_count             => x_msg_count
166        , x_msg_data              => x_msg_data
167     );
169  END submit_order;
170  -- ***************************************************
171 END ast_event_order_pkg;