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Line 386: from per_assignments_f asg,

382: select ye_asg.rowid ye_asg_rowid
383: from pay_gb_year_end_assignments ye_asg
384: , pay_gb_year_end_payrolls ye_roll
385: where exists ( select person_id
386: from per_assignments_f asg,
387: pay_gb_year_end_payrolls yep2
388: where yep2.payroll_id = ye_asg.payroll_id
390: and yep2.PERMIT_NUMBER <> ye_roll.PERMIT_NUMBER

Line 523: from per_assignments_f ASS

519: /* assignment rows with its predecessor looking for the payroll */
520: /* that had a different tax district at that date */
521: ( select nvl(max(ASS.effective_start_date),
522: fnd_date.canonical_to_date('01-01-0001'))
523: from per_assignments_f ASS
524: ,pay_payrolls_f NROLL
525: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex FLEX
526: ,per_assignments_f PASS /* previous assignment */
527: ,pay_payrolls_f PROLL

Line 526: ,per_assignments_f PASS /* previous assignment */

522: fnd_date.canonical_to_date('01-01-0001'))
523: from per_assignments_f ASS
524: ,pay_payrolls_f NROLL
525: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex FLEX
526: ,per_assignments_f PASS /* previous assignment */
527: ,pay_payrolls_f PROLL
528: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex PFLEX
529: where ASS.assignment_id = BAL_ASSACT.assignment_id
530: and NROLL.payroll_id = ASS.payroll_id

Line 912: from per_assignments_f ASS,

908: ass.person_id,
909: ass.organization_id,
910: ass.location_id,
911: ass.people_group_id
912: from per_assignments_f ASS,
913: pay_gb_year_end_payrolls ye_roll
914: where ASS.payroll_id = ye_roll.payroll_id
915: /* 2 years scan to pick up NI Y last year - note we don't need to
916: worry about transfers for NI Y as it uses the STAT_YTD dimension */

Line 921: and not exists ( select 1 from per_assignments_f ass2,

917: and ASS.effective_end_date >=
918: decode(p_niy,'N', ye_roll.START_YEAR,
919: nvl(ye_roll.START_PREVIOUS_YEAR,ye_roll.START_YEAR))
920: and ASS.effective_start_date <= ye_roll.END_YEAR
921: and not exists ( select 1 from per_assignments_f ass2,
922: pay_gb_year_end_payrolls ye_roll2
923: where ass.assignment_id = ass2.assignment_id
924: and ass2.payroll_id = ye_roll2.payroll_id
925: and ass2.effective_end_date > ass.effective_end_date

Line 971: from per_assignments_f ASS

967: ass.person_id,
968: ass.organization_id,
969: ass.location_id,
970: ass.people_group_id
971: from per_assignments_f ASS
972: ,pay_payrolls_f NROLL
973: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex FLEX
974: ,per_assignments_f PASS
975: ,pay_payrolls_f PROLL

Line 974: ,per_assignments_f PASS

970: ass.people_group_id
971: from per_assignments_f ASS
972: ,pay_payrolls_f NROLL
973: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex FLEX
974: ,per_assignments_f PASS
975: ,pay_payrolls_f PROLL
976: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex PFLEX
977: ,pay_gb_year_end_payrolls ye_roll
978: where NROLL.payroll_id = ASS.payroll_id

Line 1030: from per_assignments_f ASS

1026: on the payroll is not updated mid year? If so the following is simplified */
1027: hr_utility.set_location('PAY_YEAR_END_EXTRACT.EXTRACT',16);
1028: update pay_gb_year_end_assignments ye_asg set ( effective_start_date ) =
1029: ( select max(ASS.effective_start_date)
1030: from per_assignments_f ASS
1031: ,pay_payrolls_f NROLL
1032: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex FLEX
1033: ,per_assignments_f PASS
1034: ,pay_payrolls_f PROLL

Line 1033: ,per_assignments_f PASS

1029: ( select max(ASS.effective_start_date)
1030: from per_assignments_f ASS
1031: ,pay_payrolls_f NROLL
1032: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex FLEX
1033: ,per_assignments_f PASS
1034: ,pay_payrolls_f PROLL
1035: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex PFLEX
1036: ,pay_gb_year_end_payrolls ye_roll
1037: where ass.assignment_id = ye_asg.assignment_id

Line 1143: per_assignments_f asg,

1139: update pay_gb_year_end_assignments ye_asg
1140: set ( termination_date, termination_type ) =
1141: (select actual_termination_date ,'L'
1142: from per_periods_of_service pos,
1143: per_assignments_f asg,
1144: pay_gb_year_end_payrolls ye_roll
1145: where pos.person_id = ye_asg.person_id
1146: and ye_asg.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
1147: and ye_asg.effective_end_date = asg.effective_end_date

Line 1159: per_assignments_f asg,

1155: and least(ye_asg.effective_end_date,ye_roll.end_year))
1156: where ye_asg.request_id = p_request_id
1157: and exists ( select 1
1158: from per_periods_of_service pos,
1159: per_assignments_f asg,
1160: pay_gb_year_end_payrolls ye_roll
1161: where pos.person_id = ye_asg.person_id
1162: and ye_asg.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
1163: and ye_asg.effective_end_date = asg.effective_end_date

Line 1182: per_assignments_f asg,

1178: update pay_gb_year_end_assignments ye_asg
1179: set (start_of_emp) =
1180: (select pos.date_start
1181: from per_periods_of_service pos,
1182: per_assignments_f asg,
1183: pay_gb_year_end_payrolls ye_roll
1184: where pos.person_id = ye_asg.person_id
1185: and ye_asg.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
1186: and ye_asg.effective_end_date = asg.effective_end_date

Line 1193: per_assignments_f asg,

1189: and pos.date_start between l_start_year and l_end_year)
1190: where ye_asg.request_id = p_request_id
1191: and exists ( select 1
1192: from per_periods_of_service pos,
1193: per_assignments_f asg,
1194: pay_gb_year_end_payrolls ye_roll
1195: where pos.person_id = ye_asg.person_id
1196: and ye_asg.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
1197: and ye_asg.effective_end_date = asg.effective_end_date