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1 PACKAGE BODY ghr_pdi_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: ghrwspdi.pkb 120.0.12010000.2 2009/05/26 10:57:38 vmididho noship $ */
5 PROCEDURE get_last_routing_list(p_position_description_id     IN     ghr_position_descriptions.position_description_id%TYPE
6                            ,p_routing_list_id      OUT NOCOPY ghr_routing_lists.routing_list_id%TYPE
7                            ,p_routing_list_name    OUT NOCOPY ghr_routing_lists.name%TYPE
8                            ,p_next_seq_number      OUT NOCOPY ghr_routing_list_members.seq_number%TYPE
9                            ,p_next_user_name       OUT NOCOPY ghr_routing_list_members.user_name%TYPE
10                            ,p_next_groupbox_id     OUT NOCOPY ghr_routing_list_members.groupbox_id%TYPE
11                            ,p_broken            IN OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN) IS
13 CURSOR cur_pdh_last_rli IS
14   SELECT rli.routing_list_id
15         ,rli.name
16         ,pdh.routing_seq_number
17         ,pdh.pd_routing_history_id
18   FROM   ghr_routing_lists      rli
19         ,ghr_pd_routing_history pdh
20   WHERE  pdh.position_description_id = p_position_description_id
21   AND    pdh.routing_list_id = rli.routing_list_id
22   ORDER BY pdh.pd_routing_history_id DESC;
24 -- The order by makes sure the first one we get is the last in the history
25 -- By joing to routing_list forces us to have a routing_list (since we didn't doan outer join)
28 -- Just get the last record so we can see if the cursor above got us the last record
31 CURSOR cur_pdh_last IS
32   SELECT pdh.pd_routing_history_id
33   FROM   ghr_pd_routing_history  pdh
34   WHERE  pdh.position_description_id = p_position_description_id
35   ORDER BY pdh.pd_routing_history_id DESC;
36 -- Again the order by saves us having to do a max
37 CURSOR cur_rlm (p_routing_list_id IN NUMBER
38                ,p_seq_number      IN NUMBER) IS
39   SELECT   rlm.seq_number
40           ,rlm.user_name
41           ,rlm.groupbox_id
42   FROM     ghr_routing_list_members rlm
43   WHERE    rlm.routing_list_id = p_routing_list_id
44   AND      rlm.seq_number      > p_seq_number
45   ORDER BY rlm.seq_number asc;
47   -- Go and get the last routing list to be used
48   FOR cur_pdh_last_rli_rec IN cur_pdh_last_rli LOOP
49     p_routing_list_id   := cur_pdh_last_rli_rec.routing_list_id;
50     p_routing_list_name := cur_pdh_last_rli_rec.name;
51     -- See if the routing list has been broken
52     FOR cur_pdh_last_rec IN cur_pdh_last LOOP
53       IF cur_pdh_last_rec.pd_routing_history_id = cur_pdh_last_rli_rec.pd_routing_history_id THEN
56         p_broken := FALSE;
57       ELSE
58         p_broken := TRUE;
59       END IF;
60       EXIT;  -- Only want the first record therfore exit after we have got it
61     END LOOP;
62     -- If it is not broken then get the next sequence in the routing list
63     --
64     IF NOT p_broken THEN
65       FOR cur_rlm_rec IN cur_rlm(cur_pdh_last_rli_rec.routing_list_id, cur_pdh_last_rli_rec.routing_seq_number)  LOOP
68         p_next_seq_number  := cur_rlm_rec.seq_number;
69         p_next_user_name   := cur_rlm_rec.user_name;
70         p_next_groupbox_id := cur_rlm_rec.groupbox_id;
71         --
72         -- When we get the first one exit
73         EXIT;
74       END LOOP;
75     END IF;
76     EXIT;  -- Only want the first record therfore exit after we have got it
77   END LOOP;
78 END get_last_routing_list;
81 PROCEDURE get_roles (p_position_description_id     in number
82                     ,p_routing_group_id  in number
83                     ,p_user_name         in varchar2 default null
84                     ,p_initiator_flag    in out NOCOPY varchar2
85                     ,p_requester_flag    in out NOCOPY varchar2
86                     ,p_authorizer_flag   in out NOCOPY varchar2
87                     ,p_personnelist_flag in out NOCOPY varchar2
88                     ,p_approver_flag     in out NOCOPY varchar2
89                     ,p_reviewer_flag     in out NOCOPY varchar2) IS
91 l_groupbox_id       ghr_pd_routing_history.groupbox_id%TYPE;
92 l_user_name         ghr_pd_routing_history.user_name%TYPE;
94 CURSOR cur_gp_user IS
95   select pdh.groupbox_id
96         ,pdh.user_name
97   from   ghr_pd_routing_history pdh
98   where  pdh.position_description_id = p_position_description_id
99   order by pdh.pd_routing_history_id desc;
101 CURSOR cur_first_user IS
102   select pdh.groupbox_id
103   from   ghr_pd_routing_history pdh
104   where  pdh.position_description_id = p_position_description_id
105   and    pdh.user_name = l_user_name
106   and    pdh.groupbox_id is not NULL
107   and    not exists (select 1
108                      from   ghr_pd_routing_history pdh2
109                      where  pdh2.position_description_id = p_position_description_id
110                      and    pdh2.user_name <> l_user_name
111                      and    pdh2.pd_routing_history_id > pdh.pd_routing_history_id)
112   order by pdh.pd_routing_history_id asc;
114 CURSOR cur_user_roles IS
115   select pei.pei_information4 initiator_flag
116         ,pei.pei_information5 requester_flag
117         ,pei.pei_information6 authorizer_flag
118         ,pei.pei_information7 personnelist_flag
119         ,pei.pei_information8 approver_flag
120         ,pei.pei_information9 reviewer_flag
121   from   per_people_extra_info pei
122         ,fnd_user              usr
123   where  usr.user_name        = l_user_name
124   and    pei.person_id        = usr.employee_id
125   and    pei.information_type = 'GHR_US_PER_WF_ROUTING_GROUPS'
126   and    pei.pei_information3 = p_routing_group_id;
128 CURSOR cur_gpbox_user_roles IS
129   select gru.initiator_flag
130         ,gru.authorizer_flag
131         ,gru.personnelist_flag
132         ,gru.approver_flag
133         ,gru.reviewer_flag
134 	,gru.requester_flag
135   from   ghr_groupbox_users gru
136   where  gru.groupbox_id = l_groupbox_id
137   and    gru.user_name   = p_user_name;
140   -- First get the last history record for given position_description_id
141   FOR c_rec in cur_gp_user LOOP
142     l_groupbox_id      := c_rec.groupbox_id;
143     l_user_name        := c_rec.user_name;
144     EXIT;
145   END LOOP;
147   -- If it is for a group box then definitely use the group box roles and that is it!
148   IF l_groupbox_id is not null THEN
149     FOR C_rec in cur_gpbox_user_roles LOOP
150       p_initiator_flag    := c_rec.initiator_flag;
151       p_authorizer_flag   := c_rec.authorizer_flag;
152       p_personnelist_flag := c_rec.personnelist_flag;
153       p_approver_flag     := c_rec.approver_flag;
154       p_reviewer_flag     := c_rec.reviewer_flag;
155       p_requester_flag    := c_rec.requester_flag;
156       EXIT;
157     END LOOP;
159   ELSE
160     -- otherwise still need to work out if we use the individual roles or it was initially
161     -- set to this user in a group box and they saved and held!
162     IF l_user_name is null THEN
163       l_user_name := p_user_name;
164     END IF;
165     FOR cur_first_user_rec in cur_first_user LOOP
166       l_groupbox_id      := cur_first_user_rec.groupbox_id;
167       EXIT;
168     END LOOP;
170     -- Again if it is for a group box then definitely use the group box roles
171     -- Note: the l_groupbox_id will be null if the above cursor return no rows
172     IF l_groupbox_id is not null THEN
173       FOR C_rec in cur_gpbox_user_roles LOOP
174         p_initiator_flag    := c_rec.initiator_flag;
175         p_authorizer_flag   := c_rec.authorizer_flag;
176         p_personnelist_flag := c_rec.personnelist_flag;
177         p_approver_flag     := c_rec.approver_flag;
178         p_reviewer_flag     := c_rec.reviewer_flag;
179 	p_requester_flag    := c_rec.requester_flag;
180         EXIT;
181       END LOOP;
182     ELSE
183       -- definitely get the user roles
184       FOR c_rec in cur_user_roles LOOP
185         p_initiator_flag    := c_rec.initiator_flag;
186         p_authorizer_flag   := c_rec.authorizer_flag;
187         p_personnelist_flag := c_rec.personnelist_flag;
188         p_approver_flag     := c_rec.approver_flag;
189         p_reviewer_flag     := c_rec.reviewer_flag;
190         p_requester_flag    := c_rec.requester_flag;
191       END LOOP;
192     END IF;
193   END IF;
195 END get_roles;
197 END ghr_pdi_pkg;