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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 34

         SELECT  inv.invoice_id, inv.approval_status_lookup_code
         from    ap_invoices_v inv
         WHERE   inv.invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
         and     inv.approval_status_lookup_code
                 in  ('APPROVED', 'CANCELLED')
Line: 42

          SELECT inv_dist.invoice_id, inv_dist.distribution_line_number
                 , inv_dist.invoice_distribution_id, inv_dist.dist_code_combination_id
                 , inv_dist.accounting_date gl_date
          FROM   ap_invoice_distributions inv_dist
          WHERE  inv_dist.invoice_id   = cp_invoice_id
          AND    ( inv_dist.line_type_lookup_code = 'ITEM' OR
                   ( inv_dist.line_type_lookup_code = 'TAX' AND
                     inv_dist.tax_recoverable_flag  = 'N'   AND
                        ( not ( inv_dist.tax_recovery_override_flag is not null ) OR
                          inv_dist.tax_recovery_override_flag = 'N'
          AND    match_status_flag     = 'A'
Line: 63

           SELECT  default_accounting_rule_id, 1 priority
           FROM    igi_mpp_expense_rules
           WHERE   enabled_flag = 'Y'
           and     expense_ccid = cp_code_combination_id
           SELECT  p_accounting_rule_id, 2 priority
           FROM    SYS.DUAL
           WHERE   p_accounting_rule_id is not null
           SELECT  default_accounting_rule_id, 3 priority
           FROM    igi_mpp_setup
           ORDER   BY 2
Line: 87

            SELECT 'x'
            FROM  igi_mpp_ap_invoice_dists
            WHERE invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
            AND   distribution_line_number = cp_distribution_line_number
Line: 103

            SELECT 'x'
            FROM  igi_mpp_ap_invoices
            WHERE invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
Line: 119

         select parent_reversal_id
         from ap_invoice_distributions
         where invoice_id               = fp_invoice_id
         and   distribution_line_number = fp_distribution_line_number
         and   reversal_flag            = 'Y'
         and   parent_reversal_id       is not null
Line: 139

           SELECT parent_reversal_id
           FROM   ap_invoice_distributions
           WHERE  invoice_distribution_id = fp_invoice_distribution_id;
Line: 168

             SELECT  mpp_dist.accounting_rule_id, mpp_dist.ignore_mpp_flag
             FROM    igi_mpp_ap_invoice_dists mpp_dist
             ,       ap_invoice_distributions dist
             WHERE   dist.invoice_id         = mpp_dist.invoice_id
             and     dist.distribution_line_number
                                 = mpp_dist.distribution_line_number
             and     dist.reversal_flag = 'Y'
             and     dist.invoice_distribution_id
                                 = fp_invoice_distribution_id
Line: 194

          FND_LOG.STRING  (l_state_level , 'igi.plsql.igipmsdb.IGIPMGLT.InsertInterfaceRec',
                          '>> Invoice Id '||p_invoice_id||' >>');
Line: 217

                          '>> Invoice Does not exist in MPP extended table. Inserting...');
Line: 220

                INSERT INTO igi_mpp_ap_invoices
                 (  invoice_id
                 ,  accounting_rule_id
                 ,  ignore_mpp_flag
                 ,  created_by
                 ,  creation_date
                 ,  last_updated_by
                 ,  last_update_date
                 ,  last_update_login
                 )  VALUES (
                 ,  p_accounting_rule_id
                 ,  'N'
                 ,  g_user_id
                 ,  g_date
                 ,  g_user_id
                 ,  g_date
                 ,  g_login_id
Line: 260

                          '>>  Distribution Exists. Insert Extended Dist if not there...');
Line: 270

                          '>> Insert Extended Dist.');
Line: 296

                          select occurrences
                          into   l_duration
                          from   ra_rules
                          where  rule_id = l_default_acc_rule_id;
Line: 302

                          INSERT into igi_mpp_ap_invoice_dists
                           ) VALUES (  l_dist.distribution_line_number
                                    ,  l_dist.invoice_id
                                    ,  l_default_acc_rule_id
                                    ,  l_default_flag
                                    ,  l_dist.gl_date
                                    ,  l_duration
                                    ,  g_user_id
                                    ,  g_date
                                    ,  g_user_id
                                    ,  g_date
                                    ,  g_login_id
Line: 362

           SELECT apinv.invoice_id, imit.accounting_rule_id, imit.rowid
           from   ap_invoices_v apinv
           ,      igi_mpp_invoice_transfer imit
           WHERE  apinv.approval_status_lookup_code = 'APPROVED'
           AND    imit.invoice_id = apinv.invoice_id
           AND    imit.transfer_id = p_transfer_id
Line: 374

                SELECT  'x'
                FROM    igi_mpp_ap_invoices
                WHERE   invoice_id = fp_invoice_id
Line: 401

                   delete from  igi_mpp_invoice_transfer
                   where  rowid = l_inv.imit_rowid
Line: 435

         SELECT invoice_id
         from   ap_invoices_v apinv
         where  vendor_name = nvl(p_vendor_name, vendor_name)
         and    ( ( p_batch_name is null     )
                  ( ( p_batch_name is not null )   AND
                     batch_name = p_batch_name
         and    invoice_num = nvl(p_invoice_num, invoice_num)
         and    approval_status_lookup_code in ( 'APPROVED', 'CANCELLED')
         and    set_of_books_id = ( select set_of_books_id from ap_system_parameters )
Line: 454

               SELECT 'x'
               FROM   igi_mpp_ap_invoices
               WHERE  invoice_id     = fp_invoice_id