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APPS.OKL_FE_WF dependencies on STANDARD

Line 131: -- get the message body for Standard Rate Template

127: document := get_pam_msg_body('OKLFEPAM', document_id);
128: document_type := display_type;
129: END get_pam_msg_doc;
131: -- get the message body for Standard Rate Template
133: FUNCTION get_srt_msg_body(itemtype IN VARCHAR2, itemkey IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
134: l_name VARCHAR2(240);
135: l_currency VARCHAR2(30);

Line 570: -- get the Standard Rate Template Data

566: funcmode);
567: RAISE;
568: END check_approval_process;
570: -- get the Standard Rate Template Data
572: PROCEDURE get_std_rate_tmpl_data(itemtype IN varchar2, itemkey IN varchar2) IS
573: l_srt_id NUMBER;
574: l_version_id NUMBER;

Line 723: -- hdnle the approval of Standard Rate Template

719: '_PVT');
720: RAISE;
721: END get_std_rate_tmpl_data;
723: -- hdnle the approval of Standard Rate Template
725: PROCEDURE handle_srt_approval(itemtype IN varchar2, itemkey IN varchar2,
726: actid IN number, funcmode IN varchar2,
727: resultout OUT NOCOPY varchar2) IS