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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_us_ins_org_info_pkg  AS
2 /* $Header: pyusiorg.pkb 115.1 99/07/17 06:44:44 porting shi $ */
3  FUNCTION  insert_org_information
4   ( P_ORGANIZATION_ID                 NUMBER
6    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION1                VARCHAR2
7    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION2                VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
8    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION3                VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
9    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION4                VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
10    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION5                VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
11    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION6                VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
12    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION7                VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
13    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION8                VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
14    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION9                VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
15    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION10               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
16    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION11               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
17    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION12               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
18    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION13               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
19    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION14               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
20    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION15               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
21    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION16               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
22    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION17               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
23    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION18               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
24    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION19               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
25    ,P_ORG_INFORMATION20               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
26   ) return NUMBER
27   IS
28 --
29   l_org_information_id NUMBER;
30   l_organization_id    NUMBER;
31   l_org_information1   VARCHAR2(150);
32   l_org_information_type VARCHAR2(40);
33   l_check                VARCHAR2(1);
34 l_dummy varchar2(1);
35 --
36 begin
37 --
38   hr_utility.trace('Entered insert_org_information');
39   --
40   hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_ins_org_info_pkg.insert_org_information',1);
41   if p_organization_id IS NULL
42      OR p_org_information_context IS NULL
43       OR p_org_information1 IS NULL
44    then
45      hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
46      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE','insert_org_information');
47      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
48      hr_utility.raise_error;
49   end if;
50 --
51   hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_ins_org_info_pkg.insert_org_information',5);
52   SELECT organization_id
53   INTO   l_organization_id
54   FROM   hr_all_organization_units
55   WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id;
56 --
57   hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_ins_org_info_pkg.insert_org_information',8);
58   if p_org_information_context = 'CLASS' then
59      SELECT lookup_code
60      INTO   l_org_information1
61      FROM   hr_lookups
62      WHERE  lookup_type = 'ORG_CLASS'
63      AND    lookup_code = p_org_information1;
64      --
65      l_org_information_type := p_org_information_context;
66   else
67 hr_utility.trace('Entered Else');
68      l_org_information1 := p_org_information1;
69   begin
70 --
71 --
72 hr_utility.trace('p_org_information1 '||p_org_information1);
73 hr_utility.trace('p_org_information_context '||p_org_information_context);
74 hr_utility.trace('l_organization_id '||to_char(l_organization_id));
75 --
76 --
77   hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_ins_org_info_pkg.insert_org_information',10);
78 SELECT 'x' INTO l_dummy from dual;
79 --  SELECT oit.org_information_type
80 --  INTO   l_org_information_type
81 --  FROM   hr_organization_information hoi
82 --  ,      hr_org_info_types_by_class  tbc
83 --  ,      hr_org_information_types    oit
84 --  WHERE  oit.org_information_type = p_org_information_context
85 --  AND    oit.org_information_type = tbc.org_information_type
86 --  AND    tbc.org_classification   = hoi.org_information1
87 --  AND    hoi.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
88 --  AND    hoi.organization_id         = l_organization_id;
89   --
90 hr_utility.trace('l_org_information_type '||l_org_information_type);
91   exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then
92      hr_utility.trace('In No Data Found');
93      hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
94      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE','insert_org_information');
95      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','10');
96      hr_utility.raise_error;
97   end;
98   --
99   end if;
100   --
101   begin
102   hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_ins_org_info_pkg.insert_org_information',15);
103   SELECT 'Y'
104   INTO   l_check
105   FROM   hr_organization_information
106   WHERE  organization_id = l_organization_id
107   AND    org_information_context = l_org_information_type
108   AND    org_information1        = l_org_information1;
109   --
110   if l_check = 'Y' then
111      hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
112      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE','insert_org_information');
113      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','15');
114      hr_utility.raise_error;
115   end if;
116   --
117   exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null;
118   end;
119   --
120   hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_ins_org_info_pkg.insert_org_information',20);
121   SELECT hr_organization_information_s.nextval
122   INTO   l_org_information_id
123   FROM   sys.dual;
124   --
125 --  hr_utility.trace('l_org_information_id is ' || to_char(l_org_information_id));
126 --  hr_utility.trace('p_organization_id is ' || to_char(p_organization_id));
127  hr_utility.trace('l_organization_id is ' || to_char(l_organization_id));
128  hr_utility.trace('l_org_information1 is ' || l_org_information1);
129  hr_utility.trace('l_org_information_type is ' || l_org_information_type);
130  hr_utility.trace('l_check is ' || l_check);
131   hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_ins_org_info_pkg.insert_org_information',25);
133   (org_information_id
134   ,organization_id
135   ,attribute_category
136   ,org_information_context
137   ,org_information1
138   ,org_information2
139   ,org_information3
140   ,org_information4
141   ,org_information5
142   ,org_information6
143   ,org_information7
144   ,org_information8
145   ,org_information9
146   ,org_information10
147   ,org_information11
148   ,org_information12
149   ,org_information13
150   ,org_information14
151   ,org_information15
152   ,org_information16
153   ,org_information17
154   ,org_information18
155   ,org_information19
156   ,org_information20
157   ,last_update_date
158   ,last_updated_by
159   ,last_update_login
160   ,created_by
161   ,creation_date)
162   SELECT l_org_information_id
163   ,hou.organization_id
164   ,p_org_information_context
165   ,p_org_information_context
166   ,p_org_information1
167   ,p_org_information2
168   ,p_org_information3
169   ,p_org_information4
170   ,p_org_information5
171   ,p_org_information6
172   ,p_org_information7
173   ,p_org_information8
174   ,p_org_information9
175   ,p_org_information10
176   ,p_org_information11
177   ,p_org_information12
178   ,p_org_information13
179   ,p_org_information14
180   ,p_org_information15
181   ,p_org_information16
182   ,p_org_information17
183   ,p_org_information18
184   ,p_org_information19
185   ,p_org_information20
186   ,hou.last_update_date
187   ,hou.last_updated_by
188   ,hou.last_update_login
189   ,hou.created_by
190   ,hou.creation_date
191   FROM  hr_organization_units hou
192   WHERE hou.organization_id = p_organization_id;
193 --
194   hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_ins_org_info_pkg.insert_org_information',30);
195   hr_utility.trace('before return');
196   return l_org_information_id;
197   hr_utility.trace('after return');
198 --
199 --
200   end insert_org_information;
201 --
202 --
203 end pay_us_ins_org_info_pkg;