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Line 191: from mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt

187: and wjdi.substitution_type = p_substitution_type
188: and wjdi.operation_seq_num = p_operation_seq_num
189: and wjdi.inventory_item_id_old = p_inventory_item_id_old
190: and exists (select 1
191: from mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
192: where mmtt.transaction_source_id = p_wip_entity_id
193: and mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
194: and mmtt.operation_seq_num = p_operation_seq_num
195: and mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id_old);

Line 211: from mtl_material_transactions mmt

207: and wjdi.substitution_type = p_substitution_type
208: and wjdi.operation_seq_num = p_operation_seq_num
209: and wjdi.inventory_item_id_old = p_inventory_item_id_old
210: and exists (select 1
211: from mtl_material_transactions mmt
212: where mmt.transaction_source_id = p_wip_entity_id
213: and mmt.organization_id = p_organization_id
214: and mmt.operation_seq_num = p_operation_seq_num
215: and mmt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id_old);

Line 287: from mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt

283: and wjdi.substitution_type = p_substitution_type
284: and wjdi.operation_seq_num = p_operation_seq_num
285: and wjdi.inventory_item_id_old = p_inventory_item_id_old
286: and exists (select 1
287: from mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
288: where mmtt.transaction_source_id = wjdi.wip_entity_id
289: and mmtt.organization_id = wjdi.organization_id
290: and mmtt.operation_seq_num = wjdi.operation_seq_num
291: and mmtt.inventory_item_id = wjdi.inventory_item_id_old);

Line 324: from mtl_material_transactions mmt

320: and wjdi.substitution_type = p_substitution_type
321: and wjdi.operation_seq_num = p_operation_seq_num
322: and wjdi.inventory_item_id_old = p_inventory_item_id_old
323: and exists (select 1
324: from mtl_material_transactions mmt
325: where mmt.transaction_source_id = wjdi.wip_entity_id
326: and mmt.organization_id = wjdi.organization_id
327: and mmt.operation_seq_num = wjdi.operation_seq_num
328: and mmt.inventory_item_id = wjdi.inventory_item_id_old);