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Line 799: ' '||l_apps_schema||'.msc_item_inventory_f'||l_suffix||' f,'||

795: ' f.gross_margin2,'||
796: ' fnd_global.user_id, sysdate,'||
797: ' fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.login_id'||
798: ' from'||
799: ' '||l_apps_schema||'.msc_item_inventory_f'||l_suffix||' f,'||
800: ' '||l_apps_schema||'.msc_trading_partners'||l_suffix||' mtp,'||
801: ' '||l_apps_schema||'.msc_trading_partners'||l_suffix||' mtp3,'||
802: ' '||l_apps_schema||'.msc_items'||l_suffix||' mi'||
803: ' where f.plan_run_id=:p_plan_run_id'||

Line 1149: from msc_item_inventory_f f

1145: l_next_id number;
1147: cursor c2 is
1148: select distinct plan_run_id
1149: from msc_item_inventory_f f
1150: where not exists (select 1 from msc_costs_f where plan_run_id=f.plan_run_id)
1151: order by plan_run_id;
1152: begin
1153: msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_cost_pkg.migrate');

Line 1274: ' from msc_item_inventory_f'||

1270: ' gross_margin,'||
1271: ' gross_margin2,'||
1272: ' fnd_global.user_id, sysdate,'||
1273: ' fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.login_id'||
1274: ' from msc_item_inventory_f'||
1275: ' where plan_run_id=:p_plan_run_id';
1277: execute immediate l_sql using r.plan_run_id;
1278: --msc_phub_util.log('insert: plan_run_id='||r.plan_run_id||', rowcount='||sql%rowcount);

Line 1310: l_sql := 'select count(*) from msc_item_inventory_f where rownum=1 and gross_margin2=0';

1306: e_need_migrate exception;
1307: begin
1308: -- test whether 12.1 columns exist
1309: begin
1310: l_sql := 'select count(*) from msc_item_inventory_f where rownum=1 and gross_margin2=0';
1311: execute immediate l_sql into l_n1;
1312: exception
1313: when others then
1314: return 0;

Line 1324: execute immediate l_sql into l_n1 using 'MSC_ITEM_INVENTORY_F', 'ITEM_INVENTORY_F_0';

1320: ' where table_name=:table_name'||
1321: ' and partition_name<>:base_partition_name'||
1322: ' and rownum=1';
1324: execute immediate l_sql into l_n1 using 'MSC_ITEM_INVENTORY_F', 'ITEM_INVENTORY_F_0';
1325: execute immediate l_sql into l_n2 using 'MSC_COSTS_F', 'COSTS_F_0';
1326: return (case when l_n1=1 and l_n2=0 then 1 else 0 end);
1327: end;