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Line 44: 03-Aug-05 raluthra Bug 4527617. Replaced the usage of fnd_user.

40: CLOSE_CI_ACTION and KEEP_OPEN with action assignee and not by fnd_global.user_id.
41: 01-12-04 sukhanna Bug 3974641. Replacing PA_CI_CI_REVIEW_LAYOUT AK region name with the xml file name CiCiReviewPG.
42: 10-Dec-04 rasinha Bug 4049901. Modified the procedure to set the role_display_name for
43: Action Assignee notification to the full name of the action assignee.
44: 03-Aug-05 raluthra Bug 4527617. Replaced the usage of fnd_user.
45: customer_id with fnd_user.person_party_id
46: for R12 ATG Mandate.
47: 10-Aug-05 rasinha Bug# 4527911:
48: 1)Added the procedure close_notification to close an open action notification.

Line 45: customer_id with fnd_user.person_party_id

41: 01-12-04 sukhanna Bug 3974641. Replacing PA_CI_CI_REVIEW_LAYOUT AK region name with the xml file name CiCiReviewPG.
42: 10-Dec-04 rasinha Bug 4049901. Modified the procedure to set the role_display_name for
43: Action Assignee notification to the full name of the action assignee.
44: 03-Aug-05 raluthra Bug 4527617. Replaced the usage of fnd_user.
45: customer_id with fnd_user.person_party_id
46: for R12 ATG Mandate.
47: 10-Aug-05 rasinha Bug# 4527911:
48: 1)Added the procedure close_notification to close an open action notification.
49: 2)Modified the KEEP_OPEN procedure to avoid adding comments if it is already being done.

Line 551: cursor c_user_id(p_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type) is

547: and ps.enable_wf_flag = 'Y'
548: and ps.wf_success_status_code is NOT NULL;
550: -- Added for Bug 6053648
551: cursor c_user_id(p_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type) is
552: select user_id
553: from fnd_user
554: where user_name = p_user_name;

Line 553: from fnd_user

550: -- Added for Bug 6053648
551: cursor c_user_id(p_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type) is
552: select user_id
553: from fnd_user
554: where user_name = p_user_name;
556: l_user_id fnd_user.user_id%type;
557: -- End for Bug 6053648

Line 556: l_user_id fnd_user.user_id%type;

552: select user_id
553: from fnd_user
554: where user_name = p_user_name;
556: l_user_id fnd_user.user_id%type;
557: -- End for Bug 6053648
558: -- #Bug#13683760 changes start.
559: cursor c_get_working_status_code (p_ci_id NUMBER) is
560: SELECT ps.project_status_code FROM pa_ci_statuses_v pc,pa_project_statuses ps, pa_control_items ci

Line 717: FROM fnd_user

714: CURSOR get_user_name
715: IS
716: SELECT user_name
717: FROM fnd_user
718: WHERE user_id = FND_GLOBAL.user_id;
720: BEGIN

Line 861: fnd_user

858: CURSOR is_user_valid
859: IS
860: SELECT user_id FROM
861: fnd_user
862: WHERE user_name = l_forward_to
863: and trunc(sysdate) between start_date and nvl(end_date, sysdate); /* Bug#3838957 */

Line 871: from fnd_user fu,

867: IS
868: -- select party_name from
869: --(
870: select hp.party_name
871: from fnd_user fu,
872: hz_parties hp
873: where fu.user_name = l_forward_to --fnd_global.user_id
874: and fu.employee_id is null
875: and fu.person_party_id = hp.party_id -- Bug 4527617. Replaced customer_id with person_party_id.

Line 879: from fnd_user fu,

875: and fu.person_party_id = hp.party_id -- Bug 4527617. Replaced customer_id with person_party_id.
876: and trunc(sysdate) between fu.start_date and nvl(fu.end_date, sysdate) /* Bug#3838957 */
877: union
878: select hp.party_name
879: from fnd_user fu,
880: hz_parties hp
881: where fu.user_name = l_forward_to--fnd_global.user_id
882: and fu.employee_id is not null
883: and trunc(sysdate) between fu.start_date and nvl(fu.end_date, sysdate) /* Bug#3838957 */

Line 1526: from fnd_user fu,

1522: IS
1523: --select user_name, party_name, email_address
1524: --from (
1525: select fu.user_name, hp.party_name, hp.email_address
1526: from fnd_user fu,
1527: hz_parties hp
1528: where
1529: fu.person_party_id = hp.party_id -- Bug 4527617. Replaced customer_id with person_party_id.
1530: and hp.party_id = c_owner_id

Line 1535: fnd_user fu,

1531: and trunc(sysdate) between fu.start_date and nvl(fu.end_date, sysdate) /* Bug#3838957 */
1532: union
1533: select fu.user_name, hp.party_name, hp.email_address
1534: from
1535: fnd_user fu,
1536: hz_parties hp,
1537: per_all_people_f papf
1538: where
1539: fu.employee_id = Substr(hp.orig_system_reference, 5, Length(hp.orig_system_reference))

Line 1597: Cursor get_owner_role(p_cus_id fnd_user.customer_id%type)

1593: and ppe.project_id = ci.project_id
1594: and ci.object_type = 'PA_TASKS'
1595: and ci_id = p_ci_id ;
1596: -- Bug#12553936 end
1597: Cursor get_owner_role(p_cus_id fnd_user.customer_id%type)
1598: Is
1599: select user_name
1600: from fnd_user
1601: where customer_id = p_cus_id;

Line 1600: from fnd_user

1596: -- Bug#12553936 end
1597: Cursor get_owner_role(p_cus_id fnd_user.customer_id%type)
1598: Is
1599: select user_name
1600: from fnd_user
1601: where customer_id = p_cus_id;
1604: -- This table contains PartyId's of all involved in hirarchy

Line 2276: from fnd_user

2273: -- Added the cursor for bug# 3877985 Issue# 2
2274: CURSOR get_fnd_usr( p_party_id NUMBER) IS
2275: select user_id
2276: from fnd_user
2277: where person_party_id = p_party_id
2278: and sysdate between trunc(start_date) and nvl(trunc(end_date),sysdate)
2279: and rownum = 1;
2280: -- Bug#12859815 start.

Line 2377: --Fetching the fnd user_id for the action asignee to update who columns

2373: /* Added for Bug 9682267 */
2374: end if;
2376: --Added for bug# 3877985.
2377: --Fetching the fnd user_id for the action asignee to update who columns
2378: OPEN get_fnd_usr( l_assign_party_id);
2379: FETCH get_fnd_usr INTO l_fnd_usr_id;
2380: CLOSE get_fnd_usr;

Line 2503: from fnd_user

2500: -- Added the cursor for bug# 3877985 Issue# 2
2501: CURSOR get_fnd_usr( p_party_id NUMBER) IS
2502: select user_id
2503: from fnd_user
2504: where person_party_id = p_party_id
2505: and sysdate between trunc(start_date) and nvl(trunc(end_date),sysdate)
2506: and rownum = 1;

Line 2600: --Fetching the fnd user_id for the action asignee to update who columns

2596: if (l_comment_text IS NULL) THEN
2597: l_comment_text := ' ';
2598: end if;
2600: --Fetching the fnd user_id for the action asignee to update who columns
2601: OPEN get_fnd_usr( l_assign_party_id);
2602: FETCH get_fnd_usr INTO l_fnd_usr_id;
2603: CLOSE get_fnd_usr;

Line 2794: pa_proj_elem_ver_schedule pvsch,fnd_user fu, hz_parties hz

2790: select ppe.element_number task_number,ppe.name task_name,ppe.description description,
2791: pvsch.scheduled_start_date start_date,pvsch.scheduled_finish_date finish_date,
2792: hz.party_name approver_name
2793: from pa_proj_elements ppe,pa_proj_element_versions ppev,
2794: pa_proj_elem_ver_schedule pvsch,fnd_user fu, hz_parties hz
2795: where ppe.proj_element_id = ppev.proj_element_id
2796: and pvsch.element_version_id = ppev.element_version_id
2797: and ppe.task_approver_id=fu.user_id
2798: and fu.person_party_id=hz.party_id