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Line 2797: ,p_raTxn_rollup_api_call_flag IN VARCHAR2 -- Indicates whether the pa_resource_asgn_curr maintenance api should be called

2793: ,P_submit_version_flag IN VARCHAR2 -- Can be Y or N. Indicates whether the version can be submitted for baseline after implementing CO or not.
2794: ,P_agreement_id IN Pa_agreements_all.agreement_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL -- The id of the agreement that is linked with the CO.
2795: ,P_update_agreement_amt_flag IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL -- Indicates whether to update the agreement amt or not. Null is considered as N
2796: ,P_funding_category IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL -- The funding category for the agreement
2797: ,p_raTxn_rollup_api_call_flag IN VARCHAR2 -- Indicates whether the pa_resource_asgn_curr maintenance api should be called
2798: ,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 -- Indicates the exit status of the API --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
2799: ,x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 -- Indicates the error occurred --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
2800: ,X_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) -- Indicates the number of error messages --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
2801: IS

Line 3288: --This variable will be used to call pa_resource_asgn_curr maintenance api

3284: --These variables will be used in calling create_ci_impact_fund_lines
3285: l_impl_pc_rev_amt NUMBER;
3286: l_impl_pfc_rev_amt NUMBER;
3288: --This variable will be used to call pa_resource_asgn_curr maintenance api
3289: l_fp_cols_rec PA_FP_GEN_AMOUNT_UTILS.FP_COLS;
3291: -- Cursor to identify resource assignment id against which the adjustment amount should be placed
3292: -- The idea is to choose the last ra in the edit plan page in the default view for ci version

Line 5904: ,p_raTxn_rollup_api_call_flag => p_raTxn_rollup_api_call_flag --Indicates whether the pa_resource_asgn_curr maintenance api should be called

5900: ,p_total_revenue_tab => l_total_revenue_tbl -- derive
5901: ,p_rw_cost_rate_override_tab => l_bl_TXN_COST_RATE_OVERIDE_tbl
5902: ,p_b_cost_rate_override_tab => l_bl_BURDEN_COST_RAT_OVRID_tbl
5903: ,p_bill_rate_override_tab => l_bl_TXN_BILL_RATE_OVERRID_tbl
5904: ,p_raTxn_rollup_api_call_flag => p_raTxn_rollup_api_call_flag --Indicates whether the pa_resource_asgn_curr maintenance api should be called
5905: ,x_return_status => l_return_status
5906: ,x_msg_count => l_msg_count
5907: ,x_msg_data => l_msg_data);

Line 9828: -- The PA_RESOURCE_ASGN_CURR maintenance api updates the pa_budget_lines manually.

9824: END IF;
9825: */
9827: --IPM Architecture Enhancement: Start Bug 4865563
9828: -- The PA_RESOURCE_ASGN_CURR maintenance api updates the pa_budget_lines manually.
9829: -- populate_display_quantity populates the display_quantity appropriately
9831: --This api will take care of inserting display_quantity appropriately.Not necessary to insert every time in the budget lines
9832: PA_BUDGET_LINES_UTILS.populate_display_qty

Line 9886: * do not have any budget lines would not be inserted into pa_resource_asgn_curr

9883: /* bug 5073816: At this point of time, the new entity would have records
9884: * from the resource assignments in the target versions which have amounts.
9885: * it is possible that some of the RAs created in the target version which
9886: * do not have any budget lines would not be inserted into pa_resource_asgn_curr
9887: * by the maintenance API. So to insert those left over RAs, we are calling
9888: * the following.
9889: */
9890: pa_fin_plan_pub.create_default_plan_txn_rec

Line 13522: from pa_resource_asgn_curr prc, pa_resource_assignments pra

13519: update pa_ci_supplier_details a
13520: set resource_assignment_id =
13521: (select prc.resource_assignment_id
13522: from pa_resource_asgn_curr prc, pa_resource_assignments pra
13523: where prc.resource_assignment_id = pra.resource_assignment_id
13524: and pra.budget_version_id = l_budget_version_id
13525: and pra.task_id = a.task_id
13526: and pra.resource_list_member_id = a.resource_list_member_id

Line 13594: from pa_resource_asgn_curr prc, pa_resource_assignments pra

13590: (select prc.resource_assignment_id,
13591: nvl(a.from_change_date, pra.planning_start_date),
13592: nvl(a.to_change_date, pra.planning_end_date),
13593: a.raw_cost * prc.txn_average_burden_cost_rate
13594: from pa_resource_asgn_curr prc, pa_resource_assignments pra
13595: where prc.resource_assignment_id = pra.resource_assignment_id
13596: and pra.budget_version_id = l_budget_version_id
13597: and pra.task_id = a.task_id
13598: and pra.resource_list_member_id = a.resource_list_member_id

Line 13995: from pa_resource_assignments pra, pa_resource_asgn_curr prac

13991: pcdc.quantity * nvl(pcdc.planning_resource_rate, prac.txn_average_raw_cost_rate)),
13992: decode(pcdc.quantity, null,
13993: pcdc.raw_cost * nvl(pcdc.burden_cost_rate, prac.txn_average_burden_cost_rate),
13994: pcdc.quantity * nvl(pcdc.burden_cost_rate, prac.txn_average_burden_cost_rate))
13995: from pa_resource_assignments pra, pa_resource_asgn_curr prac
13996: where pra.budget_version_id = p_bv_id
13997: and pra.task_id = pcdc.task_id
13998: and pra.resource_list_member_id = pcdc.resource_list_member_id
13999: and prac.txn_currency_code = pcdc.currency_code

Line 14018: from pa_resource_assignments pra, pa_resource_asgn_curr prac

14014: set (resource_assignment_id, effective_from, effective_to) =
14015: (select prac.resource_assignment_id,
14016: nvl(pcdc.effective_from, pra.planning_start_date),
14017: nvl(pcdc.effective_to, pra.planning_end_date)
14018: from pa_resource_assignments pra, pa_resource_asgn_curr prac
14019: where pra.budget_version_id = p_bv_id
14020: and pra.task_id = pcdc.task_id
14021: and pra.resource_list_member_id = pcdc.resource_list_member_id
14022: and prac.txn_currency_code = pcdc.currency_code