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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 20

      from ff_formulas_f                 fra,
           ff_formula_types              fty,
           pay_status_processing_rules_f spr
     where fty.formula_type_id = fra.formula_type_id
       and fra.formula_id      = spr.formula_id
       and spr.assignment_status_type_id is null
       and spr.element_type_id = c_element_type_id
       and p_effective_start_date between fra.effective_start_date
                                      and fra.effective_end_date
       and p_effective_start_date between spr.effective_start_date
                                      and spr.effective_end_date;
Line: 131

           select element_type_id
             from pay_element_types_f
            where element_name      = c_object_name
              and business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 137

          select ptco.core_object_id
            from  pay_shadow_balance_types psbt,
                  pay_template_core_objects ptco
           where  psbt.template_id      = p_template_id
             and  psbt.balance_name     = c_object_name
             and  ptco.template_id      = psbt.template_id
             and  ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
Line: 171

     select formula_id
       from pay_shadow_formulas
      where formula_name  = p_formula_name
        and business_group_id = p_business_group_id
        and template_type = 'U';
Line: 215

	SELECT formula_id
	FROM ff_formulas_f
	WHERE formula_name=upper(c_name)
	AND business_group_id=p_business_group_id
	AND trunc(p_scheme_start_date) BETWEEN
	    effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
Line: 225

	SELECT element_type_id
	FROM pay_element_types_f
	WHERE element_name = c_name
	AND trunc(p_scheme_start_date) BETWEEN
	    effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
Line: 234

    SELECT input_value_id
    FROM pay_input_values_f
    WHERE element_type_id = c_element_type_id
      AND trunc(p_scheme_start_date) BETWEEN
            effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
      AND name = c_name;
Line: 244

	SELECT status_processing_rule_id
    FROM pay_status_processing_rules_f
    WHERE element_type_id = c_element_type_id
	  AND formula_id = c_formula_id
      AND trunc(p_scheme_start_date) BETWEEN
            effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
Line: 302

		SELECT pay_formula_result_rules_s.nextval
        INTO l_formula_result_rule_id
        FROM dual;
Line: 305

         (p_rowid                     => l_rowid
         ,p_formula_result_rule_id    => l_formula_result_rule_id
         ,p_effective_start_date      => trunc(p_scheme_start_date)
         ,p_effective_end_date        => trunc(p_scheme_end_date)
         ,p_business_group_id         => p_business_group_id
         ,p_legislation_code          => NULL
         ,p_element_type_id           => l_bik_er_ele_id
         ,p_status_processing_rule_id => l_er_status_proc_rule_id
         ,p_result_name               => 'DEDUCTION_AMT'
         ,p_result_rule_type          => 'I'
         ,p_legislation_subgroup      => NULL
         ,p_severity_level            => NULL
         ,p_input_value_id            => l_bik_er_iv
         ,p_session_date              => p_scheme_start_date
         ,p_created_by                => -1
Line: 342

		SELECT pay_formula_result_rules_s.nextval
        INTO l_formula_result_rule_id
        FROM dual;
Line: 345

         (p_rowid                     => l_rowid
         ,p_formula_result_rule_id    => l_formula_result_rule_id
         ,p_effective_start_date      => trunc(p_scheme_start_date)
         ,p_effective_end_date        => trunc(p_scheme_end_date)
         ,p_business_group_id         => p_business_group_id
         ,p_legislation_code          => NULL
         ,p_element_type_id           => l_bik_er_ele_id
         ,p_status_processing_rule_id => l_er_status_proc_rule_id
         ,p_result_name               => 'DEDUCTION_AMT'
         ,p_result_rule_type          => 'I'
         ,p_legislation_subgroup      => NULL
         ,p_severity_level            => NULL
         ,p_input_value_id            => l_bik_er_iv
         ,p_session_date              => p_scheme_start_date
         ,p_created_by                => -1
Line: 369

   procedure Update_Ipval_Defval(p_ele_name  in Varchar2
                                ,p_ip_name   in Varchar2
                                ,p_def_value in Varchar2
				,p_business_group_id IN Number

     cursor csr_getinput(c_ele_name varchar2
                        ,c_iv_name  varchar2) is
     select input_value_id
       from pay_input_values_f  piv
           ,pay_element_types_f pet
     where  element_name           = c_ele_name
       and  piv.element_type_id    = pet.element_type_id
       and  (piv.business_group_id = p_business_group_id or
             piv.business_group_id is null)
       and  piv.name               = c_iv_name
       and  (piv.legislation_code  = 'IE' or
             piv.legislation_code is null);
Line: 393

     select rowid
       from pay_input_values_f
      where input_value_id  = c_ip_id
        and element_type_id = c_element_type_id
     for update nowait;
Line: 403

Line: 424

            update pay_input_values_f
              set default_value = p_def_value
            where rowid = csr_updinput_rec.rowid;
Line: 434

   end Update_Ipval_Defval;
Line: 552

   select pension_category
   from pqp_pension_types_f
   where pension_type_id = c_pen_type_id
   and c_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 558

   select  balance_type_id
     from  pay_balance_types
    where  balance_name = c_bal_name
	and legislation_code='IE'
	and business_group_id is null;
Line: 565

   select  element_type_id
     from  pay_shadow_element_types
    where  template_id    = l_template_id
      and  element_name   = c_ele_name;
Line: 572

   select  balance_type_id
     from  pay_shadow_balance_types
    where  template_id  = l_template_id
      and  balance_name = c_bal_name;
Line: 579

   select element_type_id, object_version_number, relative_processing_priority, third_party_pay_only_flag, classification_name
     from pay_shadow_element_types
    where template_id    = l_template_id
      and element_name   = c_shd_elename;
Line: 586

   select input_value_id
     from pay_input_values_f
    where element_type_id   = c_ele_typeid
      and business_group_id = p_business_group_id
      and name              = 'Pay Value'
      and c_effective_date between effective_start_date
                               and effective_end_date;
Line: 597

   select input_value_id
     from pay_input_values_f
    where element_type_id   = c_ele_typeid
      and business_group_id = p_business_group_id
      and name              = c_ipv_name
      and c_effective_date between effective_start_date
                               and effective_end_date;
Line: 607

   select ee_contribution_bal_type_id
     from pqp_pension_types_f
    where pension_type_id   = c_pension_type_id
      and business_group_id = p_business_group_id
      and c_effective_date between effective_start_date
                               and effective_end_date;
Line: 616

   select *
     from pqp_pension_types_f
    where pension_type_id   = c_pension_type_id
      and business_group_id = p_business_group_id
      and c_effective_date between effective_start_date
                               and effective_end_date;
Line: 625

   select er_contribution_bal_type_id
     from pqp_pension_types_f
    where pension_type_id   = c_pension_type_id
      and business_group_id = p_business_group_id
      and c_effective_date between effective_start_date
                               and effective_end_date;
Line: 646

     select template_id
       from pay_element_templates
      where template_name     = l_template_name
        and legislation_code  = p_legislation_code
        and template_type     = 'T'
        and business_group_id is null;
Line: 821

       (p_validate               => false
       ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_start_date
       ,p_element_type_id        => l_shadow_element(i).element_type_id
       ,p_description            => l_shadow_element(i).description
       ,p_reporting_name         => l_shadow_element(i).reporting_name
       ,p_post_termination_rule  => p_termination_rule
       ,p_standard_link_flag     => l_std_link_flag
	   ,p_relative_processing_priority => l_shadow_element(i).priority
       ,p_object_version_number  => l_shadow_element(i).object_version_number
	   ,p_third_party_pay_only_flag => l_shadow_element(i).third_party_pay_only_flag
	   ,p_classification_name    => l_shadow_element(i).classification_name
Line: 842

   hr_utility.set_location('..Updated Shadow element', 25);
Line: 865

   Update_Ipval_Defval(  p_scheme_prefix||' Pension Deduction'
                       ,'Pension Category'
Line: 871

   Update_Ipval_Defval(  p_scheme_prefix||' Pension Deduction'
                       ,'PRSA2 Certificate'
Line: 876

   Update_Ipval_Defval(  p_scheme_prefix||' Pension Deduction'
                       ,'Pension Type ID'
Line: 881

   Update_Ipval_Defval(  p_scheme_prefix||' EE Taxable Contribution'
                          ,'Contribution Amount'
Line: 885

   Update_Ipval_Defval(  p_scheme_prefix||' EE Taxable Contribution'
                          ,'Excess Contribution Amount'
Line: 889

   Update_Ipval_Defval(  p_scheme_prefix||' Setup'
                          ,'EE Pension Deduction'
Line: 894

     Update_Ipval_Defval(  p_scheme_prefix||' ER Contribution'
                          ,'Pension Type ID'
Line: 898

     Update_Ipval_Defval(  p_scheme_prefix||' Setup'
                          ,'ER Contribution'
Line: 903

   Update_Ipval_Defval(  p_scheme_prefix||' Setup'
                          ,'EE Taxable Contribution'
Line: 907

   Update_Ipval_Defval(  p_scheme_prefix||' Setup'
                          ,'EE Arrears'
Line: 1065

          X_Rowid                => l_row_id,
          X_Balance_Feed_Id      => l_Balance_Feed_Id,
          X_Effective_Start_Date => p_effective_start_date,
          X_Effective_End_Date   => hr_api.g_eot,
          X_Business_Group_Id    => p_business_group_id,
          X_Legislation_Code     => null,
          X_Balance_Type_Id      => l_seed_ee_bal_type_id,
          X_Input_Value_Id       => ipv_rec.input_value_id,
          X_Scale                => '1',
          X_Legislation_Subgroup => null,
          X_Initial_Balance_Feed => false );
Line: 1088

          X_Rowid                => l_row_id,
          X_Balance_Feed_Id      => l_Balance_Feed_Id,
          X_Effective_Start_Date => p_effective_start_date,
          X_Effective_End_Date   => hr_api.g_eot,
          X_Business_Group_Id    => p_business_group_id,
          X_Legislation_Code     => null,
          X_Balance_Type_Id      => l_seed_ee_bal_type_id,
          X_Input_Value_Id       => ipv_rec.input_value_id,
          X_Scale                => '1',
          X_Legislation_Subgroup => null,
          X_Initial_Balance_Feed => false );
Line: 1117

          X_Rowid                => l_row_id,
          X_Balance_Feed_Id      => l_Balance_Feed_Id,
          X_Effective_Start_Date => p_effective_start_date,
          X_Effective_End_Date   => hr_api.g_eot,
          X_Business_Group_Id    => p_business_group_id,
          X_Legislation_Code     => null,
          X_Balance_Type_Id      => l_seed_er_bal_type_id,
          X_Input_Value_Id       => ipv_rec.input_value_id,
          X_Scale                => '1',
          X_Legislation_Subgroup => null,
          X_Initial_Balance_Feed => false );
Line: 1139

          X_Rowid                => l_row_id,
          X_Balance_Feed_Id      => l_Balance_Feed_Id,
          X_Effective_Start_Date => p_effective_start_date,
          X_Effective_End_Date   => hr_api.g_eot,
          X_Business_Group_Id    => p_business_group_id,
          X_Legislation_Code     => null,
          X_Balance_Type_Id      => l_seed_er_bal_type_id,
          X_Input_Value_Id       => ipv_rec.input_value_id,
          X_Scale                => '1',
          X_Legislation_Subgroup => null,
          X_Initial_Balance_Feed => false );
Line: 1331

procedure Delete_User_Template
            (p_business_group_id            In Number
           ,p_pension_dedn_ele_name        In Varchar2
           ,p_pension_dedn_ele_type_id     In Number
           ,p_security_group_id            In Number
           ,p_effective_date               In Date
           ) is
  cursor c1 is
   select template_id
     from pay_element_templates
    where base_name||' Pension Deduction'  = p_pension_dedn_ele_name
      and business_group_id = p_business_group_id
      and template_type     = 'U';
Line: 1347

    SELECT element_type_extra_info_id
      FROM pay_element_type_extra_info
     WHERE eei_information_category = 'IE_PENSION_SCHEME_INFO'
       AND element_type_id = p_pension_dedn_ele_type_id;
Line: 1354

  l_proc          Varchar2(60) := g_proc_name||'Delete_User_Template';
Line: 1363

     (p_validate                =>   false
     ,p_drop_formula_packages   =>   true
     ,p_template_id             =>   l_template_id);
Line: 1375

       (p_element_type_extra_info_id => temp_rec.element_type_extra_info_id
       ,p_object_version_number      => temp_rec.object_version_number);
Line: 1382

end Delete_User_Template;
Line: 1389

procedure Delete_User_Template_Swi
            (p_business_group_id            In Number
           ,p_pension_dedn_ele_name        In Varchar2
           ,p_pension_dedn_ele_type_id     In Number
           ,p_security_group_id            In Number
           ,p_effective_date               In Date
           ) is

  -- Variables for API Boolean parameters
  l_validate                      boolean;
Line: 1405

  l_proc    varchar2(72) := 'Delete_User_Template_Swi';
Line: 1411

  savepoint Delete_User_Template_Swi;
Line: 1431

           (p_business_group_id         =>   p_business_group_id
           ,p_pension_dedn_ele_name     =>   p_pension_dedn_ele_name
           ,p_pension_dedn_ele_type_id  =>   p_pension_dedn_ele_type_id
           ,p_security_group_id         =>   p_security_group_id
           ,p_effective_date            =>   p_effective_date
Line: 1461

    rollback to Delete_User_Template_Swi;
Line: 1475

    rollback to Delete_User_Template_Swi;
Line: 1486

END delete_user_template_swi;