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Line 90: and pt.org_id = PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID; -- Added the and condition for Bug#3807805

86: and upper(org.org_information_context(+)) = upper('Project Type Class Information')
87: and pt.project_type = x_project_type
88: and lps.lookup_type(+) = 'PROJECT TYPE CLASS'
89: and lps.lookup_code(+) = pt.project_type_class_code
90: and pt.org_id = PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID; -- Added the and condition for Bug#3807805
92: Begin
93: x_err_code := 0;
94: old_stack := x_err_stack;

Line 105: if PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID is null and X_project_type is not null then -- Added the if block for Bug#3807805

101: -- definining the org in HR.
102: -- PT class for a Project is determined from the project type specified
103: -- for the Project.
104: --
105: if PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID is null and X_project_type is not null then -- Added the if block for Bug#3807805
106: select org_id into PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID from pa_project_types where project_type = X_project_type;
107: end if;
109: open c;

Line 106: select org_id into PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID from pa_project_types where project_type = X_project_type;

102: -- PT class for a Project is determined from the project type specified
103: -- for the Project.
104: --
105: if PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID is null and X_project_type is not null then -- Added the if block for Bug#3807805
106: select org_id into PA_PROJECT_REQUEST_PVT.G_ORG_ID from pa_project_types where project_type = X_project_type;
107: end if;
109: open c;
110: fetch c into x_yes_no