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1 package fnd_client_info AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: AFCINFOS.pls 120.1.12000000.3 2007/04/17 14:05:14 pdeluna ship $ */
5 --
6 -- This package-level pragma means that the initialization section of this
7 -- package cannot write any DB or package status
8 --
9 -- Currently, this package has no initialization section
10 --
12 pragma restrict_references (fnd_client_info, WNPS, WNDS);
14 --
15 -- Name
16 --   setup_client_info
17 -- Purpose
18 --   Sets up the operating unit context and the Multi-Currency context
19 --   in the client info area based on the current application,
20 --   responsibility, user, security group and organization.
21 --
22 -- Arguments
23 --   application_id
24 --   responsibility_id
25 --   user_id
26 --   security_group_id
27 --   org_id
28 --
29 procedure setup_client_info(application_id in number,
30                             responsibility_id in number,
31                             user_id in number,
32                             security_group_id in number,
33                             org_id in number);
34 --
35 -- Name
36 --   setup_client_info
37 -- Purpose
38 --   Sets up the operating unit context and the Multi-Currency context
39 --   in the client info area based on the current application,
40 --   responsibility, user, and security_group.
41 --   This is an overloaded version for backwards compatibility.
42 --
43 -- Arguments
44 --   application_id
45 --   responsibility_id
46 --   user_id
47 --   security_group_id
48 --
49 procedure setup_client_info(application_id in number,
50                             responsibility_id in number,
51                             user_id in number,
52                             security_group_id in number);
54 --
55 -- Name
56 --   set_org_context
57 -- Purpose
58 --   Sets up the operating unit context in the client info area
59 --
60 -- Arguments
61 --   context    - org_id for the operating unit; can be up to 10
62 --                bytes long
63 --
64 procedure set_org_context (context in varchar2);
66 --
67 -- Name
68 --   set_currency_context
69 -- Purpose
70 --   Sets up the client info area for Multi-Currency reporting
71 --
72 -- Arguments
73 --   context    - context information up to 10 bytes
74 --
75 procedure set_currency_context (context in varchar2);
77 --
78 -- Name
79 --   set_security_group_context
80 -- Purpose
81 --   Sets up the the security group context in the client info area
82 --
83 -- Arguments
84 --   context    - security_group_id; can be up to 10 bytes long
85 --
86 procedure set_security_group_context (context in varchar2);
89 --
90 -- Name
91 --   org_security
92 -- Purpose
93 --   Called by oracle server during parsing sql statment
94 --
95 -- Arguments
96 --   obj_schema   - schema of the object
97 --   obj_name     - name of the object
98 --
99 FUNCTION org_security(
100   obj_schema          VARCHAR2
101 , obj_name            VARCHAR2
102 )
105 end fnd_client_info;