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Line 2644: -- inspection_status in mtl_txn_request_lines could have values {null,1,2,3}

2640: )
2641: IS
2642: l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
2643: BEGIN
2644: -- inspection_status in mtl_txn_request_lines could have values {null,1,2,3}
2645: -- mapping to {Inspection not needed, Inspection needed, Accepted, Rejected }
2646: -- bug 8405606 changed the condition so as to be able to inspect an accepted lpn and rejected lpn also

Line 2668: mtl_txn_request_lines b,

2664: a.content_volume_uom_code,
2665: NVL(a.content_volume, 0),
2666: nvl(rec_count.lpn_content_count, 0)
2667: FROM wms_license_plate_numbers a,
2668: mtl_txn_request_lines b,
2669: (SELECT count(*) lpn_content_count,grouped_contents.lpn_id
2670: FROM (SELECT mtrl.lpn_id lpn_id, -- Need extra grouping to group
2671: mtrl.inventory_item_id item_id,
2672: mtrl.revision revision

Line 2676: FROM wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn, mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl

2672: mtrl.revision revision
2673: --BUG 3358288: Use MOL to calculate the count instead of
2674: --using WLC because there may be items there does not
2675: --require inspection
2676: FROM wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn, mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
2677: WHERE wlpn.license_plate_number LIKE (p_lpn)
2678: AND mtrl.lpn_id = wlpn.lpn_id
2679: AND mtrl.inspection_status is not null -- bug 8405606
2680: AND mtrl.wms_process_flag = 1

Line 2693: -- Check to make sure that the processing for mtl_txn_request_lines is completed or not.

2689: and a.lpn_id = b.lpn_id
2690: and a.lpn_context in (3,5)
2691: and b.inspection_status is not null -- bug 8405606
2692: -- Bug 2377796
2693: -- Check to make sure that the processing for mtl_txn_request_lines is completed or not.
2694: and b.wms_process_flag = 1
2695: AND b.line_status = 7
2696: AND (b.quantity-Nvl(b.quantity_delivered,0))>0
2697: and b.organization_id = p_organization_id

Line 3219: from mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl

3215: AND wlpn.organization_id = p_org_id
3216: and wlpn.lpn_context = 3
3217: AND exists (
3218: select lpn_id
3219: from mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
3220: where mtrl.organization_id = p_org_id
3221: and mtrl.project_id = p_project_id
3222: and mtrl.lpn_id = wlpn.lpn_id
3223: and nvl(task_id,-9999) = nvl(p_task_id,-9999)

Line 3324: from mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl

3320: AND organization_id = p_org_id
3321: AND lpn_context = 3
3322: and exists (
3323: select mtrl.lpn_id
3324: from mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
3325: where mtrl.organization_id = p_org_id
3326: and mtrl.project_id is null
3327: and mtrl.lpn_id = wlpn.lpn_id
3328: and nvl(mtrl.task_id,-9999) = nvl(p_task_id,-9999)